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Lab Catchup


A catchup script is provided so that participants can move between labs. If the catchup script is run, the repository.js file will be overwritten and any previous work will be lost.

IMPORTANT: If running in a Windows environment, use Git Bash as the catchup script is a bash script. Alternatively, manual steps can be followed to move between labs.

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Participants should choose the appropriate path based on how the participant is walking through the labs. If using Docker, follow the steps in the Docker path, if running the code locally (Windows users not running Docker, etc.) choose the local path. The manual path can be used by any participant as that path simply outlines the steps automated by running the catchup script.

Path: Docker
Path: Local
Path: Manual

Path: Docker

Step 1: Move to the API's working directory

Move into the API’s directory (the GIT repository for the API should have been cloned after following the steps outlined in Lab 0).

$ cd ~/Documents/cbDevDays/node2x/cb-dev-days-node2x

Step 2: Run the catchup script

This step will execute the catchup script on the API Docker container. Be sure to use the name of the API Docker container created in Lab 0. The script prompts the user to select a lab. After the lab is selected, the script updates the repository/repository.js file to have the changes necessary to start the selected lab. After updating the code, the script prompts the user for the information needed to register a new customer/user and also create order(s) if necessary depending on the lab chosen.

$ docker exec -it api ./resources/

1) Lab 1 : Registration and K/V get
2) Lab 2 : FTS operations - search for products
3) Lab 3 : K/V operations - get, save, update, and delete orders
4) Lab 4 : N1QL operations - get pending order, get customer orders
5) Lab 5 : K/V sub-document operations
6) Final : All labs completed
Please select the lab you want to jump to: 5

Please provide the following user information:

First Name: Test
Last Name: User
Email: [email protected]
Username: testUser123
Password: password123

Successfully updated code to the end of the labs (i.e. all code is complete).
Pausing for API to reset...

Creating orders...

Processed order successfully created.

Pending cart order successfully created.

Catchup complete.  Please see Lab5 for instructions.
User credentials:
Username: testUser123
Password: password123

Back to Paths

Path: Local

Step 1: Move to the API's working directory

Move into the API’s directory (the GIT repository for the API should have been cloned after following the steps outlined in Lab 0).

If using Windows, run the following commands in Git Bash

$ cd ~/Documents/cbDevDays/node2x/cb-dev-days-node2x

This step will execute the catchup script. The script prompts the user to select a lab. After the lab is selected, the script updates the repository/repository.js file to have the changes necessary to start the selected lab. After updating the code, the script prompts the user for the information needed to register a new customer/user and also create order(s) if necessary depending on the lab chosen.

$ ./resources/

1) Lab 1 : Registration and K/V get
2) Lab 2 : FTS operations - search for products
3) Lab 3 : K/V operations - get, save, update, and delete orders
4) Lab 4 : N1QL operations - get pending order, get customer orders
5) Lab 5 : K/V sub-document operations
6) Final : All labs completed
Please select the lab you want to jump to: 5

Please provide the following user information:

First Name: Test
Last Name: User
Email: [email protected]
Username: testUser123
Password: password123

Successfully updated code to the end of the labs (i.e. all code is complete).
Pausing for API to reset...

Creating orders...

Processed order successfully created.

Pending cart order successfully created.

Catchup complete.  Please see Lab5 for instructions.
User credentials:
Username: testUser123
Password: password123

Back to Paths

Path: Manual

Step 1: Move to the API's working directory

Move into the API’s directory (the GIT repository for the API should have been cloned after following the steps outlined in Lab 0).

MacOS/Linux/Git Bash:

$ cd ~/Documents/cbDevDays/node2x/cb-dev-days-node2x

Windows PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> cd ~/Documents/cbDevDays/node2x/cb-dev-days-node2x

Step 2: Copy desired lab

The starting point for each lab is located in the /resources/labs folder (see Appendix for the API’s project structure). A participant can either manually copy the desired repository_labXX.js file to the /repository directory and replace the repository.js, or use the following command to copy the desired lab file.

NOTE: Be mindful of the current working directory with respect to the path to the source and destination files.

MacOS/Linux/Git Bash:

$ cp ./resources/labs/repository_lab4.js ./repository/repository.js

Windows PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\cbDevDays\node2x> Copy-Item ".\resources\labs\repository_lab4.js" -Destination ".\repository\repository.js"

Step 3: Register User

Participant can use the API's SwaggerUI or use the command line to register a user.


