Rust implementation of the data structures that make up the STAC API specification. This is not a server implementation. For a STAC API server written in Rust, check out our stac-server.
To use the library in your project:
stac-api = "0.7"
stac-api has one optional feature.
enables Search::match
stac-api = { version = "0.7", features = ["geo"] }
use stac_api::{Root, Conformance, CORE_URI};
use stac::Catalog;
// Build the root (landing page) endpoint.
let root = Root {
catalog: Catalog::new("an-id", "a description"),
conformance: Conformance {
conforms_to: vec![CORE_URI.to_string()],
Please see the documentation for more usage examples.
This crate is part of the stac-rs monorepo, see its README for contributing and license information.