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Deprecated ENV Variables

{% hint style="info" %} This table is horizontally scrollable, version information is located in the last column. {% endhint %}

Variable Required Description Default Version Need recompile Deprecated in Version
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_JSON_RPC_TRANSPORT Specifies the transport for blockscout to connect to the Ethereum Node. Available transports are http and ipc. If ipc is selected, also set IPC_PATH variable. Replaced with ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRANSPORT http v2.1.1+ v3.1.0
COINMARKETCAP_PAGES the number of pages on coinmarketcap to list in order to find token's price 10 v1.3.10+ v2.0.4
COIN_GECKO_ID CoinGecko coin id required for fetching an exchange rate poa-network v2.0.4+ v2.1.0+
NETWORK_ICON Environment variable for the main network icon or testnet icon. Two options are _test_network_icon.html and _network_icon.html _network_icon.html All v2.0.0+
REWARDS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS Emission rewards contract address. This env var is used only if EMISSION_FORMAT is set to POA . Replaced with REWARDS_CONTRACT 0xeca443e8e1ab29971a45a9c57a6a9875701698a5 v2.0.4+ v3.1.0
OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR An address of home OmniBridge mediator to bridge multiple tokens from Ethereum. Providing this address enables bridged tokens functionality: bridged status and link to the original token in the foreign chain. (empty) v3.3.2+ v3.6.0
ENABLE_1559_SUPPORT Enables store and display of additional fields on block and transaction according to EIP-1559 false v4.0.0+ v4.1.0
BLOCK_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD time to live of blocks with consensus count cache in seconds. This var was introduced in #1876 2 hours v2.0.0+ v4.1.3
TXS_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates the total txs count. 2 hours v1.3.9+ v4.1.3
ADDRESS_COUNT_CACHE_PERIOD time to live of cache in seconds. This var was introduced in #2822 2 hours v2.1.1+ v4.1.3
ADDRESS_SUM_CACHE_PERIOD time to live of addresses sum (except burn address) cache in seconds. This var was introduced in #2862 1 hour v2.1.1+ v4.1.3
TOTAL_GAS_USAGE_CACHE_PERIOD Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates the total gas usage. 2 hours v3.4.0+ v4.1.3
ADDRESS_TRANSACTIONS_GAS_USAGE_COUNTER_CACHE_PERIOD Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates gas usage at the address. 30 minutes v3.4.0+ v4.1.3
TOKEN_HOLDERS_COUNTER_CACHE_PERIOD Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates holders count of the token. 1 hour v3.4.0+ v4.1.3
TOKEN_TRANSFERS_COUNTER_CACHE_PERIOD Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates transfers count of the token. 1 hour v3.4.0+ v4.1.3
ADDRESS_WITH_BALANCES_UPDATE_INTERVAL Interval in seconds to restart the task, which calculates addresses with balances. 30 minutes v1.3.9+ v4.1.3
AVERAGE_BLOCK_CACHE_PERIOD Update of average block period cache, in seconds 30 minutes v2.0.2+ v4.1.3
MARKET_HISTORY_CACHE_PERIOD Update of market history cache, in seconds 6 hours v2.0.2+ v4.1.3
COINGECKO_COIN_ID Explicitly set CoinGecko coin ID (empty) v3.1.2+ v4.1.4
SOURCE_MODULE This environment variable is used to calculate the exchange rate and is specifically used by the xDai Chain. Available value is TokenBridge (empty) v1.0.0+ v4.1.4
POS_STAKING_CONTRACT The address of POSDAO staking contract. When provided, enables staking DApp. ValidatorSet and BlockReward contract addresses are fetched using corresponding getters. (empty) v3.4.0+ v4.1.x

Used by the staking DApp. The number of seconds of max delay after the latest block number arrived from eth_subscribe. Once this time is elapsed, the staking DApp automatically switches to eth_blockNumber which then is requested every POS_ETH_BLOCKNUMBER_PULL_INTERVAL milliseconds until eth_subscribe works again.

