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Rules, Marking and Logistics

  1. Structure- Mathemania 2020 consists of 4 levels-
Levels Number of question in the level Number of questions needed to qualify the level
Level 1- Tintin Buys the Unicorn 5 4
Level 2- Barnaby’s Asssassination 5 3
Level 3- The Secret of the Unicorn 5 3
Level 4- Journey to the Treasure 4 2 (Since there is no Level 5, this is the number of questions needed to earn the treasure)
  1. Marking Scheme- For each question correctly solved, the points awarded would depend on the time at which the question’s answer is submitted and the level to which the question belongs. The following marking scheme will be followed- (all points are per question)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Treasure
1400-1500 (hour 1)






1500-1600 (hour 2)






1600-1700 (hour 3)






1700-1800 (hour 4)






1800-1900 (hour 5)






1900-2000 (hour 6)






  1. Wild Card Questions- In addition to the level-specific questions, there will be 3 wild card questions.
    1. The team may choose to submit answers to any wild card question at any point in the game, before Level 4.
    2. A correct submission for the wild card questions would contribute towards meeting the minimum threshold of questions required to qualify the current level (the level at which the team is at time of submission).
    3. No points will be awarded for solving any wild card question.
    4. A wildcard submission will only be considered for the current level and cannot be used retrospectively. Say for example, a team submits a wild card question’s answer when they were at level 2, then reach Level 3, do another question in Level 2 and then ask us to consider the wildcard submitted earlier for Level 3. Any such retrospective use of wildcard submissions would not be allowed.
    5. The wildcard questions are common for all levels. Your team may plan whether you want to or don’t want to use the wild card questions and if you want to, then in which level (except Level 4) would you want to use it. However, the teams are expected to make a wildcard submission only when they want to use it for the current level (in concurrence with point 3(iv)).
    6. Each wild card question can be used exactly once. And all three wildcard questions may be used at different or the same level.
    7. Wild card questions cannot be used at Level 4.
  2. Submissions- All submissions must be made on the submission link (which will be updated at 2pm) on the Mathemania website
    1. We will evaluate submissions for the questions of the levels below or at your current level (the level your team is on) and unused wildcard questions. We will not evaluate submissions for questions of level above your current level. Neither will we evaluate submissions for any question twice.
    2. The preceding point also means that you may go back and solve any unsolved questions in the levels below your current level. Since the team with the most point wins (which may or may not be the team at the highest level), it is left to your team to figure out the optimum strategy.
    3. In the submission form, you need to submit an answer (as per the submission guidelines in each question) and a brief explanation/solution.
    4. In the solution field, you need to write briefly the formula, concept, theorem, law or trick that you used to reach the answer.
    5. The status and feedback(approved, rejected, etc.) on each submission will be updated live in the Submissions sheet available on the Leaderboard link on the website.
    6. Due to the large number of participants, it might take at most 10 minutes to evaluate your submission. Hence, please wait patiently and meanwhile, solve any other question.
    7. In case, your submission leads to qualification of level, you will receive a link to the new level on your email, immediately after the evaluation. Hence, kindly keep your inbox open during the contest.
  3. Logistics- The link for questions of level 1, wild card questions, leaderboard and submission page will be put up on the website on 23rd August 1400 hours sharp. All submissions before 2000 hours will be accepted for grading. The link for other levels will be sent to your email as you qualify.