NOTICE: No more we write a changelog here, all changes are now noted automatically by "Generate Release Notes" tool by GitHub on Release.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- BillionNops protection.
- Information about BillionNops in docs.
- XML docs for RuntimeMonikerMonoAttribute.
- Annoying EndOfStreamException being thrown in AssemblyResolver when file doesn't exists or this is lib/file that at the end of the stream.
- Not being properly compiled docs.
- DotNetHook VirtualProtect will not work on linux #37
- Artifacts creation.
- Automatic release (CI).
- .netstandard2.1 Support.
- More information in
how to build BitMono.
- Removed unused and broken GUI version of BitMono from solution.
- Bumped to the stablest versions of NuGet Packages to don't break the compability with the target framework.
- .csproj style.
- .NET 6.0 Support.
- Add ForceObfuscation, ReferencesDirectoryName, OutputDirectoryName, and ClearCLI options in the obfuscation.json.
- More detailed info how to build the solution.
- .NET 6.0 Support.
- BitMono drag and drop exception #135.
- First line of the CLI shows working directory #137.
- .NET 5 exceptions #138.
- Exception on the BitMono run #132.
- The GitHub Issue Templates are removed now.
- New docs.
- (UnmanagedString) Add unicode support, fix strings with null characters #130, by GazziFX
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Bumped to the latest AsmResolver 5.4.0 version.
- Code refactoring and possible bug fixes.
- New logging info about loaded module (version, PE time date stamp, token, culture and target framework)
- PE Image build errors output
- Bumped to latest AsmResolver 5.3.0 version.
- New logging info with count of enabled/disabled protections.
- New logging info before execution of the protections.
- Bug that caused BitMono.CLI to be crashed.
- UnmanagedString Protection.
- CallToCalli Protection.
- RuntimeMonikerAttribute now allowed to be multiple.
- UnmanagedString Protection.
- More docs.
- DotNetHook Protection.
- Major improvements and changes in Engine APIs.
- Removed PreserveAll flag, now obfuscation should be more stable.
- More docs for developers and users.
- New parameter in
which allows to ignore methods starts with name, i.eCriticalMethodsStartsWith
- Major changes in Protections APIs.
- Assembly Resolve, which caused problems with PE build.
- Return obfuscation success & failure status from BitMono.CLI (0 - Success, 1 - Failure), by techei
- More docs and answers to the questions.
- Docs information about protections.
- Error that caused issues with .NET 7.0 obfuscation (file not found, etc)
- Test cases for costura decompressor.
- Costura decompressor.
- Costura-Fody support, now references are resolved automatically, #102.
- Support when path contains quotes (for example: "path..."), #104.
- Hiding of the paths (before paths with .exe may cause an ignore).
- Now output directory path message shows normally (before ***\folder_before_output, now ***\output).
- BitMono ASCII Art in CLI.
- Hiding of the path (file path, directory path, etc).
- Documentation.
- Error when use mono BitMono.CLI.exe #93
- Major changes in whole API of BitMono.
- Command line arguments #82.
- DotNetHook protection.
- Bumped to the latest version of AsmResolver.
- Errors when launching the BitMono.CLI.
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
- Reflection analysis such as in ConfuserEx #41.
- BitMono protection.
- Moved new protections from BitDotNet to BitMono protection and added support for PE32 and PE32+.
- Unit Tests.
- Benchmarks.
- Support of ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute.
- New properties in obfuscation.json config.
- Ignore members with specific attribute, eg, [SerializeField], it can be edited in criticals.json now.
- Obfuscation process.
- ObfuscationAttribute support.
- Moved from .NET Framework 461 to .NET Framework 462
- [SerializableAttribute] support.
- [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] support.
- New protection AntiDecompiler.
- As more as possible errors logging.
- Migrate dnlib to AsmResolver or Mono.Cecil #50.
- BitMethodDotnet Protection.
- StringsEncryption Protection.
- CallToCalli Protection.
- DotNetHook Protection.
- Load Runtime Module via file instead of typeof(SomeRuntime).Module #55.
- Rewrite Custom Attributes Resolve as less as a possible reflection #57.
- System.BadImageFormatException: Invalid DOS signature #45.
- Whole Protections execution process.
- Protections execution information.
- Obfuscation.
- Optimized file writing.
- Ignoring of targets with [ObfuscationAttribute] and [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)].
- Runtime injection and even became better.
- Before obfuscation optimizes all method bodies (macros)
- BitMethodDotnet Protection.
- StringsEncryption Protection.
- DotNetHook Protection.
- StringsEncryption Protection.
- CallToCalli Protection.
- Obfuscation doesn't saves assembly information such as assembly attributes #36.
- No more module reloading (Module now loads once and writes once).
- Protections are looks more cleaner than before, no code duplication.
- Now BitDotNet is not an protection but packer.
- Obfuscation process.
- Manipulations and saving of Module optimized, most of things store in memory then writes in file instead of every time writing in file and loading module.
Other versions were removed due to invalid usage of Semantic Versioning.