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This repository implements algorithms for minimum-entropy coupling, which is the problem of computing a joint distribution with minimum entropy for given marginals.

Minimum-entropy coupling is equivalent to maximum-mutual-information coupling for the two marginal case.

Basic Information

The algorithms implemented by this repository come in two classes:

  1. Provable approximation algorithms: For coupling distributions with small supports.
  2. Heuristic iterative algorithms: For coupling distributions with large supports.

The package implements three main algorithms:

  1. greedy_mec: Approximation algorithm for coupling N marginals.
  2. FIMEC: Iterative algorithm for coupling one factored marginal and one autoregressive marginal.
  3. ARIMEC: Iterative algorithm for coupling two autoregressive marginals.


To install the package, run:

pip install .

If you would like to run the examples, run:

pip install ".[examples]"


Greedy Approximation Algorithm

To import the greedy approximation algorithm, do:

from mec import greedy_mec

The greedy approximation algorithm has the following interface:

  • Inputs:
    • Variable number N of 1-D numpy arrays, where each array is a probability distribution.
    • Keyword argument sparse (optional, defaults False), specifying whether to return sparse representation.
  • Output: Approximate minimum-entropy coupling
    • If not sparse, output is N-D numpy array.
    • If sparse, output is dictionary with N-tuple keys only for non-zero entries.

Iterative Algorithms

To import the iterative algorithms, do:

from mec import FIMEC, ARIMEC

FIMEC and ARIMEC take three arguments at initialization:

  1. Distribution over X.
    • For FIMEC, must follow FactoredMarginal protocol defined in mec/iterative/
    • For ARIMEC, must follow AutoRegressiveMarginal protocol defined in mec/iterative/
  2. Distribution over Y following AutoRegressiveMarginal protocol defined in mec/iterative/
  3. Whether to use merging (optional, defaults True). True increases IMEC's robustness to bad marginal parameterizations but increases runtime.

FIMEC and ARIMEC have the following interface:

  • evaluate(x, y) -> log p(x, y): Evaluates log likelihood of joint distribution.
  • evaluate_y_given_x(y, x) -> log p(y | x): Evaluates log likelihood of conditional distribution.
  • evaluate_x_given_y(x, y) -> log p(x | y): Evaluates log likelihood of conditional distribution.
  • sample() -> (x, y), log p(x, y): Samples from joint distribution.
  • sample_y_given_x(x) -> y, log p(y | x): Samples from conditional distribution.
  • sample_x_given_y(y) -> x, log p(x | y): Samples from conditional distribution.
  • estimate_y_given_x(x) -> y, log p(y | x): Greedy approximation of maximum a posteriori.
  • estimate_x_given_y(y) -> x, log p(x | y): Greedy approximation of maximum a posteriori.

Both x and y are lists of integers.


For examples, see:

  • examples/ for the greedy algorithm.
  • examples/ for the greedy algorithm with sparsity.
  • examples/ for entropic causal inference.
  • examples/ for FIMEC.
  • examples/ for ARIMEC.
  • examples/ for encrypted steganography.
  • examples/ for unencrypted steganography.

Additional Information

Greedy Approximation Algorithm

The package implements the greedy approximation algorithm from Kocaoglu et al. (2017). At the time of writing, this greedy approximation algorithm possesses the best approximation guarantee of existing approaches, per the results of Compton et al. (2023). Use cases for approximation algorithms include causal inference, random number generation, multimodal learning, and dimensionality reduction. See Compton et al. (2023) for more information about approximation algorithms and their applications.

Iterative Algorithms

The package implements three iterative algorithms: tabular iterative minimum-entropy coupling (TIMEC) and factored iterative minimum-entropy coupling (FIMEC) from Sokota et al. (2022), and autoregressive iterative minimum-entropy coupling (ARIMEC) from Sokota et al. (2024). However, FIMEC and ARIMEC generalize TIMEC, so there are functionally only two algorithms. At the time of writing, FIMEC and ARIMEC are the only approaches for computing low-entropy couplings for large-support distributions, such as language models. Use cases for iterative algorithms include communication and steganography. See Sokota et al. (2024) for more information about iterative algorithms and Schroeder de Witt et al. (2023) for more information about their application to steganography.


ARIMEC, merging, MEC for unencrypted steganography

    title = {Computing Low-Entropy Couplings for Large-Support Distributions},
    author = {Samuel Sokota and Dylan Sam and Christian Schroeder de Witt and Spencer Compton and Jakob Foerster and J. Zico Kolter},
    booktitle = {Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)},
    year = {2024},

MEC for encrypted steganography

    title = {Perfectly Secure Steganography Using Minimum Entropy Coupling},
    author = {Christian Schroeder de Witt and Samuel Sokota and J. Zico Kolter and Jakob Foerster and Martin Strohmeier},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
    year = {2023},


    title = {Communicating via {M}arkov Decision Processes},
    author = {Samuel Sokota and Christian Schroeder De Witt and Maximilian Igl and Luisa Zintgraf and Philip Torr and Martin Strohmeier and J. Zico Kolter  and Shimon Whiteson and Jakob Foerster},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
    year = {2022},

Greedy approximation algorithm, MEC for causal inference

    title={Entropic Causal Inference}, 
    journal={AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)}, 
    author={Murat Kocaoglu and Alexandros Dimakis and Sriram Vishwanath and Babak Hassibi}, 