This setup provides a very simple "demo setup" that uses the NEORV32 with a AvalonMM Interface wrapper. This makes if possible to connect you own modules using a simple version of the AvalonMM Master interface.
Note that the AvalonMM Master is a very simple version providing only basic features:
- Single read and write access
- Flow control (variable wait-states)
- 8/16/32 bit data access
- Aligned and unaligned access supported
The AvalonMM Master does not support:
- Burst access
- Pipeline transfer
- Pending reads
The design is based on the de0-nano-test-setup, but added a AvalonMM Master wrapper.
The wrapper file can be found here AvalonMM wrapper
As a test an "external" DMEM is conneced to the NEORV32 over the AvalonMM Master Interface.
It uses the simplified and simple example top entity that provides a minimalistic interface (clock, reset, UART and 8 LEDs).
- FPGA Board: 📚 Terasic DE0-Nano FPGA Board
- FPGA: Intel Cyclone-IV
- Toolchain: Intel Quartus Prime (tested with Quartus Prime 18.1.1 - Lite Edition)
For NEORV32 configuration the default values of the neorv32_top in version 1.6.0 are used with a few exceptions:
- Memory: 16kB instruction memory (internal IMEM), 8kB data memory (external DMEM), No bootloader
- Tested with version
- Clock: 50MHz from on-board oscillator
- Reset: via on-board button "KEY0"
- GPIO output port
(8-bit) connected to the 8 green user LEDs ("LED7" - "LED0") - UART0 signals
are connected to the 40-pin GPIO_0 headeruart0_txd_o:
output, connected to FPGA pinC3
- header pinGPIO_01
(pin number "4")uart0_rxd_i:
input, connected to FPGA pinA3
- header pinGPIO_03
(pin number "6")
Total logic elements 3,439 / 22,320 ( 15 % )
Total registers 1674
Total pins 12 / 154 ( 8 % )
Total virtual pins 0
Total memory bits 197,632 / 608,256 ( 32 % )
Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements 0 / 132 ( 0 % )
Total PLLs 0 / 4 ( 0 % )
Open the Quartus project file, compile and upload to FPGA.