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A graph is defined as a set of nodes and a set of edges, where each edge is a pair of nodes.

The class to represent a graph is mutable, which isn't in keeping with pure functional programming, but a pure functional data structure would make things much, much more complicated. (Pure functional graphs with cycles require laziness; I think Scala can handle it, but I think that would add too much of a barrier to the following questions.)

Our Graphs use an incidence list internally. Each has a list of nodes and a list of edges. Each node also has a list of edges that connect it to other nodes. In a directed graph, nodes that are the target of arcs do not have references to those arcs in their adjacency list.

abstract class GraphBase[T, U] {
  case class Edge(n1: Node, n2: Node, value: U) {
    def toTuple = (n1.value, n2.value, value)
  case class Node(value: T) {
    var adj: List[Edge] = Nil
    def neighbors: List[Node] =, this).get)

  var nodes: Map[T, Node] = Map()
  var edges: List[Edge] = Nil

  // If the edge E connects N to another node, returns the other node,
  // otherwise returns None.
  def edgeTarget(e: Edge, n: Node): Option[Node]

  override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case g: GraphBase[T,U] => (nodes.keys.toList -- g.nodes.keys.toList == Nil &&
                  -- == Nil)
    case _ => false

  def addNode(value: T) = {
    val n = new Node(value)
    nodes = Map(value -> n) ++ nodes

class Graph[T, U] extends GraphBase[T, U] {
  override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case g: Graph[T,U] => super.equals(g)
    case _ => false

  def edgeTarget(e: Edge, n: Node): Option[Node] =
    if (e.n1 == n) Some(e.n2)
    else if (e.n2 == n) Some(e.n1)
    else None

  def addEdge(n1: T, n2: T, value: U) = {
    val e = new Edge(nodes(n1), nodes(n2), value)
    edges = e :: edges
    nodes(n1).adj = e :: nodes(n1).adj
    nodes(n2).adj = e :: nodes(n2).adj

class Digraph[T, U] extends GraphBase[T, U] {
  override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case g: Digraph[T,U] => super.equals(g)
    case _ => false

  def edgeTarget(e: Edge, n: Node): Option[Node] =
    if (e.n1 == n) Some(e.n2)
    else None

  def addArc(source: T, dest: T, value: U) = {
    val e = new Edge(nodes(source), nodes(dest), value)
    edges = e :: edges
    nodes(source).adj = e :: nodes(source).adj

The full initial Graph code, which also includes objects for creating graphs, is in graph1.scala.

There are a few ways to create a graph from primitives. The graph-term form lists the nodes and edges separately:

Graph.term(List('b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'k'),
           List(('b', 'c'), ('b', 'f'), ('c', 'f'), ('f', 'k'), ('g', 'h')))

The adjacency-list form associates each node with its adjacent nodes. In an undirected graph, care must be taken to ensure that all links are symmetric--if b is adjacent to c, c must also be adjacent to b.

Graph.adjacent(List(('b', List('c', 'f')), ('c', List('b', 'f')), ('d', Nil),
                    ('f', List('b', 'c', 'k')), ('g', List('h')), ('h', List('g')),
                    ('k', List('f'))))

The representations we introduced so far are bound to our implementation and therefore well suited for automated processing, but their syntax is not very user-friendly. Typing the terms by hand is cumbersome and error-prone. We can define a more compact and "human-friendly" notation as follows: A graph is represented by a string of terms of the type X or Y-Z separated by commas. The standalone terms stand for isolated nodes, the Y-Z terms describe edges. If an X appears as an endpoint of an edge, it is automatically defined as a node. Our example could be written as:

[b-c, f-c, g-h, d, f-b, k-f, h-g]

We call this the human-friendly form. As the example shows, the list does not have to be sorted and may even contain the same edge multiple times. Notice the isolated node d.

When the edges of a graph are directed, we call them arcs. These are represented by ordered pairs. Such a graph is called directed graph. To represent a directed graph, the forms discussed above are slightly modified. The example graph opposite is represented as follows:

graph-term form:

Digraph.term(List('r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v'),
             List(('s', 'r'), ('s', 'u'), ('u', 'r'), ('u', 's'), ('v', 'u')))

adjacency-list form:

Digraph.adjacent(List(('r', Nil), ('s', List('r', 'u')), ('t', Nil),
                      ('u', List('r', 's')), ('v', List('u'))))

(Note that the adjacency-list form is the same for graphs and digraphs.)

human-friendly form:

[s>r, t, u>r, s>u, u>s, v>u]

Finally, graphs and digraphs may have additional information attached to nodes and edges (arcs). For the nodes, this is no problem, as we can put any type into them. On the other hand, for edges we have to extend our notation. Graphs with additional information attached to edges are called labeled graphs.

graph-term form:

Digraph.termLabel(List('k', 'm', 'p', 'q'),
                  List(('m', 'q', 7), ('p', 'm', 5), ('p', 'q', 9)))

adjacency-list form:

  List(('k', Nil), ('m', List(('q', 7))), ('p', List(('m', 5), ('q', 9))),
       ('q', Nil)))

human-friendly form:

[p>q/9, m>q/7, k, p>m/5]

The notation for labeled graphs can also be used for so-called multi-graphs, where more than one edge (or arc) is allowed between two given nodes.

P80 (***) Conversions.

