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Use pgai with Cohere

This page shows you how to:

Configure pgai for Cohere

Cohere functions in pgai require an Cohere API key.

Handle API keys using pgai from psql

The api key is an optional parameter to pgai functions. You can either:

Run AI queries by passing your API key implicitly as a session parameter

To use a session level parameter when connecting to your database with psql to run your AI queries:

  1. Set your Cohere key as an environment variable in your shell:

    export COHERE_API_KEY="this-is-my-super-secret-api-key-dont-tell"
  2. Use the session level parameter when you connect to your database:

    PGOPTIONS="-c ai.cohere_api_key=$COHERE_API_KEY" psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>"
  3. Run your AI query:

    ai.cohere_api_key is set for the duration of your psql session, you do not need to specify it for pgai functions.

    SELECT ai.cohere_chat_complete
    ( 'command-r-plus'
    , 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
    , seed=>42

Run AI queries by passing your API key explicitly as a function argument

  1. Set your Cohere key as an environment variable in your shell:

    export COHERE_API_KEY="this-is-my-super-secret-api-key-dont-tell"
  2. Connect to your database and set your api key as a psql variable:

    psql -d "postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database-name>" -v cohere_api_key=$COHERE_API_KEY

    Your API key is now available as a psql variable named cohere_api_key in your psql session.

    You can also log into the database, then set cohere_api_key using the \getenv metacommand:

     \getenv cohere_api_key COHERE_API_KEY
  3. Pass your API key to your parameterized query:

    SELECT ai.cohere_chat_complete
    ( 'command-r-plus'
    , 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
    , api_key=>$1
    , seed=>42
    \bind :cohere_api_key

    Use \bind to pass the value of cohere_api_key to the parameterized query.

    The \bind metacommand is available in psql version 16+.

Handle API keys using pgai from python

  1. In your Python environment, include the dotenv and postgres driver packages:

    pip install python-dotenv
    pip install psycopg2-binary
  2. Set your Cohere API key in a .env file or as an environment variable:

    DB_URL="your connection string"
  3. Pass your API key as a parameter to your queries:

    import os
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    COHERE_API_KEY = os.environ["COHERE_API_KEY"]
    DB_URL = os.environ["DB_URL"]
    import psycopg2
    with psycopg2.connect(DB_URL) as conn:
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # pass the API key as a parameter to the query. don't use string manipulations
                SELECT ai.cohere_chat_complete
                ( 'command-r-plus'
                , 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
                , api_key=>%s
                , seed=>42
            """, (COHERE_API_KEY, ))
            records = cur.fetchall()

    Do not use string manipulation to embed the key as a literal in the SQL query.


This section shows you how to use AI directly from your database using SQL.


  • List the models supported by the Cohere platform.

    select *
    from ai.cohere_list_models()


                 name              |         endpoints         | finetuned | context_length |                                       tokenizer_url                                        | default_endpoints 
     embed-english-light-v2.0      | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 |                                                                                            | {}
     embed-english-v2.0            | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 |                                                                                            | {}
     command-r                     | {generate,chat,summarize} | f         |         128000 |                     | {}
     embed-multilingual-light-v3.0 | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 | | {}
     command-nightly               | {generate,chat,summarize} | f         |         128000 |               | {}
     command-r-plus                | {generate,chat,summarize} | f         |         128000 |                | {chat}
     embed-multilingual-v3.0       | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 |       | {}
     embed-multilingual-v2.0       | {embed,classify}          | f         |            256 |       | {}
     c4ai-aya-23                   | {generate,chat}           | f         |           8192 |                   | {}
     command-light-nightly         | {generate,summarize,chat} | f         |           4096 |         | {}
     rerank-multilingual-v2.0      | {rerank}                  | f         |            512 |      | {}
     embed-english-v3.0            | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 |            | {}
     command                       | {generate,summarize,chat} | f         |           4096 |                       | {generate}
     rerank-multilingual-v3.0      | {rerank}                  | f         |           4096 |      | {}
     rerank-english-v2.0           | {rerank}                  | f         |            512 |           | {}
     command-light                 | {generate,summarize,chat} | f         |           4096 |                 | {}
     rerank-english-v3.0           | {rerank}                  | f         |           4096 |           | {}
     embed-english-light-v3.0      | {embed,classify}          | f         |            512 |      | {}
    (18 rows)
  • List the models on the Cohere platform that support a particular endpoint.

    select *
    from ai.cohere_list_models(endpoint=>'embed')


                 name              |    endpoints     | finetuned | context_length |                                       tokenizer_url                                        | default_endpoints 
     embed-english-light-v2.0      | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 |                                                                                            | {}
     embed-english-v2.0            | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 |                                                                                            | {}
     embed-multilingual-light-v3.0 | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 | | {}
     embed-multilingual-v3.0       | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 |       | {}
     embed-multilingual-v2.0       | {embed,classify} | f         |            256 |       | {}
     embed-english-v3.0            | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 |            | {}
     embed-english-light-v3.0      | {embed,classify} | f         |            512 |      | {}
    (7 rows)
  • List the default model for a given endpoint.

