Singleton Pattern
The Singleton Pattern is a convention for ensuring one and only one object is instantiated for a given class. It also gives us a global point of access.
public class Singleton {
// a static variable to hold our one instance of the class Singleton
private static Singleton uniqueInstance;
// other instance variables here
// our constructor is declared private; only Singleton can instantiate this class
private Singleton() {}
public static Singleton getInstance() {
// this method gives us a way to instantiate the class and also to return an instance of it
if(uniqueInstance == null) {
uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
return uniqueInstance;
// other useful methods here
public class ChocolateBoiler {
private boolean empty;
private boolean boiled;
public ChocolateBoiler() {
// this code is only started when the boiler is empty
empty = true;
boiled = false;
public void fill() {
if(isEmpty()) {
// to fill the boiler it must be empty, and, once it's full, we set the empty and boiled flags
empty = false;
boiled = false;
// fill the boiler with a milk / chocolate mixture
public void drain() {
// to drain the boiler, it must be full (non empty) and also boiled. Once it is drained we set empty back to true
if(!isEmpty() && isBoiled()) {
// drain the boiled milk and chocolate
empty = true;
public void boil() {
// to boil the mixture, the boiler has to be full and not already boiled. Once it's boiled we set the boiled flag to true
if (!isEmpty() && !isBoiled()) {
// bring the contents to a boil
boiled = true;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return empty;
public boolean isBoiled() {
return boiled;
public class ChocolateBoiler {
private boolean empty;
private boolean boiled;
private static ChocolateBoiler uniqueInstance;
private ChocolateBoiler() {
// this code is only started when the boiler is empty
empty = true;
boiled = false;
public static ChocolateBoiler getInstance() {
if(uniqueInstance == null) {
uniqueInstance = new ChocolateBoiler();
return uniqueInstance;
public void fill() {
if(isEmpty()) {
// to fill the boiler it must be empty, and, once it's full, we set the empty and boiled flags
empty = false;
boiled = false;
// fill the boiler with a milk / chocolate mixture
// rest of ChocolateBoiler code...
The uniqueInstance class variable holds our one and only instance of Singleton.
The getInstance() method is static, which means it's a class method, so you can conveniently access this method from anywhere in your code using Singleton.getInstance(). That's just as easy as accessing a global variable, but we get benefits like lazy instantiation from the Singleton.
A class implementing the Singleton Pattern is more than a Singleton; it is a general purpose class with its own set of data and methods.
In the Classic Singleton code of Chocolate Factory the fill() method was able to start filling the boiler even though a batch of milk and chocolate was already boiling.
This problem is related to use of multiple threads. A solution for this problem is the synchronized keyword:
public class Singleton {
private static Sigleton uniqueInstance;
// other instance variables here
private Singleton() {}
// with the synchronized keyword we force every thread to wait its turn before it can enter the method.
public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {
if (uniqueInstance == null) {
uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
return uniqueInstance;
// other useful methods here
But synchronization is expensive: is this an issue? The only time synchronization is relevant is the first time trough this method. After the first time through, synchronization is totally unneeded overhead.
- do nothing if the performance of getInstance() isn't critical to your application
- move to an eagerly created instance rather than a lazily created one
public class Singleton {
// this code is guaranteed to be thread safe
private static Singleton uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
private Singleton() {}
public static Singleton getInstance() {
// we've already got an instance, so just return it
return uniqueInstance();
We rely on the JVM to create the unique instance of the Singleton when the class is loaded.
- use "double-checked locking" to reduce the use of synchronization in getInstance()
public class Singleton {
// the volatile keyword ensures that multiple threads handle the uniqueInstance variable correctly when it is being initialized to the Singleton instance
private volatile static Singleton uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
private Singleton() {}
public static Singleton getInstance() {
// check for an instance and if there isn't one, enter a synchronized block
if (uniqueInstance == null) {
// we only synchronize the first time through
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
// check again and if still null, create an instance
if (uniqueInstance == null) {
uniqueInstance = new Singleton();
return uniqueInstance;
This solution doesn't work in Java 1.4 or earlier.