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Material Design
Material Design is a unified system of theory and tools for creating digital experiences developed by Google.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Data visualization
Data visualization is the graphic representation of data and trends.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
A database is a structured set of data held in a computer, usually a server.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Data structures
Data structures are a way of organizing and storing data.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used most often to style and improve upon the appearance of views.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Code quality
Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑coverage checks when you need them.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Command-line interface
A CLI, or command-line interface, is a console that helps users issue commands to a program.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Chrome extension
Chrome extensions enable users to customize the Chrome browsing experience.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Chrome is a web browser from the tech company Google.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
A bot is an application that runs automated tasks over the Internet.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency developed by Satoshi Nakamoto.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript, today.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Bash is a shell and command language interpreter for the GNU operating system.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services provides on-demand cloud computing platforms on a subscription basis.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of protocols and subroutines for building software.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Android is an operating system built by Google designed for mobile devices.
StarredJun 18, 2023 -
Code review
Ensure your code meets quality standards and ship with confidence.
StarredJun 16, 2023