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File metadata and controls

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User Documentation

##Basic Use The Program is built to optimally find solutions to timetables in a higher learning institution such as university.

It takes use of

> - Genetic Algorithm
> - Constraint Satisfaction Algorithim

Interacting with the program is through - Command line interface within - A front end Model currently still in development

The project has three modes

1. Data Generation Mode
2. Timetable Generator mode
3. Testing mode

Data Generation Mode (introduced in v0.0.7)

This is used to generate mockup data for the purpose of testing the working of the program. We are able to test if the program works with a predefined set of data that we can customise based on what we are testing. Basically checking for logical errors.

Timetable Generator Mode

This is the functional part of the entire project. It implements processes and procedures towards producing an optimal timetable based on the inputs given.

Testing mode(introduced in v0.08b)

This mode is used to test if the code works as expected, checking for syntax errors.

Command line Interface

The cli uses flags to set and input commands, at the current version alot of json attributes are in use, with use of arrays, dictionaries and lists to represent data, except in notable special cases and future versions

All the modes have inbuilt flags and dont intefere withe each other but can be optionally used for similar operations.

Long Version Short Version Use Accompanied by
--output_type -tp Used to specify the type of formart the output file should be in. check** for supported output types filename
--output_file -o Specifying where the result will be written filename
--data_generator -dg For enetering data generator mode. this accompanied with other flags None
--input_file -i Specifying the input file for specifying data generation or for data inputs filename
defaults Load in default values None
--configuration -c Specify configuration file Ussually a json file, if not defined then a prompt to create one on the command line will be initiated filename
--write_config -wc This will initite a prompt to manually write the configuration data None
--algorithm -a This defines what algorithm to use from the ones available Either of
--iterations -t Defines the number of run times or iterations any number
--limit -l The limit which the program cannot exceed, bydefault it is 0 which means no limit any number
--saturation -s Continue until saturation is reached

*None - Specifically Reffers to nothing following after a flag

Data Generation

Generating Mock data is crucial to making sure the entire program works. we are able to generat edata in the following ways

1. Text file with instructions
2. Simple Command with prompt menu
3. Pre-saved confiugartaion
4. Manually typed in configuration

Text Files with Instructions

Generating mock data using instructions from a txt file is perhaps the easiest way to generate data fast.

The text file should contain very important fields in a very specifc formart.

instructors: 4
rooms: 7
programmes: 10

Order does not really matter in this case but the colon right after the key and the sinlge spacing right before the value are important for the program to understand ypur request.

The follwoing would be the command

>> python --data_generator --input file.txt


>> python -dg -i file.txt

Simple command with prompt menu

this brings up a prompt menu where you choose the specific data you want. its great for single data entry The prompt menu has the following

Genarate mock data
Enter name of output file: testing.json
1. Instructors
2. Programmes, Units and Groups
3. Rooms
4. All Input Data
Pick one of the above:

first, will be entering the output file name then pick one of the following to generate random data types

The prompts have been made user friedly asking questions and providing data based on input

The following command is used

>> python -dg


>> python --data_generator

Presaved Configuration

This assumes that you have the configuration data somewhere else and it will be imported and used in the above commands, the only thing to do is add a -wc or --write_config flag and then filepath to the configuration data file. it can be used like so

>> python -dg -c path/to/file


>> python -data_generator -configuration path/to/file

Manually Written Configuration

this initiates a prompt to input configuration with a series of questions.

>> python -dg -wc


>> python -data_generator -write_config