From dbf0cf5c7c99bba7015e8f487094291c554b9e5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Santiago M. Mola" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 12:39:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] sync with latest linguist version

Signed-off-by: Santiago M. Mola <>
 data/alias.go         |   617 +-
 data/commit.go        |     4 +-
 data/content.go       |   112 +-
 data/documentation.go |     3 +-
 data/extension.go     |   244 +-
 data/filename.go      |    23 +-
 data/frequencies.go   | 23448 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 data/interpreter.go   |    10 +-
 data/mimeType.go      |   381 +-
 data/type.go          |   290 +-
 data/vendor.go        |    16 +-
 11 files changed, 14514 insertions(+), 10634 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/alias.go b/data/alias.go
index 751c6655..13576d72 100644
--- a/data/alias.go
+++ b/data/alias.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"alpine_abuild":    "Alpine Abuild",
 	"amfm":             "Adobe Font Metrics",
 	"ampl":             "AMPL",
+	"angelscript":      "AngelScript",
 	"ant_build_system": "Ant Build System",
 	"antlr":            "ANTLR",
 	"apache":           "ApacheConf",
@@ -40,79 +41,80 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"api_blueprint":    "API Blueprint",
 	"apkbuild":         "Alpine Abuild",
 	"apl":              "APL",
-	"apollo_guidance_computer": "Apollo Guidance Computer",
-	"applescript":              "AppleScript",
-	"arc":                      "Arc",
-	"arduino":                  "Arduino",
-	"arexx":                    "REXX",
-	"as3":                      "ActionScript",
-	"asciidoc":                 "AsciiDoc",
-	"asn.1":                    "ASN.1",
-	"asp":                      "ASP",
-	"aspectj":                  "AspectJ",
-	"aspx":                     "ASP",
-	"aspx-vb":                  "ASP",
-	"assembly":                 "Assembly",
-	"ats":                      "ATS",
-	"ats2":                     "ATS",
-	"au3":                      "AutoIt",
-	"augeas":                   "Augeas",
-	"autoconf":                 "M4Sugar",
-	"autohotkey":               "AutoHotkey",
-	"autoit":                   "AutoIt",
-	"autoit3":                  "AutoIt",
-	"autoitscript":             "AutoIt",
-	"awk":                      "Awk",
-	"b3d":                      "BlitzBasic",
-	"ballerina":                "Ballerina",
-	"bash":                     "Shell",
-	"bash_session":             "ShellSession",
-	"bat":                      "Batchfile",
-	"batch":                    "Batchfile",
-	"batchfile":                "Batchfile",
-	"befunge":                  "Befunge",
-	"bison":                    "Bison",
-	"bitbake":                  "BitBake",
-	"blade":                    "Blade",
-	"blitz3d":                  "BlitzBasic",
-	"blitzbasic":               "BlitzBasic",
-	"blitzmax":                 "BlitzMax",
-	"blitzplus":                "BlitzBasic",
-	"bluespec":                 "Bluespec",
-	"bmax":                     "BlitzMax",
-	"boo":                      "Boo",
-	"bplus":                    "BlitzBasic",
-	"brainfuck":                "Brainfuck",
-	"brightscript":             "Brightscript",
-	"bro":                      "Bro",
-	"bsdmake":                  "Makefile",
-	"byond":                    "DM",
-	"c":                        "C",
-	"c#":                       "C#",
-	"c++":                      "C++",
-	"c++-objdump":              "Cpp-ObjDump",
-	"c-objdump":                "C-ObjDump",
-	"c2hs":                     "C2hs Haskell",
-	"c2hs_haskell":             "C2hs Haskell",
-	"cap'n_proto":              "Cap'n Proto",
-	"carto":                    "CartoCSS",
-	"cartocss":                 "CartoCSS",
-	"ceylon":                   "Ceylon",
-	"cfc":                      "ColdFusion CFC",
-	"cfm":                      "ColdFusion",
-	"cfml":                     "ColdFusion",
-	"chapel":                   "Chapel",
-	"charity":                  "Charity",
-	"chpl":                     "Chapel",
-	"chuck":                    "ChucK",
-	"cirru":                    "Cirru",
-	"clarion":                  "Clarion",
-	"clean":                    "Clean",
-	"click":                    "Click",
-	"clipper":                  "xBase",
-	"clips":                    "CLIPS",
-	"clojure":                  "Clojure",
-	"closure_templates":        "Closure Templates",
+	"apollo_guidance_computer":       "Apollo Guidance Computer",
+	"applescript":                    "AppleScript",
+	"arc":                            "Arc",
+	"arexx":                          "REXX",
+	"as3":                            "ActionScript",
+	"asciidoc":                       "AsciiDoc",
+	"asm":                            "Assembly",
+	"asn.1":                          "ASN.1",
+	"asp":                            "ASP",
+	"aspectj":                        "AspectJ",
+	"aspx":                           "ASP",
+	"aspx-vb":                        "ASP",
+	"assembly":                       "Assembly",
+	"ats":                            "ATS",
+	"ats2":                           "ATS",
+	"au3":                            "AutoIt",
+	"augeas":                         "Augeas",
+	"autoconf":                       "M4Sugar",
+	"autohotkey":                     "AutoHotkey",
+	"autoit":                         "AutoIt",
+	"autoit3":                        "AutoIt",
+	"autoitscript":                   "AutoIt",
+	"awk":                            "Awk",
+	"b3d":                            "BlitzBasic",
+	"ballerina":                      "Ballerina",
+	"bash":                           "Shell",
+	"bash_session":                   "ShellSession",
+	"bat":                            "Batchfile",
+	"batch":                          "Batchfile",
+	"batchfile":                      "Batchfile",
+	"befunge":                        "Befunge",
+	"bison":                          "Bison",
+	"bitbake":                        "BitBake",
+	"blade":                          "Blade",
+	"blitz3d":                        "BlitzBasic",
+	"blitzbasic":                     "BlitzBasic",
+	"blitzmax":                       "BlitzMax",
+	"blitzplus":                      "BlitzBasic",
+	"bluespec":                       "Bluespec",
+	"bmax":                           "BlitzMax",
+	"boo":                            "Boo",
+	"bplus":                          "BlitzBasic",
+	"brainfuck":                      "Brainfuck",
+	"brightscript":                   "Brightscript",
+	"bro":                            "Bro",
+	"bsdmake":                        "Makefile",
+	"byond":                          "DM",
+	"c":                              "C",
+	"c#":                             "C#",
+	"c++":                            "C++",
+	"c++-objdump":                    "Cpp-ObjDump",
+	"c-objdump":                      "C-ObjDump",
+	"c2hs":                           "C2hs Haskell",
+	"c2hs_haskell":                   "C2hs Haskell",
+	"cap'n_proto":                    "Cap'n Proto",
+	"carto":                          "CartoCSS",
+	"cartocss":                       "CartoCSS",
+	"ceylon":                         "Ceylon",
+	"cfc":                            "ColdFusion CFC",
+	"cfm":                            "ColdFusion",
+	"cfml":                           "ColdFusion",
+	"chapel":                         "Chapel",
+	"charity":                        "Charity",
+	"chpl":                           "Chapel",
+	"chuck":                          "ChucK",
+	"cirru":                          "Cirru",
+	"clarion":                        "Clarion",
+	"clean":                          "Clean",
+	"click":                          "Click",
+	"clipper":                        "xBase",
+	"clips":                          "CLIPS",
+	"clojure":                        "Clojure",
+	"closure_templates":              "Closure Templates",
+	"cloud_firestore_security_rules": "Cloud Firestore Security Rules",
 	"cmake":                    "CMake",
 	"cobol":                    "COBOL",
 	"coffee":                   "CoffeeScript",
@@ -123,10 +125,15 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"coldfusion_html":          "ColdFusion",
 	"collada":                  "COLLADA",
 	"common_lisp":              "Common Lisp",
+	"common_workflow_language": "Common Workflow Language",
 	"component_pascal":         "Component Pascal",
+	"conll":                    "CoNLL-U",
+	"conll-u":                  "CoNLL-U",
+	"conll-x":                  "CoNLL-U",
 	"console":                  "ShellSession",
 	"cool":                     "Cool",
 	"coq":                      "Coq",
+	"cperl":                    "Perl",
 	"cpp":                      "C++",
 	"cpp-objdump":              "Cpp-ObjDump",
 	"creole":                   "Creole",
@@ -144,6 +151,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"cucumber":                 "Gherkin",
 	"cuda":                     "Cuda",
 	"cweb":                     "CWeb",
+	"cwl":                      "Common Workflow Language",
 	"cycript":                  "Cycript",
 	"cython":                   "Cython",
 	"d":                        "D",
@@ -176,42 +184,43 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"ecl":                      "ECL",
 	"eclipse":                  "ECLiPSe",
 	"ecr":                      "HTML+ECR",
-	"edn":                      "edn",
-	"eeschema_schematic":       "KiCad Schematic",
-	"eex":                      "HTML+EEX",
-	"eiffel":                   "Eiffel",
-	"ejs":                      "EJS",
-	"elisp":                    "Emacs Lisp",
-	"elixir":                   "Elixir",
-	"elm":                      "Elm",
-	"emacs":                    "Emacs Lisp",
-	"emacs_lisp":               "Emacs Lisp",
-	"emberscript":              "EmberScript",
-	"eq":                       "EQ",
-	"erb":                      "HTML+ERB",
-	"erlang":                   "Erlang",
-	"f#":                       "F#",
-	"factor":                   "Factor",
-	"fancy":                    "Fancy",
-	"fantom":                   "Fantom",
-	"filebench_wml":            "Filebench WML",
-	"filterscript":             "Filterscript",
-	"fish":                     "fish",
-	"flex":                     "Lex",
-	"flux":                     "FLUX",
-	"formatted":                "Formatted",
-	"forth":                    "Forth",
-	"fortran":                  "Fortran",
-	"foxpro":                   "xBase",
-	"freemarker":               "FreeMarker",
-	"frege":                    "Frege",
-	"fsharp":                   "F#",
-	"ftl":                      "FreeMarker",
-	"fundamental":              "Text",
-	"g-code":                   "G-code",
-	"game_maker_language":      "Game Maker Language",
-	"gams":                     "GAMS",
-	"gap":                      "GAP",
+	"edje_data_collection": "Edje Data Collection",
+	"edn":                 "edn",
+	"eeschema_schematic":  "KiCad Schematic",
+	"eex":                 "HTML+EEX",
+	"eiffel":              "Eiffel",
+	"ejs":                 "EJS",
+	"elisp":               "Emacs Lisp",
+	"elixir":              "Elixir",
+	"elm":                 "Elm",
+	"emacs":               "Emacs Lisp",
+	"emacs_lisp":          "Emacs Lisp",
+	"emberscript":         "EmberScript",
+	"eq":                  "EQ",
+	"erb":                 "HTML+ERB",
+	"erlang":              "Erlang",
+	"f#":                  "F#",
+	"factor":              "Factor",
+	"fancy":               "Fancy",
+	"fantom":              "Fantom",
+	"filebench_wml":       "Filebench WML",
+	"filterscript":        "Filterscript",
+	"fish":                "fish",
+	"flex":                "Lex",
+	"flux":                "FLUX",
+	"formatted":           "Formatted",
+	"forth":               "Forth",
+	"fortran":             "Fortran",
+	"foxpro":              "xBase",
+	"freemarker":          "FreeMarker",
+	"frege":               "Frege",
+	"fsharp":              "F#",
+	"ftl":                 "FreeMarker",
+	"fundamental":         "Text",
+	"g-code":              "G-code",
+	"game_maker_language": "Game Maker Language",
+	"gams":                "GAMS",
+	"gap":                 "GAP",
 	"gcc_machine_description": "GCC Machine Description",
 	"gdb":                     "GDB",
 	"gdscript":                "GDScript",
@@ -248,6 +257,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"haxe":                     "Haxe",
 	"hbs":                      "Handlebars",
 	"hcl":                      "HCL",
+	"hiveql":                   "HiveQL",
 	"hlsl":                     "HLSL",
 	"html":                     "HTML",
 	"html+django":              "HTML+Django",
@@ -261,6 +271,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"htmlbars":                 "Handlebars",
 	"htmldjango":               "HTML+Django",
 	"http":                     "HTTP",
+	"hxml":                     "HXML",
 	"hy":                       "Hy",
 	"hylang":                   "Hy",
 	"hyphy":                    "HyPhy",
@@ -297,6 +308,8 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"js":                       "JavaScript",
 	"json":                     "JSON",
 	"json5":                    "JSON5",
+	"json_with_comments":       "JSON with Comments",
+	"jsonc":                    "JSON with Comments",
 	"jsoniq":                   "JSONiq",
 	"jsonld":                   "JSONLD",
 	"jsp":                      "Java Server Pages",
@@ -389,6 +402,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"netlinx+erb":              "NetLinx+ERB",
 	"netlogo":                  "NetLogo",
 	"newlisp":                  "NewLisp",
+	"nextflow":                 "Nextflow",
 	"nginx":                    "Nginx",
 	"nginx_configuration_file": "Nginx",
 	"nim":                   "Nim",
@@ -423,6 +437,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"ocaml":                 "OCaml",
 	"octave":                "Matlab",
 	"omgrofl":               "Omgrofl",
+	"oncrpc":                "RPC",
 	"ooc":                   "ooc",
 	"opa":                   "Opa",
 	"opal":                  "Opal",
@@ -445,188 +460,199 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"parrot":                         "Parrot",
 	"parrot_assembly":                "Parrot Assembly",
 	"parrot_internal_representation": "Parrot Internal Representation",
-	"pascal":                "Pascal",
-	"pasm":                  "Parrot Assembly",
-	"pawn":                  "PAWN",
-	"pcbnew":                "KiCad Layout",
-	"pep8":                  "Pep8",
-	"perl":                  "Perl",
-	"perl_6":                "Perl 6",
-	"php":                   "PHP",
-	"pic":                   "Pic",
-	"pickle":                "Pickle",
-	"picolisp":              "PicoLisp",
-	"piglatin":              "PigLatin",
-	"pike":                  "Pike",
-	"pir":                   "Parrot Internal Representation",
-	"plpgsql":               "PLpgSQL",
-	"plsql":                 "PLSQL",
-	"pod":                   "Pod",
-	"pogoscript":            "PogoScript",
-	"pony":                  "Pony",
-	"posh":                  "PowerShell",
-	"postscr":               "PostScript",
-	"postscript":            "PostScript",
-	"pot":                   "Gettext Catalog",
-	"pov-ray":               "POV-Ray SDL",
-	"pov-ray_sdl":           "POV-Ray SDL",
-	"povray":                "POV-Ray SDL",
-	"powerbuilder":          "PowerBuilder",
-	"powershell":            "PowerShell",
-	"processing":            "Processing",
-	"progress":              "OpenEdge ABL",
-	"prolog":                "Prolog",
-	"propeller_spin":        "Propeller Spin",
-	"protobuf":              "Protocol Buffer",
-	"protocol_buffer":       "Protocol Buffer",
-	"protocol_buffers":      "Protocol Buffer",
-	"public_key":            "Public Key",
-	"pug":                   "Pug",
-	"puppet":                "Puppet",
-	"pure_data":             "Pure Data",
-	"purebasic":             "PureBasic",
-	"purescript":            "PureScript",
-	"pycon":                 "Python console",
-	"pyrex":                 "Cython",
-	"python":                "Python",
-	"python_console":        "Python console",
-	"python_traceback":      "Python traceback",
-	"qmake":                 "QMake",
-	"qml":                   "QML",
-	"r":                     "R",
-	"racket":                "Racket",
-	"ragel":                 "Ragel",
-	"ragel-rb":              "Ragel",
-	"ragel-ruby":            "Ragel",
-	"rake":                  "Ruby",
-	"raml":                  "RAML",
-	"rascal":                "Rascal",
-	"raw":                   "Raw token data",
-	"raw_token_data":        "Raw token data",
-	"rb":                    "Ruby",
-	"rbx":                   "Ruby",
-	"rdoc":                  "RDoc",
-	"realbasic":             "REALbasic",
-	"reason":                "Reason",
-	"rebol":                 "Rebol",
-	"red":                   "Red",
-	"red/system":            "Red",
-	"redcode":               "Redcode",
-	"regex":                 "Regular Expression",
-	"regexp":                "Regular Expression",
-	"regular_expression":    "Regular Expression",
-	"ren'py":                "Ren'Py",
-	"renderscript":          "RenderScript",
-	"renpy":                 "Ren'Py",
-	"restructuredtext":      "reStructuredText",
-	"rexx":                  "REXX",
-	"rhtml":                 "RHTML",
-	"ring":                  "Ring",
-	"rmarkdown":             "RMarkdown",
-	"robotframework":        "RobotFramework",
-	"roff":                  "Roff",
-	"rouge":                 "Rouge",
-	"rpm_spec":              "RPM Spec",
-	"rs-274x":               "Gerber Image",
-	"rscript":               "R",
-	"rss":                   "XML",
-	"rst":                   "reStructuredText",
-	"ruby":                  "Ruby",
-	"runoff":                "RUNOFF",
-	"rust":                  "Rust",
-	"rusthon":               "Python",
-	"sage":                  "Sage",
-	"salt":                  "SaltStack",
-	"saltstack":             "SaltStack",
-	"saltstate":             "SaltStack",
-	"sas":                   "SAS",
-	"sass":                  "Sass",
-	"scala":                 "Scala",
-	"scaml":                 "Scaml",
-	"scheme":                "Scheme",
-	"scilab":                "Scilab",
-	"scss":                  "SCSS",
-	"self":                  "Self",
-	"sh":                    "Shell",
-	"shaderlab":             "ShaderLab",
-	"shell":                 "Shell",
-	"shell-script":          "Shell",
-	"shellsession":          "ShellSession",
-	"shen":                  "Shen",
-	"slash":                 "Slash",
-	"slim":                  "Slim",
-	"smali":                 "Smali",
-	"smalltalk":             "Smalltalk",
-	"smarty":                "Smarty",
-	"sml":                   "Standard ML",
-	"smt":                   "SMT",
-	"sourcemod":             "SourcePawn",
-	"sourcepawn":            "SourcePawn",
-	"sparql":                "SPARQL",
-	"specfile":              "RPM Spec",
-	"spline_font_database":  "Spline Font Database",
-	"splus":                 "R",
-	"sqf":                   "SQF",
-	"sql":                   "SQL",
-	"sqlpl":                 "SQLPL",
-	"squeak":                "Smalltalk",
-	"squirrel":              "Squirrel",
-	"srecode_template":      "SRecode Template",
-	"stan":                  "Stan",
-	"standard_ml":           "Standard ML",
-	"stata":                 "Stata",
-	"ston":                  "STON",
-	"stylus":                "Stylus",
-	"sublime_text_config":   "Sublime Text Config",
-	"subrip_text":           "SubRip Text",
-	"supercollider":         "SuperCollider",
-	"svg":                   "SVG",
-	"swift":                 "Swift",
-	"systemverilog":         "SystemVerilog",
-	"tcl":                   "Tcl",
-	"tcsh":                  "Tcsh",
-	"tea":                   "Tea",
-	"terra":                 "Terra",
-	"tex":                   "TeX",
-	"text":                  "Text",
-	"textile":               "Textile",
-	"thrift":                "Thrift",
-	"ti_program":            "TI Program",
-	"tl":                    "Type Language",
-	"tla":                   "TLA",
-	"toml":                  "TOML",
-	"ts":                    "TypeScript",
-	"turing":                "Turing",
-	"turtle":                "Turtle",
-	"twig":                  "Twig",
-	"txl":                   "TXL",
-	"type_language":         "Type Language",
-	"typescript":            "TypeScript",
-	"udiff":                 "Diff",
-	"unified_parallel_c":    "Unified Parallel C",
-	"unity3d_asset":         "Unity3D Asset",
-	"unix_assembly":         "Unix Assembly",
-	"uno":                   "Uno",
-	"unrealscript":          "UnrealScript",
-	"ur":                    "UrWeb",
-	"ur/web":                "UrWeb",
-	"urweb":                 "UrWeb",
-	"vala":                  "Vala",
-	"":                "Visual Basic",
-	"vbnet":                 "Visual Basic",
-	"vcl":                   "VCL",
-	"verilog":               "Verilog",
-	"vhdl":                  "VHDL",
-	"vim":                   "Vim script",
-	"vim_script":            "Vim script",
-	"viml":                  "Vim script",
-	"visual_basic":          "Visual Basic",
-	"volt":                  "Volt",
-	"vue":                   "Vue",
-	"wasm":                  "WebAssembly",
-	"wast":                  "WebAssembly",
-	"wavefront_material":    "Wavefront Material",
-	"wavefront_object":      "Wavefront Object",
+	"pascal":               "Pascal",
+	"pasm":                 "Parrot Assembly",
+	"pawn":                 "PAWN",
+	"pcbnew":               "KiCad Layout",
+	"pep8":                 "Pep8",
+	"perl":                 "Perl",
+	"perl6":                "Perl 6",
+	"perl_6":               "Perl 6",
+	"php":                  "PHP",
+	"pic":                  "Pic",
+	"pickle":               "Pickle",
+	"picolisp":             "PicoLisp",
+	"piglatin":             "PigLatin",
+	"pike":                 "Pike",
+	"pir":                  "Parrot Internal Representation",
+	"plpgsql":              "PLpgSQL",
+	"plsql":                "PLSQL",
+	"pod":                  "Pod",
+	"pogoscript":           "PogoScript",
+	"pony":                 "Pony",
+	"posh":                 "PowerShell",
+	"postcss":              "PostCSS",
+	"postscr":              "PostScript",
+	"postscript":           "PostScript",
+	"pot":                  "Gettext Catalog",
+	"pov-ray":              "POV-Ray SDL",
+	"pov-ray_sdl":          "POV-Ray SDL",
+	"povray":               "POV-Ray SDL",
+	"powerbuilder":         "PowerBuilder",
+	"powershell":           "PowerShell",
+	"processing":           "Processing",
+	"progress":             "OpenEdge ABL",
+	"prolog":               "Prolog",
+	"propeller_spin":       "Propeller Spin",
+	"protobuf":             "Protocol Buffer",
+	"protocol_buffer":      "Protocol Buffer",
+	"protocol_buffers":     "Protocol Buffer",
+	"public_key":           "Public Key",
+	"pug":                  "Pug",
+	"puppet":               "Puppet",
+	"pure_data":            "Pure Data",
+	"purebasic":            "PureBasic",
+	"purescript":           "PureScript",
+	"pwsh":                 "PowerShell",
+	"pycon":                "Python console",
+	"pyrex":                "Cython",
+	"python":               "Python",
+	"python3":              "Python",
+	"python_console":       "Python console",
+	"python_traceback":     "Python traceback",
+	"q":                    "q",
+	"qmake":                "QMake",
+	"qml":                  "QML",
+	"r":                    "R",
+	"racket":               "Racket",
+	"ragel":                "Ragel",
+	"ragel-rb":             "Ragel",
+	"ragel-ruby":           "Ragel",
+	"rake":                 "Ruby",
+	"raml":                 "RAML",
+	"rascal":               "Rascal",
+	"raw":                  "Raw token data",
+	"raw_token_data":       "Raw token data",
+	"rb":                   "Ruby",
+	"rbx":                  "Ruby",
+	"rdoc":                 "RDoc",
+	"realbasic":            "REALbasic",
+	"reason":               "Reason",
+	"rebol":                "Rebol",
+	"red":                  "Red",
+	"red/system":           "Red",
+	"redcode":              "Redcode",
+	"regex":                "Regular Expression",
+	"regexp":               "Regular Expression",
+	"regular_expression":   "Regular Expression",
+	"ren'py":               "Ren'Py",
+	"renderscript":         "RenderScript",
+	"renpy":                "Ren'Py",
+	"restructuredtext":     "reStructuredText",
+	"rexx":                 "REXX",
+	"rhtml":                "RHTML",
+	"ring":                 "Ring",
+	"rmarkdown":            "RMarkdown",
+	"robotframework":       "RobotFramework",
+	"roff":                 "Roff",
+	"rouge":                "Rouge",
+	"rpc":                  "RPC",
+	"rpcgen":               "RPC",
+	"rpm_spec":             "RPM Spec",
+	"rs-274x":              "Gerber Image",
+	"rscript":              "R",
+	"rss":                  "XML",
+	"rst":                  "reStructuredText",
+	"ruby":                 "Ruby",
+	"runoff":               "RUNOFF",
+	"rust":                 "Rust",
+	"rusthon":              "Python",
+	"sage":                 "Sage",
+	"salt":                 "SaltStack",
+	"saltstack":            "SaltStack",
+	"saltstate":            "SaltStack",
+	"sas":                  "SAS",
+	"sass":                 "Sass",
+	"scala":                "Scala",
+	"scaml":                "Scaml",
+	"scheme":               "Scheme",
+	"scilab":               "Scilab",
+	"scss":                 "SCSS",
+	"sed":                  "sed",
+	"self":                 "Self",
+	"sh":                   "Shell",
+	"shaderlab":            "ShaderLab",
+	"shell":                "Shell",
+	"shell-script":         "Shell",
+	"shellsession":         "ShellSession",
+	"shen":                 "Shen",
+	"slash":                "Slash",
+	"slim":                 "Slim",
+	"smali":                "Smali",
+	"smalltalk":            "Smalltalk",
+	"smarty":               "Smarty",
+	"sml":                  "Standard ML",
+	"smt":                  "SMT",
+	"solidity":             "Solidity",
+	"sourcemod":            "SourcePawn",
+	"sourcepawn":           "SourcePawn",
+	"soy":                  "Closure Templates",
+	"sparql":               "SPARQL",
+	"specfile":             "RPM Spec",
+	"spline_font_database": "Spline Font Database",
+	"splus":                "R",
+	"sqf":                  "SQF",
+	"sql":                  "SQL",
+	"sqlpl":                "SQLPL",
+	"squeak":               "Smalltalk",
+	"squirrel":             "Squirrel",
+	"srecode_template":     "SRecode Template",
+	"stan":                 "Stan",
+	"standard_ml":          "Standard ML",
+	"stata":                "Stata",
+	"ston":                 "STON",
+	"stylus":               "Stylus",
+	"subrip_text":          "SubRip Text",
+	"sugarss":              "SugarSS",
+	"supercollider":        "SuperCollider",
+	"svg":                  "SVG",
+	"swift":                "Swift",
+	"systemverilog":        "SystemVerilog",
+	"tcl":                  "Tcl",
+	"tcsh":                 "Tcsh",
+	"tea":                  "Tea",
+	"terra":                "Terra",
+	"tex":                  "TeX",
+	"text":                 "Text",
+	"textile":              "Textile",
+	"thrift":               "Thrift",
+	"ti_program":           "TI Program",
+	"tl":                   "Type Language",
+	"tla":                  "TLA",
+	"toml":                 "TOML",
+	"ts":                   "TypeScript",
+	"turing":               "Turing",
+	"turtle":               "Turtle",
+	"twig":                 "Twig",
+	"txl":                  "TXL",
+	"type_language":        "Type Language",
+	"typescript":           "TypeScript",
+	"udiff":                "Diff",
+	"unified_parallel_c":   "Unified Parallel C",
+	"unity3d_asset":        "Unity3D Asset",
+	"unix_assembly":        "Unix Assembly",
+	"uno":                  "Uno",
+	"unrealscript":         "UnrealScript",
+	"ur":                   "UrWeb",
+	"ur/web":               "UrWeb",
+	"urweb":                "UrWeb",
+	"vala":                 "Vala",
+	"":               "Visual Basic",
+	"vbnet":                "Visual Basic",
+	"vcl":                  "VCL",
+	"verilog":              "Verilog",
+	"vhdl":                 "VHDL",
+	"vim":                  "Vim script",
+	"vim_script":           "Vim script",
+	"viml":                 "Vim script",
+	"visual_basic":         "Visual Basic",
+	"volt":                 "Volt",
+	"vue":                  "Vue",
+	"wasm":                 "WebAssembly",
+	"wast":                 "WebAssembly",
+	"wavefront_material":   "Wavefront Material",
+	"wavefront_object":     "Wavefront Object",
+	"wdl":                  "wdl",
 	"web_ontology_language": "Web Ontology Language",
 	"webassembly":           "WebAssembly",
 	"webidl":                "WebIDL",
@@ -635,16 +661,20 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"world_of_warcraft_addon_data": "World of Warcraft Addon Data",
 	"wsdl":       "XML",
 	"x10":        "X10",
+	"x_bitmap":   "X BitMap",
+	"x_pixmap":   "X PixMap",
 	"xbase":      "xBase",
+	"xbm":        "X BitMap",
 	"xc":         "XC",
 	"xcompose":   "XCompose",
+	"xdr":        "RPC",
 	"xhtml":      "HTML",
 	"xml":        "XML",
 	"xml+genshi": "Genshi",
 	"xml+kid":    "Genshi",
 	"xojo":       "Xojo",
 	"xpages":     "XPages",
-	"xpm":        "XPM",
+	"xpm":        "X PixMap",
 	"xproc":      "XProc",
 	"xquery":     "XQuery",
 	"xs":         "XS",
@@ -656,6 +686,7 @@ var LanguagesByAlias = map[string]string{
 	"yacc":       "Yacc",
 	"yaml":       "YAML",
 	"yang":       "YANG",
+	"yara":       "YARA",
 	"yml":        "YAML",
 	"zephir":     "Zephir",
 	"zimpl":      "Zimpl",
diff --git a/data/commit.go b/data/commit.go
index fc59231e..54b032b1 100644
--- a/data/commit.go
+++ b/data/commit.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
 // linguist's commit from which files were generated.
