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Every change in that gif is a separate hot module reload - seriously - build it yourself


  • reads svelte configuration from svelte.config.js
  • svelte preprocessor support
  • svelte dependency optimization in dev
  • svelte compiler result caching in dev
  • hot module reloading thanks to svelte-hmr
  • logging with configurable level
  • a cli with lots of options


npx svite create my-first-svite-project
cd my-first-svite-project
npm run dev # starts dev-server with hot-module-reloading
npm run build # builds to /dist



Install svite as a dev dependency

npm install -D svite

project setup

Vite requires an index.html file at project root that serves as entry point. In that index.html you need to reference the script that creates your svelte application.

see example


Svite has its own cli that wraps vite. It does not require a vite.config.js by default.

Simply set it up in scripts of package.json

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "svite",
    "build": "svite build"

Advanced usage

svite cli

most of vite cli options can also be passed to svite.



Create a new svite project from a template.

Usage: svite create [options] [targetDir]

create a new project. If you do not specify targetDir, "./svite-<template>" will be used

  -t, --template <string>         template for new project. ["minimal","routify-mdsvex","postcss-tailwind","svelte-preprocess-auto"] (default: "minimal")
  -ts, --typescript               enable typescript support for svelte !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! (default: false)
  -pm, --packageManager <string>  which package manager to use. ["npm","pnpm","yarn","yarn2"] (default: "npm")
  -f, --force                     force operation even if targetDir exists and is not empty (default: false)
  -c, --cache                     cache template for later use (default: false)
  -d, --debug                     more verbose logging (default: false)
  -si, --skip-install             skip install (default: false)
  -sg, --skip-git                 skip git init (default: false)
  -sc, --skip-commit              skip initial commit (default: false)
  -h, --help                      display help for command


Start a dev server with svite or svite dev

Usage: svite dev [options]

  -d,  --debug [boolean|string]                 enable debug output. you can use true for "vite:*,svite:*" or supply your own patterns. Separate patterns with , start with - to filter. eg: "foo:*,-foo:bar"  (default: false)
  -r,  --root <string>                          use specified directory as root
  -c,  --config <string>                        use specified vite config file
  -ts, --typescript [boolean]                   enable typescript preprocessing in svelte !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! (default: false)
  -m,  --mode <string>                          specify env mode eg. ["development","test","staging","production"] (default: "development")
  -p,  --port <port>                            port to use for serve (default: 3000)
  -o,  --open                                   open browser on start
  --useTransformCache [boolean]                 use transform cache for faster hmr (default: false)
  --hot [boolean]                               enable/disable hmr for svelte (default: true)
  --resolveSvelteField [boolean]                resolve via svelte field in package.json (default: true)
  --resolveSvelteExtensions [boolean]           resolve svelte extensions in modules !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! (default: false)
  --resolveAbsoluteImportsInsideRoot [boolean]  resolve absolute imports if they end up being inside rootDir (mostly used in generated code) (default: true)
  -h, --help                                    display help for command


Bundle for production with svite build

Usage: svite build [options]

  -d, --debug [boolean|string]               enable debug output. you can use true for "vite:*,svite:*" or supply your own patterns. Separate patterns with , start with - to filter. eg: "foo:*,-foo:bar"  (default: false)
  -r,  --root <string>                       use specified directory as root
  -c,  --config <string>                     use specified vite config file
  -ts, --typescript [boolean]                enable typescript preprocessing in svelte !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! (default: false)
  -m,  --mode <string>                       specify env mode eg. ["development","test","staging","production"] (default: "production")
  --base <string>                            public base path for build (default: "/")
  --outDir <string>                          output directory for build (default: "dist")
  --assetsDir <string>                       directory under outDir to place assets in (default: "_assets")
  --assetsInlineLimit <number>               static asset base64 inline threshold in bytes (default: 4096)
  --sourcemap [boolean]                      output source maps for build (default: false)
  --minify [boolean | "terser" | "esbuild"]  enable/disable minification, or specify minifier to use. (default: "terser")
  --stats [boolean|string]                   generate bundle stats with rollup-plugin-visualizer. true, "json": stats.json, ["html" "treemap","sunburst","network"]: stats.html
  --ssr [boolean]                            build for server-side rendering
  -h, --help                                 display help for command


Run vite optimizer. svite dev runs this automatically by default. Sometimes it can be helpful to run it manually to force updates to optimized dependencies.