  1. Navigate to the SwaggerUI page: http://localhost:3000/api-docs/
  2. Click on the /user/register endpoint
  3. After the panel expands, click the Try it out button
  4. Replace the "string" input for the firstName, lastName, username, email and password in the text area.
  5. Click on the Execute button
  6. The response Code should be 200 and the Response body should contain a data property that contains the a customerInfo and userInfo object.

Command Line

NOTE: Curl commands should be run in Git Bash if using Windows.

$ curl -X POST -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"firstName":"Test", "lastName":"User", "username":"testUser123", "email":"[email protected]", "password":"password123"}' | jq

Step 4: Login User

Participant can use the API's SwaggerUI or use the command line to login a user.


  1. Navigate to the SwaggerUI page: http://localhost:3000/api-docs/
  2. Click on the /user/login endpoint
  3. After the panel expands, click the Try it out button
  4. Replace the "string" input for the username and password properties in the text area (use the username and password previously used to register).
  5. Click on the Execute button
  6. The response Code should be 200 and the Response body should contain a data property that contains the a userInfo object and inside the userInfo object should be a token property.

NOTE: The token value is used in future steps. Keep track of the value.

Command Line

NOTE: Curl commands should be run in Git Bash if using Windows.

$ curl -X POST -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"testUser123", "password":"password123"}' | jq

Remember the token and custId return in the response (token: data > userInfo > token, custId: data > customerInfo > custId)

Step 5: Create Order(s)

Participant can use the API's SwaggerUI or use the command line to create order(s).


Step 5a: Login to obtain user token

**NOTE:**If you have the token from logging in previously, you can skip to Step 5b.

  1. Navigate to the SwaggerUI page: http://localhost:3000/api-docs/
  2. Click on the /test/testLogin endpoint
  3. After the panel expands, click the Try it out button
  4. Enter a username and password (make sure your username and password is registered see Lab 1 Step 1)
  5. Click on the Execute button
  6. The response Code should be 200 and the Response body should contain a data property that contains the a userInfo object and inside the userInfo object should be a token property.
  7. Copy the token value

Step 5b: Authorize User

  1. Click the Authorize button at the top right corner of the SwaggerUI page
  2. In the pop-up, paste the token value (copied in step #7) into the Value field
  3. Click the Authorize button
  4. Click the Close button
  5. The SwaggerUI page should now show closed lock icons next to any endpoint that requires authorization

Step 5c: Create Order(s)

Participants can create a previous order and/or a new/pending order depending on which lab they are moving to.

To create a previous order:

  1. Change the necessary information in the JSON document provide below.
  2. Follow the SwaggerUI steps below.

To create a new/pending order:

  1. Change the necessary information in the JSON document provide below.
  2. Follow the SwaggerUI steps below.
Previous Order

Change the following parameters in the JSON document below:
- order.doc.createdBy: the custId obtained in step 4 or 5a
- order.doc.modifiedBy: the custId obtained in step 4 or 5a
- order.custId: the custId obtained in step 4 or 5a
- the name of the user
- the name of the user

  "update": false,
  "order": {
    "doc": {
      "type": "order",
      "schema": "1.0.0",
      "created": 1598949211000,
      "createdBy": 0,
      "modified": 1600810411000,
      "modifiedBy": 0
    "custId": 0,
    "orderStatus": "shipped",
    "orderDate": 1598949211000,
    "billingInfo": {
      "address": {
        "address": "1234 Main St",
        "city": "Some City",
        "country": "US",
        "state": "TX",
        "zipCode": "12345"
      "name": ""
    "shippingInfo": {
      "address": {
        "address": "1234 Main St",
        "city": "Some City",
        "country": "US",
        "state": "TX",
        "zipCode": "12345"
      "name": "",
      "shippingMethod": "3 - Business Days"
    "shippingTotal": 7.99,
    "tax": 51.51,
    "lineItems": [
        "prodId": "00402f25-c058-41d6-8a7c-9371c68a7503",
        "dispName": "Unbranded Soft Car",
        "shortDescr": "Consequatur reiciendis voluptatem ad aspernatur. Dolorem facere ut. Necessitatibus omnis sit illo vel at sint et sequi odit. Natus minima temporibus sed. Quidem et numquam nobis omnis quia accusamus.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 142.11,
        "qty": 1,
        "subTotal": 142.11
        "prodId": "02403ee5-65c6-4374-bcf5-086f85a3c96b",
        "dispName": "Rustic Cotton Tuna",
        "shortDescr": "Rem quos aut architecto. Deleniti sunt rerum eius hic quia omnis. Dolor et maiores vero ex a quia aut. Quos enim voluptas qui nobis a est est repellat. Enim nulla quis explicabo est ex ex vel quidem. Est in quibusdam aut ut.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 121.16,
        "qty": 2,
        "subTotal": 242.32
        "prodId": "02c48819-8975-4ab6-9c1e-03b8817cb39b",
        "dispName": "Fantastic Cotton Car",
        "shortDescr": "Nam fugit repellat possimus quidem dolor. Ipsa molestiae quo voluptatem dignissimos sunt voluptas. Dolor sed est eos numquam nihil reiciendis sint. Aliquid ducimus modi sed tempore numquam adipisci aliquid. Illum expedita nesciunt.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 79.98,
        "qty": 3,
        "subTotal": 239.94
    "grandTotal": 683.87
New/Pending Order