-var LinguistCommit = "4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5"
+var LinguistCommit = "1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50"
diff --git a/data/content.go b/data/content.go
index 7a4b75e9..01b6f779 100644
--- a/data/content.go
+++ b/data/content.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ import ""
 type languageMatcher func([]byte) []string
 var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
+	".as": func(i []byte) []string {
+		if as_ActionScript_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"ActionScript"}
+		}
+		return []string{"AngelScript"}
+	},
 	".asc": func(i []byte) []string {
 		if asc_PublicKey_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Public Key"}
@@ -148,7 +155,7 @@ var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
 	".h": func(i []byte) []string {
 		if h_ObjectiveDashC_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Objective-C"}
-		} else if h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_1.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_2.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_3.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_4.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_5.Match(string(i)) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_6.Match(string(i)) {
+		} else if h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"C++"}
@@ -298,37 +305,16 @@ var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
 		return nil
 	".pm": func(i []byte) []string {
-		if pm_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Perl 6"}
-		} else if pm_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+		if pm_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Perl"}
+		} else if pm_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"Perl 6"}
 		} else if pm_XPM_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"XPM"}
 		return nil
-	".pod": func(i []byte) []string {
-		if pod_Pod_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Pod"}
-		}
-		return []string{"Perl"}
-	},
-	"Pod": func(i []byte) []string {
-		if Pod_Pod_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Pod"}
-		}
-		return []string{"Perl"}
-	},
-	"Perl": func(i []byte) []string {
-		if Perl_Pod_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Pod"}
-		}
-		return []string{"Perl"}
-	},
 	".pro": func(i []byte) []string {
 		if pro_Prolog_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Prolog"}
@@ -351,6 +337,15 @@ var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
 		return nil
+	".q": func(i []byte) []string {
+		if q_q_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) || q_q_Matcher_1.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"q"}
+		} else if q_HiveQL_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) || q_HiveQL_Matcher_1.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"HiveQL"}
+		}
+		return nil
+	},
 	".r": func(i []byte) []string {
 		if r_Rebol_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Rebol"}
@@ -415,12 +410,12 @@ var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
 		return nil
 	".t": func(i []byte) []string {
-		if t_Turing_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Turing"}
+		if t_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"Perl"}
 		} else if t_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
 			return []string{"Perl 6"}
-		} else if t_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
-			return []string{"Perl"}
+		} else if t_Turing_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"Turing"}
 		return nil
@@ -455,11 +450,32 @@ var ContentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{
 			return []string{"XML"}
+		return nil
+	},
+	".w": func(i []byte) []string {
+		if w_OpenEdgeABL_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"OpenEdge ABL"}
+		} else if w_CWeb_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"CWeb"}
+		}
+		return nil
+	},
+	".x": func(i []byte) []string {
+		if x_RPC_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"RPC"}
+		} else if x_Logos_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"Logos"}
+		} else if x_LinkerScript_Matcher_0.Match(string(i)) {
+			return []string{"Linker Script"}
+		}
 		return nil
 var (
+	as_ActionScript_Matcher_0              = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*(package\s+[a-z0-9_\.]+|import\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+;|class\s+[A-Za-z0-9_]+\s+extends\s+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)`)
 	asc_PublicKey_Matcher_0                = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^(----[- ]BEGIN|ssh-(rsa|dss)) `)
 	asc_AsciiDoc_Matcher_0                 = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[=-]+(\s|\n)|{{[A-Za-z]`)
 	asc_AGSScript_Matcher_0                = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^(\/\/.+|((import|export)\s+)?(function|int|float|char)\s+((room|repeatedly|on|game)_)?([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z_0-9]+)\s*[;\(])`)
@@ -494,13 +510,7 @@ var (
 	fs_Filterscript_Matcher_0              = substring.Regexp(`(?m)#include|#pragma\s+(rs|version)|__attribute__`)
 	gs_Gosu_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^uses java\.`)
 	h_ObjectiveDashC_Matcher_0             = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*(@(interface|class|protocol|property|end|synchronised|selector|implementation)\b|#import\s+.+\.h[">])`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_0                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*#\s*include <(cstdint|string|vector|map|list|array|bitset|queue|stack|forward_list|unordered_map|unordered_set|(i|o|io)stream)>`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_1                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*template\s*<`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_2                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[ \t]*try`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_3                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[ \t]*catch\s*\(`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_4                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[ \t]*(class|(using[ \t]+)?namespace)\s+\w+`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_5                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[ \t]*(private|public|protected):$`)
-	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_6                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)std::\w+`)
+	h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_0                  = substring.Regexp(`(?m)CPlusPlusRegex`)
 	inc_PHP_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^<\?(?:php)?`)
 	inc_POVDashRaySDL_Matcher_0            = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*#(declare|local|macro|while)\s`)
 	l_CommonLisp_Matcher_0                 = substring.Regexp(`(?m)\(def(un|macro)\s`)
@@ -535,21 +545,22 @@ var (
 	php_Hack_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)<\?hh`)
 	php_PHP_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)<?[^h]`)
 	pl_Prolog_Matcher_0                    = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[^#]*:-`)
-	pl_Perl_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)use strict|use\s+v?5\.`)
-	pl_Perl6_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^(use v6|(my )?class|module)`)
-	pm_Perl6_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*(?:use\s+v6\s*;|(?:\bmy\s+)?class|module)\b`)
-	pm_Perl_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)\buse\s+(?:strict\b|v?5\.)`)
+	pl_Perl_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl5Regex`)
+	pl_Perl6_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl6Regex`)
+	pm_Perl_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl5Regex`)
+	pm_Perl6_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl6Regex`)
 	pm_XPM_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*\/\* XPM \*\/`)
-	pod_Pod_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^=\w+\b`)
-	Pod_Pod_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^=\w+\b`)
-	Perl_Pod_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^=\w+\b`)
-	pro_Prolog_Matcher_0                   = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[^#]+:-`)
+	pro_Prolog_Matcher_0                   = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^[^\[#]+:-`)
 	pro_INI_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)last_client=`)
 	pro_QMake_Matcher_0                    = substring.Regexp(`(?m)HEADERS`)
 	pro_QMake_Matcher_1                    = substring.Regexp(`(?m)SOURCES`)
 	pro_IDL_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*function[ \w,]+$`)
 	props_XML_Matcher_0                    = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)^(\s*)(<Project|<Import|<Property|<?xml|xmlns)`)
 	props_INI_Matcher_0                    = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)\w+\s*=\s*`)
+	q_q_Matcher_0                          = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)[A-Z.][\w.]*:{`)
+	q_q_Matcher_1                          = substring.Regexp(`(?m)(^|\n)\\(cd?|d|l|p|ts?) `)
+	q_HiveQL_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)SELECT\s+[\w*,]+\s+FROM`)
+	q_HiveQL_Matcher_1                     = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)(CREATE|ALTER|DROP)\s(DATABASE|SCHEMA|TABLE)`)
 	r_Rebol_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)\bRebol\b`)
 	r_R_Matcher_0                          = substring.Regexp(`(?m)<-|^\s*#`)
 	rno_RUNOFF_Matcher_0                   = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)^\.!|^\.end lit(?:eral)?\b`)
@@ -572,13 +583,18 @@ var (
 	sql_PLSQL_Matcher_1                    = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)constructor\W+function`)
 	sql_SQL_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)! /begin|boolean|package|exception`)
 	srt_SubRipText_Matcher_0               = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3})\s*(-->)\s*(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{3})$`)
+	t_Perl_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl5Regex`)
+	t_Perl6_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)Perl6Regex`)
 	t_Turing_Matcher_0                     = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*%[ \t]+|^\s*var\s+\w+\s*:=\s*\w+`)
-	t_Perl6_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*(?:use\s+v6\s*;|\bmodule\b|\b(?:my\s+)?class\b)`)
-	t_Perl_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)\buse\s+(?:strict\b|v?5\.)`)
 	toc_WorldofWarcraftAddonData_Matcher_0 = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^## |@no-lib-strip@`)
 	toc_TeX_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\\(contentsline|defcounter|beamer|boolfalse)`)
-	ts_XML_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)<TS`)
+	ts_XML_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)<TS\b`)
 	tst_GAP_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)gap> `)
 	tsx_TypeScript_Matcher_0               = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^\s*(import.+(from\s+|require\()['"]react|\/\/\/\s*<reference\s)`)
 	tsx_XML_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?mi)^\s*<\?xml\s+version`)
+	w_OpenEdgeABL_Matcher_0                = substring.Regexp(`(?m)&ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _DEFINITIONS`)
+	w_CWeb_Matcher_0                       = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^@(<|\w+\.)`)
+	x_RPC_Matcher_0                        = substring.Regexp(`(?m)\b(program|version)\s+\w+\s*{|\bunion\s+\w+\s+switch\s*\(`)
+	x_Logos_Matcher_0                      = substring.Regexp(`(?m)^%(end|ctor|hook|group)\b`)
+	x_LinkerScript_Matcher_0               = substring.Regexp(`(?m)OUTPUT_ARCH\(|OUTPUT_FORMAT\(|SECTIONS`)
diff --git a/data/documentation.go b/data/documentation.go
index 817b00df..82fa2fe9 100644
--- a/data/documentation.go
+++ b/data/documentation.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ var DocumentationMatchers = substring.Or(
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)inst/doc/`),
diff --git a/data/extension.go b/data/extension.go
index c541ec09..cd0c10e3 100644
--- a/data/extension.go
+++ b/data/extension.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".al":                  {"Perl"},
 	".als":                 {"Alloy"},
 	".ampl":                {"AMPL"},
+	".angelscript":         {"AngelScript"},
 	".anim":                {"Unity3D Asset"},
 	".ant":                 {"XML"},
 	".apacheconf":          {"ApacheConf"},
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".applescript":         {"AppleScript"},
 	".arc":                 {"Arc"},
 	".arpa":                {"DNS Zone"},
-	".as":                  {"ActionScript"},
+	".as":                  {"ActionScript", "AngelScript"},
 	".asax":                {"ASP"},
 	".asc":                 {"AGS Script", "AsciiDoc", "Public Key"},
 	".asciidoc":            {"AsciiDoc"},
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".aug":                 {"Augeas"},
 	".auk":                 {"Awk"},
 	".aux":                 {"TeX"},
+	".avsc":                {"JSON"},
 	".aw":                  {"PHP"},
 	".awk":                 {"Awk"},
 	".axd":                 {"ASP"},
@@ -163,6 +165,8 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".coffee":              {"CoffeeScript"},
 	".com":                 {"DIGITAL Command Language"},
 	".command":             {"Shell"},
+	".conll":               {"CoNLL-U"},
+	".conllu":              {"CoNLL-U"},
 	".coq":                 {"Coq"},
 	".cp":                  {"C++", "Component Pascal"},
 	".cpp":                 {"C++"},
@@ -191,6 +195,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".cu":                  {"Cuda"},
 	".cuh":                 {"Cuda"},
 	".cw":                  {"Redcode"},
+	".cwl":                 {"Common Workflow Language"},
 	".cxx":                 {"C++"},
 	".cxx-objdump":         {"Cpp-ObjDump"},
 	".cy":                  {"Cycript"},
@@ -241,6 +246,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".eclass":              {"Gentoo Eclass"},
 	".eclxml":              {"ECL"},
 	".ecr":                 {"HTML+ECR"},
+	".edc":                 {"Edje Data Collection"},
 	".edn":                 {"edn"},
 	".eex":                 {"HTML+EEX"},
 	".eh":                  {"eC"},
@@ -330,6 +336,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".glf":                 {"Glyph"},
 	".glsl":                {"GLSL"},
 	".glslv":               {"GLSL"},
+	".gltf":                {"JSON"},
 	".gml":                 {"Game Maker Language", "Graph Modeling Language", "XML"},
 	".gms":                 {"GAMS"},
 	".gn":                  {"GN"},
@@ -387,6 +394,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".html.hl":             {"HTML"},
 	".http":                {"HTTP"},
 	".hx":                  {"Haxe"},
+	".hxml":                {"HXML"},
 	".hxsl":                {"Haxe"},
 	".hxx":                 {"C++"},
 	".hy":                  {"Hy"},
@@ -403,7 +411,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".inc":                 {"Assembly", "C++", "HTML", "PAWN", "PHP", "POV-Ray SDL", "Pascal", "SQL", "SourcePawn"},
 	".ini":                 {"INI"},
 	".inl":                 {"C++"},
-	".ino":                 {"Arduino"},
+	".ino":                 {"C++"},
 	".ins":                 {"TeX"},
 	".intr":                {"Dylan"},
 	".io":                  {"Io"},
@@ -422,6 +430,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".jelly":               {"XML"},
 	".jflex":               {"JFlex"},
 	".jinja":               {"HTML+Django"},
+	".jinja2":              {"HTML+Django"},
 	".jison":               {"Jison"},
 	".jisonlex":            {"Jison Lex"},
 	".jl":                  {"Julia"},
@@ -434,6 +443,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".json":                {"JSON"},
 	".json-tmlanguage":     {"JSON"},
 	".json5":               {"JSON5"},
+	".jsonl":               {"JSON"},
 	".jsonld":              {"JSONLD"},
 	".jsp":                 {"Java Server Pages"},
 	".jsproj":              {"XML"},
@@ -445,6 +455,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".kid":                 {"Genshi"},
 	".kit":                 {"Kit"},
 	".kml":                 {"XML"},
+	".kojo":                {"Scala"},
 	".krl":                 {"KRL"},
 	".ksh":                 {"Shell"},
 	".kt":                  {"Kotlin"},
@@ -517,7 +528,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".meta":                {"Unity3D Asset"},
 	".metal":               {"Metal"},
 	".minid":               {"MiniD"},
-	".mir":                 {"Mirah"},
+	".mir":                 {"YAML"},
 	".mirah":               {"Mirah"},
 	".mjml":                {"XML"},
 	".mjs":                 {"JavaScript"},
@@ -572,6 +583,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".ndproj":              {"XML"},
 	".ne":                  {"Nearley"},
 	".nearley":             {"Nearley"},
+	".nf":                  {"Nextflow"},
 	".nginxconf":           {"Nginx"},
 	".ni":                  {"Inform 7"},
 	".nim":                 {"Nim"},
@@ -621,6 +633,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".p6":                  {"Perl 6"},
 	".p6l":                 {"Perl 6"},
 	".p6m":                 {"Perl 6"},
+	".p8":                  {"Lua"},
 	".pac":                 {"JavaScript"},
 	".pan":                 {"Pan"},
 	".parrot":              {"Parrot"},
@@ -633,6 +646,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".pbi":                 {"PureBasic"},
 	".pbt":                 {"PowerBuilder"},
 	".pck":                 {"PLSQL"},
+	".pcss":                {"PostCSS"},
 	".pd":                  {"Pure Data"},
 	".pd_lua":              {"Lua"},
 	".pde":                 {"Processing"},
@@ -665,11 +679,11 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".plt":                 {"Gnuplot"},
 	".pluginspec":          {"Ruby", "XML"},
 	".plx":                 {"Perl"},
-	".pm":                  {"Perl", "Perl 6", "XPM"},
+	".pm":                  {"Perl", "Perl 6", "X PixMap"},
 	".pm6":                 {"Perl 6"},
 	".pmod":                {"Pike"},
 	".po":                  {"Gettext Catalog"},
-	".pod":                 {"Perl", "Pod"},
+	".pod":                 {"Pod"},
 	".podsl":               {"Common Lisp"},
 	".podspec":             {"Ruby"},
 	".pogo":                {"PogoScript"},
@@ -714,6 +728,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".pytb":                {"Python traceback"},
 	".pyw":                 {"Python"},
 	".pyx":                 {"Cython"},
+	".q":                   {"HiveQL", "q"},
 	".qbs":                 {"QML"},
 	".qml":                 {"QML"},
 	".r":                   {"R", "Rebol"},
@@ -763,7 +778,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".rno":                 {"RUNOFF", "Roff"},
 	".robot":               {"RobotFramework"},
 	".roff":                {"Roff"},
-	".ron":                 {"Markdown"},
+	".ronn":                {"Markdown"},
 	".rpy":                 {"Python", "Ren'Py"},
 	".rq":                  {"SPARQL"},
 	".rs":                  {"RenderScript", "Rust"},
@@ -798,6 +813,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".scrbl":               {"Racket"},
 	".scss":                {"SCSS"},
 	".scxml":               {"XML"},
+	".sed":                 {"sed"},
 	".self":                {"Self"},
 	".sexp":                {"Common Lisp"},
 	".sfd":                 {"Spline Font Database"},
@@ -836,6 +852,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".srw":                 {"PowerBuilder"},
 	".ss":                  {"Scheme"},
 	".ssjs":                {"JavaScript"},
+	".sss":                 {"SugarSS"},
 	".st":                  {"HTML", "Smalltalk"},
 	".stan":                {"Stan"},
 	".sthlp":               {"Stata"},
@@ -844,21 +861,21 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".sttheme":             {"XML"},
 	".sty":                 {"TeX"},
 	".styl":                {"Stylus"},
-	".sublime-build":       {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-commands":    {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-completions": {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-keymap":      {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-macro":       {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-menu":        {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-mousemap":    {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-project":     {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-settings":    {"Sublime Text Config"},
+	".sublime-build":       {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-commands":    {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-completions": {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-keymap":      {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-macro":       {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-menu":        {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-mousemap":    {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-project":     {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-settings":    {"JSON with Comments"},
 	".sublime-snippet":     {"XML"},
 	".sublime-syntax":      {"YAML"},
-	".sublime-theme":       {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime-workspace":   {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime_metrics":     {"Sublime Text Config"},
-	".sublime_session":     {"Sublime Text Config"},
+	".sublime-theme":       {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime-workspace":   {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime_metrics":     {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".sublime_session":     {"JSON with Comments"},
 	".sv":                  {"SystemVerilog"},
 	".svg":                 {"SVG"},
 	".svh":                 {"SystemVerilog"},
@@ -877,6 +894,9 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".tex":                 {"TeX"},
 	".textile":             {"Textile"},
 	".tf":                  {"HCL"},
+	".tfstate":             {"JSON"},
+	".tfstate.backup":      {"JSON"},
+	".tfvars":              {"HCL"},
 	".thor":                {"Ruby"},
 	".thrift":              {"Thrift"},
 	".thy":                 {"Isabelle"},
@@ -955,11 +975,14 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".vue":                 {"Vue"},
 	".vw":                  {"PLSQL"},
 	".vxml":                {"XML"},
-	".w":                   {"CWeb"},
+	".w":                   {"CWeb", "OpenEdge ABL"},
 	".wast":                {"WebAssembly"},
 	".wat":                 {"WebAssembly"},
 	".watchr":              {"Ruby"},
+	".wdl":                 {"wdl"},
+	".webapp":              {"JSON"},
 	".webidl":              {"WebIDL"},
+	".webmanifest":         {"JSON"},
 	".weechatlog":          {"IRC log"},
 	".wiki":                {"MediaWiki"},
 	".wisp":                {"wisp"},
@@ -974,11 +997,12 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".wxi":                 {"XML"},
 	".wxl":                 {"XML"},
 	".wxs":                 {"XML"},
-	".x":                   {"Logos"},
+	".x":                   {"Linker Script", "Logos", "RPC"},
 	".x10":                 {"X10"},
 	".x3d":                 {"XML"},
 	".xacro":               {"XML"},
 	".xaml":                {"XML"},
+	".xbm":                 {"X BitMap"},
 	".xc":                  {"XC"},
 	".xht":                 {"HTML"},
 	".xhtml":               {"HTML"},
@@ -997,7 +1021,7 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".xojo_toolbar":        {"Xojo"},
 	".xojo_window":         {"Xojo"},
 	".xpl":                 {"XProc"},
-	".xpm":                 {"XPM"},
+	".xpm":                 {"X PixMap"},
 	".xproc":               {"XProc"},
 	".xproj":               {"XML"},
 	".xpy":                 {"Python"},
@@ -1024,6 +1048,8 @@ var LanguagesByExtension = map[string][]string{
 	".yaml-tmlanguage":     {"YAML"},
 	".yang":                {"YANG"},
 	".yap":                 {"Prolog"},
+	".yar":                 {"YARA"},
+	".yara":                {"YARA"},
 	".yml":                 {"YAML"},
 	".yml.mysql":           {"YAML"},
 	".yrl":                 {"Erlang"},
@@ -1054,12 +1080,12 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Adobe Font Metrics": {".afm"},
 	"Agda":               {".agda"},
 	"Alloy":              {".als"},
+	"AngelScript":        {".as", ".angelscript"},
 	"ApacheConf":         {".apacheconf", ".vhost"},
 	"Apex":               {".cls"},
 	"Apollo Guidance Computer": {".agc"},
 	"AppleScript":              {".applescript", ".scpt"},
 	"Arc":                      {".arc"},
-	"Arduino":                  {".ino"},
 	"AsciiDoc":                 {".asciidoc", ".adoc", ".asc"},
 	"AspectJ":                  {".aj"},
 	"Assembly":                 {".asm", ".a51", ".inc", ".nasm"},
@@ -1082,7 +1108,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Bro":                      {".bro"},
 	"C":                        {".c", ".cats", ".h", ".idc"},
 	"C#":                       {".cs", ".cake", ".cshtml", ".csx"},
-	"C++":                      {".cpp", ".c++", ".cc", ".cp", ".cxx", ".h", ".h++", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".inc", ".inl", ".ipp", ".re", ".tcc", ".tpp"},
+	"C++":                      {".cpp", ".c++", ".cc", ".cp", ".cxx", ".h", ".h++", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".inc", ".inl", ".ino", ".ipp", ".re", ".tcc", ".tpp"},
 	"C-ObjDump":                {".c-objdump"},
 	"C2hs Haskell":             {".chs"},
 	"CLIPS":                    {".clp"},
@@ -1105,10 +1131,12 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Click":                    {".click"},
 	"Clojure":                  {".clj", ".boot", ".cl2", ".cljc", ".cljs", ".cljs.hl", ".cljscm", ".cljx", ".hic"},
 	"Closure Templates":        {".soy"},
+	"CoNLL-U":                  {".conllu", ".conll"},
 	"CoffeeScript":             {".coffee", "._coffee", ".cake", ".cjsx", ".iced"},
 	"ColdFusion":               {".cfm", ".cfml"},
 	"ColdFusion CFC":           {".cfc"},
 	"Common Lisp":              {".lisp", ".asd", ".cl", ".l", ".lsp", ".ny", ".podsl", ".sexp"},
+	"Common Workflow Language": {".cwl"},
 	"Component Pascal":         {".cp", ".cps"},
 	"Cool":                     {".cl"},
 	"Coq":                      {".coq", ".v"},
@@ -1124,46 +1152,47 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"D":                        {".d", ".di"},
 	"D-ObjDump":                {".d-objdump"},
 	"DIGITAL Command Language": {".com"},
-	"DM":             {".dm"},
-	"DNS Zone":       {".zone", ".arpa"},
-	"DTrace":         {".d"},
-	"Darcs Patch":    {".darcspatch", ".dpatch"},
-	"Dart":           {".dart"},
-	"DataWeave":      {".dwl"},
-	"Diff":           {".diff", ".patch"},
-	"Dockerfile":     {".dockerfile"},
-	"Dogescript":     {".djs"},
-	"Dylan":          {".dylan", ".dyl", ".intr", ".lid"},
-	"E":              {".e"},
-	"EBNF":           {".ebnf"},
-	"ECL":            {".ecl", ".eclxml"},
-	"ECLiPSe":        {".ecl"},
-	"EJS":            {".ejs"},
-	"EQ":             {".eq"},
-	"Eagle":          {".sch", ".brd"},
-	"Easybuild":      {".eb"},
-	"Ecere Projects": {".epj"},
-	"Eiffel":         {".e"},
-	"Elixir":         {".ex", ".exs"},
-	"Elm":            {".elm"},
-	"Emacs Lisp":     {".el", ".emacs", ".emacs.desktop"},
-	"EmberScript":    {".em", ".emberscript"},
-	"Erlang":         {".erl", ".app.src", ".es", ".escript", ".hrl", ".xrl", ".yrl"},
-	"F#":             {".fs", ".fsi", ".fsx"},
-	"FLUX":           {".fx", ".flux"},
-	"Factor":         {".factor"},
-	"Fancy":          {".fy", ".fancypack"},
-	"Fantom":         {".fan"},
-	"Filebench WML":  {".f"},
-	"Filterscript":   {".fs"},
-	"Formatted":      {".for", ".eam.fs"},
-	"Forth":          {".fth", ".4th", ".f", ".for", ".forth", ".fr", ".frt", ".fs"},
-	"Fortran":        {".f90", ".f", ".f03", ".f08", ".f77", ".f95", ".for", ".fpp"},
-	"FreeMarker":     {".ftl"},
-	"Frege":          {".fr"},
-	"G-code":         {".g", ".gco", ".gcode"},
-	"GAMS":           {".gms"},
-	"GAP":            {".g", ".gap", ".gd", ".gi", ".tst"},
+	"DM":                   {".dm"},
+	"DNS Zone":             {".zone", ".arpa"},
+	"DTrace":               {".d"},
+	"Darcs Patch":          {".darcspatch", ".dpatch"},
+	"Dart":                 {".dart"},
+	"DataWeave":            {".dwl"},
+	"Diff":                 {".diff", ".patch"},
+	"Dockerfile":           {".dockerfile"},
+	"Dogescript":           {".djs"},
+	"Dylan":                {".dylan", ".dyl", ".intr", ".lid"},
+	"E":                    {".e"},
+	"EBNF":                 {".ebnf"},
+	"ECL":                  {".ecl", ".eclxml"},
+	"ECLiPSe":              {".ecl"},
+	"EJS":                  {".ejs"},
+	"EQ":                   {".eq"},
+	"Eagle":                {".sch", ".brd"},
+	"Easybuild":            {".eb"},
+	"Ecere Projects":       {".epj"},
+	"Edje Data Collection": {".edc"},
+	"Eiffel":               {".e"},
+	"Elixir":               {".ex", ".exs"},
+	"Elm":                  {".elm"},
+	"Emacs Lisp":           {".el", ".emacs", ".emacs.desktop"},
+	"EmberScript":          {".em", ".emberscript"},
+	"Erlang":               {".erl", ".app.src", ".es", ".escript", ".hrl", ".xrl", ".yrl"},
+	"F#":                   {".fs", ".fsi", ".fsx"},
+	"FLUX":                 {".fx", ".flux"},
+	"Factor":               {".factor"},
+	"Fancy":                {".fy", ".fancypack"},
+	"Fantom":               {".fan"},
+	"Filebench WML":        {".f"},
+	"Filterscript":         {".fs"},
+	"Formatted":            {".for", ".eam.fs"},
+	"Forth":                {".fth", ".4th", ".f", ".for", ".forth", ".fr", ".frt", ".fs"},
+	"Fortran":              {".f90", ".f", ".f03", ".f08", ".f77", ".f95", ".for", ".fpp"},
+	"FreeMarker":           {".ftl"},
+	"Frege":                {".fr"},
+	"G-code":               {".g", ".gco", ".gcode"},
+	"GAMS":                 {".gms"},
+	"GAP":                  {".g", ".gap", ".gd", ".gi", ".tst"},
 	"GCC Machine Description": {".md"},
 	"GDB":      {".gdb", ".gdbinit"},
 	"GDScript": {".gd"},
@@ -1190,21 +1219,23 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Graphviz (DOT)":          {".dot", ".gv"},
 	"Groovy":                  {".groovy", ".grt", ".gtpl", ".gvy"},
 	"Groovy Server Pages":     {".gsp"},
-	"HCL":                      {".hcl", ".tf"},
+	"HCL":                      {".hcl", ".tf", ".tfvars"},
 	"HLSL":                     {".hlsl", ".cginc", ".fx", ".fxh", ".hlsli"},
 	"HTML":                     {".html", ".htm", ".html.hl", ".inc", ".st", ".xht", ".xhtml"},
-	"HTML+Django":              {".jinja", ".mustache", ".njk"},
+	"HTML+Django":              {".jinja", ".jinja2", ".mustache", ".njk"},
 	"HTML+ECR":                 {".ecr"},
 	"HTML+EEX":                 {".eex"},
 	"HTML+ERB":                 {".erb", ".erb.deface"},
 	"HTML+PHP":                 {".phtml"},
 	"HTTP":                     {".http"},
+	"HXML":                     {".hxml"},
 	"Hack":                     {".hh", ".php"},
 	"Haml":                     {".haml", ".haml.deface"},
 	"Handlebars":               {".handlebars", ".hbs"},
 	"Harbour":                  {".hb"},
 	"Haskell":                  {".hs", ".hsc"},
 	"Haxe":                     {".hx", ".hxsl"},
+	"HiveQL":                   {".q"},
 	"Hy":                       {".hy"},
 	"HyPhy":                    {".bf"},
 	"IDL":                      {".pro", ".dlm"},
@@ -1219,7 +1250,8 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Isabelle":                 {".thy"},
 	"J":                        {".ijs"},
 	"JFlex":                    {".flex", ".jflex"},
-	"JSON":                     {".json", ".geojson", ".json-tmlanguage", ".topojson"},
+	"JSON":                     {".json", ".avsc", ".geojson", ".gltf", ".json-tmlanguage", ".jsonl", ".tfstate", ".tfstate.backup", ".topojson", ".webapp", ".webmanifest"},
+	"JSON with Comments":       {".sublime-build", ".sublime-commands", ".sublime-completions", ".sublime-keymap", ".sublime-macro", ".sublime-menu", ".sublime-mousemap", ".sublime-project", ".sublime-settings", ".sublime-theme", ".sublime-workspace", ".sublime_metrics", ".sublime_session"},
 	"JSON5":                    {".json5"},
 	"JSONLD":                   {".jsonld"},
 	"JSONiq":                   {".jq"},
@@ -1251,7 +1283,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Lex":                      {".l", ".lex"},
 	"LilyPond":                 {".ly", ".ily"},
 	"Limbo":                    {".b", ".m"},
-	"Linker Script":            {".ld", ".lds"},
+	"Linker Script":            {".ld", ".lds", ".x"},
 	"Linux Kernel Module":      {".mod"},
 	"Liquid":                   {".liquid"},
 	"Literate Agda":            {".lagda"},
@@ -1262,7 +1294,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Logtalk":                  {".lgt", ".logtalk"},
 	"LookML":                   {".lookml", ".model.lkml", ".view.lkml"},
 	"LoomScript":               {".ls"},
-	"Lua":                      {".lua", ".fcgi", ".nse", ".pd_lua", ".rbxs", ".wlua"},
+	"Lua":                      {".lua", ".fcgi", ".nse", ".p8", ".pd_lua", ".rbxs", ".wlua"},
 	"M":                        {".mumps", ".m"},
 	"M4":                       {".m4"},
 	"M4Sugar":                  {".m4"},
@@ -1273,7 +1305,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"MUF":                      {".muf", ".m"},
 	"Makefile":                 {".mak", ".d", ".make", ".mk", ".mkfile"},
 	"Mako":                     {".mako", ".mao"},
-	"Markdown":                 {".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mdwn", ".mkd", ".mkdn", ".mkdown", ".ron", ".workbook"},
+	"Markdown":                 {".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mdwn", ".mkd", ".mkdn", ".mkdown", ".ronn", ".workbook"},
 	"Marko":                    {".marko"},
 	"Mask":                     {".mask"},
 	"Mathematica":              {".mathematica", ".cdf", ".m", ".ma", ".mt", ".nb", ".nbp", ".wl", ".wlt"},
@@ -1283,7 +1315,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Mercury":                  {".m", ".moo"},
 	"Metal":                    {".metal"},
 	"MiniD":                    {".minid"},
-	"Mirah":                    {".druby", ".duby", ".mir", ".mirah"},
+	"Mirah":                    {".druby", ".duby", ".mirah"},
 	"Modelica":                 {".mo"},
 	"Modula-2":                 {".mod"},
 	"Module Management System": {".mms", ".mmk"},
@@ -1300,6 +1332,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"NetLinx+ERB":              {".axs.erb", ".axi.erb"},
 	"NetLogo":                  {".nlogo"},
 	"NewLisp":                  {".nl", ".lisp", ".lsp"},
+	"Nextflow":                 {".nf"},
 	"Nginx":                    {".nginxconf", ".vhost"},
 	"Nim":                      {".nim", ".nimrod"},
 	"Ninja":                    {".ninja"},
@@ -1316,7 +1349,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Opa":                      {".opa"},
 	"Opal":                     {".opal"},
 	"OpenCL":                   {".cl", ".opencl"},
-	"OpenEdge ABL":             {".p", ".cls"},
+	"OpenEdge ABL":             {".p", ".cls", ".w"},
 	"OpenSCAD":                 {".scad"},
 	"OpenType Feature File":    {".fea"},
 	"Org":                            {".org"},
@@ -1336,7 +1369,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Parrot Internal Representation": {".pir"},
 	"Pascal":                       {".pas", ".dfm", ".dpr", ".inc", ".lpr", ".pascal", ".pp"},
 	"Pep8":                         {".pep"},
-	"Perl":                         {".pl", ".al", ".cgi", ".fcgi", ".perl", ".ph", ".plx", ".pm", ".pod", ".psgi", ".t"},
+	"Perl":                         {".pl", ".al", ".cgi", ".fcgi", ".perl", ".ph", ".plx", ".pm", ".psgi", ".t"},
 	"Perl 6":                       {".6pl", ".6pm", ".nqp", ".p6", ".p6l", ".p6m", ".pl", ".pl6", ".pm", ".pm6", ".t"},
 	"Pic":                          {".pic", ".chem"},
 	"Pickle":                       {".pkl"},
@@ -1346,6 +1379,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Pod":                          {".pod"},
 	"PogoScript":                   {".pogo"},
 	"Pony":                         {".pony"},
+	"PostCSS":                      {".pcss"},
 	"PostScript":                   {".ps", ".eps", ".pfa"},
 	"PowerBuilder":                 {".pbt", ".sra", ".sru", ".srw"},
 	"PowerShell":                   {".ps1", ".psd1", ".psm1"},
@@ -1370,6 +1404,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"REXX":                         {".rexx", ".pprx", ".rex"},
 	"RHTML":                        {".rhtml"},
 	"RMarkdown":                    {".rmd"},
+	"RPC":                          {".x"},
 	"RPM Spec":                     {".spec"},
 	"RUNOFF":                       {".rnh", ".rno"},
