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Benchmark results in GCP VM

Aaron Riekenberg edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 16 revisions


Results in Google Cloud (GCP) VM using JDK 17. Running on n1-standard-32 VM (32 CPUs, 120GB RAM), CentOS 7.

In the OffHeapGetPutBenchmark test NMA and RocksDB are populated with 50,000 byte array values of size 100KB each (5GB of data)

The keys are the strings "0" - "49999"

In NMA tests data is not persisted on disk.

Command to build JMH fat-jar:

./gradlew clean jmhJar

JMH Configuration:

# JMH version: 1.35
# VM version: JDK 17.0.6, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 17.0.6+9-LTS-190
# VM invoker: /home/bastion/jdk-17.0.6/bin/java
# VM options: -Xmx4G -Drocksdb.dir=/tmp/tmpfs/rocksdb
# Blackhole mode: compiler (auto-detected, use -Djmh.blackhole.autoDetect=false to disable)
# Warmup: 10 iterations, 10 s each
# Measurement: 20 iterations, 10 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 32 threads, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Throughput, ops/time

For rocksdb create a 10GB tmpfs mount:

mkdir /tmp/tmpfs
mount -t tmpfs -o size=10G tmpfs /tmp/tmpfs/


Read-only benchmark:

Run Command:

java -jar ./benchmarks-jmh.jar -wi 10 -i 20 -f 1 -gc true -foe true -tg 32 -jvmArgs '-Xmx4G -Drocksdb.dir=/tmp/tmpfs/rocksdb' read_only

JMH Output:

Benchmark                         (cacheType)   Mode  Cnt       Score      Error  Units
OffHeapGetPutBenchmark.read_only          NMA  thrpt   20  257757.605 ± 8839.383  ops/s
OffHeapGetPutBenchmark.read_only      RocksDB  thrpt   20  115404.987 ± 1932.411  ops/s
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