Basically theorical computing
Find shortest path by visiting neighbourg iteratively
- Initialize all vertices with an infinite distance value, except for the starting vertex, which is assigned a distance of 0. We also create a set of unvisited vertices.
- While there are unvisited vertices, select the vertex with the smallest distance from the starting vertex. This vertex is now considered visited.
- For each unvisited neighbor of the current vertex, calculate the tentative distance to the neighbor by adding the weight of the edge between the current vertex and the neighbor to the distance of the current vertex. If this tentative distance is less than the current distance of the neighbor, update the neighbor's distance value to the tentative distance.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all vertices have been visited.
Shortest path from a vertex
Therefore, the Bellman-Ford algorithm is usually used when negative weights exist in the graph, and Dijkstra's algorithm is used when all the weights are non-negative.
- Initialize all vertices with an infinite distance value, except for the starting vertex, which is assigned a distance of 0.
- Relax all the edges in the graph (in any order) |V|-1 times, where |V| is the number of vertices in the graph. During each iteration, for each edge (u, v) in the graph, if the distance of the source vertex u plus the weight of the edge is less than the distance of the target vertex v, update the distance of vertex v to the new shorter distance.
- After the |V|-1 iterations, check for any negative-weight cycles in the graph. To check for a negative-weight cycle, we can perform one more iteration of relaxation. If any distance value is updated during this iteration, then the graph contains a negative-weight cycle.
Shortest path from a vertex
It works by building a matrix of the shortest path distances between every pair of vertices in the graph.
In addition to the distance matrix, the Floyd-Warshall algorithm can also construct a matrix P that stores the intermediate vertices along the shortest paths. This matrix can be used to reconstruct the actual paths between any pair of vertices.
Output: a linear ordering of its vertices such that if there is an edge from vertex u to vertex v, then u comes before v in the ordering.
Topological sort is an algorithm for ordering the vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) such that every edge goes from a vertex earlier in the order to a vertex later in the order.
Algo: just walk down the stream!
- First, select any vertex in the graph that has no incoming edges, and add it to the output list.
- Next, remove the selected vertex and all its outgoing edges from the graph.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the vertices have been added to the output list.
MST is an algorithm for finding the minimum-weighted tree that spans all the vertices in a connected, undirected graph.
Kruskal's algorithm builds up the minimum spanning tree by iteratively adding edges to the tree in order of increasing weight, as long as the edge being added does not create a cycle.
The time complexity of Kruskal's algorithm is O(E log E), where E is the number of edges in the graph. This is because the algorithm involves sorting the edges by weight, which takes O(E log E) time, and then iterating through the edges and checking whether they create a cycle, which takes O(E log* V) time using a disjoint-set data structure (where V is the number of vertices in the graph). Since E is typically proportional to V2 in dense graphs, the overall time complexity of the algorithm is O(V2 log V).
Maximum flow is an algorithm for finding the maximum flow that can be sent through a network of edges and vertices.
The algorithm works by finding the maximum amount of flow that can be sent from a source node to a sink node through a network of interconnected nodes and edges.
Algorithm | Best-case | Worst-case | Average-case | Space | Stable? |
Merge Sort | O(n log n) | O(n log n) | O(n log n) | O(n) | Yes |
Insertion Sort | O(n) | O(n2) | O(n2) | O(1) | Yes |
Bubble Sort | O(n) | O(n2) | O(n2) | O (1) | Yes |
Quicksort | O(n log n) | O(n2) | O(n log n) | log n best n avg | Usually not |
Heapsort | O(n log n) | O(n log n) | O(n log n ) [ | ]( | ) O(1) |
Counting Sort | O(k+n) | O(k+n) | O(k+n) | O(k+n) | Yes |
- Merge pre sorted
Mergesort is a comparison-based algorithm that focuses on how to merge together two pre-sorted arrays such that the resulting array is also sorted.
- Swap pairs
$O(n^2)$ worst,$0(n)$ best,$0(1)$ space
Bubble sort is a comparison-based algorithm that compares each pair of elements in an array and swaps them if they are out of order until the entire array is sorted. For each element in the list, the algorithm compares every pair of elements.
