Disk forensics
Have a Holly, Jolly Byte!
The drama unfolds as the Best Festival Company and AntarctiCrafts merger wraps up! Tracy McGreedy, now a grumpy regional manager, secretly plans sabotage. His sidekick, Van Sprinkles, hesitantly kicks off a cyber attack – but guess what? Van Sprinkles is having second thoughts and helps McSkidy's team bust McGreedy's evil scheme!
- Analyse digital artefacts and evidence.
- Recover deleted digital artefacts and evidence.
- Verify the integrity of a drive/image used as evidence.
Task completed using the split-view online.
I'm tasked with investigating a malicius USB flash drive that was plugged into Van Jollys
laptop using FTK Imager
, this seems like a fun one.
The USB drive is called Ckr3Ts4uC3
- SecretSauce?
The task was completed using the FTK Imager
What is the malware C2 server?
I found this by clicking around the Evidence Tree
and finding secretchat.txt
. This is a conversation between Gr33dYsH4d0W
and V4nd4LmUffL3r5
What is the file inside the deleted zip archive?
Files marked with an X are deleted, they can still be investigated.
What flag is hidden in one of the deleted PNG files?
I can search for strings in one of the two .png
files found on the drive. I did this in hex mode by converting THM
to hex and searching for the hex codes.
What is the SHA1 hash of the physical drive and forensic image?
Run Drive/Image verification to get the hash.