    select * 
    from ai.cohere_list_models(endpoint=>'generate', default_only=>true);


      name   |         endpoints         | finetuned | context_length |                            tokenizer_url                             | default_endpoints 
     command | {generate,summarize,chat} | f         |           4096 | | {generate}
    (1 row)


Tokenize text content.

select ai.cohere_tokenize
( 'command'
, 'One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile.'


(1 row)


Reverse the tokenize process.

select ai.cohere_detokenize
( 'command'
, array[14485,38374,2630,2060,2252,5164,4905,21,2744,2628,1675,3094,23407,21]


 Good programmers don't just write programs. They build a working vocabulary.
(1 row)


Embed content.

select ai.cohere_embed
( 'embed-english-light-v3.0'
, 'if a woodchuck could chuck wood, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as he could'
, input_type=>'search_document'


(1 row)


Classify inputs, assigning labels.

with examples(example, label) as
      ('cat', 'animal')
    , ('dog', 'animal')
    , ('car', 'machine')
    , ('truck', 'machine')
    , ('apple', 'food')
    , ('broccoli', 'food')
select *
from jsonb_to_recordset
    ( 'embed-english-light-v3.0'
    , array['bird', 'airplane', 'corn'] --inputs we want to classify
    , examples=>(select jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('text', examples.example, 'label', examples.label)) from examples)
) x(input text, prediction text, confidence float8)


  input   | prediction | confidence 
 bird     | animal     |  0.3708435
 airplane | machine    |   0.343932
 corn     | food       | 0.37896726
(3 rows)


A simpler interface to classification.

with examples(example, label) as
      ('cat', 'animal')
    , ('dog', 'animal')
    , ('car', 'machine')
    , ('truck', 'machine')
    , ('apple', 'food')
    , ('broccoli', 'food')
select *
from ai.cohere_classify_simple
( 'embed-english-light-v3.0'
, array['bird', 'airplane', 'corn']
, examples=>(select jsonb_agg(jsonb_build_object('text', examples.example, 'label', examples.label)) from examples)
) x


  input   | prediction | confidence 
 bird     | animal     |  0.3708435
 airplane | machine    |   0.343932
 corn     | food       | 0.37896726
(3 rows)


Rank documents according to semantic similarity to a query prompt.

, x.document->>'text' as "text"
, x.relevance_score
from jsonb_to_recordset
    ( 'rerank-english-v3.0'
    , 'How long does it take for two programmers to work on something?'
    , jsonb_build_array
      ( $$Good programmers don't just write programs. They build a working vocabulary.$$
      , 'One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile.'
      , 'What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months.'
      , 'how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
    , return_documents=>true
) x("index" int, "document" jsonb, relevance_score float8)
order by relevance_score desc


 index |                                           text                                           | relevance_score 
     2 | What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months.           |       0.8003801
     0 | Good programmers don't just write programs. They build a working vocabulary.             |    0.0011559008
     1 | One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile. |    0.0006932423
     3 | how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?                   |    2.637042e-07
(4 rows)


A simpler interface to rerank.

select *
from ai.cohere_rerank_simple
( 'rerank-english-v3.0'
, 'How long does it take for two programmers to work on something?'
, jsonb_build_array
  ( $$Good programmers don't just write programs. They build a working vocabulary.$$
  , 'One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile.'
  , 'What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months.'
  , 'how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
) x
order by relevance_score desc


 index |                                               document                                               | relevance_score 
     2 | {"text": "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months."}           |       0.8003801
     0 | {"text": "Good programmers don't just write programs. They build a working vocabulary."}             |    0.0011559008
     1 | {"text": "One of the best programming skills you can have is knowing when to walk away for awhile."} |    0.0006932423
     3 | {"text": "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"}                   |    2.637042e-07
(4 rows)


Complete chat prompts

select ai.cohere_chat_complete
( 'command-r-plus'
, 'How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?'
, seed=>42


According to a tongue-twister poem often attributed to Robert Hobart Davis and Richard Wayne Peck, a woodchuck (also known as a groundhog) would chuck, or throw, "as much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck wood." 

In a more serious biological context, woodchucks are known to be capable of causing significant damage to wood-based structures and landscapes due to their burrowing and chewing habits. They can chew through small trees and branches, although the exact amount of wood they could chuck or chew through would depend on various factors such as the size and age of the woodchuck, the type and condition of the wood, and the woodchuck's motivation and determination.