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Martina Morris edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 15 revisions

About statnetWeb

statnetWeb is the first graphical user interface for the statnet suite of R packages!

Using the Shiny framework from RStudio, we have built an application that runs in a web browser and gives the user access to powerful network visualization, analysis and modeling from the ergm, network and sna packages, without requiring software installation or knowledge of programming in R. The workflow is represented by a series of tabs along the top of the screen. Much of the functionality from the packages is available via drop-down menus, and there are context-specific help buttons.

This GUI-based access to statnet is useful for teachers and students of introductory network analysis, for newcomers to exponential random graphs models, and for experienced network modelers who want quick, easy access to plots, tables and analysis results.

With statnetWeb you can:

  • Load and edit network data from R, Excel or Pajek
  • Look at plots and summaries of descriptive statistics
  • Compare the observed network with null models
  • Fit ERGMs to the observed network
  • Compare results from different models
  • Diagnose the model convergence
  • Assess goodness-of-fit
  • Simulate networks from the fitted models
  • Customize and download plots and summaries for later use

Accessing statnetWeb

There are two ways to interact with the application.

  1. On the server. This requires no local software installation, the app runs entirely in a browser window.

    • The statnetWeb application from shinyapps runs in your browser, so closing the browser window ends your session. You cannot restart from where you left off. But you can download plots and summaries you want to keep before exiting.

    • ''Note,'' your session will time-out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

  2. Locally from the R command line. This requires local installation of R, statnetWeb and the packages it depends on. You can cut and paste the following code to install and launch the app:

install.packages("statnetWeb") # automatically installs the dependencies

Here, too the application runs in a browser window when you launch, and closing the browser window ends the application (you will be returned to your R console). There is no time limit, but once you close the browser window you can not return to your work. If you want to preserve your output, you will need to save the plots and summaries before closing the window.

Online tutorials

We maintain a set of online tutorials from our workshops for all of the statnet packages, including statnetWeb, on our website

Keep in touch!

statnetWeb is under active development, so stay tuned for updates and let us know if you encounter issues.


If you have questions about how to use statnetWeb or interpret output, please share them with us via the statnet_help mailing list

Bug reports and feature requests

Please report bugs, suggestions or complaints about statnetWeb on our statnetWeb GitHub repository

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