Change the following parameters in the JSON document below:
- order.doc.createdBy: the custId obtained in step 4 or 5a
- order.custId: the custId obtained in step 4 or 5a

  "update": false,
  "order": {
    "doc": {
      "type": "order",
      "schema": "1.0.0",
      "created": 1598949211000,
      "createdBy": 0
    "custId": 0,
    "orderStatus": "created",
    "orderDate": 1598949211000,
    "billingInfo": {},
    "shippingInfo": {},
    "shippingTotal": 0.0,
    "tax": 0.0,
    "lineItems": [
        "prodId": "033a4b02-0542-4318-b16b-08b5628622a2",
        "dispName": "Intelligent Fresh Salad",
        "shortDescr": "Libero molestiae repellendus qui odit dignissimos aspernatur laboriosam. Ut dignissimos debitis qui. Laborum non ad quos est odio molestiae ullam quas dolorem. Similique et tenetur eaque quaerat eos qui. Beatae non enim in occaecati sint exercitationem dolores voluptatem animi. Quo aut tenetur omnis est dolores numquam fuga.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 65.67,
        "qty": 2,
        "subTotal": 131.34
        "prodId": "035550f6-d9ed-4be5-bff5-c19c5abeb5f9",
        "dispName": "Refined Concrete Bacon",
        "shortDescr": "Ea qui corrupti. Eius totam dolor itaque itaque architecto accusantium qui inventore. Sit ab consequatur quod.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 90.17,
        "qty": 1,
        "subTotal": 90.17
        "prodId": "0402d1f4-d69f-4417-9caf-6f62131430dd",
        "dispName": "Refined Frozen Table",
        "shortDescr": "Adipisci qui nostrum nobis sed quia cum. Natus dolor est. Ex sit quaerat neque et. Adipisci aut velit unde perferendis quia.",
        "image": "",
        "price": 36.8,
        "qty": 3,
        "subTotal": 110.4
    "grandTotal": 331.91
SwaggerUI Steps
  1. Navigate to the SwaggerUI page: http://localhost:3000/api-docs/
  2. Click on the /user/saveOrUpdateOrder endpoint
  3. After the panel expands, click the Try it out button
  4. Replace the empty curly braces with the JSON created above from either a previous order or a new/pending order
  5. Click on the Execute button
  6. The response Code should be 200 and the Response body should contain a data property that contains the a userInfo object and inside.

Command line

Step 5a: Login to obtain user token

**NOTE:**If you have the token from logging in previously, you can skip to Step 5c.

$ curl -X POST -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"testUser123", "password":"password123"}' | jq

Copy the token return in the response (token: data > userInfo > token, custId: data > customerInfo > custId).

Step 5b: Authorize User

Not applicable in the command line path. The authorization takes place when the API is called and the auth token is passed in.

Step 5c: Create Order


Node.js API Project Structure

|—— configuration/
|  |—— config.js
|  |—— config.json
|—— controllers/
|  |—— productController.js
|  |—— testController.js
|  |—— userController.js
|—— docs/
|—— library/
|  |—— outputMessage.js
|  |—— verifyToken.js
|—— repository/
|  |—— repository.js
|—— resources/
|  |—— labs/
|     |—— repository_final.js
|     |—— repository_lab0.js
|     |—— repository_lab1.js
|     |—— repository_lab2.js
|     |—— repository_lab3.js
|     |—— repository_lab4.js
|     |—— repository_lab5.js
|  |——
|  |—— cart_order.json
|  |—— default_order.json
|—— service/
|  |—— productService.js
|  |—— userService.js
|—— package.json
|—— server.js