Drop-in to your new app. Get started in no time, your framework should do more for you.
This is a WIP. In the near future, the primary template will be local first via Zero. The most usable and available template is the
npx @drop-in/new your-app-name
||pnpx @drop-in/new your-app-name
cd ./your-app-name
pnpm install
||npm install
- Set ENV credentials
- (optional).
npm run typegen
||pnpm typegen
must have all env credentials set to work
- Lofi -> Will eventually be the main template. Hidden until Zero is released.
- Base -> SvelteKit / Svelte 5 / PocketBase. CSR for app code, SSR for Site code
- Base CSS @drop-in/graffiti
- Basic typography system
- Grid System
- Elements @drop-in/decks
- Standards based simple toast system
- Aliases and structure
- Automatic Zero / Svelte integration
- Drizzle Schema for User Accounts
- Auth @drop-in/pass
- Email @drop-in/beeper
- Zero Server baked in
- Type generation via pocketbase-typegen
- Auth guard & App guard functions
- Packages dir & scaffolding cli for easy internal packages
$lib: 'src/lib';
$routes: 'src/routes';
$state: 'src/state';
$types: 'src/types';
$utils: 'src/utilities';
Usage: npm run make-package
Follow the wizard to create a new package. This will add a new package starter to the local packages folder /src/packages. This will also add "@org-name/your-package-name": "workspace:^", to your package.json file
Usage: npm run types
Generate types for pocketbase to be used throughout project. Requires all env vars to be correctly set.
The base template has two main route paths. SSR based with no auth or app code with auth. While you could have authenticated user data there are enough major differences in approach (ie not using server actions, cookie for auth token, .server.ts files, ect..) that having both in this codebase felt like it would make it too complex. Might make a 2nd template with full SSR.
It's pretty trivial to add those yourself and I wanted to keep this as bare as possible style wise. Many projects have their own CSS needs and I want to respect that. I'd like to add a cli with alternate builds of this with more baked in UI if anyone is interested in helping.
- Svelte Kit CLI code
- Meteor