- Fix track title for explicit tracks. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#779
- Fix integration of playback controls. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#760
- Fix repeat action. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#760
- Fix Google sign-in: Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#726
- Reformat code.
- Fix track title and artist in queue view. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#609
- Disable broken volume management.
- Fix repeat button.
- Fix love button in queue view.
- Fix track title for explicit tracks. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#779
- The play/pause action for Podcasts was fixed. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#495
- Nuvola 4.13 is required.
- The script was adjusted to the new Deezer design 09/2018. Issue: tiliado/nuvola-app-deezer#15, tiliado/nuvolaplayer#468
- The shuffle status was integrated. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#20
- The repeat status was integrated. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#21
- Switched to Chromium backend and Media Stream Extension for audio playback instead of Flash plugin. Issue: tiliado/nuvola-app-deezer#12
- Non-functional "Add to Favorite tracks" action was fixed. Issue: tiliado/nuvola-app-deezer#13
- Don't use Nuvola.parseTimeUsec in Nuvola 3 as it is available since Nuvola 4.5. Issue: tiliado/nuvola-app-deezer#11
- Metadata was updated according to the latest Nuvola SDK requirements.
- Progress bar is fully integrated - it is possible to show track position and change it as well. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#155
- Volume management is fully integrated - it is possible to show volume and change it as well. Issue: tiliado/nuvolaplayer#22
- The button to add track to favourite tracks was integrated as a menu item shown in the menu of Unity launcher, Plank launcher and tray icon.
- Fixed detection of playback state and play/pause button
- Ported to use Nuvola SDK.
- Added a complete icon set.
- Added a license field to metadata.json.
- Added information about contributing to the Deezer script.