Try to know & acquire the importance of clean architecture (hexagonal architecture) and the difference b/w layered architecture by implementing some actual codes.
- Three-layer architecture
very common architecture
Web → Domain → Persistence
- Web: receives requests and routes them to a service in the domain layer (or business layer)
- Domain: does some business magic and calls components from the persistence layer
- Persistence: stores data
This architecture is a solid architecture
→ domain logic can be independent of the web and persistence layers
(we can switch the web or persistence technologies w/o affecting the domain logic)
But, it has too many open flanks that allow bad habits to creep in
- It promotes Database-Driven Design
Foundation of a conventional layered architecture is the database
(Everything builds on top of the persistence layer)
With using ORM framework, architecture usually looks like this
This creates a strong coupling b/w the persistence layer and the domain layer
Persistence code is fused into the domain code
- It’s prone to shortcuts
- It grows hard to test
- It hides the use cases
- Services usually are too broad
- Actual definition: A component should have only one reason to change
- Responsibility → Reason to change
- Complex dependencies make a component hard to change
Clean Architecture
Business rules are
- testable by design
- independent of frameworks, databases, … (technologies)
⇒ Domain code must not have any outward facing dependencies
- All dependencies b/w those layers must point inward
- Domain entities must be accessed only by the surrounding use cases
Hexagonal Architecture
- It applies the same principles of Clean Architecture
- By defining Ports (Interfaces) in the hexagon (domain), it satisfies no outgoing dependencies
- Adapters are related to specific technologies, so located at outside of the hexagon
- Driver Adapters (which drives our application) use ports
- Driven Adapter (which are driven by out application) implement ports
⇒ Why its original name is “Ports and Adapters Architecture”
In greenfield projects, the most important thing is the package structure
Organizing by layer
It satisfies the direction of dependencies
There is no package boundary b/w features of the application
Can’t know what use cases the
implement(= Can’t know the purpose of those classes only by their name)
Organizing by feature
There are all the codes related to accounts into the high-level package
Now, there is boundaries b/w the features
(Package boundaries combined w/ package-private visibility enable us to avoid unwanted dependencies b/w features)
AccountService renamed to
to narrow its responsibility(Can know the purpose of
)→ Make the codes scream its intention at us (Screaming Architecture)
But, it is hard to identify which ones are ports and incoming or outgoing adapters
Architecturally expressive package structure
package → contains domain modelapplication
package → contains a service layer around the domain modelSendMoneyService
implements the incoming port interfaceSendMoneyUseCase
- uses
, which are implemented by the persistence adapter
package → contains in/out adapters
- What a use case actually does
- Take input
- Why there is no “Validate input” step?
- domain logic shouldn’t be polluted with input validation
- input model (
) contains Validation step - input models are located in the incoming port package
- Why there is no “Validate input” step?
- Validate business rules
- Manipulate model state
- Return output
- Take input
- Different input models for different use cases
- Might be tempted to use the same input model for different use cases
- Validation step must be difficult → will pollute sacred business codes
- Might be tempted to use the same input model for different use cases
- Different output models for different use cases
- return as little as possible
Dependency Inversion
- Web adapter → “driving” or “incoming” adapter
- takes requests from the outside and translates them into calls to application core
- Adapters can interact w/ application core only through ports (dependency inversion)
- Web adapter → “driving” or “incoming” adapter
Responsibilities of a Web Adapter
- Transform input model of the web adapter into the input model of the use cases
- Call a certain use case w/ the transformed input model
Create a separate controller, potentially in a separate package for each operation
- name the methods and classes as close to our use cases as possible
Dependency Inversion
- Persistence adapter is a “driven” or “outgoing” adapter
input model to the persistence adapter lies within the application core
Slicing Port Interfaces
- Broad port interface makes unnecessary dependencies
- need to adapt ISP (Interface Segregation Principle)
Slicing Persistence Adapters
- One persistence adapter per aggregate (domain) → good foundation
The Test Pyramid
- Need high coverage of fine-grained tests, which are cheap to build, easy to maintain, fast-running, and stable → Unit Test
- Unit Test
- is the base of the pyramid
- dependencies are replaced with mocks
- Integration Test
- instantiates a network of multiple units
- System Test
- spins up the whole network of objects that make up the application
Unit Tests of Domain entity in hexagonal architecture → easy (no dependency)
‘No Mapping’ Strategy
- All layers share the domain model
‘Two-Way’ Mapping Strategy
- Only inner layers know their own model
- Usually makes a lot of boilerplate code
- Incoming/Outgoing ports use domain objects as input parameters and return values
‘Full’ Mapping Strategy
- Uses a separate input/output model per operation
‘One-Way’ Mapping Strategy
- Models in all layers implement the same interface
- Domain model can implement a rich behavior