<<<<<<< HEAD © Ken Soona 2014 BSD [email protected] MIT License & GFDL ☤
<<<<<<< HEAD ☠ Thom's To-Do List for VulnHub.com
The plan is to help g0tmi1k with his Capture-the-Flag and WarGaming social network.
Specifically, I intend to implement an Armitage browser applet.
a-la teamsploit. (see notes re: `butane)
I would love for this #VulnCTF to have a selection of 9 VM's in a 3x3 grid...
...like tic-tac-toe...
...with their choice of pentest distro too! e.g. (C.I.A. ;)
Too many secrets... @NSA.
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The notes below relate to many hacking exercises ("WarGames") and vulnerable Virtual Machines (VMs).
We are looking into using OpenStack to allow users to launch attacks through a full
BackTrack instance and an HTML5 VNC connection: noVNC vs. Guacamole vs. ThinVNC?
- n1tr0g3n
- g0tmi1k
- pushebx
- taddong
- irongeek
- Hardcodedsecurity
- DiabloHorn
- reddit thread
- PenTestLab
- hacking-lab
- Hacking Dojo
- Honeynet Project
the gh0st network
hackthissite.org the ChaosVPN, Tor, Freenet, i2p
from the Metasploit Project phones are in scope: asterisk, jitsi, PBX'n like it's goin' otta' style...
DEFCON forums thanks to #pure-elite #busticati you know who you are...
HoneyDrive this stuff is only allowed in the DMZ webcomic...
but I'd throw some ADHD boxes in there too, so the Blue Teams can have some fun...
The idea is to use an HTML5 console to introduce neophytes to the command line.
There has to be a way to move people away from Windows, or get them to use cygwin at least.
- Learn Code the Hard Way
- Bash Shell Scripting
- FLOSS Manuals
- Linux Command
- LifeHacker
- IBM Docs
The Linux Documentation Project: - Bash Guide for Beginners
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
via Dr. Erin Wolf Chambers: - UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
- Learning the Shell
- An Introduction to the Unix Shell by S. R. Bourne
Chrome Experiemnts
(downside: Chrome only)
© Thom Hastings 2012-2013
Code under New BSD License.
Text under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. =======
Operating System's Scripts & stuff to go along with them
g0tmi1k/master 449665fbf3b4f914db17b8665d146eb22ffb8ef7 do.u.gøtmi1k?