60 v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
POS_ETH_BLOCKNUMBER_PULL_INTERVAL An interval between eth_blockNumber requests (in milliseconds) made by staking DApp to retrieve a new block number. Used when eth_subscribe stops working. 500 v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
ENABLE_POS_STAKING_IN_MENU Enables Staking dapp in the menu false v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
SHOW_STAKING_WARNING Disables/enables announcement inside staking dapp false v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
STAKING_WARNING_MESSAGE Message text of the announcement inside staking dapp (empty) v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
ETH_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR An address of home OmniBridge mediator to bridge multiple tokens from Ethereum. Providing this address enables bridged tokens functionality: bridged status and link to the original token in the foreign chain. (empty) v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
BSC_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR An address of home OmniBridge mediator to bridge multiple tokens from Binance Smart Chain. Providing this address enables bridged tokens functionality: bridged status and link to the original token in the foreign chain. (empty) v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
AMB_BRIDGE_MEDIATORS A comma-separated list of AMB extensions' mediators' addresses' hashes to fetch bridged tokens through those mediators. (empty) v3.6.0+ v4.1.x
FOREIGN_JSON_RPC JSON RPC endpoint to the foreign chain in order to get metadata of bridged through Omni-bridge token. It was introduced in this PR #3282 (empty) v3.3.3+ v4.1.x
BRIDGE_MARKET_CAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL Market cap update interval for `TokenBridge` supply module as for TokenBridge and for OmniBridge as well, in seconds. It was introduced in this PR #3293 30 minutes v3.3.3+ v4.1.x
DISABLE_BRIDGE_MARKET_CAP_UPDATER Disables recurring consolidation of TokenBridge market cap from TokenBridge, OmniBridge and AMB extensions (empty) v3.3.3+ v4.1.x
EXTERNAL_APPS An array of external apps to display in Apps menu item. This var was introduced in this PR #3184 and looks like an array of JSON objects. (empty) v3.3.1+ v5.0.0
API_PATH PATH in API endpoint URL at API docs page. / v3.1.0+ v5.1.1
SOCKET_ROOT Custom websocket path. (empty) v3.0.0+ v5.1.1
MAX_SIZE_UNLESS_HIDE_ARRAY Hide long arrays in smart-contracts. To get more details: #4218 50 v3.7.1+ v5.1.2
ALLOWED_EVM_VERSIONS the comma-separated list of allowed EVM versions for contract verification. This var was introduced in #1964 "homestead, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg,istanbul" v2.0.0+ v5.1.2
DISABLE_KNOWN_TOKENS Disables or enables token symbol for known contract. false v3.4.0+ v5.1.2
TOKEN_BALANCE_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD_MINUTES A threshold to invalidate token balance cache. Implemented in #3870 60 minutes v3.7.1+ v5.1.2
COIN_BALANCE_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD_MINUTES A threshold to invalidate coin balance cache. Implemented in #5240 60 minutes v4.1.2+ v5.1.2
CUSTOM_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES_TEST_TOKEN List of test tokens addresses: test label will be applied and those tokens will be excluded from omni bridge market cap calculation. (empty) v3.6.0+ v5.1.2
CACHE_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RATE_PERIOD Managing cache invalidation for token's exchange rate. 1 hour v3.5.0+ v5.1.2
INDEXER_DISABLE_EMPTY_BLOCK_SANITIZER Empty blocks sanitizer is disabled if true false v4.1.3+ v5.1.2
HISTORY_FETCH_INTERVAL Interval how often to request count of txs per current day in order to display txs count per day chart on the main page. Time format. 1h v3.1.2+ v5.1.3
WOBSERVER_ENABLED If true enables wobserver interface. (empty) v3.3.2+ v5.1.3
VISUALIZE_SOL2UML_ENABLED If true, integration with Rust sol2uml visualizer is enabled. Implemented in #6401 (empty) v5.0.0+ v5.1.3
VISUALIZE_SOL2UML_SERVICE_URL URL of Rust visualizer. Implemented in #6401 (empty) v5.0.0+ v5.1.3
SIG_PROVIDER_SERVICE_URL If true, integration with Rust sig-provider service is enabled. Implemented in #6541 (empty) v5.1.0+ v5.1.3
SIG_PROVIDER_ENABLED URL of Rust sig-provider service. Implemented in #6541 (empty) v5.1.0+ v5.1.3
ENABLE_RUST_VERIFICATION_SERVICE If true, integration with Rust smart-contract verifier is enabled. Implemented in #5860 (empty) v4.1.8+ v5.1.3
RUST_VERIFICATION_SERVICE_URL URL of Rust smart-contract verifier. Implemented in #5860 (empty) v4.1.8+ v5.1.3
LINK_TO_OTHER_EXPLORERS true/false. If true, links to other explorers are added in the footer. (empty) v1.3.0+ v5.1.3
OTHER_EXPLORERS The list of alternative explorers. This env var was introduced in PR #3414. (empty) v3.4.0+ v5.1.3
FOOTER_ENABLE_FORUM_LINK Enable forum menu item in the footer. Implemented in #6351 false v5.0.0+ v5.1.3
ENABLE_SOURCIFY_INTEGRATION Enables or disables verification of contracts through Sourcify. false v3.7.0+ v5.1.3
ENABLE_TXS_STATS Disables or enables txs per day stats gathering. true v3.1.2+ v5.1.3
CACHE_ENABLE_TOTAL_GAS_USAGE_COUNTER if true, enables cache for total gas usage counter. false v5.1.2+ v5.1.3
LOGO_FOOTER Environment variable for the footer logo image location. The logo files names for different chains can be found here. /images/blockscout_logo.svg v5.1.3
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_CONCURRENCY Concurrency for token instance fetcher. Implemented in #6981. 10 v5.1.2+ v5.1.4
INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_BATCH_SIZE Batch size for token instance fetcher. Implemented in #6981. 1 v5.1.2+ v5.1.4
DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_FETCHER If true, token instance fetcher doesn't run false v5.0.0+ v5.1.4
ACCOUNT_AUTH0_LOGOUT_URL Auth0 logout URL Ueberauth Auth0 (empty) v5.0.0+ v5.1.4
ACCOUNT_AUTH0_LOGOUT_RETURN_URL Auth0 logout return URL Ueberauth Auth0 (empty) v5.0.0+ v5.1.4
ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATE_ENDPOINT_API_KEY api/account/v1/authenticate api key (#7068) (empty) v5.1.2+ v5.1.5+
DISABLE_READ_API If true, read-only endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time). false v2.0.3+ v5.1.5
DISABLE_WRITE_API If true, write endpoints to API are hidden (compile-time). false v2.0.3+ v5.1.5
CONTRACT_VERIFICATION_ALLOWED_EVM_VERSIONS the comma-separated list of allowed EVM versions for contract verification. This var was introduced in #1964 "homestead, tangerineWhistle, spuriousDragon, byzantium, constantinople, petersburg,istanbul" v2.0.0+ v5.2.0
EXCHANGE_RATES_SOURCE This environment variable is used to calculate the exchange rates. Available value is token_bridge. Available values are also coin_gecko and coin_market_cap. (empty) v4.1.4+ v5.2.3