- Automatic restarting if stream stops
- Handle missing packets
- Switch off common reference (noise)
- Impedance checking GUI
- Unit conversion to µV
change samplerate
Training frequency selection widget
automatic log file naming (only specify username)
- Graphic autoscale/normalizing feature (based on marking a good range)
- Peak filter
- Find out of IIR filters work, and use correctly (maybe higher orders will work then?)
- Artifact Rejection
- Disallow assignment of undeclared traits
- Input trait for non-signal stuff, default value
- constructor arguments, automatable? (for using init())
- process call does not work for collections of Input()
- Simplify threshold into one mode, with 0 treshold deactivating sides
- set colors on filters
- Threshold.passfail should be standard output
*) Think thoroughly about semantics of Signal - Sample rate, nyquist - Problem field of 'shadow' signals, that have same content but different metadata - combine append/process
*) Reverse Control flow, start processing from output blocks Look at pyo, visitor pattern
- Enumerate all output Blocks
* Output blocks register at some instance (Context)
* Output blocks derive from a class OutputBlock
- Find out how much samples are to be processed
- Walk through the chain and process
- Cache results that are in path for other output blocks
*) Latency Measuring Test Case *) Threshold block with widget *) Module structure, naming *) Fix filter buffer size
- Move away from rtmidi2 to something more standard, maybe pypm
- investigate chaco to replace pyqtgraph
- take a look at pyface
Design Decisions:
OutputPort's are buffering stuff themselves, as requested by InputPort's on connection
Source Blocks (Channels) can be requested through the Context
- Sources are just a output port, no special class
- Context has the source ports
- Sources are identified through names, like 'Channel 1'
There is a device class, that controls the hardware driver, and can log data for replay/pause/seek functionality
Device and Context are bound together via signals
Recording class is named 'History'
- Limit Error message (and trace() feature)
- Make a simple threshold widget
- Buffer length request feature for Input() port
- Give blocks a name, so they can store their config in a separate file in Python object notation
Recording Features
- GUI Frame with notion of a "session", and record/playback functionality
- Start/Stop/Pause and maybe looping
- Freely usable WAV file record and playback blocks
- Buffer reset/refill feature
- Support for seeking
- Spectrogram widget
- Use WAV files everywhere
- Wavelet transforms for ECG analysis
- Scrolling Plot / Oscillosope
- Fire animation
- Light & Sound Box (Grow light)
- Source
- Wraps OpenBCI and WAV replay (Extra class/instance option for explicit replays)
- (Random Noise)
- Think of a way to register 'virtual' sources to Context
- Filter (configurable between IIR and FIR)
- BandPass, Lo/Hi-Pass, Notch
- Threshold
- (FFT)
- (Wavelet transform)
single buffer across filter chain (an idea from pyo, allow in-place processing)
Signal class:
- Controls buffer length
- Transports side channel data (for example Threshold)
- Can transport transforms (frequency domain)?
Save configs to .config file (with ConfigParser?)