Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | \DateTime | The time this entity was created. | |
applicationId | int | The ID of the application that owns this entity. | |
profileId | int | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the customer that created this entity. | [optional] |
storeId | int | The ID of the store. | [optional] |
storeIntegrationId | string | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional] |
sessionId | int | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the session that contains this event. | [optional] |
type | string | A string representing the event. Must not be a reserved event name. | |
attributes | object | Additional JSON serialized data associated with the event. | |
effects | \TalonOne\Client\Model\Effect[] | An array containing the effects that were applied as a result of this event. | |
ruleFailureReasons | \TalonOne\Client\Model\RuleFailureReason[] | An array containing the rule failure reasons which happened during this event. | [optional] |