Comet is configured using environment variables. The following are supported environment variables:
Name | Default | Description |
LOG_LEVEL | WARN | Specifies the logging level for general application logs |
HORIZON_LOG_LEVEL | WARN | Specifies the logging level for Horizon-related logs |
JAEGER_COLLECTOR_URL | | The URL endpoint for the Jaeger collector, which is used for distributed tracing |
ZIPKIN_SAMPLER_PROBABILITY | 1.0 | Configures the probability of a trace being sampled for Zipkin. A value of 1.0 means all traces are sampled, while 0.0 means no traces are sampled. This affects distributed tracing |
COMET_INFORMER_NAMESPACE | default | The Kubernetes namespace from which the EventSubscription CRD is being polled |
IRIS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT | | The issuer(s) that are trusted by Comet |
IRIS_CLIENT_ID | foo | Represents a client ID, possibly for authentication |
IRIS_CLIENT_SECRET | bar | Corresponds to a client secret that is used for authentication |
COMET_KAFKA_BROKERS | kafka:9092 | Indicates that the Kafka brokers are expected to be available at the address 'kafka' on port '9092' |
COMET_KAFKA_GROUP_ID | comet | Identifies the Kafka consumer group as comet |
COMET_KAFKA_PARTITION_COUNT | 4 | Indicates the number of partitions in the Kafka topic |
COMET_KAFKA_CONSUMER_THREADPOOL_SIZE | 512 | Defines the size of the consumer thread pool |
COMET_KAFKA_CONSUMER_QUEUE_CAPACITY | 1024 | Sets the capacity of the consumer queue |
COMET_KAFKA_MAX_POLL_RECORDS | 512 | Specifies the maximum number of records to be polled in a single request |
COMET_KAFKA_ACKS | 1 | How often the events needs to be acknowledge by Kafka |
COMET_KAFKA_LINGER_MS | 5 | How long the Kafka waits for other records before transmissing the batch (Reference) |
COMET_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_ENABLED | true | If events send to Kafka should be compressed |
COMET_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_TYPE | snappy | The compression type used to compress events |
COMET_MAX_TIMEOUT | 30000 | Maximum timeout duration in milliseconds |
COMET_MAX_RETRIES | 10 | Maximum number of retry attempts for failed operations |
COMET_INITIAL_BACKOFF_INTERVAL_MS | 100 | Initial backoff interval duration (in milliseconds) for retry attempts |
COMET_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL_MS | 60000 | Maximum backoff interval duration (in milliseconds) for retry attempts |
COMET_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER | 2.0 | Multiplier applied to the backoff interval between retries |
COMET_MAX_CONNECTIONS | 1000 | Maximum number of connections allowed |
COMET_SUCCESSFUL_STATUS_CODES | 200,201,202,204 | HTTP status codes considered as successful responses |
COMET_REDELIVERY_STATUS_CODES | 401,429,502,503,504 | HTTP status codes triggering message redelivery |
COMET_REDELIVERY_THREADPOOL_SIZE | 100 | Size of the thread pool for handling message redelivery |
COMET_REDELIVERY_QUEUE_CAPACITY | 16 | Capacity of the queue for handling message redelivery |
COMET_RETRIEVE_TOKEN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 5000 | Timeout for connecting when retrieving authentication tokens (in milliseconds) |
COMET_RETRIEVE_TOKEN_READ_TIMEOUT | 5000 | Timeout for reading when retrieving authentication tokens (in milliseconds) |
COMET_CACHE_SERVICE_DNS | app-cache-headless.example.svc.cluster.local | DNS address for the cache service |
COMET_CACHE_DE_DUPLICATION_ENABLED | true | If true, enables cache de-duplication |