Usage: svite optimize [options]

run vite optimizer

  -d, --debug [boolean|string]  enable debug output. you can use true for "vite:*,svite:*" or supply your own patterns. Separate patterns with , start with - to filter. eg: "foo:*,-foo:bar"  (default: false)
  -c, --config [string]         use specified vite config file
  -f, --force                   force optimize even if hash is equal

custom vite.config.js

you can pass additional options to svite via vite.config.js

const svite = require('svite');
const sviteConfig = {
  hot: true, // boolean or options object for svelte-hmr
  useTransformCache: false, // boolean
module.exports = {
  // if you provide a svite plugin here, svite cli will use it instead of initializing one for you
  plugins: [svite(sviteConfig)],
  // if you don't use svite cli, you should provide rollupDedupe option, otherwise you risk duplicate svelte instances and errors
  rollupDedupe: ['svelte/animate', 'svelte/easing', 'svelte/internal', 'svelte/motion', 'svelte/store', 'svelte/transition', 'svelte'],
option type default values


• true use default svelte-hmr config
• false disable svelte-hmr
• object custom svelte-hmr config
• true enable transform cache
• false disable transform cache
logLevel string 'info' • 'debug' • 'info' • 'warn' • 'error' • 'silent'. cli 'debug' flag automatically sets logLevel to 'debug'
typescript boolean false • true enable typescript preprocessing. !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! • false disable typescript preprocessing.
resolveSvelteField boolean true • true resolve via svelte field in package.json • false don't resolve via svelte field in package.json.
resolveSvelteExtensions boolean false • true resolve svelte extensions. !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!! • false don't resolve svelte extensions.
resolveAbsoluteImportsInsideRoot boolean true • true resolve absolute imports in root dir • false don't resolve absolute imports


Only change this option if you have to. See svelte-hmr for more Information


Improves performance for reloads.

When a reload request hits the dev server, vite runs transforms again. this option caches the result of the last transform and reuses it if the file was not modified. Uses more ram, less cpu and is a bit faster.


Set this to 'debug' if you want to see more output, use 'warn', 'error' or 'silent' for less. This only applies to svites own logging. Logging of vite remains unaffected. You can use --debug cli option to control vite debug output


use this option if you don't want to use svelte.config.js or need a quick override.



use this option if you want to use typescript inside svelte

This option requires you to set up tsconfig.json like this

  "extends": "@tsconfig/svelte/tsconfig.json",
  "include": ["src/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules/*", "public/*"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "esnext",
    "types": ["svelte", "vite/dist/importMeta"]

And typescript preprocessor in svelte.config.js

const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
module.exports = {
  preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
    typescript: true,
    // disable preprocessors not in use
    babel: false,
    coffeescript: false,
    globalStyle: false,
    less: false,
    postcss: false,
    pug: false,
    replace: false,
    sass: false,
    scss: false,
    stylus: false,

To use typescript in svelte files, add lang="ts" attribute to script tags

<script lang="ts">
    export let foo: string;


Svelte libraries use the svelte field as a way to allow import Component from "library" style imports. This option enables resolving these kinds of imports in vite. If a library has different exports in svelte and main field of package.json, this option will break importing via main field as svelte field takes precedence.



Some extensions like .js, .ts can be omitted by default on imports. With this option enabled, all extensions of your svelte config can be omitted too. So for src/components/Button.svelte you can use import Button from "/src/components/Button"

This option breaks if a dependency uses a .svelte file in package.json svelte field. e.g. svelte-spa-router.


With this option enabled, absolute imports into root directory are resolved correctly. This is mainly useful for generated code that creates absolute paths like this import Foo from "/home/user/dev/project/src/Foo.svelte" One example are mdsvex layout imports.

check out the examples

as barebones as it gets, just an essential App.svelte

postcss and tailwindcss

routify with support for mdsvex

svelte-preprocess in automatic mode. This is heavily based on the regular svelte-preprocess example

All of the above, but with typescript support


This is an early version, some things may not work as expected. Please report findings.

imports of commonjs modules don't work in svite dev

Support for commonjs modules in vite is limited. If you run into problems, try to add the dependency to vite optimizeDeps via vite.config.js

modules.exports = {
  optimizeDeps: {
    include: ['my-commonjs-dep'],

and always use deep imports import {something} from 'my-commonjs-dep/deep/import/path'

Got a question? / Need help?

Join svite discord
