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150 lines (103 loc) · 4.49 KB

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150 lines (103 loc) · 4.49 KB

VIM 6.x.x

  • fix infinite loop in matchImpute in case all observations of a variable are missing
  • remove parameter metric from kNN because it was not used
  • add function xgboostImpute for using a simple xgboostModel to impute

VIM 6.2.3

  • default robust regression method for irmi for numeric variables changes from rlm to lmrob.

VIM 6.1.1

  • ordFun as parameter of kNN to control the function applied to ordinal variables
  • methodStand option in gowerD and kNN to switch between range and interquartile range for the standardization of numerical variables
  • donorcond in kNN and hotdeck extended so it also accepts NULL as list element and multiple conditions as character vector

VIM 6.0.2

  • error message in hotdeck() when ord_var and variable overlap
  • family argument of class 'family' now work in regressionImp

VIM 6.0.1

  • add new vignettes explaining all remaining imputation methods (irmi(), kNN(), hotdeck() and regressionImp()). Thanks @wolfgangrannetbauer (#44, #45)
  • Allow missing and imputed values in several visualization functions.
  • Add tableMiss(): A table that highlights missing and imputed values via colors (#47).
  • Bug fix for kNN (#48) Thanks @torockel

VIM 6.0.0

  • extend documentation with new vignettes and pkgdown
  • add rangerImpute() to impute values with ranger::ranger() (#35)
  • remove support for survey objects (#36)
  • remove exports for VIMGUI (#40)
  • change data.table dependency from depends to imports (#41)
  • bugfixes for irmi() with logical and integer columns (#42)

VIM 5.1.1

  • updates for gowerD()
  • separate help pages for maxCat() and sampleCat()
  • remove links to certain packages

VIM 5.0.0

New datasets

  • bcancer
  • brittleness
  • colic
  • diabetes
  • food
  • pulplignin
  • toydataMiss
  • wine

VIM 4.9.1

  • data set collision added

VIM 4.8.0

  • fixed a bug in the distance computation when different variable types are used

VIM 4.7.18

  • added imp_var and imp_suffix to irmi(), so it is more consistent with the other functions (#27)

VIM 4.7.17

  • added parameter addRF, only RF to kNN(), to use random forest in combination with kNN()

VIM 4.7.12

  • testthat package used for all tests
  • added travis automatically building/checking
  • covr for code coverage (vis functions are currently not covered by any tests)

VIM 4.7.1

  • new imputation function matchImpute() for imputing randomly within groups

VIM 4.7.0

  • remove handling of impNA in hotdeck()
  • add regression tests
  • bugfix for irmi() with factors (#13). Thanks @Deleetdk
  • bugfix with colorspace package (#4)

VIM 4.6.1

  • use ordered logistic regression for ordinal variables in irmi() (#23)
  • add support for ordered factors (#7)
  • bugfixes (#8, #9)

VIM 4.6.0

  • bugfixes for kNN() and data.table
  • bugfix for labelled vars in hotdeck()
  • add JSS citation
  • bugfix, if a data.frame is passed to irmi() (#6)

VIM 4.5.0

  • new option for kNN(): weightDist to use the distances for the k nearest neighbours as weights
  • The R function which.minN() is not used anymore, instead there is a C++ function, kNN() is now about 1.6 times faster on a replication (100x) of the sleep dataset
  • Bytecompile is enabled

VIM 4.4.0

  • bugfix wrong observations marked as imputed in hotdeck()
  • random sorting is now used in hotdeck() if no ord_var is defined

VIM 4.3.0

  • bugfix for hotdeck() with makeNA

VIM 4.2.3

  • bugfix for the computation of distances for ordered variables

VIM 4.2.1

  • new option for kNN() useImputedDist if the imputed values of a variable should be used in subsequent imputation of another variable.

VIM 4.2.0

  • bug fixed in irmi() with newer version of nnet (multinom) and if residual scale can not be computed (noise)
  • Improvement Gower dist with only missing values in data.x or data.y

VIM 4.1.0

  • new parameter modelFormula in irmi()
  • bug fixes in irmi()
  • updated hotdeck() based on data.table -> faster and quite stable
  • bug fix if range of a variable is 0 in gower.dist
  • small fixed kNN()

VIM 4.0.1

  • small bugfix for using makeNA in kNN()
  • "Nothing to impute"-Error is now a warning
  • imp_var now updates existing TF imp_vars (with warning)

VIM 4.0.0

  • new pacakge VIMGUI contains all GUI functions
  • vignettes moved to VIMGUI
  • new imputation function regressionImp()
  • roxygen style comments -> help files