 	"Racket":                       {".rkt", ".rktd", ".rktl", ".scrbl"},
@@ -1402,7 +1437,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Sage":                         {".sage", ".sagews"},
 	"SaltStack":                    {".sls"},
 	"Sass":                         {".sass"},
-	"Scala":                        {".scala", ".sbt", ".sc"},
+	"Scala":                        {".scala", ".kojo", ".sbt", ".sc"},
 	"Scaml":                        {".scaml"},
 	"Scheme":                       {".scm", ".sch", ".sld", ".sls", ".sps", ".ss"},
 	"Scilab":                       {".sci", ".sce", ".tst"},
@@ -1424,7 +1459,7 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"Stata":                        {".do", ".ado", ".doh", ".ihlp", ".mata", ".matah", ".sthlp"},
 	"Stylus":                       {".styl"},
 	"SubRip Text":                  {".srt"},
-	"Sublime Text Config":          {".sublime-build", ".sublime-commands", ".sublime-completions", ".sublime-keymap", ".sublime-macro", ".sublime-menu", ".sublime-mousemap", ".sublime-project", ".sublime-settings", ".sublime-theme", ".sublime-workspace", ".sublime_metrics", ".sublime_session"},
+	"SugarSS":                      {".sss"},
 	"SuperCollider":                {".sc", ".scd"},
 	"Swift":                        {".swift"},
 	"SystemVerilog":                {".sv", ".svh", ".vh"},
@@ -1465,30 +1500,35 @@ var ExtensionsByLanguage = map[string][]string{
 	"WebAssembly":                  {".wast", ".wat"},
 	"WebIDL":                       {".webidl"},
 	"World of Warcraft Addon Data": {".toc"},
-	"X10":              {".x10"},
-	"XC":               {".xc"},
-	"XML":              {".xml", ".adml", ".admx", ".ant", ".axml", ".builds", ".ccproj", ".ccxml", ".clixml", ".cproject", ".cscfg", ".csdef", ".csl", ".csproj", ".ct", ".depproj", ".dita", ".ditamap", ".ditaval", ".dll.config", ".dotsettings", ".filters", ".fsproj", ".fxml", ".glade", ".gml", ".grxml", ".iml", ".ivy", ".jelly", ".jsproj", ".kml", ".launch", ".mdpolicy", ".mjml", ".mm", ".mod", ".mxml", ".natvis", ".ndproj", ".nproj", ".nuspec", ".odd", ".osm", ".pkgproj", ".plist", ".pluginspec", ".proj", ".props", ".ps1xml", ".psc1", ".pt", ".rdf", ".resx", ".rss", ".sch", ".scxml", ".sfproj", ".shproj", ".srdf", ".storyboard", ".sttheme", ".sublime-snippet", ".targets", ".tmcommand", ".tml", ".tmlanguage", ".tmpreferences", ".tmsnippet", ".tmtheme", ".ts", ".tsx", ".ui", ".urdf", ".ux", ".vbproj", ".vcxproj", ".vsixmanifest", ".vssettings", ".vstemplate", ".vxml", ".wixproj", ".wsdl", ".wsf", ".wxi", ".wxl", ".wxs", ".x3d", ".xacro", ".xaml", ".xib", ".xlf", ".xliff", ".xmi", ".xml.dist", ".xproj", ".xsd", ".xspec", ".xul", ".zcml"},
-	"XPM":              {".xpm", ".pm"},
-	"XPages":           {".xsp-config", ".xsp.metadata"},
-	"XProc":            {".xpl", ".xproc"},
-	"XQuery":           {".xquery", ".xq", ".xql", ".xqm", ".xqy"},
-	"XS":               {".xs"},
-	"XSLT":             {".xslt", ".xsl"},
-	"Xojo":             {".xojo_code", ".xojo_menu", ".xojo_report", ".xojo_script", ".xojo_toolbar", ".xojo_window"},
-	"Xtend":            {".xtend"},
-	"YAML":             {".yml", ".reek", ".rviz", ".sublime-syntax", ".syntax", ".yaml", ".yaml-tmlanguage", ".yml.mysql"},
-	"YANG":             {".yang"},
-	"Yacc":             {".y", ".yacc", ".yy"},
-	"Zephir":           {".zep"},
-	"Zimpl":            {".zimpl", ".zmpl", ".zpl"},
-	"desktop":          {".desktop", ""},
-	"eC":               {".ec", ".eh"},
-	"edn":              {".edn"},
-	"fish":             {".fish"},
-	"mupad":            {".mu"},
-	"nesC":             {".nc"},
-	"ooc":              {".ooc"},
-	"reStructuredText": {".rst", ".rest", ".rest.txt", ".rst.txt"},
-	"wisp":             {".wisp"},
-	"xBase":            {".prg", ".ch", ".prw"},
+	"X BitMap":                     {".xbm"},
+	"X PixMap":                     {".xpm", ".pm"},
+	"X10":                          {".x10"},
+	"XC":                           {".xc"},
+	"XML":                          {".xml", ".adml", ".admx", ".ant", ".axml", ".builds", ".ccproj", ".ccxml", ".clixml", ".cproject", ".cscfg", ".csdef", ".csl", ".csproj", ".ct", ".depproj", ".dita", ".ditamap", ".ditaval", ".dll.config", ".dotsettings", ".filters", ".fsproj", ".fxml", ".glade", ".gml", ".grxml", ".iml", ".ivy", ".jelly", ".jsproj", ".kml", ".launch", ".mdpolicy", ".mjml", ".mm", ".mod", ".mxml", ".natvis", ".ndproj", ".nproj", ".nuspec", ".odd", ".osm", ".pkgproj", ".plist", ".pluginspec", ".proj", ".props", ".ps1xml", ".psc1", ".pt", ".rdf", ".resx", ".rss", ".sch", ".scxml", ".sfproj", ".shproj", ".srdf", ".storyboard", ".sttheme", ".sublime-snippet", ".targets", ".tmcommand", ".tml", ".tmlanguage", ".tmpreferences", ".tmsnippet", ".tmtheme", ".ts", ".tsx", ".ui", ".urdf", ".ux", ".vbproj", ".vcxproj", ".vsixmanifest", ".vssettings", ".vstemplate", ".vxml", ".wixproj", ".wsdl", ".wsf", ".wxi", ".wxl", ".wxs", ".x3d", ".xacro", ".xaml", ".xib", ".xlf", ".xliff", ".xmi", ".xml.dist", ".xproj", ".xsd", ".xspec", ".xul", ".zcml"},
+	"XPages":                       {".xsp-config", ".xsp.metadata"},
+	"XProc":                        {".xpl", ".xproc"},
+	"XQuery":                       {".xquery", ".xq", ".xql", ".xqm", ".xqy"},
+	"XS":                           {".xs"},
+	"XSLT":                         {".xslt", ".xsl"},
+	"Xojo":                         {".xojo_code", ".xojo_menu", ".xojo_report", ".xojo_script", ".xojo_toolbar", ".xojo_window"},
+	"Xtend":                        {".xtend"},
+	"YAML":                         {".yml", ".mir", ".reek", ".rviz", ".sublime-syntax", ".syntax", ".yaml", ".yaml-tmlanguage", ".yml.mysql"},
+	"YANG":                         {".yang"},
+	"YARA":                         {".yar", ".yara"},
+	"Yacc":                         {".y", ".yacc", ".yy"},
+	"Zephir":                       {".zep"},
+	"Zimpl":                        {".zimpl", ".zmpl", ".zpl"},
+	"desktop":                      {".desktop", ""},
+	"eC":                           {".ec", ".eh"},
+	"edn":                          {".edn"},
+	"fish":                         {".fish"},
+	"mupad":                        {".mu"},
+	"nesC":                         {".nc"},
+	"ooc":                          {".ooc"},
+	"q":                            {".q"},
+	"reStructuredText":             {".rst", ".rest", ".rest.txt", ".rst.txt"},
+	"sed":                          {".sed"},
+	"wdl":                          {".wdl"},
+	"wisp":                         {".wisp"},
+	"xBase":                        {".prg", ".ch", ".prw"},
diff --git a/data/filename.go b/data/filename.go
index 12e18f88..d02bb4c4 100644
--- a/data/filename.go
+++ b/data/filename.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	".XCompose":          {"XCompose"},
 	".abbrev_defs":       {"Emacs Lisp"},
 	".arcconfig":         {"JSON"},
-	".babelrc":           {"JSON5"},
+	".babelrc":           {"JSON with Comments"},
 	".bash_history":      {"Shell"},
 	".bash_logout":       {"Shell"},
 	".bash_profile":      {"Shell"},
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	".editorconfig":      {"INI"},
 	".emacs":             {"Emacs Lisp"},
 	".emacs.desktop":     {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".eslintrc.json":     {"JSON with Comments"},
 	".factor-boot-rc":    {"Factor"},
 	".factor-rc":         {"Factor"},
 	".gclient":           {"Python"},
@@ -30,8 +31,11 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	".gnus":              {"Emacs Lisp"},
 	".gvimrc":            {"Vim script"},
 	".htaccess":          {"ApacheConf"},
+	".htmlhintrc":        {"JSON"},
 	".irbrc":             {"Ruby"},
-	".jshintrc":          {"JSON"},
+	".jscsrc":            {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".jshintrc":          {"JSON with Comments"},
+	".jslintrc":          {"JSON with Comments"},
 	".login":             {"Shell"},
 	".nvimrc":            {"Vim script"},
 	".php":               {"PHP"},
@@ -41,6 +45,8 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	".project":           {"XML"},
 	".pryrc":             {"Ruby"},
 	".spacemacs":         {"Emacs Lisp"},
+	".tern-config":       {"JSON"},
+	".tern-project":      {"JSON"},
 	".vimrc":             {"Vim script"},
 	".viper":             {"Emacs Lisp"},
 	".zlogin":            {"Shell"},
@@ -55,6 +61,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"BSDmakefile":        {"Makefile"},
 	"BUCK":               {"Python"},
 	"BUILD":              {"Python"},
+	"BUILD.bazel":        {"Python"},
 	"Berksfile":          {"Ruby"},
 	"Brewfile":           {"Ruby"},
 	"Buildfile":          {"Ruby"},
@@ -64,6 +71,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"COPYRIGHT.regex":    {"Text"},
 	"Cakefile":           {"CoffeeScript"},
 	"Capfile":            {"Ruby"},
+	"Cargo.lock":         {"TOML"},
 	"Cask":               {"Emacs Lisp"},
 	"Dangerfile":         {"Ruby"},
 	"Deliverfile":        {"Ruby"},
@@ -75,6 +83,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"GNUmakefile":        {"Makefile"},
 	"Gemfile":            {"Ruby"},
 	"Gemfile.lock":       {"Ruby"},
+	"Gopkg.lock":         {"TOML"},
 	"Guardfile":          {"Ruby"},
 	"INSTALL":            {"Text"},
 	"INSTALL.mysql":      {"Text"},
@@ -85,6 +94,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"LICENSE":            {"Text"},
 	"LICENSE.mysql":      {"Text"},
 	"Makefile":           {"Makefile"},
+	"Makefile.PL":        {"Perl"},
 	"":        {"Makefile"},
 	"Makefile.boot":      {"Makefile"},
 	"Makefile.frag":      {"Makefile"},
@@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"README.mysql":       {"Text"},
 	"ROOT":               {"Isabelle ROOT"},
 	"Rakefile":           {"Ruby"},
-	"Rexfile":            {"Perl 6"},
+	"Rexfile":            {"Perl"},
 	"SConscript":         {"Python"},
 	"SConstruct":         {"Python"},
 	"Settings.StyleCop":  {"XML"},
@@ -142,7 +152,9 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"descrip.mmk":        {"Module Management System"},
 	"descrip.mms":        {"Module Management System"},
 	"expr-dist":          {"R"},
+	"firestore.rules":    {"Cloud Firestore Security Rules"},
 	"fp-lib-table":       {"KiCad Layout"},
+	"glide.lock":         {"YAML"},
 	"gradlew":            {"Shell"},
 	"gvimrc":             {"Vim script"},
 	"httpd.conf":         {"ApacheConf"},
@@ -159,6 +171,7 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"mkfile":             {"Makefile"},
 	"mmn":                {"Roff"},
 	"mmt":                {"Roff"},
+	"nextflow.config":    {"Nextflow"},
 	"nginx.conf":         {"Nginx"},
 	"nvimrc":             {"Vim script"},
 	"owh":                {"Tcl"},
@@ -171,9 +184,9 @@ var LanguagesByFilename = map[string][]string{
 	"rebar.config.lock":  {"Erlang"},
 	"rebar.lock":         {"Erlang"},
 	"riemann.config":     {"Clojure"},
-	"script":             {"C"},
 	"starfield":          {"Tcl"},
 	"":            {"Text"},
+	"tsconfig.json":      {"JSON with Comments"},
 	"vimrc":              {"Vim script"},
 	"wscript":            {"Python"},
 	"xcompose":           {"XCompose"},
diff --git a/data/frequencies.go b/data/frequencies.go
index 41c3aeaf..d910aa26 100644
--- a/data/frequencies.go
+++ b/data/frequencies.go
@@ -1,397 +1,414 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
 var LanguagesLogProbabilities = map[string]float64{
-	"1C Enterprise":      -5.774552,
-	"ABAP":               -7.566311,
-	"ABNF":               -7.566311,
-	"AGS Script":         -6.180017,
-	"AMPL":               -6.873164,
-	"API Blueprint":      -6.467699,
-	"APL":                -6.467699,
-	"ASN.1":              -7.566311,
-	"ATS":                -5.369086,
-	"Adobe Font Metrics": -6.467699,
-	"Agda":               -7.566311,
-	"Alloy":              -6.467699,
-	"Alpine Abuild":      -7.566311,
-	"Ant Build System":   -7.566311,
-	"ApacheConf":         -6.180017,
-	"Apex":               -5.774552,
-	"Apollo Guidance Computer": -7.566311,
-	"AppleScript":              -5.620401,
-	"Arduino":                  -6.873164,
-	"AsciiDoc":                 -6.467699,
-	"AspectJ":                  -6.873164,
-	"Assembly":                 -5.774552,
-	"AutoHotkey":               -7.566311,
-	"Awk":                      -7.566311,
-	"Ballerina":                -5.956873,
-	"BitBake":                  -6.873164,
-	"Blade":                    -6.873164,
-	"BlitzBasic":               -6.467699,
-	"BlitzMax":                 -7.566311,
-	"Bluespec":                 -6.873164,
-	"Brainfuck":                -5.956873,
-	"Brightscript":             -7.566311,
-	"C":                        -3.523260,
-	"C#":                       -5.774552,
-	"C++":                      -3.716163,
-	"CLIPS":                    -6.873164,
-	"CMake":                    -5.620401,
-	"COBOL":                    -6.180017,
-	"CSON":                     -6.180017,
-	"CSS":                      -6.873164,
-	"CSV":                      -7.566311,
-	"CWeb":                     -7.566311,
-	"CartoCSS":                 -7.566311,
-	"Ceylon":                   -7.566311,
-	"Chapel":                   -5.956873,
-	"Charity":                  -7.566311,
-	"Cirru":                    -5.369086,
-	"Clarion":                  -6.180017,
-	"Clean":                    -5.369086,
-	"Click":                    -6.873164,
-	"Clojure":                  -5.369086,
-	"Closure Templates":        -7.566311,
-	"CoffeeScript":             -5.263726,
-	"ColdFusion":               -7.566311,
-	"ColdFusion CFC":           -6.873164,
-	"Common Lisp":              -5.369086,
-	"Component Pascal":         -6.873164,
-	"Cool":                     -6.873164,
-	"Coq":                      -5.001362,
-	"Creole":                   -7.566311,
-	"Crystal":                  -6.467699,
-	"Csound":                   -6.467699,
-	"Csound Document":          -6.467699,
-	"Csound Score":             -6.467699,
-	"Cuda":                     -6.873164,
-	"Cycript":                  -7.566311,
-	"D":                        -5.369086,
-	"DIGITAL Command Language": -6.180017,
-	"DM":            -7.566311,
-	"DNS Zone":      -6.873164,
-	"DTrace":        -6.467699,
-	"Dart":          -7.566311,
-	"DataWeave":     -5.956873,
-	"Diff":          -7.566311,
-	"Dockerfile":    -7.566311,
-	"Dogescript":    -7.566311,
-	"E":             -5.620401,
-	"EBNF":          -6.180017,
-	"ECL":           -7.566311,
-	"ECLiPSe":       -7.566311,
-	"EJS":           -6.873164,
-	"EQ":            -6.467699,
-	"Eagle":         -6.873164,
-	"Easybuild":     -7.566311,
-	"Eiffel":        -6.467699,
-	"Elixir":        -7.566311,
-	"Elm":           -6.467699,
-	"Emacs Lisp":    -5.168416,
-	"EmberScript":   -7.566311,
-	"Erlang":        -4.927254,
-	"F#":            -5.486869,
-	"FLUX":          -6.180017,
-	"Fantom":        -6.873164,
-	"Filebench WML": -7.566311,
-	"Filterscript":  -6.873164,
-	"Formatted":     -6.467699,
-	"Forth":         -4.793722,
-	"Fortran":       -5.956873,
-	"FreeMarker":    -6.873164,
-	"Frege":         -6.180017,
-	"G-code":        -6.873164,
-	"GAMS":          -7.566311,
-	"GAP":           -5.369086,
-	"GCC Machine Description": -7.566311,
-	"GDB":      -6.873164,
-	"GDScript": -6.180017,
-	"GLSL":     -4.927254,
-	"GN":       -5.168416,
-	"Game Maker Language":     -5.168416,
-	"Genie":                   -6.873164,
-	"Gerber Image":            -4.793722,
-	"Gnuplot":                 -5.774552,
-	"Go":                      -6.467699,
-	"Golo":                    -4.270474,
-	"Gosu":                    -5.956873,
-	"Grace":                   -6.873164,
-	"Gradle":                  -6.873164,
-	"Grammatical Framework":   -3.852739,
-	"Graph Modeling Language": -7.566311,
-	"GraphQL":                 -6.873164,
-	"Graphviz (DOT)":          -6.873164,
-	"Groovy":                  -5.774552,
-	"Groovy Server Pages":     -6.180017,
-	"HCL":                            -6.467699,
-	"HLSL":                           -5.956873,
-	"HTML":                           -5.774552,
-	"HTML+Django":                    -7.566311,
-	"HTML+ECR":                       -7.566311,
-	"HTML+EEX":                       -7.566311,
-	"HTML+ERB":                       -6.873164,
-	"Hack":                           -4.234107,
-	"Haml":                           -6.873164,
-	"Handlebars":                     -6.873164,
-	"Haskell":                        -5.956873,
-	"Hy":                             -6.873164,
-	"HyPhy":                          -5.486869,
-	"IDL":                            -6.180017,
-	"IGOR Pro":                       -6.873164,
-	"INI":                            -5.956873,
-	"Idris":                          -7.566311,
-	"Inform 7":                       -6.873164,
-	"Inno Setup":                     -7.566311,
-	"Ioke":                           -7.566311,
-	"Isabelle":                       -7.566311,
-	"Isabelle ROOT":                  -7.566311,
-	"J":                              -6.873164,
-	"JFlex":                          -6.873164,
-	"JSON":                           -5.369086,
-	"JSON5":                          -6.467699,
-	"JSONLD":                         -7.566311,
-	"JSONiq":                         -6.873164,
-	"JSX":                            -7.566311,
-	"Jasmin":                         -5.486869,
-	"Java":                           -5.369086,
-	"JavaScript":                     -3.955393,
-	"Jison":                          -6.467699,
-	"Jison Lex":                      -6.873164,
-	"Jolie":                          -5.956873,
-	"Julia":                          -6.873164,
-	"Jupyter Notebook":               -7.566311,
-	"KRL":                            -7.566311,
-	"KiCad Layout":                   -4.793722,
-	"KiCad Legacy Layout":            -7.566311,
-	"KiCad Schematic":                -5.774552,
-	"Kit":                            -7.566311,
-	"Kotlin":                         -7.566311,
-	"LFE":                            -6.180017,
-	"LOLCODE":                        -7.566311,
-	"LSL":                            -6.873164,
-	"Lasso":                          -6.180017,
-	"Latte":                          -6.873164,
-	"Lean":                           -6.873164,
-	"Less":                           -7.566311,
-	"Lex":                            -7.566311,
-	"Limbo":                          -6.467699,
-	"Linker Script":                  -6.467699,
-	"Linux Kernel Module":            -6.467699,
-	"Liquid":                         -6.873164,
-	"Literate Agda":                  -7.566311,
-	"Literate CoffeeScript":          -7.566311,
-	"LiveScript":                     -7.566311,
-	"Logos":                          -7.566311,
-	"Logtalk":                        -7.566311,
-	"LookML":                         -6.467699,
-	"LoomScript":                     -6.873164,
-	"Lua":                            -6.180017,
-	"M":                              -4.199015,
-	"M4":                             -7.566311,
-	"M4Sugar":                        -6.467699,
-	"MAXScript":                      -5.956873,
-	"MQL4":                           -6.467699,
-	"MQL5":                           -6.467699,
-	"MTML":                           -7.566311,
-	"MUF":                            -6.873164,
-	"Makefile":                       -5.081404,
-	"Markdown":                       -6.180017,
-	"Marko":                          -6.467699,
-	"Mask":                           -7.566311,
-	"Mathematica":                    -5.081404,
-	"Matlab":                         -3.902749,
-	"Maven POM":                      -7.566311,
-	"Max":                            -6.467699,
-	"MediaWiki":                      -6.873164,
-	"Mercury":                        -5.263726,
-	"Meson":                          -6.873164,
-	"Metal":                          -7.566311,
-	"Modelica":                       -5.081404,
-	"Modula-2":                       -7.566311,
-	"Module Management System":       -5.956873,
-	"Monkey":                         -7.566311,
-	"Moocode":                        -6.467699,
-	"MoonScript":                     -7.566311,
-	"NCL":                            -4.793722,
-	"NL":                             -6.873164,
-	"NSIS":                           -6.873164,
-	"Nearley":                        -7.566311,
-	"Nemerle":                        -7.566311,
-	"NetLinx":                        -6.873164,
-	"NetLinx+ERB":                    -6.873164,
-	"NetLogo":                        -7.566311,
-	"NewLisp":                        -6.467699,
-	"Nginx":                          -6.873164,
-	"Nim":                            -7.566311,
-	"Nit":                            -4.388257,
-	"Nix":                            -7.566311,
-	"Nu":                             -6.873164,
-	"OCaml":                          -5.263726,
-	"Objective-C":                    -4.475269,
-	"Objective-C++":                  -6.873164,
-	"Objective-J":                    -6.467699,
-	"Omgrofl":                        -7.566311,
-	"Opa":                            -6.873164,
-	"Opal":                           -7.566311,
-	"OpenCL":                         -6.873164,
-	"OpenEdge ABL":                   -5.956873,
-	"OpenRC runscript":               -7.566311,
-	"OpenSCAD":                       -6.873164,
-	"Org":                            -7.566311,
-	"Ox":                             -6.467699,
-	"Oxygene":                        -7.566311,
-	"Oz":                             -7.566311,
-	"P4":                             -6.873164,
-	"PAWN":                           -6.873164,
-	"PHP":                            -4.675939,
-	"PLSQL":                          -5.486869,
-	"PLpgSQL":                        -5.774552,
-	"POV-Ray SDL":                    -5.081404,
-	"Pan":                            -4.675939,
-	"Papyrus":                        -6.467699,
-	"Parrot Assembly":                -7.566311,
-	"Parrot Internal Representation": -7.566311,
-	"Pascal":                       -5.263726,
-	"Pep8":                         -5.620401,
-	"Perl":                         -4.521789,
-	"Perl 6":                       -4.475269,
-	"Pic":                          -6.467699,
-	"Pickle":                       -6.180017,
-	"PicoLisp":                     -7.566311,
-	"PigLatin":                     -7.566311,
-	"Pike":                         -6.467699,
-	"Pod":                          -6.467699,
-	"PogoScript":                   -7.566311,
-	"Pony":                         -5.774552,
-	"PostScript":                   -6.873164,
-	"PowerBuilder":                 -5.774552,
-	"PowerShell":                   -6.467699,
-	"Processing":                   -7.566311,
-	"Prolog":                       -5.369086,
-	"Propeller Spin":               -5.263726,
-	"Protocol Buffer":              -7.566311,
-	"Public Key":                   -5.620401,
-	"Pug":                          -6.873164,
-	"Puppet":                       -5.956873,
-	"PureBasic":                    -6.873164,
-	"PureScript":                   -6.180017,
-	"Python":                       -4.388257,
-	"QML":                          -7.566311,
-	"QMake":                        -6.180017,
-	"R":                            -5.486869,
-	"RAML":                         -7.566311,
-	"RDoc":                         -7.566311,
-	"REXX":                         -6.180017,
-	"RMarkdown":                    -7.566311,
-	"RPM Spec":                     -6.467699,
-	"RUNOFF":                       -6.180017,
-	"Racket":                       -6.873164,
-	"Ragel":                        -6.467699,
-	"Rascal":                       -6.180017,
-	"Reason":                       -5.956873,
-	"Rebol":                        -5.774552,
-	"Red":                          -6.873164,
-	"Regular Expression":           -6.180017,
-	"Ren'Py":                       -7.566311,
-	"RenderScript":                 -6.873164,
-	"Ring":                         -6.180017,
-	"RobotFramework":               -6.467699,
-	"Roff":                         -5.620401,
-	"Ruby":                         -4.100575,
-	"Rust":                         -6.467699,
-	"SAS":                          -6.467699,
-	"SCSS":                         -7.566311,
-	"SMT":                          -6.180017,
-	"SPARQL":                       -6.873164,
-	"SQF":                          -6.873164,
-	"SQL":                          -5.081404,
-	"SQLPL":                        -5.774552,
-	"SRecode Template":             -7.566311,
-	"STON":                         -5.620401,
-	"Sage":                         -7.566311,
-	"SaltStack":                    -5.774552,
-	"Sass":                         -7.566311,
-	"Scala":                        -6.180017,
-	"Scaml":                        -7.566311,
-	"Scheme":                       -6.180017,
-	"Scilab":                       -6.467699,
-	"ShaderLab":                    -6.467699,
-	"Shell":                        -3.805111,
-	"ShellSession":                 -6.467699,
-	"Shen":                         -6.467699,
-	"Slash":                        -7.566311,
-	"Slim":                         -7.566311,
-	"Smali":                        -5.620401,
-	"Smalltalk":                    -5.263726,
-	"SourcePawn":                   -5.774552,
-	"Squirrel":                     -7.566311,
-	"Stan":                         -6.467699,
-	"Standard ML":                  -5.956873,
-	"Stata":                        -5.620401,
-	"Stylus":                       -7.566311,
-	"SubRip Text":                  -7.566311,
-	"Sublime Text Config":          -5.081404,
-	"SuperCollider":                -5.956873,
-	"Swift":                        -3.805111,
-	"SystemVerilog":                -6.180017,
-	"TI Program":                   -6.180017,
-	"TLA":                          -6.873164,
-	"TXL":                          -7.566311,
-	"Tcl":                          -6.180017,
-	"TeX":                          -5.620401,
-	"Tea":                          -7.566311,
-	"Terra":                        -6.467699,
-	"Text":                         -4.308214,
-	"Thrift":                       -7.566311,
-	"Turing":                       -6.873164,
-	"Turtle":                       -6.873164,
-	"Type Language":                -6.873164,
-	"TypeScript":                   -5.774552,
-	"Unity3D Asset":                -5.956873,
-	"Unix Assembly":                -6.873164,
-	"Uno":                          -6.467699,
-	"UnrealScript":                 -6.873164,
-	"UrWeb":                        -6.873164,
-	"VCL":                          -6.873164,
-	"VHDL":                         -7.566311,
-	"Verilog":                      -5.001362,
-	"Vim script":                   -5.956873,
-	"Visual Basic":                 -6.180017,
-	"Volt":                         -7.566311,
-	"Vue":                          -6.873164,
-	"Wavefront Material":           -6.180017,
-	"Wavefront Object":             -5.956873,
-	"Web Ontology Language":        -7.566311,
-	"WebAssembly":                  -5.774552,
-	"WebIDL":                       -6.873164,
-	"World of Warcraft Addon Data": -6.467699,
-	"X10":              -4.675939,
-	"XC":               -7.566311,
-	"XCompose":         -7.566311,
-	"XML":              -3.505868,
-	"XPM":              -6.873164,
-	"XPages":           -6.873164,
-	"XProc":            -7.566311,
-	"XQuery":           -7.566311,
-	"XS":               -7.566311,
-	"XSLT":             -7.566311,
-	"Xojo":             -5.774552,
-	"Xtend":            -6.873164,
-	"YAML":             -5.486869,
-	"YANG":             -7.566311,
-	"Zephir":           -6.873164,
-	"Zimpl":            -7.566311,
-	"desktop":          -7.566311,
-	"eC":               -7.566311,
-	"edn":              -7.566311,
-	"fish":             -6.467699,
-	"reStructuredText": -7.566311,
-	"wisp":             -7.566311,
-	"xBase":            -6.467699,
+	"1C Enterprise":      -5.812138,
+	"ABAP":               -7.603898,
+	"ABNF":               -7.603898,
+	"AGS Script":         -6.217604,
+	"AMPL":               -6.910751,
+	"API Blueprint":      -6.505286,
+	"APL":                -6.505286,
+	"ASN.1":              -7.603898,
+	"ATS":                -5.406673,
+	"ActionScript":       -6.910751,
+	"Adobe Font Metrics": -6.505286,
+	"Agda":               -7.603898,
+	"Alloy":              -6.505286,
+	"Alpine Abuild":      -7.603898,
+	"AngelScript":        -6.910751,
+	"Ant Build System":   -7.603898,
+	"ApacheConf":         -6.217604,
+	"Apex":               -5.812138,
+	"Apollo Guidance Computer":       -7.603898,
+	"AppleScript":                    -5.657988,
+	"AsciiDoc":                       -6.505286,
+	"AspectJ":                        -6.910751,
+	"Assembly":                       -5.812138,
+	"AutoHotkey":                     -7.603898,
+	"Awk":                            -7.603898,
+	"Ballerina":                      -5.994460,
+	"BitBake":                        -6.910751,
+	"Blade":                          -6.910751,
+	"BlitzBasic":                     -6.505286,
+	"BlitzMax":                       -7.603898,
+	"Bluespec":                       -6.910751,
+	"Brainfuck":                      -5.994460,
+	"Brightscript":                   -7.603898,
+	"C":                              -3.560847,
+	"C#":                             -5.812138,
+	"C++":                            -3.712078,
+	"CLIPS":                          -6.910751,
+	"CMake":                          -5.657988,
+	"COBOL":                          -6.217604,
+	"CSON":                           -6.217604,
+	"CSS":                            -6.910751,
+	"CSV":                            -7.603898,
+	"CWeb":                           -7.603898,
+	"CartoCSS":                       -7.603898,
+	"Ceylon":                         -7.603898,
+	"Chapel":                         -5.994460,
+	"Charity":                        -7.603898,
+	"Cirru":                          -5.406673,
+	"Clarion":                        -6.217604,
+	"Clean":                          -5.406673,
+	"Click":                          -6.910751,
+	"Clojure":                        -5.406673,
+	"Closure Templates":              -7.603898,
+	"Cloud Firestore Security Rules": -7.603898,
+	"CoNLL-U":                        -6.505286,
+	"CoffeeScript":                   -5.301313,
+	"ColdFusion":                     -7.603898,
+	"ColdFusion CFC":                 -6.910751,
+	"Common Lisp":                    -5.406673,
+	"Common Workflow Language":       -7.603898,
+	"Component Pascal":               -6.910751,
+	"Cool":                           -6.910751,
+	"Coq":                            -5.038949,
+	"Creole":                         -7.603898,
+	"Crystal":                        -6.505286,
+	"Csound":                         -6.505286,
+	"Csound Document":                -6.505286,
+	"Csound Score":                   -6.505286,
+	"Cuda":                           -6.910751,
+	"Cycript":                        -7.603898,
+	"D":                              -5.406673,
+	"DIGITAL Command Language": -6.217604,
+	"DM":                   -7.603898,
+	"DNS Zone":             -6.910751,
+	"DTrace":               -6.505286,
+	"Dart":                 -7.603898,
+	"DataWeave":            -5.994460,
+	"Diff":                 -7.603898,
+	"Dockerfile":           -7.603898,
+	"Dogescript":           -7.603898,
+	"E":                    -5.657988,
+	"EBNF":                 -6.217604,
+	"ECL":                  -7.603898,
+	"ECLiPSe":              -7.603898,
+	"EJS":                  -6.910751,
+	"EQ":                   -6.505286,
+	"Eagle":                -6.910751,
+	"Easybuild":            -7.603898,
+	"Edje Data Collection": -7.603898,
+	"Eiffel":               -6.505286,
+	"Elixir":               -7.603898,
+	"Elm":                  -6.505286,
+	"Emacs Lisp":           -5.206003,
+	"EmberScript":          -7.603898,
+	"Erlang":               -4.964841,
+	"F#":                   -5.524456,
+	"FLUX":                 -6.217604,
+	"Fantom":               -6.910751,
+	"Filebench WML":        -7.603898,
+	"Filterscript":         -6.910751,
+	"Formatted":            -6.505286,
+	"Forth":                -4.831309,
+	"Fortran":              -5.994460,
+	"FreeMarker":           -6.910751,
+	"Frege":                -6.217604,
+	"G-code":               -6.910751,
+	"GAMS":                 -7.603898,
+	"GAP":                  -5.406673,
+	"GCC Machine Description": -7.603898,
+	"GDB":      -6.910751,
+	"GDScript": -6.217604,
+	"GLSL":     -4.964841,
+	"GN":       -5.206003,
+	"Game Maker Language":     -5.206003,
+	"Genie":                   -6.910751,
+	"Gerber Image":            -4.831309,
+	"Gnuplot":                 -5.812138,
+	"Go":                      -6.505286,
+	"Golo":                    -4.308061,
+	"Gosu":                    -5.994460,
+	"Grace":                   -6.910751,
+	"Gradle":                  -6.910751,
+	"Grammatical Framework":   -3.890326,
+	"Graph Modeling Language": -7.603898,
+	"GraphQL":                 -6.910751,
+	"Graphviz (DOT)":          -6.910751,
+	"Groovy":                  -5.812138,
+	"Groovy Server Pages":     -6.217604,
+	"HCL":                            -6.217604,
+	"HLSL":                           -5.994460,
+	"HTML":                           -5.812138,
+	"HTML+Django":                    -6.910751,
+	"HTML+ECR":                       -7.603898,
+	"HTML+EEX":                       -7.603898,
+	"HTML+ERB":                       -6.910751,
+	"HXML":                           -6.910751,
+	"Hack":                           -4.271693,
+	"Haml":                           -6.910751,
+	"Handlebars":                     -6.910751,
+	"Haskell":                        -5.994460,
+	"HiveQL":                         -7.603898,
+	"Hy":                             -6.910751,
+	"HyPhy":                          -5.524456,
+	"IDL":                            -6.217604,
+	"IGOR Pro":                       -6.910751,
+	"INI":                            -5.994460,
+	"Idris":                          -7.603898,
+	"Inform 7":                       -6.910751,
+	"Inno Setup":                     -7.603898,
+	"Ioke":                           -7.603898,
+	"Isabelle":                       -7.603898,
+	"Isabelle ROOT":                  -7.603898,
+	"J":                              -6.910751,
+	"JFlex":                          -6.910751,
+	"JSON":                           -4.713526,
+	"JSON with Comments":             -4.713526,
+	"JSON5":                          -6.910751,
+	"JSONLD":                         -7.603898,
+	"JSONiq":                         -6.910751,
+	"JSX":                            -7.603898,
+	"Jasmin":                         -5.524456,
+	"Java":                           -5.406673,
+	"JavaScript":                     -3.992980,
+	"Jison":                          -6.505286,
+	"Jison Lex":                      -6.910751,
+	"Jolie":                          -5.994460,
+	"Julia":                          -6.910751,
+	"Jupyter Notebook":               -7.603898,
+	"KRL":                            -7.603898,
+	"KiCad Layout":                   -4.831309,
+	"KiCad Legacy Layout":            -7.603898,
+	"KiCad Schematic":                -5.812138,
+	"Kit":                            -7.603898,
+	"Kotlin":                         -7.603898,
+	"LFE":                            -6.217604,
+	"LOLCODE":                        -7.603898,
+	"LSL":                            -6.910751,
+	"Lasso":                          -6.217604,
+	"Latte":                          -6.910751,
+	"Lean":                           -6.910751,
+	"Less":                           -7.603898,
+	"Lex":                            -7.603898,
+	"Limbo":                          -6.505286,
+	"Linker Script":                  -6.217604,
+	"Linux Kernel Module":            -6.505286,
+	"Liquid":                         -6.910751,
+	"Literate Agda":                  -7.603898,
+	"Literate CoffeeScript":          -7.603898,
+	"LiveScript":                     -7.603898,
+	"Logos":                          -5.994460,
+	"Logtalk":                        -7.603898,
+	"LookML":                         -6.505286,
+	"LoomScript":                     -6.910751,
+	"Lua":                            -5.994460,
+	"M":                              -4.236602,
+	"M4":                             -7.603898,
+	"M4Sugar":                        -6.505286,
+	"MAXScript":                      -5.994460,
+	"MQL4":                           -6.505286,
+	"MQL5":                           -6.505286,
+	"MTML":                           -7.603898,
+	"MUF":                            -6.910751,
+	"Makefile":                       -5.118991,
+	"Markdown":                       -5.657988,
+	"Marko":                          -6.505286,
+	"Mask":                           -7.603898,
+	"Mathematica":                    -5.118991,
+	"Matlab":                         -3.940336,
+	"Maven POM":                      -7.603898,
+	"Max":                            -6.505286,
+	"MediaWiki":                      -6.910751,
+	"Mercury":                        -5.301313,
+	"Meson":                          -6.910751,
+	"Metal":                          -7.603898,
+	"Modelica":                       -5.118991,
+	"Modula-2":                       -7.603898,
+	"Module Management System":       -5.994460,
+	"Monkey":                         -5.994460,
+	"Moocode":                        -6.505286,
+	"MoonScript":                     -7.603898,
+	"NCL":                            -4.831309,
+	"NL":                             -6.910751,
+	"NSIS":                           -6.910751,
+	"Nearley":                        -7.603898,
+	"Nemerle":                        -7.603898,
+	"NetLinx":                        -6.910751,
+	"NetLinx+ERB":                    -6.910751,
+	"NetLogo":                        -7.603898,
+	"NewLisp":                        -6.505286,
+	"Nextflow":                       -6.217604,
+	"Nginx":                          -6.910751,
+	"Nim":                            -7.603898,
+	"Nit":                            -4.425844,
+	"Nix":                            -7.603898,
+	"Nu":                             -6.910751,
+	"OCaml":                          -5.301313,
+	"Objective-C":                    -4.512856,
+	"Objective-C++":                  -6.910751,
+	"Objective-J":                    -6.505286,
+	"Omgrofl":                        -7.603898,
+	"Opa":                            -6.910751,
+	"Opal":                           -7.603898,
+	"OpenCL":                         -6.910751,
+	"OpenEdge ABL":                   -5.812138,
+	"OpenRC runscript":               -7.603898,
+	"OpenSCAD":                       -6.910751,
+	"Org":                            -7.603898,
+	"Ox":                             -6.505286,
+	"Oxygene":                        -7.603898,
+	"Oz":                             -7.603898,
+	"P4":                             -6.910751,
+	"PAWN":                           -6.910751,
+	"PHP":                            -4.713526,
+	"PLSQL":                          -5.524456,
+	"PLpgSQL":                        -5.812138,
+	"POV-Ray SDL":                    -5.118991,
+	"Pan":                            -4.713526,
+	"Papyrus":                        -6.505286,
+	"Parrot Assembly":                -7.603898,
+	"Parrot Internal Representation": -7.603898,
+	"Pascal":                       -5.301313,
+	"Pep8":                         -5.657988,
+	"Perl":                         -4.425844,
+	"Perl 6":                       -4.512856,
+	"Pic":                          -6.505286,
+	"Pickle":                       -6.217604,
+	"PicoLisp":                     -7.603898,
+	"PigLatin":                     -7.603898,
+	"Pike":                         -6.505286,
+	"Pod":                          -6.505286,
+	"PogoScript":                   -7.603898,
+	"Pony":                         -5.812138,
+	"PostCSS":                      -7.603898,
+	"PostScript":                   -6.910751,
+	"PowerBuilder":                 -5.812138,
+	"PowerShell":                   -6.217604,
+	"Processing":                   -7.603898,
+	"Prolog":                       -5.406673,
+	"Propeller Spin":               -5.301313,
+	"Protocol Buffer":              -7.603898,
+	"Public Key":                   -5.657988,
+	"Pug":                          -6.910751,
+	"Puppet":                       -5.994460,
+	"PureBasic":                    -6.910751,
+	"PureScript":                   -6.217604,
+	"Python":                       -4.425844,
+	"QML":                          -7.603898,
+	"QMake":                        -6.217604,
+	"R":                            -5.524456,
+	"RAML":                         -7.603898,
+	"RDoc":                         -7.603898,
+	"REXX":                         -6.217604,
+	"RMarkdown":                    -7.603898,
+	"RPC":                          -6.505286,
+	"RPM Spec":                     -6.505286,
+	"RUNOFF":                       -6.217604,
+	"Racket":                       -6.910751,
+	"Ragel":                        -6.505286,
+	"Rascal":                       -6.217604,
+	"Reason":                       -5.994460,
+	"Rebol":                        -5.812138,
+	"Red":                          -6.910751,
+	"Regular Expression":           -6.217604,
+	"Ren'Py":                       -7.603898,
+	"RenderScript":                 -6.910751,
+	"Ring":                         -6.217604,
+	"RobotFramework":               -6.505286,
+	"Roff":                         -5.657988,
+	"Ruby":                         -4.138162,
+	"Rust":                         -6.505286,
+	"SAS":                          -6.505286,
+	"SCSS":                         -7.603898,
+	"SMT":                          -6.217604,
+	"SPARQL":                       -6.910751,
+	"SQF":                          -6.910751,
+	"SQL":                          -5.118991,
+	"SQLPL":                        -5.812138,
+	"SRecode Template":             -7.603898,
+	"STON":                         -5.657988,
+	"Sage":                         -7.603898,
+	"SaltStack":                    -5.812138,
+	"Sass":                         -7.603898,
+	"Scala":                        -5.657988,
+	"Scaml":                        -7.603898,
+	"Scheme":                       -6.217604,
+	"Scilab":                       -6.505286,
+	"ShaderLab":                    -6.505286,
+	"Shell":                        -3.842698,
+	"ShellSession":                 -6.505286,
+	"Shen":                         -6.505286,
+	"Slash":                        -7.603898,
+	"Slim":                         -7.603898,
+	"Smali":                        -5.657988,
+	"Smalltalk":                    -5.301313,
+	"SourcePawn":                   -5.812138,
+	"Squirrel":                     -7.603898,
+	"Stan":                         -6.505286,
+	"Standard ML":                  -5.994460,
+	"Stata":                        -5.657988,
+	"Stylus":                       -7.603898,
+	"SubRip Text":                  -7.603898,
+	"SugarSS":                      -7.603898,
+	"SuperCollider":                -5.994460,
+	"Swift":                        -3.842698,
+	"SystemVerilog":                -6.217604,
+	"TI Program":                   -6.217604,
+	"TLA":                          -6.910751,
+	"TOML":                         -6.910751,
+	"TXL":                          -7.603898,
+	"Tcl":                          -6.217604,
+	"TeX":                          -5.657988,
+	"Tea":                          -7.603898,
+	"Terra":                        -6.505286,
+	"Text":                         -4.345801,
+	"Thrift":                       -7.603898,
+	"Turing":                       -6.910751,
+	"Turtle":                       -6.910751,
+	"Type Language":                -6.910751,
+	"TypeScript":                   -5.657988,
+	"Unity3D Asset":                -5.994460,
+	"Unix Assembly":                -6.910751,
+	"Uno":                          -6.505286,
+	"UnrealScript":                 -6.910751,
+	"UrWeb":                        -6.910751,
+	"VCL":                          -6.910751,
+	"VHDL":                         -7.603898,
+	"Verilog":                      -5.038949,
+	"Vim script":                   -5.994460,
+	"Visual Basic":                 -6.217604,
+	"Volt":                         -7.603898,
+	"Vue":                          -6.910751,
+	"Wavefront Material":           -6.217604,
+	"Wavefront Object":             -5.994460,
+	"Web Ontology Language":        -7.603898,
+	"WebAssembly":                  -5.812138,
+	"WebIDL":                       -6.910751,
+	"World of Warcraft Addon Data": -6.505286,
+	"X BitMap":                     -7.603898,
+	"X PixMap":                     -6.910751,
+	"X10":                          -4.713526,
+	"XC":                           -7.603898,
+	"XCompose":                     -7.603898,
+	"XML":                          -3.543455,
+	"XPages":                       -6.910751,
+	"XProc":                        -7.603898,
+	"XQuery":                       -7.603898,
+	"XS":                           -7.603898,
+	"XSLT":                         -7.603898,
+	"Xojo":                         -5.812138,
+	"Xtend":                        -6.910751,
+	"YAML":                         -5.301313,
+	"YANG":                         -7.603898,
+	"YARA":                         -6.505286,
+	"Zephir":                       -6.910751,
+	"Zimpl":                        -7.603898,
+	"desktop":                      -7.603898,
+	"eC":                           -7.603898,
+	"edn":                          -7.603898,
+	"fish":                         -6.505286,
+	"q":                            -6.910751,
+	"reStructuredText":             -7.603898,
+	"sed":                          -7.603898,
+	"wdl":                          -6.505286,
+	"wisp":                         -7.603898,
+	"xBase":                        -6.505286,
 var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
@@ -1982,6 +1999,44 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"}":                     -3.251247,
 		"~":                     -5.860451,
+	"ActionScript": map[string]float64{
+		"(":                       -2.364279,
+		")":                       -2.364279,
+		":":                       -2.970414,
+		";":                       -2.564949,
+		"=":                       -3.663562,
+		"Bar":                     -3.375880,
+		"Foo":                     -3.663562,
+		"Hello":                   -4.762174,
+		"Main":                    -4.069027,
+		"MovieClip":               -4.762174,
+		"Number":                  -3.663562,
+		"class":                   -3.375880,
+		"extends":                 -4.069027,
+		"flash.display.MovieClip": -4.762174,
+		"foobar":                  -4.762174,
+		"function":                -3.375880,
+		"getNumber":               -4.069027,
+		"import":                  -4.762174,
+		"mypackage":               -4.762174,
+		"new":                     -4.069027,
+		"ourNumber":               -4.069027,
+		"override":                -4.762174,
+		"package":                 -4.069027,
+		"private":                 -4.762174,
+		"public":                  -3.152736,
+		"return":                  -4.069027,
+		"sayHello":                -4.762174,
+		"trace":                   -3.663562,
+		"var":                     -3.663562,
+		"void":                    -4.762174,
+		"x":                       -4.762174,
+		"x.getNumber":             -4.762174,
+		"y":                       -4.762174,
+		"y.getNumber":             -4.762174,
+		"{":                       -2.459589,
+		"}":                       -2.459589,
+	},
 	"Adobe Font Metrics": map[string]float64{
 		"(":       -6.476459,
 		")":       -6.476459,
@@ -2714,6 +2769,304 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"||":                -3.605498,
 		"}":                 -3.423176,
+	"AngelScript": map[string]float64{
+		"!":                                     -4.997212,
+		"#include":                              -7.482119,
+		"&":                                     -5.402677,
+		"&&":                                    -6.095825,
+		"'":                                     -7.482119,
+		"(":                                     -2.173851,
+		")":                                     -2.173851,
+		"*":                                     -6.383507,
+		"+":                                     -4.263243,
+		",":                                     -3.456767,
+		"-":                                     -5.872681,
+		".Attackers":                            -7.482119,
+		".GetDebugName":                         -7.482119,
+		".GetInteger":                           -6.788972,
+		".GetPhysicsBody":                       -7.482119,
+		".GetScriptBehavior":                    -7.482119,
+		".SendToAll":                            -6.383507,
+		".Units.FetchAll":                       -7.482119,
+		".local":                                -7.482119,
+		".peer":                                 -6.095825,
+		".team":                                 -7.482119,
+		"/":                                     -7.482119,
+		"//TODO":                                -7.482119,
+		":":                                     -3.511827,
+		";":                                     -2.388369,
+		"<":                                     -5.179534,
+		"<<":                                    -6.788972,
+		"<PayloadBehavior>":                     -7.482119,
+		"<PayloadPlayerRecord>":                 -6.383507,
+		"<PlayerHealgun>":                       -7.482119,
+		"<SValue@>":                             -7.482119,
+		"<WorldScript::PayloadBeginTrigger@>":   -7.482119,
+		"<WorldScript::PayloadNode>":            -6.095825,
+		"<WorldScript::PayloadTeamForcefield@>": -7.482119,
+		"<name>":                       -7.482119,
+		"=":                            -2.938824,
+		">":                            -5.084224,
+		"@":                            -7.482119,
+		"@AddBotCallback":              -7.482119,
+		"@CConCommand":                 -7.482119,
+		"@CreateDumbBot":               -7.482119,
+		"@DumbBot":                     -7.482119,
+		"@distNode":                    -7.482119,
+		"@joinScore":                   -6.788972,
+		"@m_pAddBot":                   -7.482119,
+		"@m_payload":                   -7.482119,
+		"@m_payload.m_targetNode":      -7.482119,
+		"@m_payloadHUD":                -7.482119,
+		"@m_switchClass":               -7.482119,
+		"@m_switchTeam":                -7.482119,
+		"@m_switchedSidesData":         -7.482119,
+		"@node.m_nextNode":             -7.482119,
+		"@node.m_prevNode":             -7.482119,
+		"@prevNode":                    -7.482119,
+		"AddBotCallback":               -7.482119,
+		"BaseBot":                      -6.788972,
+		"BaseBot@":                     -6.788972,
+		"BotManager":                   -5.690359,
+		"CBasePlayer@":                 -6.788972,
+		"CCommand@":                    -7.482119,
+		"CConCommand@":                 -7.482119,
+		"CanSwitchTeams":               -7.482119,
+		"ChangeLevel":                  -7.482119,
+		"CheckTimeReached":             -6.788972,
+		"CreateDumbBot":                -7.482119,
+		"CreatePlayerRecord":           -7.482119,
+		"CurrPlaytimeLevel":            -6.788972,
+		"DEAD_RESPAWNABLE":             -7.482119,
+		"DisplayPlayerName":            -6.788972,
+		"DumbBot":                      -6.788972,
+		"Editable":                     -5.402677,
+		"EndMatch":                     -7.482119,
+		"FindTeamScore":                -7.482119,
+		"FirstNode":                    -7.482119,
+		"FirstNode.FetchFirst":         -7.482119,
+		"GameInput":                    -7.482119,
+		"GameMode":                     -7.482119,
+		"GetCurrentLevelFilename":      -7.482119,
+		"GetLocalPlayer":               -7.482119,
+		"GetParamArray":                -7.482119,
+		"GetPlayerClassCount":          -7.482119,
+		"GetPlayersInTeam":             -6.788972,
+		"GetWorldScript":               -7.482119,
+		"GoNextMap":                    -6.788972,
+		"HashString":                   -7.482119,
+		"IN_ATTACK":                    -6.095825,
+		"IsServer":                     -6.383507,
+		"KeyValueBuffer@":              -7.482119,
+		"Math.RandomLong":              -6.095825,
+		"MenuInput":                    -7.482119,
+		"Message":                      -6.383507,
+		"NameForTeam":                  -7.482119,
+		"Network":                      -5.690359,
+		"Payload":                      -6.788972,
+		"PayloadBehavior@":             -7.482119,
+		"PayloadClassSwitchWindow":     -7.482119,
+		"PayloadClassSwitchWindow@":    -7.482119,
+		"PayloadHUD":                   -7.482119,
+		"PayloadHUD@":                  -7.482119,
+		"PayloadHeal":                  -7.482119,
+		"PayloadNode@":                 -7.482119,
+		"PayloadPlayerRecord":          -7.482119,
+		"PayloadPlayerRecord@":         -7.482119,
+		"PayloadTeamSwitchWindow":      -7.482119,
+		"PayloadUnit":                  -7.482119,
+		"PayloadUnit.FetchFirst":       -7.482119,
+		"PhysicsBody@":                 -7.482119,
+		"Player.edict":                 -7.482119,
+		"Player.pev.button":            -6.095825,
+		"Player.pev.deadflag":          -7.482119,
+		"Player@":                      -7.482119,
+		"PlayerClass":                  -7.482119,
+		"PlayerClassesUpdated":         -7.482119,
+		"PlayerHealgun@":               -7.482119,
+		"PlayerHusk@":                  -7.482119,
+		"PlayerRecord@":                -6.383507,
+		"PluginInit":                   -7.482119,
+		"PrepareTime":                  -6.788972,
+		"PrintError":                   -6.095825,
+		"RenderFrame":                  -6.788972,
+		"RenderWidgets":                -6.788972,
+		"SValue@":                      -7.482119,
+		"SValueBuilder":                -7.482119,
+		"Save":                         -6.788972,
+		"Scene@":                       -7.482119,
+		"SetWinner":                    -6.788972,
+		"ShouldDisplayCursor":          -6.788972,
+		"ShouldFreezeControls":         -6.788972,
+		"SpawnPlayer":                  -6.383507,
+		"SpawnPlayers":                 -6.788972,
+		"SpriteBatch":                  -6.383507,
+		"Start":                        -6.788972,
+		"StartMode":                    -7.482119,
+		"TeamVersusGameMode":           -4.997212,
+		"TeamVersusScore@":             -6.788972,
+		"Think":                        -6.788972,
+		"This":                         -7.482119,
+		"TimeAddCheckpoint":            -7.482119,
+		"TimeLimit":                    -6.788972,
+		"TimeOvertime":                 -6.788972,
+		"TimePayloadHeal":              -7.482119,
+		"TimeReached":                  -6.383507,
+		"UnitFeed":                     -6.788972,
+		"UnitPtr":                      -6.383507,
+		"UpdateFrame":                  -6.788972,
+		"WorldScript":                  -6.788972,
+		"WorldScript@":                 -7.482119,
+		"[":                            -4.080922,
+		"]":                            -4.080922,
+		"args":                         -6.383507,
+		"args.ArgC":                    -7.482119,
+		"array":                        -6.383507,
+		"at_console":                   -6.383507,
+		"attackers":                    -6.383507,
+		"auto":                         -5.872681,
+		"body":                         -6.788972,
+		"body.SetActive":               -7.482119,
+		"bool":                         -5.690359,
+		"break":                        -6.788972,
+		"builder":                      -6.788972,
+		"builder.PopArray":             -7.482119,
+		"builder.PushArray":            -7.482119,
+		"builder.PushInteger":          -6.788972,
+		"cast":                         -5.284894,
+		"class":                        -6.788972,
+		"const":                        -7.482119,
+		"continue":                     -6.095825,
+		"currDistance":                 -6.383507,
+		"default":                      -5.690359,
+		"dist":                         -6.788972,
+		"distNode":                     -6.788972,
+		"distNode.Position":            -7.482119,
+		"distNode.m_locationFactor":    -6.788972,
+		"distNode.m_nextNode":          -7.482119,
+		"distNode.m_prevNode":          -7.482119,
+		"distNode.m_prevNode.Position": -7.482119,
+		"doesn":                          -7.482119,
+		"dt":                             -6.383507,
+		"else":                           -5.179534,
+		"false":                          -6.788972,
+		"final":                          -7.482119,
+		"float":                          -6.383507,
+		"for":                            -5.402677,
+		"g_BotManager":                   -7.482119,
+		"g_BotManager.CreateBot":         -7.482119,
+		"g_BotManager.PluginInit":        -7.482119,
+		"g_EngineFuncs.GetInfoKeyBuffer": -7.482119,
+		"g_Game.AlertMessage":            -6.383507,
+		"g_payloadBeginTriggers":         -6.788972,
+		"g_payloadBeginTriggers.length":  -7.482119,
+		"g_players":                      -5.690359,
+		"g_players.length":               -6.788972,
+		"g_scene":                        -7.482119,
+		"g_teamForceFields":              -6.383507,
+		"g_teamForceFields.length":       -7.482119,
+		"gameInput":                      -6.788972,
+		"hasCollision":                   -6.788972,
+		"healgun":                        -6.788972,
+		"healgun.RenderMarkers":          -7.482119,
+		"i":                                  -4.304065,
+		"idt":                                -5.179534,
+		"if":                                 -3.818557,
+		"index":                              -6.383507,
+		"int":                                -4.437596,
+		"is":                                 -4.709530,
+		"j":                                  -5.179534,
+		"joinScore":                          -6.788972,
+		"joinScore.m_team":                   -7.482119,
+		"k":                                  -5.872681,
+		"localAttackers":                     -6.788972,
+		"m_ended":                            -7.482119,
+		"m_guiBuilder":                       -6.383507,
+		"m_pAddBot":                          -7.482119,
+		"m_payload":                          -6.788972,
+		"m_payload.AttackersInside":          -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD":                       -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD.AddCheckpoints":        -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD.DisplayPlayerName":     -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD.Draw":                  -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD.Update":                -7.482119,
+		"m_payloadHUD.Winner":                -7.482119,
+		"m_switchClass":                      -7.482119,
+		"m_switchClass.Draw":                 -7.482119,
+		"m_switchClass.PlayerClassesUpdated": -7.482119,
+		"m_switchClass.m_visible":            -6.788972,
+		"m_switchedSidesData":                -5.690359,
+		"m_switchedSidesData.length":         -7.482119,
+		"m_teamScores":                       -6.383507,
+		"m_tmInOvertime":                     -6.788972,
+		"m_tmLimit":                          -7.482119,
+		"m_tmLimitCustom":                    -6.383507,
+		"m_tmOvertime":                       -5.690359,
+		"m_tmRespawnCountdown":               -7.482119,
+		"m_tmStarted":                        -5.536209,
+		"m_tmStarting":                       -5.690359,
+		"m_vecVelocity":                      -7.482119,
+		"menuInput":                          -6.788972,
+		"ms":                                 -6.095825,
+		"node":                               -5.690359,
+		"node.NextNode.FetchFirst":        -7.482119,
+		"node.Position":                   -7.482119,
+		"null":                            -4.774069,
+		"override":                        -4.843062,
+		"pBot":                            -6.788972,
+		"pInfoBuffer":                     -7.482119,
+		"pInfoBuffer.SetValue":            -6.788972,
+		"pPlayer":                         -6.095825,
+		"peer":                            -6.095825,
+		"player":                          -6.095825,
+		"player.m_currWeapon":             -7.482119,
+		"playerClass":                     -6.788972,
+		"plr":                             -6.383507,
+		"pos":                             -5.872681,
+		"prevNode":                        -6.383507,
+		"prevNode.Position":               -7.482119,
+		"print":                           -6.788972,
+		"record":                          -5.872681,
+		"record.HandlePlayerClass":        -7.482119,
+		"record.playerClass":              -7.482119,
+		"ret":                             -6.383507,
+		"return":                          -4.774069,
+		"sMode":                           -6.788972,
+		"save":                            -6.095825,
+		"sb":                              -5.179534,
+		"scene":                           -6.788972,
+		"string":                          -7.482119,
+		"super":                           -6.788972,
+		"t":                               -7.482119,
+		"team":                            -5.536209,
+		"team.m_players":                  -6.788972,
+		"team.m_players.length":           -7.482119,
+		"tmNow":                           -6.095825,
+		"totalDistance":                   -6.383507,
+		"uiIndex":                         -6.095825,
+		"uint":                            -4.774069,
+		"unitFirstNode":                   -6.788972,
+		"unitFirstNode.GetScriptBehavior": -6.788972,
+		"unitFirstNode.IsValid":           -7.482119,
+		"unitId":                          -6.788972,
+		"unitNode":                        -6.788972,
+		"unitNode.GetScriptBehavior":      -6.788972,
+		"unitNode.IsValid":                -7.482119,
+		"units":                           -6.383507,
+		"units.length":                    -7.482119,
+		"vec":                             -6.095825,
+		"void":                            -4.709530,
+		"well":                            -7.482119,
+		"while":                           -6.788972,
+		"work":                            -7.482119,
+		"ws":                              -7.482119,
+		"ws.Execute":                      -7.482119,
+		"{":                               -3.404581,
+		"|":                               -6.788972,
+		"||":                              -6.788972,
+		"}":                               -3.421676,
+		"~":                               -6.788972,
+	},
 	"Ant Build System": map[string]float64{
 		"/":                 -2.161022,
 		"</project>":        -6.073045,
@@ -3743,52 +4096,6 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"{":                   -4.087551,
 		"}":                   -4.087551,
-	"Arduino": map[string]float64{
-		"(":    -2.687324,
-		")":    -2.767367,
-		",":    -3.172832,
-		"0":    -3.460514,
-		"1":    -3.460514,
-		"7":    -5.252273,
-		"9600": -5.252273,
-		";":    -2.767367,
-		"<sizeof(buttons)/sizeof(int);i++){>": -5.252273,
-		"=":              -3.642836,
-		"HIGH":           -5.252273,
-		"INPUT":          -4.153661,
-		"LOW":            -4.153661,
-		"OUTPUT":         -5.252273,
-		"Serial":         -4.559126,
-		"Serial.begin":   -5.252273,
-		"Serial.print":   -4.559126,
-		"Serial.println": -5.252273,
-		"[":              -4.153661,
-		"]":              -4.153661,
-		"begin":          -5.252273,
-		"break":          -5.252273,
-		"buttons":        -3.460514,
-		"const":          -4.559126,
-		"delay":          -5.252273,
-		"digitalRead":    -4.153661,
-		"digitalWrite":   -4.559126,
-		"else":           -5.252273,
-		"for":            -3.642836,
-		"i":              -2.256541,
-		"if":             -3.642836,
-		"int":            -2.854378,
-		"loop":           -4.559126,
-		"octaves":        -3.642836,
-		"output":         -3.306363,
-		"output=":        -5.252273,
-		"pinMode":        -3.865979,
-		"print":          -5.252273,
-		"setup":          -4.559126,
-		"sizeof":         -3.460514,
-		"void":           -3.865979,
-		"wait":           -5.252273,
-		"{":              -3.306363,
-		"}":              -3.172832,
-	},
 	"AsciiDoc": map[string]float64{
 		"*":                -3.960813,
 		"*Section":         -4.248495,
@@ -11802,3420 +12109,3441 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"\ufeff":                -5.931582,
 	"C++": map[string]float64{
-		"!":                              -5.179108,
-		"\"":                             -9.807344,
-		"#define":                        -5.232633,
-		"#elif":                          -9.519662,
-		"#else":                          -7.409448,
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-		"ASSERT_NOT_NULL": -10.905956,
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-		"ASSIGN_MOD":      -10.905956,
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-		"ASSIGN_SHL":      -10.905956,
-		"ASSIGN_SHR":      -10.905956,
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-		"AddLiteralCharAdvance":    -9.807344,
-		"Advance":                  -7.121766,
-		"AllStatic":                -10.905956,
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-		"AllocatorCallback":        -6.862905,
-		"Argument_O":               -8.508061,
-		"ArrayType_O":              -8.508061,
-		"AsyncSayHello":            -10.212809,
-		"AsyncSayHelloRaw":         -9.519662,
-		"AsyncService":             -10.905956,
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-		"AtomicRMWInst_O":          -8.508061,
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-		"BIT_NOT":        -10.212809,
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-		"BIT_XOR":        -10.905956,
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-		"BN_zero":        -10.905956,
-		"BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL":                     -10.905956,
-		"BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD":                   -8.826514,
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-		"BPackageInfo*":                            -10.905956,
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-		"BString":                                  -9.807344,
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-		"BTFSS":                                    -10.905956,
-		"B_BAD_DATA":                               -9.807344,
-		"B_BAD_VALUE":                              -10.905956,
-		"B_NO_MEMORY":                              -9.807344,
-		"B_OK":                                     -9.807344,
-		"Bar":                                      -9.807344,
-		"BaseClass":                                -9.114197,
-		"BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService":        -9.114197,
-		"BasicBlock_O":                             -8.508061,
-		"Black":                                    -10.905956,
-		"BranchInst_O":                             -8.508061,
-		"Buffer":                                   -10.212809,
-		"Builder_O":                                -8.508061,
-		"BuiltInClass_O":                           -6.862905,
-		"BuiltInClass_sp":                          -6.862905,
-		"ByteArray*":                               -10.905956,
-		"ByteSize":                                 -10.212809,
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-		"CHAR":                                     -10.905956,
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-		"CKeyID":                                   -8.960046,
-		"CKeyingMaterial":                          -8.826514,
-		"CKeyingMaterial*":                         -10.905956,
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-		"CONDITIONAL":                              -10.212809,
-		"CONST":                                    -10.905956,
-		"CONTINUE":                                 -10.905956,
-		"CPU":                                      -10.212809,
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-		"CPubKey":                                  -8.421049,
-		"CREATE_CLASS":                             -10.905956,
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-		"CYTHON_UNUSED":                            -8.960046,
-		"CYTHON_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS":                -10.905956,
-		"CallCompletedCallback":                    -9.519662,
-		"CallDepthIsZero":                          -10.905956,
-		"CallInst_O":                               -8.508061,
-		"CallOnce":                                 -10.905956,
-		"Ceil":                                     -10.905956,
-		"CeilPowerOfTwo":                           -10.905956,
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-		"CharacterStream*":                         -9.807344,
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-		"ClientAsyncResponseReader":          -9.807344,
-		"ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface": -9.807344,
-		"ClientContext*":                     -9.114197,
-		"ClosestPowerOfTwo":                  -10.905956,
-		"CodedInputStream*":                  -10.212809,
-		"CodedOutputStream*":                 -10.212809,
-		"CommentPlacement":                   -10.212809,
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-		"CompletionQueue*":                   -9.296518,
-		"CompositeType_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"ComputeUnknownFieldsSize":           -10.905956,
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-		"ConstantDataArray_O":                -8.508061,
-		"ConstantDataSequential_O":           -8.508061,
-		"ConstantExpr_O":                     -8.508061,
-		"ConstantFP_O":                       -8.508061,
-		"ConstantInt_O":                      -8.508061,
-		"ConstantPointerNull_O":              -8.508061,
-		"Constant_O":                         -8.508061,
-		"Context*":                           -9.519662,
-		"ConvertToUtf":                       -10.212809,
-		"CopyFrom":                           -9.296518,
-		"Cos":                                -10.905956,
-		"CsvStreamer":                        -9.296518,
-		"Cube":                               -10.905956,
-		"Current":                            -9.296518,
-		"CurrentPerIsolateThreadData":        -9.519662,
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-		"DECFSZ":                   -10.905956,
-		"DECR":                     -10.905956,
-		"DECREF":                   -10.905956,
-		"DEFAULT":                  -10.905956,
-		"DEFAULT_DELIMITER":        -10.905956,
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-		"DEREF":                    -10.905956,
-		"DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN": -10.212809,
-		"DIV":                                     -10.905956,
-		"DIVEQ":                                   -10.905956,
-		"DL_EXPORT":                               -10.212809,
-		"DL_IMPORT":                               -10.212809,
-		"DO":                                      -10.905956,
-		"DOUBLE":                                  -10.905956,
-		"DO_":                                     -9.519662,
-		"DataLayout_O":                            -8.508061,
-		"DebugLoc_O":                              -8.508061,
-		"DecodeInstruction":                       -10.905956,
-		"Decoder":                                 -9.807344,
-		"DecrementCallDepth":                      -10.905956,
-		"Decrypt":                                 -10.905956,
-		"DecryptSecret":                           -10.905956,
-		"Deg":                                     -10.212809,
-		"Dereference":                             -10.905956,
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-		"DescriptorPool":                          -9.807344,
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-		"Deserializer*":                           -10.212809,
-		"Digits":                                  -10.905956,
-		"Don":                                     -10.905956,
-		"DropLiteral":                             -10.905956,
-		"ECDSA_SIG":                               -9.807344,
-		"ECDSA_SIG_free":                          -10.212809,
-		"ECDSA_SIG_new":                           -10.905956,
-		"ECDSA_SIG_recover_key_GFp":               -9.807344,
-		"ECDSA_do_sign":                           -10.905956,
-		"ECDSA_verify":                            -10.905956,
-		"EC_GROUP":                                -10.212809,
-		"EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp":                  -10.905956,
-		"EC_GROUP_get_degree":                     -10.905956,
-		"EC_GROUP_get_order":                      -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY":                                  -10.212809,
-		"EC_KEY*":                                 -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_copy":                             -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_dup":                              -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_free":                             -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_get":                              -10.212809,
-		"EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name":                -10.212809,
-		"EC_KEY_regenerate_key":                   -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_set_conv_form":                    -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_set_private_key":                  -10.905956,
-		"EC_KEY_set_public_key":                   -10.212809,
-		"EC_POINT":                                -9.519662,
-		"EC_POINT_free":                           -9.519662,
-		"EC_POINT_is_at_infinity":                 -10.905956,
-		"EC_POINT_mul":                            -9.807344,
-		"EC_POINT_new":                            -9.519662,
-		"EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp": -10.905956,
-		"EINVAL":                             -9.519662,
-		"ELLIPSIS":                           -10.905956,
-		"ELSE":                               -10.905956,
-		"END_NATIVE_EXCEPTION":               -10.212809,
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-		"ENUM":                               -10.905956,
-		"ENV_H":                              -10.212809,
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-		"EOI":                                -10.905956,
-		"EOS":                                -10.905956,
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-		"EPOLLET":                            -9.519662,
-		"EPOLLHUP":                           -9.807344,
-		"EPOLLIN":                            -9.114197,
-		"EPOLLOUT":                           -9.519662,
-		"EPOLLPRI":                           -9.807344,
-		"EPOLL_CLOEXEC":                      -10.212809,
-		"EPOLL_CTL_ADD":                      -9.296518,
-		"EPOLL_CTL_DEL":                      -10.212809,
-		"EPOLL_CTL_MOD":                      -9.807344,
-		"EQ":                                 -10.905956,
-		"EQL":                                -10.905956,
-		"EQ_STRICT":                          -10.905956,
-		"ERROR_ENCODER_INPUT_TYPE":           -10.905956,
-		"ERROR_ENCODER_LOOP":                 -10.212809,
-		"ERROR_ENCODER_NO_INPUT":             -9.807344,
-		"ERROR_ENCODER_NO_OUTPUT":            -10.905956,
-		"ERROR_ENCODER_PARSE":                -10.905956,
-		"ERROR_SUCCESS":                      -7.471969,
-		"EVP_BytesToKey":                     -10.905956,
-		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX":                     -10.212809,
-		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup":             -10.212809,
-		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init":                -10.212809,
-		"EVP_DecryptFinal_ex":                -10.905956,
-		"EVP_DecryptInit_ex":                 -10.905956,
-		"EVP_DecryptUpdate":                  -10.905956,
-		"EVP_EncryptFinal_ex":                -10.905956,
-		"EVP_EncryptInit_ex":                 -10.905956,
-		"EVP_EncryptUpdate":                  -10.905956,
-		"EVP_aes_":                           -9.807344,
-		"EVP_sha":                            -10.905956,
-		"EXPRESSION":                         -10.212809,
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-		"EncryptSecret":                      -10.905956,
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-		"EngineBuilder_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"EnterDefaultIsolate":                -10.905956,
-		"Entity":                             -8.960046,
-		"Entity*":                            -10.905956,
-		"EntropySource":                      -9.807344,
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-		"EqualityKind":                       -10.905956,
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-		"Errors":                             -10.905956,
-		"ExceptionHandler":                   -10.905956,
-		"ExecutionEngine_O":                  -8.508061,
-		"Exp":                                -10.905956,
-		"ExpandBuffer":                       -10.212809,
-		"ExpectAtEnd":                        -10.905956,
-		"ExternalReference":                  -10.905956,
-		"FCON":                               -10.905956,
-		"FD_CLOEXEC":                         -10.212809,
-		"FILE":                               -10.212809,
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-		"FLAG_force_marking_deque_overflows": -10.905956,
-		"FLAG_gc_global":                     -10.905956,
-		"FLAG_max_new_space_size":            -10.905956,
-		"FLAG_random_seed":                   -10.212809,
-		"FLAG_stress_compaction":             -10.905956,
-		"FLAG_use_idle_notification":         -10.905956,
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-		"FUNCTION":                                       -10.905956,
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-		"Fabs":                                           -10.905956,
-		"FastWriter":                                     -9.296518,
-		"FatalProcessOutOfMemory":                        -10.905956,
-		"Features":                                       -8.603371,
-		"FenceInst_O":                                    -8.508061,
-		"Field":                                          -10.212809,
-		"FileDescriptor*":                                -10.905956,
-		"FillHeapNumberWithRandom":                       -10.212809,
-		"FindFileByName":                                 -10.905956,
-		"FinishContext":                                  -10.905956,
-		"FireCallCompletedCallback":                      -10.212809,
-		"FlagList":                                       -10.905956,
-		"Floor":                                          -10.905956,
-		"FloorPowerOfTwo":                                -10.905956,
-		"Free":                                           -10.905956,
-		"FtoiFast":                                       -10.905956,
-		"FunctionPassManager_O":                          -8.508061,
-		"FunctionPass_O":                                 -8.508061,
-		"FunctionType_O":                                 -8.508061,
-		"Function_O":                                     -8.960046,
-		"GDSDBREADER_H":                                  -10.212809,
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-		"GFX_LEFT":                                       -10.212809,
-		"GFX_TOP":                                        -10.905956,
-		"GIVEREF":                                        -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE":                                         -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_CHECK":                                   -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_CHECK_NE":                                -10.212809,
-		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DECLARE_ONCE":                   -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION":             -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION":                 -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION":                        -10.905956,
-		"GOOGLE_SAFE_CONCURRENT_WRITES_BEGIN":            -10.212809,
-		"GOOGLE_SAFE_CONCURRENT_WRITES_END":              -10.212809,
-		"GOTO":                -10.212809,
-		"GOTREF":              -10.905956,
-		"GPU_SCISSORMODE":     -10.905956,
-		"GPU_SCISSOR_DISABLE": -10.905956,
-		"GPU_SCISSOR_NORMAL":  -10.905956,
-		"GRPC_hello_":         -10.212809,
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-		"GTE":                 -10.905956,
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-		"GeneratedMessageReflection*": -10.905956,
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-		"GetCachedSize":               -10.905956,
-		"GetDataStartAddress":         -10.905956,
-		"GetHash":                     -10.212809,
-		"GetID":                       -10.212809,
-		"GetMemoryContents":           -10.905956,
-		"GetMetadata":                 -10.212809,
-		"GetPCHFinalBits":             -10.905956,
-		"GetPrivKey":                  -10.905956,
-		"GetPubKey":                   -9.296518,
-		"GetSecret":                   -10.212809,
-		"GetTagFieldNumber":           -10.905956,
-		"GetTagWireType":              -10.212809,
-		"GetTimeMillis":               -10.905956,
-		"GlobalSetUp":                 -10.905956,
-		"GlobalValue_O":               -8.508061,
-		"GlobalVariable_O":            -9.807344,
-		"GoogleOnceInit":              -10.905956,
-		"Gui":                         -10.905956,
-		"HALF_PI":                     -10.212809,
-		"HEADER_INCLUDES":             -10.212809,
-		"HEAP":                        -10.905956,
-		"HandleScopeImplementer*":        -10.905956,
-		"HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext": -10.905956,
-		"Hash":                -9.807344,
-		"Hash160":             -10.905956,
-		"HeapNumber":          -10.905956,
-		"HelloRequest":        -8.826514,
-		"HelloRequest*":       -9.296518,
-		"HelloResponse":       -8.708731,
-		"HelloResponse*":      -9.114197,
-		"HelloService":        -10.905956,
-		"HexValue":            -10.212809,
-		"HigherPowerOfTwo":    -9.519662,
-		"ICON":                -10.905956,
-		"ID":                  -10.905956,
-		"IF":                  -10.905956,
-		"ILLEGAL":             -6.118464,
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-		"INT_MAX":                          -10.905956,
-		"INT_MIN":                          -10.905956,
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-		"IORWF":                            -10.905956,
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-		"IRBuilder_O":                      -8.508061,
-		"IdleNotification":                 -9.807344,
-		"Illegal":                          -10.905956,
-		"ImmutablePass_O":                  -8.508061,
-		"IncrementCallDepth":               -10.905956,
-		"IndirectBrInst_O":                 -9.807344,
-		"Init":                             -9.807344,
-		"InitAsDefaultInstance":            -9.807344,
-		"Initialize":                       -9.807344,
-		"InitializeOncePerProcess":         -9.519662,
-		"InitializeOncePerProcessImpl":     -9.807344,
-		"InputBuffer":                      -10.905956,
-		"InsertPoint_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"InspectorBackendStub":             -10.905956,
-		"Instruction":                      -10.212809,
-		"Instruction_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"Int":                              -9.807344,
-		"IntegerType_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"InternalAddGeneratedFile":         -10.905956,
-		"InternalRegisterGeneratedMessage": -10.905956,
-		"InvokeInst_O":                     -9.807344,
-		"IsByteOrderMark":                  -10.212809,
-		"IsCompressed":                     -9.807344,
-		"IsDead":                           -10.212809,
-		"IsDecimalDigit":                   -10.212809,
-		"IsDefaultIsolate":                 -10.905956,
-		"IsGlobalContext":                  -10.905956,
-		"IsHexDigit":                       -10.905956,
-		"IsIdentifier":                     -10.905956,
-		"IsIdentifierPart":                 -10.212809,
-		"IsIdentifierStart":                -10.212809,
-		"IsInitialized":                    -9.807344,
-		"IsLineTerminator":                 -9.519662,
-		"IsNull":                           -10.905956,
-		"IsPowerOfTwo":                     -9.519662,
-		"IsRunning":                        -10.905956,
-		"IsValid":                          -9.519662,
-		"IsWhiteSpace":                     -10.212809,
-		"Isolate":                          -8.708731,
-		"Isolate*":                         -9.114197,
-		"JNICALL":                          -10.905956,
-		"JNIEXPORT":                        -10.905956,
-		"JNIEnv":                           -10.905956,
-		"JavaObject*":                      -10.212809,
-		"Java_gnu_classpath_VMSystemProperties_postInit__Ljava_util_Properties_": -10.905956,
-		"Java_gnu_classpath_VMSystemProperties_preInit":                          -10.905956,
-		"Json": -9.519662,
-		"LAZY_MUTEX_INITIALIZER":      -10.905956,
-		"LBRACE":                      -10.212809,
-		"LBRACK":                      -10.212809,
-		"LEQ":                         -10.905956,
-		"LIBCANIH":                    -10.212809,
-		"LLVMContext_O":               -8.508061,
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-		"LONG":                        -10.905956,
-		"LONG_LONG":                   -10.905956,
-		"LOOKUP_SYMBOL":               -6.716301,
-		"LOperand":                    -10.212809,
-		"LPAREN":                      -10.212809,
-		"LSHIFT":                      -10.905956,
-		"LSHIFTEQ":                    -10.905956,
-		"LT":                          -9.807344,
-		"LTE":                         -10.905956,
-		"LandingPadInst_O":            -8.508061,
-		"LazyMutex":                   -10.905956,
-		"List":                        -9.807344,
-		"LiteralBuffer":               -9.114197,
-		"LiteralBuffer*":              -10.212809,
-		"LiteralScope":                -10.905956,
-		"LiteralScope*":               -10.905956,
-		"LoadInst_O":                  -9.807344,
-		"Location":                    -7.814914,
-		"Log":                         -9.807344,
-		"LowerPowerOfTwo":             -10.212809,
-		"MASK_SIGNED":                 -10.212809,
-		"MB":                          -10.905956,
-		"MDNode_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"MDString_O":                  -8.508061,
-		"METH_COEXIST":                -10.905956,
-		"METH_NOARGS":                 -10.905956,
-		"METRIC_RECORD":               -10.905956,
-		"MOD":                         -10.905956,
-		"MODEQ":                       -10.905956,
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-		"MOVLW":                       -10.905956,
-		"MOVWF":                       -10.905956,
-		"MS_WINDOWS":                  -10.212809,
-		"MUL":                         -10.905956,
-		"MULEQ":                       -10.905956,
-		"MakeNewKey":                  -10.905956,
-		"MarkMethodAsync":             -10.905956,
-		"MarkMethodGeneric":           -10.905956,
-		"MarkMethodStreamed":          -10.905956,
-		"Math":                        -7.471969,
-		"Max":                         -10.905956,
-		"Members":                     -9.114197,
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-		"MemoryLocation":              -10.905956,
-		"Merge":                       -10.905956,
-		"MergeFrom":                   -8.708731,
-		"MergePartialFromCodedStream": -10.212809,
-		"Message":                     -8.960046,
-		"MessageFactory":              -10.212809,
-		"MetaClass_sp":                -10.905956,
-		"Metadata":                    -9.807344,
-		"Metric*":                     -9.519662,
-		"Metrics":                     -10.905956,
-		"Metrics*":                    -10.905956,
-		"Min":                         -10.905956,
-		"ModulePass_O":                -8.508061,
-		"Module_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"Ms":                          -10.212809,
-		"NATIVE_JNI":                  -10.905956,
-		"NDEBUG":                      -9.519662,
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-		"NEQ":                         -10.905956,
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-		"NINJA_METRICS_H_":            -10.212809,
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-		"NPY_CDOUBLE":                 -10.905956,
-		"NPY_CFLOAT":                  -10.905956,
-		"NPY_CLONGDOUBLE":             -10.905956,
-		"NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS":            -10.905956,
-		"NPY_DOUBLE":                  -9.807344,
-		"NPY_FLOAT":                   -10.905956,
-		"NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS":            -10.905956,
-		"NPY_INT":                     -10.212809,
-		"NPY_LONG":                    -10.905956,
-		"NPY_LONGDOUBLE":              -10.905956,
-		"NPY_LONGLONG":                -10.905956,
-		"NPY_OBJECT":                  -10.905956,
-		"NPY_SHORT":                   -10.212809,
-		"NPY_UBYTE":                   -10.212809,
-		"NPY_UINT":                    -10.212809,
-		"NPY_ULONG":                   -10.905956,
-		"NPY_ULONGLONG":               -10.905956,
-		"NPY_USHORT":                  -10.212809,
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-		"NewMetric":                   -10.212809,
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-		"Next":                        -10.905956,
-		"NilValue":                    -10.905956,
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-		"Now":                         -9.807344,
-		"O":                           -9.296518,
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-		"OG_ASM_MSVC":                 -10.905956,
-		"OG_ASSERT":                   -9.807344,
-		"OG_INLINE":                   -7.471969,
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-		"OROR":                        -10.905956,
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-		"Object*":                     -9.519662,
-		"Ogre":                        -8.960046,
-		"OnError":                     -9.114197,
-		"OnShutdown":                  -10.905956,
-		"PARSE":                       -10.905956,
-		"PERIOD":                      -10.905956,
-		"PHANTOMJS_VERSION_STRING":    -10.905956,
-		"PHINode_O":                   -8.508061,
-		"PI":                          -10.905956,
-		"PIC":                         -9.519662,
-		"POINTER":                     -10.905956,
-		"PRId":                                  -10.905956,
-		"PROTOBUF_protocol_":                    -10.212809,
-		"PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK":              -10.905956,
-		"PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE":               -10.905956,
-		"PYREX_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS":              -10.905956,
-		"PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T":                      -10.905956,
-		"PY_LONG_LONG":                          -9.296518,
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-		"PY_SSIZE_T_MAX":                        -10.905956,
-		"PY_SSIZE_T_MIN":                        -10.905956,
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-		"ParseError":                            -9.519662,
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-		"ParseErrorListener*":                   -10.905956,
-		"ParseResolvableExpression":             -10.905956,
-		"ParseVersion":                          -10.905956,
-		"Parser":                                -8.960046,
-		"ParsingFlags":                          -10.905956,
-		"PassManagerBase_O":                     -8.508061,
-		"Pass_O":                                -8.508061,
-		"Pers":                                  -10.905956,
-		"Person":                                -6.747073,
-		"Person*":                               -8.826514,
-		"Person_descriptor_":                    -9.114197,
-		"Person_offsets_":                       -10.212809,
-		"Person_reflection_":                    -9.519662,
-		"Phantom":                               -10.905956,
-		"Player":                                -10.905956,
-		"Please":                                -9.807344,
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-		"PostSetUp":                             -10.905956,
-		"Pow":                                   -10.905956,
-		"Predicate":                             -9.519662,
-		"ProcessInstruction":                    -10.905956,
-		"Protocol":                              -10.212809,
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-		"PyArray_ISWRITEABLE":                   -10.905956,
-		"PyArray_ITEMSIZE":                      -10.905956,
-		"PyArray_MultiIterNew":                  -9.296518,
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-		"PyArray_STRIDES":                       -10.212809,
-		"PyArray_SimpleNewFromData":             -10.212809,
-		"PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS":                  -10.905956,
-		"PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS":                    -9.807344,
-		"PyBUF_FORMAT":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS":                    -9.807344,
-		"PyBUF_INDIRECT":                        -10.905956,
-		"PyBUF_ND":                              -10.212809,
-		"PyBUF_SIMPLE":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyBUF_STRIDES":                         -9.296518,
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-		"PyBytes_Check":                         -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_CheckExact":                    -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_Concat":                        -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_ConcatAndDel":                  -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_DecodeEscape":                  -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_FromFormat":                    -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_FromString":                    -10.212809,
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-		"PyBytes_Repr":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_Size":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyBytes_Type":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyCFunction":                           -10.905956,
-		"PyDataType_HASFIELDS":                  -10.212809,
-		"PyDict_CheckExact":                     -10.905956,
-		"PyDict_Contains":                       -10.905956,
-		"PyDict_Type":                           -10.905956,
-		"PyErr_Format":                          -9.519662,
-		"PyErr_Occurred":                        -10.212809,
-		"PyErr_SetString":                       -9.519662,
-		"PyErr_Warn":                            -10.905956,
-		"PyErr_WarnEx":                          -10.905956,
-		"PyExc_SystemError":                     -9.807344,
-		"PyExc_TypeError":                       -9.296518,
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-		"PyFloat_AsDouble":                      -10.905956,
-		"PyFloat_CheckExact":                    -10.905956,
-		"PyFrozenSet_Check":                     -10.905956,
-		"PyFrozenSet_Type":                      -10.905956,
-		"PyImport_ImportModule":                 -10.905956,
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-		"PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask":              -10.905956,
-		"PyInt_Check":                           -10.905956,
-		"PyInt_CheckExact":                      -10.905956,
-		"PyInt_FromLong":                        -8.341007,
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-		"PyInt_FromSsize_t":                     -10.212809,
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-		"PyLong_AsLong":                         -10.905956,
-		"PyLong_AsSsize_t":                      -10.905956,
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-		"PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask":             -10.905956,
-		"PyLong_AsVoidPtr":                      -10.905956,
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-		"PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide":            -10.905956,
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-		"PyObject_GetAttrString":                -9.807344,
-		"PyObject_GetItem":                      -10.905956,
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-		"PySequence_GetSlice":                   -10.212809,
-		"PySequence_SetSlice":                   -10.212809,
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-		"PyString_Size":                         -10.905956,
-		"PyString_Type":                         -10.212809,
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-		"PyTuple_GET_SIZE":                      -10.212809,
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-		"Py_INCREF":                             -9.807344,
-		"Py_LT":                                 -10.212809,
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-		"Py_PYTHON_H":                           -10.905956,
-		"Py_REFCNT":                             -10.905956,
-		"Py_SIZE":                               -10.905956,
-		"Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES":                 -10.905956,
-		"Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX":                 -10.905956,
-		"Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER":             -10.905956,
-		"Py_TYPE":                               -9.519662,
-		"Py_True":                               -10.212809,
-		"Py_XDECREF":                            -9.807344,
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-		"Python":                                -10.905956,
-		"Python.":                               -10.905956,
-		"Q":                                     -9.296518,
-		"QApplication":                          -10.905956,
-		"QCoreApplication":                      -10.905956,
-		"QDataStream":                           -10.905956,
-		"QIcon":                                 -10.905956,
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-		"Q_OBJECT":                              -10.905956,
-		"Q_OS_LINUX":                            -10.212809,
-		"QtMsgType":                             -10.905956,
-		"R":                                     -9.114197,
-		"RAD_TO_DEG":                            -10.905956,
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-		"RBRACK":                                -10.212809,
-		"READWRITE":                             -10.212809,
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-		"RETLW":                                 -10.905956,
-		"RETURN":                                -10.212809,
-		"RGBA":                                  -10.905956,
-		"RLF":                                   -10.905956,
-		"ROM":                                   -10.212809,
-		"RPAREN":                                -10.212809,
-		"RRF":                                   -10.905956,
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-		"RSHIFTEQ":                              -10.905956,
-		"Rad":                                   -10.212809,
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-		"RandomPrivate":                         -10.212809,
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-		"ReadBlock":                             -10.212809,
-		"ReadString":                            -10.905956,
-		"ReadTag":                               -10.905956,
-		"Reader":                                -6.993933,
-		"ReflectionOps":                         -10.905956,
-		"Register":                              -10.212809,
-		"RegisteredExtension":                   -10.905956,
-		"Remember":                              -10.905956,
-		"Remove":                                -10.905956,
-		"RemoveCallCompletedCallback":           -10.212809,
-		"Report":                                -10.905956,
-		"RequestAsyncUnary":                     -10.905956,
-		"RequestSayHello":                       -10.905956,
-		"Reset":                                 -9.296518,
-		"Restart":                               -10.905956,
-		"ResumeInst_O":                          -9.807344,
-		"ReturnAddressLocationResolver":         -10.212809,
-		"ReturnInst_O":                          -9.807344,
-		"Round":                                 -10.905956,
-		"RpcMethod":                             -10.905956,
-		"RpcService":                            -10.905956,
-		"RuntimeProfiler":                       -10.905956,
-		"SAR":                                   -10.905956,
-		"SCON":                                  -10.905956,
-		"SEMICOLON":                             -10.212809,
-		"SERIALIZE":                             -10.212809,
-		"SET_SYMBOL":                            -10.212809,
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-		"SHORT":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SHR":                                   -10.905956,
-		"SIGNED":                                -10.905956,
-		"SIZEOF":                                -10.905956,
-		"SLEEP":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SRS_AUTO_INGEST":                       -10.905956,
-		"SRS_AUTO_INGESTER_SLEEP_US":            -10.212809,
-		"SRS_CONSTS_LOG_INGESTER":               -10.905956,
-		"SRS_CONSTS_NULL_FILE":                  -10.905956,
-		"STATIC":                                -10.905956,
-		"STATIC_ASSERT":                         -9.296518,
-		"STATIC_BUILD":                          -10.905956,
-		"STRICT_MODE":                           -10.212809,
-		"STRUCT":                                -10.905956,
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-		"SUBEQ":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SUBLW":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SUBWF":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SWAPF":                                 -10.905956,
-		"SWIG":                                  -10.905956,
-		"SWITCH":                                -10.905956,
-		"SamplerRegistry":                       -10.905956,
-		"SayHello":                              -9.114197,
-		"Scan":                                  -9.296518,
-		"ScanDecimalDigits":                     -10.905956,
-		"ScanEscape":                            -10.905956,
-		"ScanHexNumber":                         -9.519662,
-		"ScanHtmlComment":                       -9.807344,
-		"ScanIdentifierOrKeyword":               -10.212809,
-		"ScanIdentifierSuffix":                  -10.905956,
-		"ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape":           -10.905956,
-		"ScanLiteralUnicodeEscape":              -9.807344,
-		"ScanNumber":                            -9.807344,
-		"ScanOctalEscape":                       -10.212809,
-		"ScanRegExpFlags":                       -10.212809,
-		"ScanRegExpPattern":                     -10.905956,
-		"ScanString":                            -10.212809,
-		"Scanner":                               -7.961517,
-		"SceneManager*":                         -10.905956,
-		"SceneNode*":                            -10.905956,
-		"ScopedLock":                            -10.905956,
-		"ScopedMetric":                          -9.519662,
-		"Sec":                                   -10.212809,
-		"SecureString":                          -10.905956,
-		"SeekForward":                           -10.212809,
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-		"SequentialType_O":                      -8.508061,
-		"SerializeUnknownFields":                -10.905956,
-		"SerializeUnknownFieldsToArray":         -10.905956,
-		"SerializeWithCachedSizes":              -10.212809,
-		"SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray":       -10.212809,
-		"Serializer":                            -10.905956,
-		"ServerAsyncResponseWriter":             -10.905956,
-		"ServerCompletionQueue":                 -10.905956,
-		"ServerCompletionQueue*":                -10.905956,
-		"ServerContext":                         -10.905956,
-		"ServerContext*":                        -9.114197,
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-		"SetCachedSize":                         -10.212809,
-		"SetCarry":                              -10.905956,
-		"SetCompactSignature":                   -10.212809,
-		"SetCompressedPubKey":                   -9.807344,
-		"SetEntropySource":                      -10.212809,
-		"SetFatalError":                         -10.212809,
-		"SetKey":                                -10.905956,
-		"SetKeyFromPassphrase":                  -10.905956,
-		"SetMemoryContents":                     -10.905956,
-		"SetPrivKey":                            -10.905956,
-		"SetPubKey":                             -10.905956,
-		"SetReturnAddressLocationResolver":      -9.807344,
-		"SetSecret":                             -10.212809,
-		"SetUp":                                 -9.519662,
-		"SetUpCaches":                           -10.905956,
-		"SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData":            -10.905956,
-		"SetupContext":                          -10.905956,
-		"SharedCtor":                            -9.519662,
-		"SharedDtor":                            -9.807344,
-		"Should":                                -10.905956,
-		"Sign":                                  -10.905956,
-		"SignCompact":                           -10.212809,
-		"Sin":                                   -10.212809,
-		"SinCos":                                -10.905956,
-		"Size":                                  -10.212809,
-		"SkipField":                             -10.905956,
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-		"SkipSingleLineComment":                 -8.960046,
-		"SkipWhiteSpace":                        -9.519662,
-		"SlowSeekForward":                       -10.212809,
-		"Something":                             -10.905956,
-		"SplitStreamedService":                  -10.905956,
-		"Sqrt":                                  -10.905956,
-		"Square":                                -10.905956,
-		"SrsConfDirective*":                     -8.421049,
-		"SrsFFMPEG":                             -10.212809,
-		"SrsFFMPEG*":                            -9.519662,
-		"SrsIngester":                           -7.910224,
-		"SrsIngesterFFMPEG":                     -8.197906,
-		"SrsIngesterFFMPEG*":                    -8.826514,
-		"SrsPithyPrint":                         -10.905956,
-		"SrsReusableThread":                     -10.905956,
-		"Stack":                                 -10.905956,
-		"StackFrame":                            -10.905956,
-		"StartLiteral":                          -10.905956,
-		"StaticDescriptorInitializer_protocol_": -10.212809,
-		"StaticResource":                        -10.212809,
-		"Status":                                -8.603371,
-		"StatusCode":                            -9.807344,
-		"Step":                                  -10.905956,
-		"Stopwatch":                             -10.212809,
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-		"StoreValue":                            -10.905956,
-		"StreamedSayHello":                      -10.212809,
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-		"StreamedUnaryService":                  -10.905956,
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-		"StubOptions":                           -10.212809,
-		"StyledStreamWriter":                    -8.133367,
-		"StyledWriter":                          -8.197906,
-		"SupportsCrankshaft":                    -10.905956,
-		"Swap":                                  -10.212809,
-		"SwitchInst_O":                          -9.807344,
-		"T":                                     -10.212809,
-		"TFD_CLOEXEC":                           -10.905956,
-		"TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME":                     -10.905956,
-		"TOC":                                   -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE":                     -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_EOF":                             -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_ITEM_SEPARATOR":                  -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE":                      -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_ASSIGN":                 -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_EQUAL":                  -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER":                -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL":          -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS":                   -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL":             -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL":              -10.905956,
-		"TOKEN_STRING":                          -10.212809,
-		"TYPEDEF":                               -10.905956,
-		"Tan":                                   -10.905956,
-		"TearDown":                              -9.296518,
-		"TearDownCaches":                        -10.905956,
-		"TerminateLiteral":                      -10.905956,
-		"TerminatorInst_O":                      -8.508061,
-		"This":                                  -9.807344,
-		"ThreadId":                              -10.905956,
-		"ThreadedQueue":                         -9.807344,
-		"Token":                                 -5.404698,
-		"TokenDesc":                             -9.807344,
-		"TokenType":                             -9.807344,
-		"Type_O":                                -8.508061,
-		"UInt":                                  -8.960046,
-		"UNIMPLEMENTED":                         -9.807344,
-		"UNION":                                 -10.905956,
-		"UNSIGNED":                              -10.905956,
-		"UTILS_H":                               -10.212809,
-		"UnaryInstruction_O":                    -8.508061,
-		"UndefValue_O":                          -8.508061,
-		"UnicodeCache":                          -9.807344,
-		"UnicodeCache*":                         -10.212809,
-		"UnknownFieldSet":                       -10.212809,
-		"UnknownFieldSet*":                      -10.905956,
-		"UnreachableInst_O":                     -9.807344,
-		"UnregisterAll":                         -10.905956,
-		"UseCrankshaft":                         -10.905956,
-		"User_O":                                -8.508061,
-		"Utf":                                   -8.708731,
-		"Utils":                                 -9.519662,
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-		"VAArgInst_O":                           -9.807344,
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-		"VOLATILE":                              -10.905956,
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-		"Value_O":                               -8.508061,
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-		"VectorType_O":                          -8.508061,
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-		"VerifyCompact":                         -10.212809,
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-		"WALLET_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE":                -8.960046,
-		"WALLET_CRYPTO_SALT_SIZE":               -10.905956,
-		"WHILE":                                 -10.905956,
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-		"WebKit":                             -10.905956,
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-		"Whitedrop":                          -10.905956,
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-		"WireFormatLite":                     -8.708731,
-		"WithAsyncMethod_SayHello":           -9.519662,
-		"WithGenericMethod_SayHello":         -9.807344,
-		"WithStreamedUnaryMethod_SayHello":   -9.114197,
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-		"WriteStringToArray":                 -10.905956,
-		"Writer":                             -10.212809,
-		"X":                                  -9.519662,
-		"XOREQ":                              -10.905956,
-		"XORLW":                              -10.905956,
-		"XORWF":                              -10.905956,
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-		"YYFILL":                             -9.519662,
-		"YYLIMIT":                            -9.519662,
-		"YYMARKER":                           -9.519662,
-		"[":                                  -5.195529,
-		"\\":                                 -6.747073,
-		"]":                                  -5.195529,
-		"^":                                  -10.905956,
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-		"_Complex_I":                         -9.807344,
-		"_DECLARE_ONCE":                      -10.905956,
-		"_H_":                                -10.212809,
-		"_MSC_VER":                           -8.826514,
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-		"_ParseResolvableExpression":         -10.905956,
-		"_ParseVersionValue":                 -10.905956,
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-		"_USE_MATH_DEFINES":                  -10.905956,
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-		"__Pyx_DOCSTR":                       -9.807344,
-		"__Pyx_DelAttrString":                -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_ErrFetch":                     -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_ErrRestore":                   -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_ExportFunction":               -10.905956,
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-		"__Pyx_GetName":                      -9.519662,
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-		"__Pyx_PyBytes_AsUString":            -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyBytes_FromUString":          -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyIndex_AsSsize_t":            -10.905956,
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-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLong":                 -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLongDouble":           -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLongLong":             -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsShort":                -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedChar":           -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedInt":            -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedLong":           -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedLongLong":       -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedShort":          -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSize_t":               -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedChar":         -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedInt":          -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedLong":         -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLong":     -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedShort":        -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyInt_FromSize_t":             -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyNumber_Divide":              -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_PyNumber_InPlaceDivide":       -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_PyNumber_Int":                 -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_PyObject_IsTrue":              -8.826514,
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-		"__Pyx_PySequence_GetSlice":          -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_PySequence_SetSlice":          -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_Raise":                        -8.826514,
-		"__Pyx_RaiseNeedMoreValuesError":     -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_RaiseNoneNotIterableError":    -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_RaiseTooManyValuesError":      -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_RefNanny":                     -9.114197,
-		"__Pyx_RefNannyAPIStruct":            -9.519662,
-		"__Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext":        -8.421049,
-		"__Pyx_RefNannyImportAPI":            -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_RefNannySetupContext":         -8.341007,
-		"__Pyx_SET_CIMAG":                    -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_SET_CREAL":                    -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_SetAttrString":                -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_StringTabEntry":               -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_TypeCheck":                    -10.905956,
-		"__Pyx_TypeTest":                     -9.519662,
-		"__Pyx_UnpackTupleError":             -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_WriteUnraisable":              -9.807344,
-		"__Pyx_XDECREF":                      -7.647859,
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-		"__Pyx_c_difff":                      -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_eq":                         -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_eqf":                        -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_is_zero":                    -9.807344,
-		"__Pyx_c_is_zerof":                   -9.807344,
-		"__Pyx_c_neg":                        -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_negf":                       -10.212809,
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-		"__Pyx_c_powf":                       -9.807344,
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-		"__Pyx_c_prodf":                      -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_quot":                       -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_quotf":                      -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_sum":                        -10.212809,
-		"__Pyx_c_sumf":                       -10.212809,
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+		"<unibrow::LineTerminator,>":          -10.909454,
+		"<unibrow::WhiteSpace,>":              -10.909454,
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+		"<>":             -10.909454,
+		"=":               -3.083011,
+		">":               -4.140961,
+		"?":               -7.613618,
+		"A":               -10.909454,
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+		"ADDEQ":           -10.909454,
+		"ADDLW":           -10.909454,
+		"ADDWF":           -10.909454,
+		"AES_BLOCK_SIZE":  -10.909454,
+		"ALL_STAGES":      -10.216307,
+		"AND":             -10.909454,
+		"ANDAND":          -10.909454,
+		"ANDEQ":           -10.909454,
+		"ANDLW":           -10.909454,
+		"ANDWF":           -10.909454,
+		"APFloat_O":       -8.511559,
+		"APInt_O":         -8.511559,
+		"APPEND":          -10.909454,
+		"ARRAY":           -10.909454,
+		"ASM":             -10.909454,
+		"ASSERT":          -7.965015,
+		"ASSERT_NOT_NULL": -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN":          -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_ADD":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_BIT_AND":  -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_BIT_OR":   -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_BIT_XOR":  -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_DIV":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_MOD":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_MUL":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_SAR":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_SHL":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_SHR":      -10.909454,
+		"ASSIGN_SUB":      -10.909454,
+		"ASin":            -10.909454,
+		"ATan":            -10.216307,
+		"AUTO":            -10.909454,
+		"Abs":             -10.909454,
+		"Add":             -10.909454,
+		"AddCallCompletedCallback": -10.216307,
+		"AddChar":                  -10.216307,
+		"AddLiteralChar":           -9.523160,
+		"AddLiteralCharAdvance":    -9.810842,
+		"Advance":                  -7.125265,
+		"AllStatic":                -10.909454,
+		"AllocaInst_O":             -8.511559,
+		"AllocatorCallback":        -6.866403,
+		"Argument_O":               -8.511559,
+		"ArrayType_O":              -8.511559,
+		"AsyncSayHello":            -10.216307,
+		"AsyncSayHelloRaw":         -9.523160,
+		"AsyncService":             -10.909454,
+		"AtomicCmpXchgInst_O":      -8.511559,
+		"AtomicRMWInst_O":          -8.511559,
+		"Attribute_O":              -8.511559,
+		"BCF":                      -10.909454,
+		"BEGIN_NATIVE_EXCEPTION": -10.216307,
+		"BF":             -5.773656,
+		"BIGNUM":         -8.712230,
+		"BITCOIN_KEY_H":  -10.216307,
+		"BIT_AND":        -10.909454,
+		"BIT_NOT":        -10.216307,
+		"BIT_OR":         -10.909454,
+		"BIT_XOR":        -10.909454,
+		"BN_CTX":         -10.216307,
+		"BN_CTX_end":     -10.909454,
+		"BN_CTX_free":    -10.216307,
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+		"BN_CTX_start":   -10.909454,
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+		"BN_bin":         -9.810842,
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+		"BN_cmp":         -10.909454,
+		"BN_copy":        -10.909454,
+		"BN_mod_inverse": -10.909454,
+		"BN_mod_mul":     -10.216307,
+		"BN_mod_sub":     -10.909454,
+		"BN_mul_word":    -10.909454,
+		"BN_num_bits":    -10.216307,
+		"BN_rshift":      -10.909454,
+		"BN_zero":        -10.909454,
+		"BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL":                     -10.909454,
+		"BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD":                   -8.830013,
+		"BPackageInfo":                             -8.963544,
+		"BPackageInfo*":                            -10.909454,
+		"BPackageKit":                              -10.909454,
+		"BPackageResolvableExpression":             -10.909454,
+		"BPackageVersion":                          -10.909454,
+		"BREAK":                                    -10.909454,
+		"BSF":                                      -10.909454,
+		"BSIZE":                                    -9.117695,
+		"BString":                                  -9.810842,
+		"BTFSC":                                    -10.909454,
+		"BTFSS":                                    -10.909454,
+		"B_BAD_DATA":                               -9.810842,
+		"B_BAD_VALUE":                              -10.909454,
+		"B_NO_MEMORY":                              -9.810842,
+		"B_OK":                                     -9.810842,
+		"Bar":                                      -9.810842,
+		"BaseClass":                                -9.117695,
+		"BaseClassMustBeDerivedFromService":        -9.117695,
+		"BasicBlock_O":                             -8.511559,
+		"Black":                                    -10.909454,
+		"BranchInst_O":                             -8.511559,
+		"Buffer":                                   -10.216307,
+		"Builder_O":                                -8.511559,
+		"BuiltInClass_O":                           -6.866403,
+		"BuiltInClass_sp":                          -6.866403,
+		"ByteArray*":                               -10.909454,
+		"ByteSize":                                 -10.216307,
+		"C":                                        -10.909454,
+		"CALL":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CASE":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CCrypter":                                 -9.117695,
+		"CFID":                                     -10.216307,
+		"CHAR":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CKey":                                     -7.651358,
+		"CKeyID":                                   -8.963544,
+		"CKeyingMaterial":                          -8.830013,
+		"CKeyingMaterial*":                         -10.909454,
+		"CLASSIC_MODE":                             -10.216307,
+		"CLOCK_MONOTONIC":                          -10.216307,
+		"CLRF":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CLRW":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CLRWDT":                                   -10.909454,
+		"COLON":                                    -10.216307,
+		"COMF":                                     -10.909454,
+		"COMMA":                                    -10.216307,
+		"CONDITIONAL":                              -10.216307,
+		"CONST":                                    -10.909454,
+		"CONTINUE":                                 -10.909454,
+		"CPU":                                      -10.216307,
+		"CPrivKey":                                 -9.810842,
+		"CPubKey":                                  -8.424548,
+		"CREATE_CLASS":                             -10.909454,
+		"CScriptID":                                -9.810842,
+		"CSecret":                                  -9.523160,
+		"CYTHON_CCOMPLEX":                          -8.424548,
+		"CYTHON_INLINE":                            -6.689947,
+		"CYTHON_REFNANNY":                          -9.810842,
+		"CYTHON_UNUSED":                            -8.963544,
+		"CYTHON_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS":                -10.909454,
+		"CallCompletedCallback":                    -9.523160,
+		"CallDepthIsZero":                          -10.909454,
+		"CallInst_O":                               -8.511559,
+		"CallOnce":                                 -10.909454,
+		"Ceil":                                     -10.909454,
+		"CeilPowerOfTwo":                           -10.909454,
+		"Channel":                                  -10.909454,
+		"ChannelInterface":                         -9.810842,
+		"Char":                                     -7.731401,
+		"CharacterStream":                          -9.810842,
+		"CharacterStream*":                         -9.810842,
+		"CheckZero":                                -10.909454,
+		"ClasspathVMSystem/Properties.cpp":         -10.909454,
+		"Clear":                              -9.300017,
+		"ClientAsyncResponseReader":          -9.810842,
+		"ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface": -9.810842,
+		"ClientContext*":                     -9.117695,
+		"ClosestPowerOfTwo":                  -10.909454,
+		"CodedInputStream*":                  -10.216307,
+		"CodedOutputStream*":                 -10.216307,
+		"CommentPlacement":                   -10.216307,
+		"CompletionQueue":                    -10.909454,
+		"CompletionQueue*":                   -9.300017,
+		"CompositeType_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"ComputeUnknownFieldsSize":           -10.909454,
+		"ConstantArray_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"ConstantDataArray_O":                -8.511559,
+		"ConstantDataSequential_O":           -8.511559,
+		"ConstantExpr_O":                     -8.511559,
+		"ConstantFP_O":                       -8.511559,
+		"ConstantInt_O":                      -8.511559,
+		"ConstantPointerNull_O":              -8.511559,
+		"Constant_O":                         -8.511559,
+		"Context*":                           -9.523160,
+		"ConvertToUtf":                       -10.216307,
+		"CopyFrom":                           -9.300017,
+		"Cos":                                -10.909454,
+		"CsvStreamer":                        -9.300017,
+		"Cube":                               -10.909454,
+		"Current":                            -9.300017,
+		"CurrentPerIsolateThreadData":        -9.523160,
+		"DEBUG":                    -8.963544,
+		"DEC":                      -10.909454,
+		"DECF":                     -10.909454,
+		"DECFSZ":                   -10.909454,
+		"DECR":                     -10.909454,
+		"DECREF":                   -10.909454,
+		"DEFAULT":                  -10.909454,
+		"DEFAULT_DELIMITER":        -10.909454,
+		"DEG_TO_RAD":               -10.909454,
+		"DEREF":                    -10.909454,
+		"DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN": -10.216307,
+		"DIV":                                     -10.909454,
+		"DIVEQ":                                   -10.909454,
+		"DL_EXPORT":                               -10.216307,
+		"DL_IMPORT":                               -10.216307,
+		"DO":                                      -10.909454,
+		"DOUBLE":                                  -10.909454,
+		"DO_":                                     -9.523160,
+		"DataLayout_O":                            -8.511559,
+		"DebugLoc_O":                              -8.511559,
+		"DecodeInstruction":                       -10.909454,
+		"Decoder":                                 -9.810842,
+		"DecrementCallDepth":                      -10.909454,
+		"Decrypt":                                 -10.909454,
+		"DecryptSecret":                           -10.909454,
+		"Deg":                                     -10.216307,
+		"Dereference":                             -10.909454,
+		"Descriptor*":                             -9.810842,
+		"DescriptorPool":                          -9.810842,
+		"Deserializer":                            -10.909454,
+		"Deserializer*":                           -10.216307,
+		"Digits":                                  -10.909454,
+		"Don":                                     -10.909454,
+		"DropLiteral":                             -10.909454,
+		"ECDSA_SIG":                               -9.810842,
+		"ECDSA_SIG_free":                          -10.216307,
+		"ECDSA_SIG_new":                           -10.909454,
+		"ECDSA_SIG_recover_key_GFp":               -9.810842,
+		"ECDSA_do_sign":                           -10.909454,
+		"ECDSA_verify":                            -10.909454,
+		"EC_GROUP":                                -10.216307,
+		"EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp":                  -10.909454,
+		"EC_GROUP_get_degree":                     -10.909454,
+		"EC_GROUP_get_order":                      -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY":                                  -10.216307,
+		"EC_KEY*":                                 -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_copy":                             -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_dup":                              -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_free":                             -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_get":                              -10.216307,
+		"EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name":                -10.216307,
+		"EC_KEY_regenerate_key":                   -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_set_conv_form":                    -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_set_private_key":                  -10.909454,
+		"EC_KEY_set_public_key":                   -10.216307,
+		"EC_POINT":                                -9.523160,
+		"EC_POINT_free":                           -9.523160,
+		"EC_POINT_is_at_infinity":                 -10.909454,
+		"EC_POINT_mul":                            -9.810842,
+		"EC_POINT_new":                            -9.523160,
+		"EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp": -10.909454,
+		"EINVAL":                             -9.523160,
+		"ELLIPSIS":                           -10.909454,
+		"ELSE":                               -10.909454,
+		"END_NATIVE_EXCEPTION":               -10.216307,
+		"ENOSYS":                             -10.909454,
+		"ENTITY_H":                           -10.216307,
+		"ENUM":                               -10.909454,
+		"ENV_H":                              -10.216307,
+		"EOF":                                -10.909454,
+		"EOI":                                -10.909454,
+		"EOS":                                -10.909454,
+		"EPOLLERR":                           -9.117695,
+		"EPOLLET":                            -9.523160,
+		"EPOLLHUP":                           -9.810842,
+		"EPOLLIN":                            -9.117695,
+		"EPOLLOUT":                           -9.523160,
+		"EPOLLPRI":                           -9.810842,
+		"EPOLL_CLOEXEC":                      -10.216307,
+		"EPOLL_CTL_ADD":                      -9.300017,
+		"EPOLL_CTL_DEL":                      -10.216307,
+		"EPOLL_CTL_MOD":                      -9.810842,
+		"EQ":                                 -10.909454,
+		"EQL":                                -10.909454,
+		"EQ_STRICT":                          -10.909454,
+		"ERROR_ENCODER_INPUT_TYPE":           -10.909454,
+		"ERROR_ENCODER_LOOP":                 -10.216307,
+		"ERROR_ENCODER_NO_INPUT":             -9.810842,
+		"ERROR_ENCODER_NO_OUTPUT":            -10.909454,
+		"ERROR_ENCODER_PARSE":                -10.909454,
+		"ERROR_SUCCESS":                      -7.475467,
+		"EVP_BytesToKey":                     -10.909454,
+		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX":                     -10.216307,
+		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup":             -10.216307,
+		"EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init":                -10.216307,
+		"EVP_DecryptFinal_ex":                -10.909454,
+		"EVP_DecryptInit_ex":                 -10.909454,
+		"EVP_DecryptUpdate":                  -10.909454,
+		"EVP_EncryptFinal_ex":                -10.909454,
+		"EVP_EncryptInit_ex":                 -10.909454,
+		"EVP_EncryptUpdate":                  -10.909454,
+		"EVP_aes_":                           -9.810842,
+		"EVP_sha":                            -10.909454,
+		"EXPRESSION":                         -10.216307,
+		"EXTENDED_MODE":                      -10.216307,
+		"EXTERN":                             -10.909454,
+		"Elapsed":                            -10.909454,
+		"ElementsAccessor":                   -10.216307,
+		"Encoding":                           -9.810842,
+		"Encrypt":                            -10.909454,
+		"EncryptSecret":                      -10.909454,
+		"EnforceFlagImplications":            -10.909454,
+		"EngineBuilder_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"EnterDefaultIsolate":                -10.909454,
+		"Entity":                             -8.963544,
+		"Entity*":                            -10.909454,
+		"EntropySource":                      -9.810842,
+		"Env":                                -8.344505,
+		"EqualityKind":                       -10.909454,
+		"ErrorInfo":                          -10.216307,
+		"Errors":                             -10.909454,
+		"ExceptionHandler":                   -10.909454,
+		"ExecutionEngine_O":                  -8.511559,
+		"Exp":                                -10.909454,
+		"ExpandBuffer":                       -10.216307,
+		"ExpectAtEnd":                        -10.909454,
+		"ExternalReference":                  -10.909454,
+		"FCON":                               -10.909454,
+		"FD_CLOEXEC":                         -10.216307,
+		"FILE":                               -10.216307,
+		"FLAG_crankshaft":                    -10.909454,
+		"FLAG_force_marking_deque_overflows": -10.909454,
+		"FLAG_gc_global":                     -10.909454,
+		"FLAG_max_new_space_size":            -10.909454,
+		"FLAG_random_seed":                   -10.216307,
+		"FLAG_stress_compaction":             -10.909454,
+		"FLAG_use_idle_notification":         -10.909454,
+		"FLOAT":                                          -10.909454,
+		"FOR":                                            -10.909454,
+		"FUNCTION":                                       -10.909454,
+		"F_SETFD":                                        -10.216307,
+		"Fabs":                                           -10.909454,
+		"FastWriter":                                     -9.300017,
+		"FatalProcessOutOfMemory":                        -10.909454,
+		"Features":                                       -8.606869,
+		"FenceInst_O":                                    -8.511559,
+		"Field":                                          -10.216307,
+		"FileDescriptor*":                                -10.909454,
+		"FillHeapNumberWithRandom":                       -10.216307,
+		"FindFileByName":                                 -10.909454,
+		"FinishContext":                                  -10.909454,
+		"FireCallCompletedCallback":                      -10.216307,
+		"FlagList":                                       -10.909454,
+		"Floor":                                          -10.909454,
+		"FloorPowerOfTwo":                                -10.909454,
+		"Free":                                           -10.909454,
+		"FtoiFast":                                       -10.909454,
+		"FunctionPassManager_O":                          -8.511559,
+		"FunctionPass_O":                                 -8.511559,
+		"FunctionType_O":                                 -8.511559,
+		"Function_O":                                     -8.963544,
+		"GDSDBREADER_H":                                  -10.216307,
+		"GEQ":                                            -10.909454,
+		"GFX_BOTTOM":                                     -10.216307,
+		"GFX_LEFT":                                       -10.216307,
+		"GFX_TOP":                                        -10.909454,
+		"GIVEREF":                                        -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE":                                         -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_CHECK":                                   -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_CHECK_NE":                                -10.216307,
+		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_DECLARE_ONCE":                   -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MIN_PROTOC_VERSION":             -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION":                 -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERSION":                        -10.909454,
+		"GOOGLE_SAFE_CONCURRENT_WRITES_BEGIN":            -10.216307,
+		"GOOGLE_SAFE_CONCURRENT_WRITES_END":              -10.216307,
+		"GOTO":                -10.216307,
+		"GOTREF":              -10.909454,
+		"GPU_SCISSORMODE":     -10.909454,
+		"GPU_SCISSOR_DISABLE": -10.909454,
+		"GPU_SCISSOR_NORMAL":  -10.909454,
+		"GRPC_hello_":         -10.216307,
+		"GT":                  -10.909454,
+		"GTE":                 -10.909454,
+		"GeneratedMessageReflection":  -10.909454,
+		"GeneratedMessageReflection*": -10.909454,
+		"GetBank":                     -10.909454,
+		"GetCachedSize":               -10.909454,
+		"GetDataStartAddress":         -10.909454,
+		"GetHash":                     -10.216307,
+		"GetID":                       -10.216307,
+		"GetMemoryContents":           -10.909454,
+		"GetMetadata":                 -10.216307,
+		"GetPCHFinalBits":             -10.909454,
+		"GetPrivKey":                  -10.909454,
+		"GetPubKey":                   -9.300017,
+		"GetSecret":                   -10.216307,
+		"GetTagFieldNumber":           -10.909454,
+		"GetTagWireType":              -10.216307,
+		"GetTimeMillis":               -10.909454,
+		"GlobalSetUp":                 -10.909454,
+		"GlobalValue_O":               -8.511559,
+		"GlobalVariable_O":            -9.810842,
+		"GoogleOnceInit":              -10.909454,
+		"Gui":                         -10.909454,
+		"HALF_PI":                     -10.216307,
+		"HEADER_INCLUDES":             -10.216307,
+		"HEAP":                        -10.909454,
+		"HIGH":                        -10.909454,
+		"HandleScopeImplementer*":        -10.909454,
+		"HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext": -10.909454,
+		"Hash":                -9.810842,
+		"Hash160":             -10.909454,
+		"HeapNumber":          -10.909454,
+		"HelloRequest":        -8.830013,
+		"HelloRequest*":       -9.300017,
+		"HelloResponse":       -8.712230,
+		"HelloResponse*":      -9.117695,
+		"HelloService":        -10.909454,
+		"HexValue":            -10.216307,
+		"HigherPowerOfTwo":    -9.523160,
+		"ICON":                -10.909454,
+		"ID":                  -10.909454,
+		"IF":                  -10.909454,
+		"ILLEGAL":             -6.121963,
+		"IMPLEMENT_SERIALIZE": -10.216307,
+		"INC":    -10.909454,
+		"INCF":   -10.909454,
+		"INCFSZ": -10.909454,
+		"INCR":   -10.909454,
+		"INCREF": -10.909454,
+		"INLINE": -10.216307,
+		"INPUT":  -9.810842,
+		"INT":    -10.909454,
+		"INT_MAX":                          -10.909454,
+		"INT_MIN":                          -10.909454,
+		"INV_LN_":                          -10.216307,
+		"IORLW":                            -10.909454,
+		"IORWF":                            -10.909454,
+		"IRBuilderBase_O":                  -8.511559,
+		"IRBuilder_O":                      -8.511559,
+		"IdleNotification":                 -9.810842,
+		"Illegal":                          -10.909454,
+		"ImmutablePass_O":                  -8.511559,
+		"IncrementCallDepth":               -10.909454,
+		"IndirectBrInst_O":                 -9.810842,
+		"Init":                             -9.810842,
+		"InitAsDefaultInstance":            -9.810842,
+		"Initialize":                       -9.810842,
+		"InitializeOncePerProcess":         -9.523160,
+		"InitializeOncePerProcessImpl":     -9.810842,
+		"InputBuffer":                      -10.909454,
+		"InsertPoint_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"InspectorBackendStub":             -10.909454,
+		"Instruction":                      -10.216307,
+		"Instruction_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"Int":                              -9.810842,
+		"IntegerType_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"InternalAddGeneratedFile":         -10.909454,
+		"InternalRegisterGeneratedMessage": -10.909454,
+		"InvokeInst_O":                     -9.810842,
+		"IsByteOrderMark":                  -10.216307,
+		"IsCompressed":                     -9.810842,
+		"IsDead":                           -10.216307,
+		"IsDecimalDigit":                   -10.216307,
+		"IsDefaultIsolate":                 -10.909454,
+		"IsGlobalContext":                  -10.909454,
+		"IsHexDigit":                       -10.909454,
+		"IsIdentifier":                     -10.909454,
+		"IsIdentifierPart":                 -10.216307,
+		"IsIdentifierStart":                -10.216307,
+		"IsInitialized":                    -9.810842,
+		"IsLineTerminator":                 -9.523160,
+		"IsNull":                           -10.909454,
+		"IsPowerOfTwo":                     -9.523160,
+		"IsRunning":                        -10.909454,
+		"IsValid":                          -9.523160,
+		"IsWhiteSpace":                     -10.216307,
+		"Isolate":                          -8.712230,
+		"Isolate*":                         -9.117695,
+		"JNICALL":                          -10.909454,
+		"JNIEXPORT":                        -10.909454,
+		"JNIEnv":                           -10.909454,
+		"JavaObject*":                      -10.216307,
+		"Java_gnu_classpath_VMSystemProperties_postInit__Ljava_util_Properties_": -10.909454,
+		"Java_gnu_classpath_VMSystemProperties_preInit":                          -10.909454,
+		"Json": -9.523160,
+		"LAZY_MUTEX_INITIALIZER":      -10.909454,
+		"LBRACE":                      -10.216307,
+		"LBRACK":                      -10.216307,
+		"LEQ":                         -10.909454,
+		"LIBCANIH":                    -10.216307,
+		"LLVMContext_O":               -8.511559,
+		"LOG":                         -5.773656,
+		"LONG":                        -10.909454,
+		"LONG_LONG":                   -10.909454,
+		"LOOKUP_SYMBOL":               -6.719800,
+		"LOW":                         -9.810842,
+		"LOperand":                    -10.216307,
+		"LPAREN":                      -10.216307,
+		"LSHIFT":                      -10.909454,
+		"LSHIFTEQ":                    -10.909454,
+		"LT":                          -9.810842,
+		"LTE":                         -10.909454,
+		"LandingPadInst_O":            -8.511559,
+		"LazyMutex":                   -10.909454,
+		"List":                        -9.810842,
+		"LiteralBuffer":               -9.117695,
+		"LiteralBuffer*":              -10.216307,
+		"LiteralScope":                -10.909454,
+		"LiteralScope*":               -10.909454,
+		"LoadInst_O":                  -9.810842,
+		"Location":                    -7.818412,
+		"Log":                         -9.810842,
+		"LowerPowerOfTwo":             -10.216307,
+		"MASK_SIGNED":                 -10.216307,
+		"MB":                          -10.909454,
+		"MDNode_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"MDString_O":                  -8.511559,
+		"METH_COEXIST":                -10.909454,
+		"METH_NOARGS":                 -10.909454,
+		"METRIC_RECORD":               -10.909454,
+		"MOD":                         -10.909454,
+		"MODEQ":                       -10.909454,
+		"MOVF":                        -10.909454,
+		"MOVLW":                       -10.909454,
+		"MOVWF":                       -10.909454,
+		"MS_WINDOWS":                  -10.216307,
+		"MUL":                         -10.909454,
+		"MULEQ":                       -10.909454,
+		"MakeNewKey":                  -10.909454,
+		"MarkMethodAsync":             -10.909454,
+		"MarkMethodGeneric":           -10.909454,
+		"MarkMethodStreamed":          -10.909454,
+		"Math":                        -7.475467,
+		"Max":                         -10.909454,
+		"Members":                     -9.117695,
+		"Memory":                      -9.523160,
+		"MemoryLocation":              -10.909454,
+		"Merge":                       -10.909454,
+		"MergeFrom":                   -8.712230,
+		"MergePartialFromCodedStream": -10.216307,
+		"Message":                     -8.963544,
+		"MessageFactory":              -10.216307,
+		"MetaClass_sp":                -10.909454,
+		"Metadata":                    -9.810842,
+		"Metric*":                     -9.523160,
+		"Metrics":                     -10.909454,
+		"Metrics*":                    -10.909454,
+		"Min":                         -10.909454,
+		"ModulePass_O":                -8.511559,
+		"Module_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"Ms":                          -10.216307,
+		"NATIVE_JNI":                  -10.909454,
+		"NDEBUG":                      -9.523160,
+		"NE":                          -10.909454,
+		"NEQ":                         -10.909454,
+		"NE_STRICT":                   -10.909454,
+		"NID_secp":                    -10.216307,
+		"NINJA_METRICS_H_":            -10.216307,
+		"NOP":                         -10.909454,
+		"NOT":                         -10.909454,
+		"NPY_BYTE":                    -10.216307,
+		"NPY_CDOUBLE":                 -10.909454,
+		"NPY_CFLOAT":                  -10.909454,
+		"NPY_CLONGDOUBLE":             -10.909454,
+		"NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS":            -10.909454,
+		"NPY_DOUBLE":                  -9.810842,
+		"NPY_FLOAT":                   -10.909454,
+		"NPY_F_CONTIGUOUS":            -10.909454,
+		"NPY_INT":                     -10.216307,
+		"NPY_LONG":                    -10.909454,
+		"NPY_LONGDOUBLE":              -10.909454,
+		"NPY_LONGLONG":                -10.909454,
+		"NPY_OBJECT":                  -10.909454,
+		"NPY_SHORT":                   -10.216307,
+		"NPY_UBYTE":                   -10.216307,
+		"NPY_UINT":                    -10.216307,
+		"NPY_ULONG":                   -10.909454,
+		"NPY_ULONGLONG":               -10.909454,
+		"NPY_USHORT":                  -10.216307,
+		"NULL":                        -6.026653,
+		"NUM_TOKENS":                  -10.909454,
+		"New":                         -9.523160,
+		"NewCapacity":                 -9.810842,
+		"NewMetric":                   -10.216307,
+		"NewStub":                     -10.909454,
+		"Next":                        -10.909454,
+		"NilValue":                    -10.909454,
+		"Notice":                      -10.909454,
+		"Now":                         -9.810842,
+		"O":                           -9.300017,
+		"OG_ASM_GNU":                  -10.909454,
+		"OG_ASM_MSVC":                 -10.909454,
+		"OG_ASSERT":                   -9.810842,
+		"OG_INLINE":                   -7.475467,
+		"OPENSSL_cleanse":             -10.216307,
+		"OR":                          -10.909454,
+		"OREQ":                        -10.909454,
+		"OROR":                        -10.909454,
+		"OS":                          -9.810842,
+		"OUTPUT":                      -10.909454,
+		"Object*":                     -9.523160,
+		"Ogre":                        -8.963544,
+		"OnError":                     -9.117695,
+		"OnShutdown":                  -10.909454,
+		"PARSE":                       -10.909454,
+		"PERIOD":                      -10.909454,
+		"PHANTOMJS_VERSION_STRING":    -10.909454,
+		"PHINode_O":                   -8.511559,
+		"PI":                          -10.909454,
+		"PIC":                         -9.523160,
+		"POINTER":                     -10.909454,
+		"PRId":                                  -10.909454,
+		"PROTOBUF_protocol_":                    -10.216307,
+		"PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK":              -10.909454,
+		"PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE":               -10.909454,
+		"PYREX_WITHOUT_ASSERTIONS":              -10.909454,
+		"PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T":                      -10.909454,
+		"PY_LONG_LONG":                          -9.300017,
+		"PY_MAJOR_VERSION":                      -8.606869,
+		"PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN":                      -10.909454,
+		"PY_SSIZE_T_MAX":                        -10.909454,
+		"PY_SSIZE_T_MIN":                        -10.909454,
+		"PY_VERSION_HEX":                        -8.712230,
+		"Parse":                                 -10.909454,
+		"ParseError":                            -9.523160,
+		"ParseErrorListener":                    -10.216307,
+		"ParseErrorListener*":                   -10.909454,
+		"ParseResolvableExpression":             -10.909454,
+		"ParseVersion":                          -10.909454,
+		"Parser":                                -8.963544,
+		"ParsingFlags":                          -10.909454,
+		"PassManagerBase_O":                     -8.511559,
+		"Pass_O":                                -8.511559,
+		"Pers":                                  -10.909454,
+		"Person":                                -6.750571,
+		"Person*":                               -8.830013,
+		"Person_descriptor_":                    -9.117695,
+		"Person_offsets_":                       -10.216307,
+		"Person_reflection_":                    -9.523160,
+		"Phantom":                               -10.909454,
+		"Player":                                -10.909454,
+		"Please":                                -9.810842,
+		"PointerType_O":                         -8.511559,
+		"PostSetUp":                             -10.909454,
+		"Pow":                                   -10.909454,
+		"Predicate":                             -9.523160,
+		"ProcessInstruction":                    -10.909454,
+		"Protocol":                              -10.216307,
+		"PushBack":                              -8.511559,
+		"PyArrayObject":                         -7.965015,
+		"PyArray_CHKFLAGS":                      -10.216307,
+		"PyArray_DATA":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyArray_DIMS":                          -10.216307,
+		"PyArray_Descr":                         -9.117695,
+		"PyArray_HASFIELDS":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyArray_ISWRITEABLE":                   -10.909454,
+		"PyArray_ITEMSIZE":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyArray_MultiIterNew":                  -9.300017,
+		"PyArray_NDIM":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyArray_STRIDES":                       -10.216307,
+		"PyArray_SimpleNewFromData":             -10.216307,
+		"PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS":                  -10.909454,
+		"PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS":                    -9.810842,
+		"PyBUF_FORMAT":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS":                    -9.810842,
+		"PyBUF_INDIRECT":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyBUF_ND":                              -10.216307,
+		"PyBUF_SIMPLE":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyBUF_STRIDES":                         -9.300017,
+		"PyBUF_WRITABLE":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyBaseString_Type":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyBoolObject":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyBytesObject":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_AS_STRING":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_AsString":                      -10.216307,
+		"PyBytes_AsStringAndSize":               -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_Check":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_CheckExact":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_Concat":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_ConcatAndDel":                  -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_DecodeEscape":                  -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_FromFormat":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_FromString":                    -10.216307,
+		"PyBytes_FromStringAndSize":             -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_GET_SIZE":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_Repr":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_Size":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyBytes_Type":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyCFunction":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyDataType_HASFIELDS":                  -10.216307,
+		"PyDict_CheckExact":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyDict_Contains":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyDict_Type":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyErr_Format":                          -9.523160,
+		"PyErr_Occurred":                        -10.216307,
+		"PyErr_SetString":                       -9.523160,
+		"PyErr_Warn":                            -10.909454,
+		"PyErr_WarnEx":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyExc_SystemError":                     -9.810842,
+		"PyExc_TypeError":                       -9.300017,
+		"PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyFloat_AsDouble":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyFloat_CheckExact":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyFrozenSet_Check":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyFrozenSet_Type":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyImport_ImportModule":                 -10.909454,
+		"PyIndex_Check":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyInstanceMethod_New":                  -10.909454,
+		"PyIntObject":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_AS_LONG":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_AsLong":                          -10.216307,
+		"PyInt_AsSsize_t":                       -10.216307,
+		"PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask":          -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask":              -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_Check":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_CheckExact":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_FromLong":                        -8.344505,
+		"PyInt_FromSize_t":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_FromSsize_t":                     -10.216307,
+		"PyInt_FromString":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_FromUnicode":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyInt_Type":                            -10.909454,
+		"PyLongObject":                          -10.216307,
+		"PyLong_AS_LONG":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_AsLong":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_AsSsize_t":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask":         -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask":             -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_AsVoidPtr":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_Check":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_CheckExact":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_FromLong":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_FromSize_t":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_FromSsize_t":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_FromString":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_FromUnicode":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyLong_Type":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyMethodDef":                           -10.909454,
+		"PyMethod_New":                          -10.216307,
+		"PyNumber_Check":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_Divide":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_InPlaceDivide":                -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide":            -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_Index":                        -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_Int":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_Remainder":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyNumber_Subtract":                     -10.216307,
+		"PyNumber_TrueDivide":                   -10.909454,
+		"PyObject":                              -5.511292,
+		"PyObject*":                             -8.136866,
+		"PyObject_Call":                         -8.511559,
+		"PyObject_DelAttrString":                -10.216307,
+		"PyObject_GetAttr":                      -9.523160,
+		"PyObject_GetAttrString":                -9.810842,
+		"PyObject_GetItem":                      -10.909454,
+		"PyObject_HEAD_INIT":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyObject_RichCompare":                  -8.830013,
+		"PyObject_SetAttrString":                -10.216307,
+		"PyObject_TypeCheck":                    -9.810842,
+		"PySequence_Contains":                   -10.909454,
+		"PySequence_DelSlice":                   -10.216307,
+		"PySequence_GetSlice":                   -10.216307,
+		"PySequence_SetSlice":                   -10.216307,
+		"PySet_Check":                           -10.909454,
+		"PySet_CheckExact":                      -10.216307,
+		"PySet_Type":                            -10.216307,
+		"PyStringObject":                        -10.216307,
+		"PyString_AS_STRING":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyString_AsString":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyString_AsStringAndSize":              -10.909454,
+		"PyString_Check":                        -10.216307,
+		"PyString_CheckExact":                   -10.216307,
+		"PyString_Concat":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyString_ConcatAndDel":                 -10.909454,
+		"PyString_DecodeEscape":                 -10.909454,
+		"PyString_FromFormat":                   -10.909454,
+		"PyString_FromString":                   -10.909454,
+		"PyString_FromStringAndSize":            -10.909454,
+		"PyString_GET_SIZE":                     -10.909454,
+		"PyString_Repr":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyString_Size":                         -10.909454,
+		"PyString_Type":                         -10.216307,
+		"PyTuple_CheckExact":                    -10.909454,
+		"PyTuple_GET_ITEM":                      -9.810842,
+		"PyTuple_GET_SIZE":                      -10.216307,
+		"PyTuple_New":                           -9.523160,
+		"PyTuple_SET_ITEM":                      -9.523160,
+		"PyTypeObject":                          -10.216307,
+		"PyType_Modified":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyUnicodeObject":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyUnicode_Check":                       -10.909454,
+		"PyUnicode_CheckExact":                  -10.909454,
+		"PyUnicode_Type":                        -10.216307,
+		"PyVarObject*":                          -10.909454,
+		"PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT":                 -10.909454,
+		"Py_DECREF":                             -10.909454,
+		"Py_EQ":                                 -9.117695,
+		"Py_False":                              -10.216307,
+		"Py_INCREF":                             -9.810842,
+		"Py_LT":                                 -10.216307,
+		"Py_None":                               -7.271868,
+		"Py_PYTHON_H":                           -10.909454,
+		"Py_REFCNT":                             -10.909454,
+		"Py_SIZE":                               -10.909454,
+		"Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES":                 -10.909454,
+		"Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX":                 -10.909454,
+		"Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER":             -10.909454,
+		"Py_TYPE":                               -9.523160,
+		"Py_True":                               -10.216307,
+		"Py_XDECREF":                            -9.810842,
+		"Py_buffer":                             -9.300017,
+		"Py_intptr_t":                           -10.909454,
+		"Py_ssize_t":                            -8.076241,
+		"Python":                                -10.909454,
+		"Python.":                               -10.909454,
+		"Q":                                     -9.300017,
+		"QApplication":                          -10.909454,
+		"QCoreApplication":                      -10.909454,
+		"QDataStream":                           -10.909454,
+		"QIcon":                                 -10.909454,
+		"QObject":                               -10.216307,
+		"QPBO":                                  -9.117695,
+		"QString":                               -8.019083,
+		"QT_VERSION":                            -10.909454,
+		"QT_VERSION_CHECK":                      -10.909454,
+		"QTemporaryFile":                        -10.909454,
+		"QTemporaryFile*":                       -10.216307,
+		"QVariant":                              -10.909454,
+		"QVariantMap":                           -9.810842,
+		"QWebFrame":                             -9.523160,
+		"Q_INIT_RESOURCE":                       -10.216307,
+		"Q_OBJECT":                              -10.909454,
+		"Q_OS_LINUX":                            -10.216307,
+		"QtMsgType":                             -10.909454,
+		"R":                                     -9.117695,
+		"RAD_TO_DEG":                            -10.909454,
+		"RBRACE":                                -10.216307,
+		"RBRACK":                                -10.216307,
+		"READWRITE":                             -10.216307,
+		"REGISTER":                              -10.909454,
+		"RET":                                   -10.909454,
+		"RETFIE":                                -10.909454,
+		"RETLW":                                 -10.909454,
+		"RETURN":                                -10.216307,
+		"RGBA":                                  -10.909454,
+		"RLF":                                   -10.909454,
+		"ROM":                                   -10.216307,
+		"RPAREN":                                -10.216307,
+		"RRF":                                   -10.909454,
+		"RSHIFT":                                -10.909454,
+		"RSHIFTEQ":                              -10.909454,
+		"Rad":                                   -10.216307,
+		"Random":                                -9.810842,
+		"RandomPrivate":                         -10.216307,
+		"Raw":                                   -10.909454,
+		"ReadBlock":                             -10.216307,
+		"ReadString":                            -10.909454,
+		"ReadTag":                               -10.909454,
+		"Reader":                                -6.997431,
+		"ReflectionOps":                         -10.909454,
+		"Register":                              -10.216307,
+		"RegisteredExtension":                   -10.909454,
+		"Remember":                              -10.909454,
+		"Remove":                                -10.909454,
+		"RemoveCallCompletedCallback":           -10.216307,
+		"Report":                                -10.909454,
+		"RequestAsyncUnary":                     -10.909454,
+		"RequestSayHello":                       -10.909454,
+		"Reset":                                 -9.300017,
+		"Restart":                               -10.909454,
+		"ResumeInst_O":                          -9.810842,
+		"ReturnAddressLocationResolver":         -10.216307,
+		"ReturnInst_O":                          -9.810842,
+		"Round":                                 -10.909454,
+		"RpcMethod":                             -10.909454,
+		"RpcService":                            -10.909454,
+		"RuntimeProfiler":                       -10.909454,
+		"SAR":                                   -10.909454,
+		"SCON":                                  -10.909454,
+		"SEMICOLON":                             -10.216307,
+		"SERIALIZE":                             -10.216307,
+		"SET_SYMBOL":                            -10.216307,
+		"SHL":                                   -10.909454,
+		"SHORT":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SHR":                                   -10.909454,
+		"SIGNED":                                -10.909454,
+		"SIZEOF":                                -10.909454,
+		"SLEEP":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SRS_AUTO_INGEST":                       -10.909454,
+		"SRS_AUTO_INGESTER_SLEEP_US":            -10.216307,
+		"SRS_CONSTS_LOG_INGESTER":               -10.909454,
+		"SRS_CONSTS_NULL_FILE":                  -10.909454,
+		"STATIC":                                -10.909454,
+		"STATIC_ASSERT":                         -9.300017,
+		"STATIC_BUILD":                          -10.909454,
+		"STRICT_MODE":                           -10.216307,
+		"STRUCT":                                -10.909454,
+		"SUB":                                   -10.909454,
+		"SUBEQ":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SUBLW":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SUBWF":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SWAPF":                                 -10.909454,
+		"SWIG":                                  -10.909454,
+		"SWITCH":                                -10.909454,
+		"SamplerRegistry":                       -10.909454,
+		"SayHello":                              -9.117695,
+		"Scan":                                  -9.300017,
+		"ScanDecimalDigits":                     -10.909454,
+		"ScanEscape":                            -10.909454,
+		"ScanHexNumber":                         -9.523160,
+		"ScanHtmlComment":                       -9.810842,
+		"ScanIdentifierOrKeyword":               -10.216307,
+		"ScanIdentifierSuffix":                  -10.909454,
+		"ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape":           -10.909454,
+		"ScanLiteralUnicodeEscape":              -9.810842,
+		"ScanNumber":                            -9.810842,
+		"ScanOctalEscape":                       -10.216307,
+		"ScanRegExpFlags":                       -10.216307,
+		"ScanRegExpPattern":                     -10.909454,
+		"ScanString":                            -10.216307,
+		"Scanner":                               -7.965015,
+		"SceneManager*":                         -10.909454,
+		"SceneNode*":                            -10.909454,
+		"ScopedLock":                            -10.909454,
+		"ScopedMetric":                          -9.523160,
+		"Sec":                                   -10.216307,
+		"SecureString":                          -10.909454,
+		"SeekForward":                           -10.216307,
+		"Select":                                -7.443719,
+		"SequentialType_O":                      -8.511559,
+		"Serial":                                -10.216307,
+		"Serial.begin":                          -10.909454,
+		"Serial.print":                          -10.216307,
+		"Serial.println":                        -10.909454,
+		"SerializeUnknownFields":                -10.909454,
+		"SerializeUnknownFieldsToArray":         -10.909454,
+		"SerializeWithCachedSizes":              -10.216307,
+		"SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray":       -10.216307,
+		"Serializer":                            -10.909454,
+		"ServerAsyncResponseWriter":             -10.909454,
+		"ServerCompletionQueue":                 -10.909454,
+		"ServerCompletionQueue*":                -10.909454,
+		"ServerContext":                         -10.909454,
+		"ServerContext*":                        -9.117695,
+		"ServerUnaryStreamer":                   -10.909454,
+		"Service":                               -8.424548,
+		"SetCachedSize":                         -10.216307,
+		"SetCarry":                              -10.909454,
+		"SetCompactSignature":                   -10.216307,
+		"SetCompressedPubKey":                   -9.810842,
+		"SetEntropySource":                      -10.216307,
+		"SetFatalError":                         -10.216307,
+		"SetKey":                                -10.909454,
+		"SetKeyFromPassphrase":                  -10.909454,
+		"SetMemoryContents":                     -10.909454,
+		"SetPrivKey":                            -10.909454,
+		"SetPubKey":                             -10.909454,
+		"SetReturnAddressLocationResolver":      -9.810842,
+		"SetSecret":                             -10.216307,
+		"SetUp":                                 -9.523160,
+		"SetUpCaches":                           -10.909454,
+		"SetUpJSCallerSavedCodeData":            -10.909454,
+		"SetupContext":                          -10.909454,
+		"SharedCtor":                            -9.523160,
+		"SharedDtor":                            -9.810842,
+		"Should":                                -10.909454,
+		"Sign":                                  -10.909454,
+		"SignCompact":                           -10.216307,
+		"Sin":                                   -10.216307,
+		"SinCos":                                -10.909454,
+		"Size":                                  -10.216307,
+		"SkipField":                             -10.909454,
+		"SkipMultiLineComment":                  -9.810842,
+		"SkipSingleLineComment":                 -8.963544,
+		"SkipWhiteSpace":                        -9.523160,
+		"SlowSeekForward":                       -10.216307,
+		"Something":                             -10.909454,
+		"SplitStreamedService":                  -10.909454,
+		"Sqrt":                                  -10.909454,
+		"Square":                                -10.909454,
+		"SrsConfDirective*":                     -8.424548,
+		"SrsFFMPEG":                             -10.216307,
+		"SrsFFMPEG*":                            -9.523160,
+		"SrsIngester":                           -7.913722,
+		"SrsIngesterFFMPEG":                     -8.201404,
+		"SrsIngesterFFMPEG*":                    -8.830013,
+		"SrsPithyPrint":                         -10.909454,
+		"SrsReusableThread":                     -10.909454,
+		"Stack":                                 -10.909454,
+		"StackFrame":                            -10.909454,
+		"StartLiteral":                          -10.909454,
+		"StaticDescriptorInitializer_protocol_": -10.216307,
+		"StaticResource":                        -10.216307,
+		"Status":                                -8.606869,
+		"StatusCode":                            -9.810842,
+		"Step":                                  -10.909454,
+		"Stopwatch":                             -10.216307,
+		"StoreInst_O":                           -8.511559,
+		"StoreValue":                            -10.909454,
+		"StreamedSayHello":                      -10.216307,
+		"StreamedService":                       -10.909454,
+		"StreamedUnaryHandler":                  -10.909454,
+		"StreamedUnaryService":                  -10.909454,
+		"String":                                -9.810842,
+		"StringSize":                            -10.909454,
+		"StructType_O":                          -8.511559,
+		"Stub":                                  -10.216307,
+		"StubInterface":                         -9.810842,
+		"StubOptions":                           -10.216307,
+		"StyledStreamWriter":                    -8.136866,
+		"StyledWriter":                          -8.201404,
+		"SupportsCrankshaft":                    -10.909454,
+		"Swap":                                  -10.216307,
+		"SwitchInst_O":                          -9.810842,
+		"T":                                     -10.216307,
+		"TFD_CLOEXEC":                           -10.909454,
+		"TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME":                     -10.909454,
+		"TOC":                                   -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE":                     -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_EOF":                             -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_ITEM_SEPARATOR":                  -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE":                      -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_ASSIGN":                 -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_EQUAL":                  -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER":                -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL":          -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS":                   -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL":             -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL":              -10.909454,
+		"TOKEN_STRING":                          -10.216307,
+		"TYPEDEF":                               -10.909454,
+		"Tan":                                   -10.909454,
+		"TearDown":                              -9.300017,
+		"TearDownCaches":                        -10.909454,
+		"TerminateLiteral":                      -10.909454,
+		"TerminatorInst_O":                      -8.511559,
+		"This":                                  -9.810842,
+		"ThreadId":                              -10.909454,
+		"ThreadedQueue":                         -9.810842,
+		"Token":                                 -5.408196,
+		"TokenDesc":                             -9.810842,
+		"TokenType":                             -9.810842,
+		"Type_O":                                -8.511559,
+		"UInt":                                  -8.963544,
+		"UNIMPLEMENTED":                         -9.810842,
+		"UNION":                                 -10.909454,
+		"UNSIGNED":                              -10.909454,
+		"UTILS_H":                               -10.216307,
+		"UnaryInstruction_O":                    -8.511559,
+		"UndefValue_O":                          -8.511559,
+		"UnicodeCache":                          -9.810842,
+		"UnicodeCache*":                         -10.216307,
+		"UnknownFieldSet":                       -10.216307,
+		"UnknownFieldSet*":                      -10.909454,
+		"UnreachableInst_O":                     -9.810842,
+		"UnregisterAll":                         -10.909454,
+		"UseCrankshaft":                         -10.909454,
+		"User_O":                                -8.511559,
+		"Utf":                                   -8.712230,
+		"Utils":                                 -9.523160,
+		"V":                                     -7.651358,
+		"VAArgInst_O":                           -9.810842,
+		"VOID":                                  -10.909454,
+		"VOLATILE":                              -10.909454,
+		"Value":                                 -6.675348,
+		"Value_O":                               -8.511559,
+		"Vector":                                -8.344505,
+		"VectorType_O":                          -8.511559,
+		"Verify":                                -10.216307,
+		"VerifyCompact":                         -10.216307,
+		"VerifyUTF":                             -9.810842,
+		"WALLET_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE":                -8.963544,
+		"WALLET_CRYPTO_SALT_SIZE":               -10.909454,
+		"WHILE":                                 -10.909454,
+		"WHITESPACE":                            -8.963544,
+		"WIN":                                   -9.810842,
+		"WIRETYPE_END_GROUP":                    -10.909454,
+		"WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED":             -10.909454,
+		"We":                                 -10.909454,
+		"WebKit":                             -10.909454,
+		"White":                              -10.909454,
+		"Whitedrop":                          -10.909454,
+		"WireFormat":                         -8.606869,
+		"WireFormatLite":                     -8.712230,
+		"WithAsyncMethod_SayHello":           -9.523160,
+		"WithGenericMethod_SayHello":         -9.810842,
+		"WithStreamedUnaryMethod_SayHello":   -9.117695,
+		"WriteString":                        -10.909454,
+		"WriteStringToArray":                 -10.909454,
+		"Writer":                             -10.216307,
+		"X":                                  -9.523160,
+		"XOREQ":                              -10.909454,
+		"XORLW":                              -10.909454,
+		"XORWF":                              -10.909454,
+		"YYCTYPE":                            -8.019083,
+		"YYCURSOR":                           -9.523160,
+		"YYFILL":                             -9.523160,
+		"YYLIMIT":                            -9.523160,
+		"YYMARKER":                           -9.523160,
+		"[":                                  -5.189143,
+		"\\":                                 -6.750571,
+		"]":                                  -5.189143,
+		"^":                                  -10.909454,
+		"_":                                  -6.719800,
+		"_Complex":                           -10.216307,
+		"_Complex_I":                         -9.810842,
+		"_DECLARE_ONCE":                      -10.909454,
+		"_H_":                                -10.216307,
+		"_MSC_VER":                           -8.830013,
+		"_NextToken":                         -10.216307,
+		"_Parse":                             -10.909454,
+		"_ParseResolvableExpression":         -10.909454,
+		"_ParseVersionValue":                 -10.909454,
+		"_SCANNER_H_":                        -10.216307,
+		"_USE_MATH_DEFINES":                  -10.909454,
+		"_V":                                 -10.216307,
+		"_WIN":                               -10.909454,
+		"__FILE__":                           -10.216307,
+		"__GNUC_MINOR__":                     -10.909454,
+		"__GNUC__":                           -9.300017,
+		"__LINE__":                           -6.478638,
+		"__OG_MATH_INL__":                    -10.216307,
+		"__P":                                -10.909454,
+		"__PYX_EXTERN_C":                     -10.216307,
+		"__PYX_HAVE_API__wrapper_inner":      -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_AddTraceback":                 -8.963544,
+		"__Pyx_BUILTIN_MODULE_NAME":          -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_CIMAG":                        -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_CREAL":                        -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_DECREF":                       -6.735067,
+		"__Pyx_DOCSTR":                       -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_DelAttrString":                -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_ErrFetch":                     -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_ErrRestore":                   -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_ExportFunction":               -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_GIVEREF":                      -8.606869,
+		"__Pyx_GOTREF":                       -6.815110,
+		"__Pyx_GetAttrString":                -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_GetName":                      -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_INCREF":                       -7.325936,
+		"__Pyx_MODULE_NAME":                  -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_NAMESTR":                      -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_Print":                        -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PrintOne":                     -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_PyBool_FromLong":              -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyBytes_AsUString":            -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyBytes_FromUString":          -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyIndex_AsSsize_t":            -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsChar":                 -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsInt":                  -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLong":                 -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLongDouble":           -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsLongLong":             -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsShort":                -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedChar":           -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedInt":            -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedLong":           -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedLongLong":       -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSignedShort":          -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsSize_t":               -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedChar":         -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedInt":          -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedLong":         -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLong":     -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_AsUnsignedShort":        -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyInt_FromSize_t":             -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyNumber_Divide":              -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_PyNumber_InPlaceDivide":       -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_PyNumber_Int":                 -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_PyObject_IsTrue":              -8.830013,
+		"__Pyx_PySequence_DelSlice":          -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_PySequence_GetSlice":          -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_PySequence_SetSlice":          -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_Raise":                        -8.830013,
+		"__Pyx_RaiseNeedMoreValuesError":     -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_RaiseNoneNotIterableError":    -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_RaiseTooManyValuesError":      -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_RefNanny":                     -9.117695,
+		"__Pyx_RefNannyAPIStruct":            -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_RefNannyFinishContext":        -8.424548,
+		"__Pyx_RefNannyImportAPI":            -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_RefNannySetupContext":         -8.344505,
+		"__Pyx_SET_CIMAG":                    -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_SET_CREAL":                    -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_SetAttrString":                -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_StringTabEntry":               -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_TypeCheck":                    -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_TypeTest":                     -9.523160,
+		"__Pyx_UnpackTupleError":             -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_WriteUnraisable":              -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_XDECREF":                      -7.651358,
+		"__Pyx_XGIVEREF":                     -8.963544,
+		"__Pyx_XGOTREF":                      -10.909454,
+		"__Pyx_c_abs":                        -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_absf":                       -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_conj":                       -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_conjf":                      -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_diff":                       -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_difff":                      -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_eq":                         -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_eqf":                        -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_is_zero":                    -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_is_zerof":                   -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_neg":                        -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_negf":                       -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_pow":                        -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_powf":                       -9.810842,