Write methods to generate the graph-term and adjacency-list forms from a Graph. Write another method to output the human-friendly form for a graph. Make it the toString method for Graph. Write more functions to create graphs from strings. Hint: You might need separate functions for labeled and unlabeled graphs.

scala> Graph.fromString("[b-c, f-c, g-h, d, f-b, k-f, h-g]").toTermForm
res0: (List[String], List[(String, String, Unit)]) = (List(d, k, h, c, f, g, b),List((h,g,()), (k,f,()), (f,b,()), (g,h,()), (f,c,()), (b,c,())))

scala> Digraph.fromStringLabel("[p>q/9, m>q/7, k, p>m/5]").toAdjacentForm
res1: List[(String, List[(String, Int)])] = List((m,List((q,7))), (p,List((m,5), (q,9))), (k,List()), (q,List()))

P81 (**) Path from one node to another one.

Write a method named findPaths to find acyclic paths from one node to another in a graph. The method should return all paths.

scala> Digraph.fromStringLabel("[p>q/9, m>q/7, k, p>m/5]").findPaths("p", "q")
res0: List[List[String]] = List(List(p, q), List(p, m, q))

scala> Digraph.fromStringLabel("[p>q/9, m>q/7, k, p>m/5]").findPaths("p", "k")
res1: List[List[String]] = List()

P82 (*) Cycle from a given node.

Write a method named findCycles to find closed paths (cycles) starting at a given node in a graph. The method should return all cycles.

scala> Graph.fromString("[b-c, f-c, g-h, d, f-b, k-f, h-g]").findCycles("f")
res0: List[List[String]] = List(List(f, c, b, f), List(f, b, c, f))

P83 (**) Construct all spanning trees.

Write a method spanningTrees to construct all spanning trees of a given graph. With this method, find out how many spanning trees there are for the graph depicted to the right. The data of this example graph can be found below. When you have a correct solution for the spanningTrees method, use it to define two other useful methods: isTree and isConnected. Both are five-minute tasks!


Graph.term(List('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'),
           List(('a', 'b'), ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'e'),
                ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'e'), ('d', 'f'), ('d', 'g'),
                ('e', 'h'), ('f', 'g'), ('g', 'h')))

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, a-c]").spanningTrees
res0: List[Graph[String,Unit]] = List([a-b, b-c], [a-c, b-c], [a-b, a-c])

P84 (**) Construct the minimal spanning tree.

Write a method minimalSpanningTree to construct the minimal spanning tree of a given labeled graph. Hint: Use Prim's Algorithm. A small modification of the solution of P83 does the trick. The data of the example graph to the right can be found below. Graph:

  List('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'),
       List(('a', 'b', 5), ('a', 'd', 3), ('b', 'c', 2), ('b', 'e', 4),
            ('c', 'e', 6), ('d', 'e', 7), ('d', 'f', 4), ('d', 'g', 3),
            ('e', 'h', 5), ('f', 'g', 4), ('g', 'h', 1)))

scala> Graph.fromStringLabel("[a-b/1, b-c/2, a-c/3]").minimalSpanningTree
res0: Graph[String,Int] = [a-b/1, b-c/2]

P85 (**) Graph isomorphism.

Two graphs G1(N1,E1) and G2(N2,E2) are isomorphic if there is a bijection f: N1 → N2 such that for any nodes X,Y of N1, X and Y are adjacent if and only if f(X) and f(Y) are adjacent.

Write a method that determines whether two graphs are isomorphic.

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b]").isIsomorphicTo(Graph.fromString("[5-7]"))
res0: Boolean = true

P86 (**) Node degree and graph coloration.

  1. Write a method that determines the degree of a given node.

    scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, a-c, a-d]").nodes("a").degree
    res0: Int = 3
  2. Write a method that lists all nodes of a graph sorted according to decreasing degree.

    scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, a-c, a-d]").nodesByDegree
    res1: List[Graph[String,Unit]#Node] = List(Node(a), Node(c), Node(b), Node(d))
  3. Use Welsh-Powell's algorithm to paint the nodes of a graph in such a way that adjacent nodes have different colors. Make a method colorNodes that returns a list of tuples, each of which contains a node and an integer representing its color.

    scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, a-c, a-d]").colorNodes
    res2: List[(Graph[String,Unit]#Node,Int)] = List((Node(a),1), (Node(b),2), (Node(c), 3), (Node(d), 2))

P87 (**) Depth-first order graph traversal.

Write a method that generates a depth-first order graph traversal sequence. The starting point should be specified, and the output should be a list of nodes that are reachable from this starting point (in depth-first order).

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, e, a-c, a-d]").nodesByDepthFrom("d")
res0: List[String] = List(c, b, a, d)

P88 (**) Connected components.

Write a function that splits a graph into its connected components.

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, c]").splitGraph
res0: List[Graph[String,Unit]] = List([a-b], [c])

P89 (**) Bipartite graphs.

Write a function that determines whether a given graph is bipartite.

scala> Digraph.fromString("[a>b, c>a, d>b]").isBipartite
res0: Boolean = true

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, c-a]").isBipartite
res1: Boolean = false

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, d]").isBipartite
res2: Boolean = true

scala> Graph.fromString("[a-b, b-c, d, e-f, f-g, g-e, h]").isBipartite
res3: Boolean = false

The complete source file for this section is graph.scala.