Common tools used within our organization.
Originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (
Common namespace used by all our python modules
- fancylogger: an extention of the default python logger designed to be easy to use and have a
couple of
features. - custom specifiers for mpi loggin (the mpirank) with autodetection of mpi
- custom specifier for always showing the calling function's name
- rotating file handler
- a default formatter.
- logging to an UDP server ( f.ex.)
- easily setting loglevel
Examples of the schema's used can be provided, although we do not include them ny default.
- Construction of LDAP filters that can be combined in intuitive ways using well-known operators, such as and, or, and not.
- A group in LDAP, based on the posixGroup object class -- extended with several fields. Has one or more members and at least one moderator.
- Projects that are run on the HPC infrastructure. These are autogroups, meaning their member list is built automagically.
- A user in LDAP.
- Low-level LDAP utilities, such as making (and maintaining) a bind the the LDAP server. Higher level utilities for querying LDAP and the base class for entitites in LDAP.
- A virtual organisation is a special kind of group.
Collection of utilities:
- : Daemon class written by Sander Marechal ( to start a python script as a daemon.
- Small functions and tools that are commonly used but not available in the Python (2.x) API.
- : File cache to store pickled data identified by a key accompanied by a timestamp,
A collection of python scripts :
- A daemon that listens on a port for udp packets and logs them to file, works toghether with fancylogger.
- : Script that will start the logdaemon for you and set environment variables for fancylogger.
VSC-tools is made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.
VSC-tools was created with support of Ghent University, the Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC), the Hercules foundation and the Department of Economy, and the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI).