For the full list of the sub-commands offered by sourced
, please take a look
at the sourced
sub-commands inventory.
source{d} CE can be initialized from 2 different data sources: GitHub organizations, or local Git repositories.
Please note that you have to choose one data source to initialize source{d} CE, but you can have more than one isolated environment, and they can have different sources. See the guide about Working With Multiple Data Sets for more details.
source{d} CE will download and install Docker images on demand. Therefore, the first time you run some of these commands, they might take a bit of time to start up. Subsequent runs will be faster.
When using GitHub organizations to populate the source{d} CE database you only need to provide a list of organization names and a GitHub personal access token. If no scope is granted to the user token, only public data will be fetched. To let source{d} CE access also private repositories and hidden users, the token should have the following scopes enabled:
Full control of private repositoriesread:org
Read org and team membership, read org projects
Use this command to initialize, e.g.
$ sourced init orgs --token <token> src-d,bblfsh
It will also download, in the background, the repositories of the passed GitHub organizations, and their metadata: pull requests, issues, users...
$ sourced init local </path/to/repositories>
It will initialize source{d} CE to analyze the git repositories under the passed path, or under the current directory if no one is passed. The repositories will be found recursively.
Note for macOS:
Docker for Mac requires enabling file sharing for any path outside of /Users
Note for Windows: Docker for Windows requires shared drives. Other than that, it's important to use a working directory that doesn't include any sub-directory whose access is not readable by the user running sourced
. For example, using C:\Users
as workdir, will most probably not work. For more details see this issue.
Once source{d} CE has been initialized, it will automatically open the web UI.
If the UI is not opened automatically, you can use sourced web
command, or visit
Use login: admin
and password: admin
, to access the web interface.