- Divide and conquer
Quicksort is a comparison-based algorithm that uses divide-and-conquer to sort an array. The algorithm picks a pivot element, A[q]A[q]A[q], and then rearranges the array into two subarrays A[p…q−1]A[p \dots q-1]A[p…q−1], such that all elements are less than A[q]A[q]A[q], and A[q+1…r]A[q+1 \dots r]A[q+1…r], such that all elements are greater than or equal to A[q]A[q]A[q].
- Selection Sort.
- Merge Sort.
- Insertion Sort.
- Heap Sort.
- Binary tree
Heapsort is a comparison-based algorithm that uses a binary heap data structure to sort elements. It divides its input into a sorted and an unsorted region, and it iteratively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the largest element and moving that to the sorted region.
O(n), or linear, sorting algorithms for lists of integers, such as radix, bucket and counting sorts, which may be suitable depending on the nature of the integers in your lists.
- Agents and Community:
- Agent: Every object in the community acts as an agent (i.e.) from the above example, we can say that Geek, Google, and the other extra objects are known to be agents. Every agent performs some actions and those actions are being utilized by other members of the community to solve the problem.
- Community: It is created by actions. In the above example, we can say that the search engine community has been formed.
- Messages and Methods:
- Messages: Every message may be a request or response that is being passed to other members of the community.
- Methods Every method is used to perform an action in the community, that action will be used by other members of the community to solve various problems.
- Responsibilities: From the above example, we can observe that once the Geek passes a request to Google, it will accept the request and it performs various actions to give him the desired result. It means if the request accepted by an agent, it is the responsibility of the agent to carry out the request until the problem is solved.
The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part of the code can access this data except that function
Abstraction in general means hiding. Asked to fly but client do not care how you fly.
Abstraction is the methodology of hiding the implementation details from the user and only providing the functionality to the users.
In Java, the abstraction is implemented through the use of interface and abstract classes. We can achieve complete abstraction with the use of Interface whereas a partial or a complete abstraction can be achieved with the use of abstract classes
- It reduces the complexity of viewing things.
- Avoids code duplication and increases reusability.
- Helps to increase security of an application or program as only important details are provided to the user.
Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of wrapping up the data and code together as a single unit.
The idea is to simply enclose the initialization and retrieval of the attributes in a method instead of directly referring the attribute directly. This also gives an advantage because the setters give us complete control in setting the value to the attribute and help us to restrict the unnecessary changes
Inheritance is a process where one class acquires the properties of another.
Inheritance means creating new classes based on existing ones. A class that inherits from another class can reuse the methods and fields of that class. In addition, you can add new fields and methods to your current class as well.
Polymorphism is the ability of a variable, function or object to take multiple forms.
There are two types of polymorphism:
Compile Time Polymorphism: It is also known as static polymorphism. This type of polymorphism is achieved by function overloading or operator overloading. It occurs when we define multiple methods with different signatures and the compiler knows which method needs to be executed based on the method signatures.
Run Time Polymorphism: It is also known as Dynamic Method Dispatch. It is a process in which a function call to the overridden method is resolved at Runtime. This type of polymorphism is achieved by Method Overriding. When the same method with the same parameters is overridden with different contexts, the compiler doesn’t have any idea that the method is overridden. It simply checks if the method exists and during the runtime, it executes the functions which have been overridden.
A virtual method is a method defined on a class which is designed to be overridden by subclasses. Virtual methods allow a program to call methods that may not exist at the moment the code is compiled by employing dynamic dispatch to determine what concrete method to invoke at runtime.
Dependency: Aggregation implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent. For example, Bank and Employee, delete the Bank and the Employee still exist. whereas Composition implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent. Example: Human and heart, heart don’t exist separate to a Human
Type of Relationship: Aggregation relation is “has-a” and composition is “part-of” relation.
Type of association: Composition is a strong Association whereas Aggregation is a weak Association.
In java, you will never see a class or method declared with both final and abstract keywords. For classes, final is used to prevent inheritance whereas abstract classes depends upon their child classes for complete implementation. In cases of methods, final is used to prevent overriding whereas abstract methods needs to be overridden in sub-classes.
If a class contains at least one abstract method then compulsory should declare a class as abstract If the Child class is unable to provide implementation to all abstract methods of the Parent class then we should declare that Child class as abstract so that the next level Child class should provide implementation to the remaining abstract method
In Java, the abstract keyword is used to define abstract classes and methods. Here are some of its key characteristics:
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated: An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, it is meant to be extended by other classes, which can provide concrete implementations of its abstract methods.
Abstract methods do not have a body: An abstract method is a method that does not have an implementation. It is declared using the abstract keyword and ends with a semicolon instead of a method body. Subclasses of an abstract class must provide a concrete implementation of all abstract methods defined in the parent class.
Abstract classes can have both abstract and concrete methods: Abstract classes can contain both abstract and concrete methods. Concrete methods are implemented in the abstract class itself and can be used by both the abstract class and its subclasses.
Abstract classes can have constructors: Abstract classes can have constructors, which are used to initialize instance variables and perform other initialization tasks. However, because abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly, their constructors are typically called by constructors in concrete subclasses.
Abstract classes can contain instance variables: Abstract classes can contain instance variables, which can be used by both the abstract class and its subclasses. Subclasses can access these variables directly, just like any other instance variables.
Abstract classes can implement interfaces: Abstract classes can implement interfaces, which define a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface. In this case, the abstract class must provide concrete implementations of all methods defined in the interface.
Overall, the abstract keyword is a powerful tool for defining abstract classes and methods in Java. By declaring a class or method as abstract, developers can provide a structure for subclassing and ensure that certain methods are implemented in a consistent way across all subclasses.
Here are 100 common data structures:
- Array
- Linked List
- Stack
- Queue
- Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Heap
- Hash Table
- Trie
- Graph
- Adjacency List
- Adjacency Matrix
- Set
- Map
- Red-Black Tree
- AVL Tree
- B-Tree
- B+ Tree
- Skip List
- Bloom Filter
- Segment Tree
- Fenwick Tree
- Disjoint Set Union
- Suffix Tree
- Suffix Array
- Cartesian Tree
- K-D Tree: for k dimensional tree, spliting the space dichotomically at each layer
- Quadtree
- Octree
- Interval Tree
- Treap
- Rope
- Circular Buffer
- Priority Queue
- Double Ended Priority Queue
- Deque
- Circular Queue
- Circular Linked List
- Fibonacci Heap
- Binomial Heap
- Radix Tree
- Radix Sort
- Counting Bloom Filter
- Counting Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Topological Sort
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Shortest Path Tree
- B-heap
- Splay Tree
- Wavelet Tree
- X-fast Trie
- Y-fast Trie
- Hybrid Trie
- Ternary Search Tree
- Van Emde Boas Tree
- Hash Trie
- Dancing Links
- Skip Graph
- Perfect Hashing
- Cuckoo Hashing
- Linear Hashing
- External Sorting
- Van Emde Boas Layout
- Deterministic Skip List
- Fibonacci Skip List
- Multiway Trie
- Suffix Automaton
- Finite Automaton
- Pushdown Automaton
- Deterministic Finite Automaton
- Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton
- Turing Machine
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Multi-Dimensional Binary Search Tree
- Sparse Matrix
- Quadtree-based Matrix
- Octree-based Matrix
- Huffman Tree
- LRU Cache
- LFU Cache
- ARC Cache
- LIRS Cache
- Bloomier Filter
- Binary Heap
- Fibonacci Queue
- Binomial Queue
- Cartesian Product
- Fibonacci Search Tree
- Multiway Search Tree
- B-trie
- Cache-oblivious Data Structures
- Fully-functional Data Structures
- Hash Array Mapped Tries
- Generalized Suffix Tree
- Generalized Suffix Array
- GeoHash
- R-Tree
- X-tree
- Z-order Curve
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