+		"__Pyx_c_prod":                       -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_prodf":                      -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_quot":                       -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_quotf":                      -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_sum":                        -10.216307,
+		"__Pyx_c_sumf":                       -10.216307,
+		"__QNXNTO__":                         -10.909454,
+		"__STDC_SECURE_LIB__":                -10.909454,
+		"__STDC_VERSION__":                   -10.216307,
+		"__THREADED_QUEUE_H__":               -10.216307,
+		"___set_static_ClassSymbol":          -6.719800,
+		"___set_static_newNil_callback":      -6.866403,
+		"___staticMetaClass":                 -6.866403,
+		"__builtin_expect":                   -10.216307,
+		"__cdecl":                            -10.216307,
+		"__cplusplus":                        -8.606869,
+		"__fastcall":                         -10.216307,
+		"__imag__":                           -10.909454,
+		"__inline":                           -10.909454,
+		"__inline__":                         -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_L":                            -5.828050,
+		"__pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble":             -9.810842,
+		"__pyx_builtin_RuntimeError":         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_builtin_ValueError":           -9.300017,
+		"__pyx_cfilenm":                      -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_clineno":                      -6.527428,
+		"__pyx_f":                            -6.540007,
+		"__pyx_f_":                           -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_filename":                     -6.540007,
+		"__pyx_int_":                         -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k_":                           -8.712230,
+		"__pyx_k__B":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__H":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__I":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__L":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__O":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__Q":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__RuntimeError":              -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__ValueError":                -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__Zd":                        -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__Zf":                        -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__Zg":                        -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k____main__":                  -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k____test__":                  -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__b":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__base":                      -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__buf":                       -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__byteorder":                 -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__d":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__descr":                     -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__do_awesome_work":           -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__f":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__fields":                    -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__format":                    -10.909454,
+		"__pyx_k__g":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__h":                         -10.216307,
+		"__pyx_k__i":                         -10.216307,
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+		"":             -6.424869,
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+		"service":                   -6.424869,
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+		"||":                        -5.038575,
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+		"'":                         -8.663542,
+		"(":                         -6.871783,
+		")":                         -6.871783,
+		",":                         -5.229555,
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+		"9":                         -7.970395,
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+		"<ADVL>":                    -7.564930,
+		"<COMP>":                    -8.663542,
+		"<KOMP>":                    -8.663542,
+		"<OC>":                      -7.970395,
+		"<PIV>":                     -7.970395,
+		"<PRED>":                    -7.564930,
+		"<SC>":                      -8.663542,
+		"<SUP>":                     -8.663542,
+		"<artd>":                    -6.265647,
+		"<arti>":                    -7.970395,
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+		"<dem>":                     -8.663542,
+		"<first-cjt>":               -7.277248,
+		"<interr>":                  -8.663542,
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+		"<mv>":                      -6.584101,
+		"<np-def>":                  -6.178635,
+		"<np-idf>":                  -6.871783,
+		"<prop>":                    -8.663542,
+		"<quant>":                   -7.970395,
+		"<rel>":                     -8.663542,
+		"<sam->":                    -6.584101,
+		"<se-passive>":              -8.663542,
+		"=":                         -2.475278,
+		">":                         -5.052624,
+		"?":                         -6.871783,
+		"@":                         -5.167035,
+		"@ACC":                      -7.564930,
+		"@ADVL":                     -7.564930,
+		"@CO":                       -7.564930,
+		"@COM":                      -8.663542,
+		"@FS":                       -6.466318,
+		"@ICL":                      -7.054104,
+		"@KOMP":                     -8.663542,
+		"@N":                        -6.265647,
+		"@NPHR":                     -8.663542,
+		"@P":                        -6.265647,
+		"@PU":                       -5.955492,
+		"@SUBJ":                     -6.871783,
+		"A":                         -6.178635,
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+		"ADP":                       -5.405446,
+		"ADV":                       -5.367705,
+		"ADVL":                      -8.663542,
+		"ART":                       -5.890953,
+		"AUX":                       -6.584101,
+		"Acc":                       -7.970395,
+		"And":                       -8.663542,
+		"Art":                       -5.528048,
+		"BRAS":                      -8.663542,
+		"Bras":                      -8.663542,
+		"C":                         -7.970395,
+		"CC":                        -7.564930,
+		"CCONJ":                     -6.360957,
+		"CETENFolha":                -7.970395,
+		"CF1":                       -7.970395,
+		"Card":                      -8.663542,
+		"Cardoso":                   -7.970395,
+		"Case":                      -7.277248,
+		"ChangedBy":                 -5.572500,
+		"ChangedBy=":                -6.584101,
+		"D":                         -7.970395,
+		"DET":                       -5.167035,
+		"DT":                        -6.584101,
+		"Datafolha":                 -7.970395,
+		"Def":                       -5.890953,
+		"Definite":                  -5.528048,
+		"Degree":                    -6.871783,
+		"Dem":                       -7.277248,
+		"Eles":                      -8.663542,
+		"F":                         -5.667810,
+		"Fem":                       -5.667810,
+		"Fernando":                  -7.970395,
+		"Fernando_Henrique_Cardoso": -8.663542,
+		"Fin":                  -5.955492,
+		"Foley":                -7.970395,
+		"GER":                  -7.970395,
+		"Gender":               -4.586005,
+		"Gender=":              -7.970395,
+		"Ger":                  -7.970395,
+		"Google":               -6.871783,
+		"GoogleOS":             -7.970395,
+		"Governo":              -8.663542,
+		"HYPH":                 -7.564930,
+		"Henrique":             -7.970395,
+		"IN":                   -6.360957,
+		"IND":                  -6.466318,
+		"INDP":                 -7.970395,
+		"INF":                  -8.663542,
+		"Ind":                  -5.485488,
+		"Inf":                  -7.970395,
+		"Int":                  -7.564930,
+		"Into":                 -8.663542,
+		"Issue":                -5.572500,
+		"JJ":                   -7.054104,
+		"Jo":                   -7.970395,
+		"KC":                   -7.564930,
+		"LIA":                  -8.663542,
+		"LRB":                  -7.564930,
+		"Lula":                 -7.564930,
+		"M":                    -4.949970,
+		"MWE":                  -7.970395,
+		"MWEPOS":               -7.970395,
+		"Mary":                 -7.970395,
+		"Masc":                 -5.052624,
+		"Microsoft":            -7.970395,
+		"Mood":                 -5.955492,
+		"Morphed":              -8.663542,
+		"Muitas":               -8.663542,
+		"Muito":                -7.564930,
+		"N":                    -4.332809,
+		"NN":                   -6.178635,
+		"NNP":                  -6.466318,
+		"NNS":                  -7.970395,
+		"NOM":                  -8.663542,
+		"NOUN":                 -4.489155,
+		"NUM":                  -6.871783,
+		"Neg":                  -8.663542,
+		"Nem":                  -7.564930,
+		"Neut":                 -7.970395,
+		"No":                   -4.693250,
+		"Nom":                  -7.970395,
+		"NumType":              -8.663542,
+		"Number":               -4.058372,
+		"P":                    -5.528048,
+		"PASS":                 -7.970395,
+		"PCP":                  -7.970395,
+		"PERS":                 -7.277248,
+		"PR":                   -6.717632,
+		"PRON":                 -5.619020,
+		"PROP":                 -6.871783,
+		"PROPN":                -5.572500,
+		"PRP":                  -6.098593,
+		"PS/MQP":               -7.970395,
+		"PT":                   -6.466318,
+		"PU":                   -5.167035,
+		"PUNCT":                -4.536408,
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+		"Poss":                 -8.663542,
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+		"RRB":                  -7.564930,
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+		"SCONJ":                -7.970395,
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+		"X":                           -5.270432,
+		"\\":                          -5.452754,
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+		"__adbi":                    -7.062192,
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-		"]":                  -4.198705,
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+		"":            -7.226936,
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+		"reload":             -7.226936,
+		"require":            -6.128324,
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+		"rnd":                -4.454347,
+		"s":                  -6.128324,
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+		"sel":                -6.128324,
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+		"Generics.":                -7.271009,
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+		"Methods":                  -7.271009,
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+		"DESTRUCTOR.":                                -8.256867,
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+		"INTEGER.":                                   -8.256867,
+		"INTERFACE":                                  -8.256867,
+		"INTERFACE.":                                 -8.256867,
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+		"IXPK_ttCCRecipients":                        -8.256867,
+		"IXPK_ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients":           -8.256867,
+		"IXPK_ttReadReceiptRecipients":               -8.256867,
+		"IXPK_ttReplyToRecipients":                   -8.256867,
+		"IXPK_ttSenders":                             -8.256867,
+		"IXPK_ttToRecipients":                        -8.256867,
+		"KEEP":                                       -7.563720,
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+		"LABELS":                                     -8.256867,
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+		"LENGTH":                                     -7.158255,
+		"LF":                                         -7.158255,
+		"LOB":                                        -6.870572,
+		"LOGICAL":                                    -7.158255,
+		"LOGICAL.":                                   -8.256867,
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+		"MAIN":                                       -6.647429,
+		"MAX":                                        -7.563720,
+		"MEMPTR":                                     -7.158255,
+		"MESSAGE":                                    -6.465107,
+		"METHOD":                                     -4.619281,
+		"METHOD.":                                    -4.701519,
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+		"NO":                                         -4.385666,
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+		"OPSYS":                                      -8.256867,
+		"OR":                                         -8.256867,
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+		"PERSISTENT":                                 -7.158255,
+		"POOL":                                       -7.563720,
+		"POOL.":                                      -8.256867,
+		"PREPROCESSOR":                               -8.256867,
+		"PRIVATE":                                    -5.165824,
+		"PROCEDURE":                                  -5.771960,
+		"PROCEDURE.":                                 -6.310957,
+		"PUBLIC":                                     -4.567987,
+		"PUT":                                        -8.256867,
+		"Progress.Lang.*.":                           -7.158255,
+		"QUERY":                                      -8.256867,
+		"QUOTES":                                     -4.822880,
+		"READ":                                       -8.256867,
+		"RECORDS":                                    -6.870572,
+		"RESIZE":                                     -8.256867,
+		"RESUME":                                     -5.858972,
+		"RETURN":                                     -5.078813,
+		"RETURN.":                                    -8.256867,
+		"RETURNS":                                    -8.256867,
+		"ROW":                                        -8.256867,
+		"RUN":                                        -7.563720,
+		"ReadSocketResponse":                         -8.256867,
+		"SCOPED":                                     -6.870572,
+		"SCROLL":                                     -8.256867,
+		"SELF":                                       -6.465107,
+		"SENSITIVE":                                  -8.256867,
+		"SESSION":                                    -7.158255,
+		"SET":                                        -6.647429,
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+		"SIZE":                                       -6.465107,
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+		"STATUS":                                     -6.310957,
+		"STRING":                                     -6.310957,
+		"SUBSTRING":                                  -8.256867,
+		"SUPER":                                      -8.256867,
+		"SUSPEND":                                    -5.858972,
+		"Scoped":                                     -6.647429,
+		"TAB":                                        -8.256867,
+		"TABLE":                                      -5.771960,
+		"TEMP":                                       -5.771960,
+		"THEN":                                       -4.037359,
+		"THIS":                                       -6.059642,
+		"THREE":                                      -7.563720,
+		"THROUGH":                                    -8.256867,
+		"TIME":                                       -8.256867,
+		"TIMEZONE":                                   -8.256867,
+		"TITLE":                                      -8.256867,
+		"TO":                                         -6.465107,
+		"TRUE.":                                      -7.563720,
+		"TRUNCATE":                                   -7.563720,
+		"TYPE":                                       -6.310957,
+		"TZ":                                         -6.177425,
+		"U":                                          -6.870572,
+		"UNDEFINE":                                   -8.256867,
+		"UNDERLINE":                                  -8.256867,
+		"UNDO":                                       -5.954282,
+		"UNDO.":                                      -4.822880,
+		"UNFORMATTED":                                -8.256867,
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+		"USING":                                      -7.158255,
+		"VALID":                                      -7.158255,
+		"VAR":                                        -8.256867,
+		"VARIABLE":                                   -4.855669,
+		"VIEW":                                       -7.158255,
+		"VIRTUAL":                                    -7.563720,
+		"VOID":                                       -4.998770,
+		"WAIT":                                       -8.256867,
+		"WHERE":                                      -5.617810,
+		"WIDGET":                                     -6.465107,
+		"WIDTH":                                      -7.158255,
+		"WINDOW":                                     -5.858972,
+		"WINDOW.":                                    -8.256867,
+		"WITH":                                       -8.256867,
+		"WRITE":                                      -8.256867,
+		"Win":                                        -5.423654,
+		"Win.":                                       -7.158255,
+		"Window":                                     -8.256867,
+		"YEAR":                                       -8.256867,
+		"YES":                                        -8.256867,
+		"Z":                                          -8.256867,
+		"[":                                          -7.563720,
+		"]":                                          -7.563720,
+		"_CONTROL":                                   -7.563720,
+		"_CREATE":                                    -8.256867,
+		"_CUSTOM":                                    -7.563720,
+		"_DEFAULT":                                   -7.563720,
+		"_DEFINITIONS":                               -8.256867,
+		"_END":                                       -8.256867,
+		"_MAIN":                                      -8.256867,
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+		"_VERSION":                                   -8.256867,
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+		"addCCRecipient":                             -7.563720,
+		"addDeliveryReceiptRecipient":                -7.563720,
+		"addReadReceiptRecipient":                    -7.563720,
+		"addReplyToRecipient":                        -7.563720,
+		"addSender":                                  -7.563720,
+		"addTextAttachment":                          -8.256867,
+		"addToRecipient":                             -7.563720,
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+		"cEmailAddress.":                             -6.310957,
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+		"cHostname.":                                 -7.563720,
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+		"cMonthMap":                                  -7.563720,
+		"cNewLine":                                   -5.366495,
+		"cNewLine.":                                  -6.177425,
+		"cPriority":                                  -6.870572,
+		"cRealName":                                  -6.310957,
+		"cRecipients":                                -5.312428,
+		"cRecipients.":                               -8.256867,
+		"cReturnData":                                -3.724267,
+		"cReturnData.":                               -8.256867,
+		"cSensitivity":                               -6.870572,
+		"cSubject":                                   -7.158255,
+		"define":                                     -6.647429,
+		"disable_UI":                                 -7.563720,
+		"disable_UI.":                                -8.256867,
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+		"dttmtzReplyByDate":                          -6.870572,
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+		"email.LongcharWrapper":                      -6.870572,
+		"email.SendEmailAlgorithm":                   -6.870572,
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+		"email.Util":                                 -6.647429,
+		"enable_UI":                                  -7.563720,
+		"enable_UI.":                                 -8.256867,
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+		"getRecipients":                              -8.256867,
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+		"i":                                          -7.158255,
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+		"ipcBodyText":                                -8.256867,
+		"ipcBodyText.":                               -8.256867,
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+		"ipcEmailAddress.":                           -6.310957,
+		"ipcFileName":                                -6.465107,
+		"ipcFileName.":                               -7.563720,
+		"ipcImportance":                              -8.256867,
+		"ipcImportance.":                             -8.256867,
+		"ipcMimeBoundary":                            -8.256867,
+		"ipcMimeBoundary.":                           -8.256867,
+		"ipcPriority":                                -8.256867,
+		"ipcPriority.":                               -8.256867,
+		"ipcRealName":                                -6.310957,
+		"ipcRealName.":                               -6.310957,
+		"ipcSensitivity":                             -8.256867,
+		"ipcSensitivity.":                            -8.256867,
+		"ipcSubject":                                 -8.256867,
+		"ipcSubject.":                                -8.256867,
+		"ipdtDateTime":                               -7.563720,
+		"ipdttmtzExpireDate":                         -8.256867,
+		"ipdttmtzExpireDate.":                        -8.256867,
+		"ipdttmtzReplyByDate":                        -8.256867,
+		"ipdttmtzReplyByDate.":                       -8.256867,
+		"ipdttmtzSentDate":                           -8.256867,
+		"ipdttmtzSentDate.":                          -8.256867,
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+		"ipobjEmail":                                 -8.256867,
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+		"ipobjSendEmailAlgorithm.":                   -8.256867,
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+		"lcPreBase":                                  -6.870572,
+		"lcReturnData":                               -5.484278,
+		"lcReturnData.":                              -7.563720,
+		"lcTemp":                                     -6.465107,
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+		"mptrPostBase":                               -6.870572,
+		"newState":                                   -7.563720,
+		"newState.":                                  -8.256867,
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+		"no.":                                        -8.256867,
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+		"objSendEmailAlgorithm":                      -6.870572,
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+		"setPriority":                                -8.256867,
+		"setReplyByDate":                             -8.256867,
+		"setSendEmailAlgorithm":                      -8.256867,
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+		"ttAttachments.":                             -7.563720,
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+		"ttBCCRecipients.":                           -7.563720,
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+		"ttBCCRecipients.cEmailAddress.":             -7.158255,
+		"ttBCCRecipients.cRealName":                  -7.563720,
+		"ttCCRecipients":                             -6.647429,
+		"ttCCRecipients.":                            -7.563720,
+		"ttCCRecipients.cEmailAddress":               -5.954282,
+		"ttCCRecipients.cEmailAddress.":              -7.158255,
+		"ttCCRecipients.cRealName":                   -7.563720,
+		"ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients":                -6.647429,
+		"ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients.":               -7.563720,
+		"ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients.cEmailAddress":  -6.310957,
+		"ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients.cEmailAddress.": -8.256867,
+		"ttDeliveryReceiptRecipients.cRealName":      -7.158255,
+		"ttReadReceiptRecipients":                    -6.647429,
+		"ttReadReceiptRecipients.":                   -7.563720,
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+		"ttReadReceiptRecipients.cEmailAddress.":     -8.256867,
+		"ttReadReceiptRecipients.cRealName":          -7.158255,
+		"ttReplyToRecipients":                        -6.647429,
+		"ttReplyToRecipients.":                       -7.563720,
+		"ttReplyToRecipients.cEmailAddress":          -6.310957,
+		"ttReplyToRecipients.cEmailAddress.":         -8.256867,
+		"ttReplyToRecipients.cRealName":              -7.158255,
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+		"ttSenders.":                                 -7.563720,
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+		"ttSenders.cEmailAddress.":                   -7.563720,
+		"ttSenders.cRealName":                        -6.647429,
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+		"ttToRecipients.":                            -7.563720,
+		"ttToRecipients.cEmailAddress":               -6.059642,
+		"ttToRecipients.cEmailAddress.":              -7.563720,
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 	"OpenRC runscript": map[string]float64{
 		"!":               -3.871201,
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-		"IO":                           -9.481626,
-		"IP.":                          -10.174773,
-		"If":                           -7.341560,
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-		"Internal":                     -9.481626,
-		"Invert":                       -10.174773,
-		"It":                           -9.481626,
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-		"James":                        -10.174773,
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-		"Jerry":                        -10.174773,
-		"Jiang":                        -10.174773,
-		"Jjgod":                        -10.174773,
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-		"Jr":                           -10.174773,
-		"Jul":                          -10.174773,
-		"Jun":                          -10.174773,
-		"K/":                           -10.174773,
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-		"Kazuhiro":                     -10.174773,
-		"Kent":                         -10.174773,
-		"Kevin":                        -10.174773,
-		"Klausner":                     -10.174773,
-		"Kyle":                         -10.174773,
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-		"LASTCHECK":                    -10.174773,
-		"LICENSE":                      -9.481626,
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-		"Lester.":                      -10.174773,
-		"Lewis":                        -10.174773,
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-		"MUST":                         -10.174773,
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-		"Mar":                          -10.174773,
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-		"Marq":                         -10.174773,
-		"Matsuno":                      -9.481626,
-		"Matt":                         -10.174773,
-		"Matthew":                      -9.481626,
-		"May":                          -9.481626,
-		"Melo":                         -9.481626,
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-		"Mon":                          -10.174773,
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-		"PATTERN.":                     -10.174773,
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-		"PSGI.":                        -10.174773,
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-		"Tue":                          -10.174773,
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+		"Kevin":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Klausner":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Kogan":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Kogan.":                                   -10.283259,
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+		"Lester":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Lester.":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Lewis":                                    -10.283259,
+		"License":                                  -9.184646,
+		"License.":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Like":                                     -9.590112,
+		"List":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Lite":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Long":                                     -8.337349,
+		"Lutfallah":                                -10.283259,
+		"M":                                        -9.590112,
+		"MAIN":                                     -10.283259,
+		"MB":                                       -10.283259,
+		"METHODS":                                  -9.590112,
+		"MOD_PERL":                                 -10.283259,
+		"MON":                                      -10.283259,
+		"MUST":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Madsen":                                   -10.283259,
+		"MakeMaker":                                -10.283259,
+		"Man":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Mar":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Mark":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Marq":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Matsuno":                                  -9.590112,
+		"Matt":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Matthew":                                  -9.590112,
+		"May":                                      -9.590112,
+		"Melo":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Mengue":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Merijn":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Metheringham":                             -10.283259,
+		"Method":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Michael":                                  -9.590112,
+		"Mike":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Minified":                                 -9.184646,
+		"Minor":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Miscellaneous":                            -10.283259,
+		"Miyagawa":                                 -9.590112,
+		"Mojolicious":                              -10.283259,
+		"Mon":                                      -10.283259,
+		"More":                                     -9.590112,
+		"MoreUtils":                                -10.283259,
+		"Morearty":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Most":                                     -10.283259,
+		"MultiValue":                               -8.203817,
+		"Multiple":                                 -10.283259,
+		"N":                                        -8.896964,
+		"NAME":                                     -8.337349,
+		"NOT":                                      -10.283259,
+		"NUM":                                      -7.718309,
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+		"Next":                                     -7.510670,
+		"Nick":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Niebur":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Nigel":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Nilson":                                   -10.283259,
+		"No":                                       -8.203817,
+		"Non":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Note":                                     -8.337349,
+		"Nothing.":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Nov":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Now":                                      -9.590112,
+		"Number":                                   -10.283259,
+		"O":                                        -8.337349,
+		"ONLY":                                     -10.283259,
+		"OPTION":                                   -9.590112,
+		"OTHER":                                    -10.283259,
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+		"Oct":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Olivier":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Only":                                     -7.980674,
+		"Optimized":                                -10.283259,
+		"Ori":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Osawa":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Otherwise":                                -9.590112,
+		"Output":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Outputs":                                  -10.283259,
+		"PATH_INFO":                                -9.184646,
+		"PATTERN":                                  -7.392887,
+		"PATTERN.":                                 -10.283259,
+		"PERFDATA":                                 -9.184646,
+		"POSIX":                                    -10.283259,
+		"POST":                                     -10.283259,
+		"PREREQ_PM":                                -10.283259,
+		"PROBLEMS":                                 -10.283259,
+		"PSGI":                                     -8.673821,
+		"PSGI.":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Packy":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Parameters":                               -10.283259,
+		"Parrot.":                                  -10.283259,
+		"ParseWords":                               -10.283259,
+		"Parser":                                   -8.896964,
+		"Patches":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Pedro":                                    -9.590112,
+		"Perl":                                     -7.885363,
+		"Peter":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Phil":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Piece":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Piers":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Ping":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Pipes":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Plack":                                    -7.105205,
+		"Please":                                   -9.590112,
+		"Plot":                                     -9.184646,
+		"Plugin":                                   -9.590112,
+		"Pod":                                      -8.673821,
+		"Porritt":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Portable":                                 -9.590112,
+		"Print":                                    -7.798352,
+		"Print/search":                             -10.283259,
+		"Prints":                                   -8.896964,
+		"Public":                                   -10.283259,
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+		"Q":                                        -8.491499,
+		"QUERY_STRING":                             -9.184646,
+		"Quote":                                    -9.590112,
+		"R":                                        -10.283259,
+		"RCS":                                      -9.590112,
+		"REGEX":                                    -9.184646,
+		"REGEX.":                                   -10.283259,
+		"REMOTE_ADDR":                              -10.283259,
+		"REMOTE_HOST":                              -10.283259,
+		"REMOTE_USER":                              -10.283259,
+		"REPOSITORY":                               -10.283259,
+		"REQUEST_METHOD":                           -10.283259,
+		"REQUEST_URI":                              -9.590112,
+		"Ratings":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Reads":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Recognized":                               -9.590112,
+		"Recurse":                                  -9.590112,
+		"Remove":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Removes":                                  -10.283259,
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+		"Request":                                  -7.885363,
+		"Requires":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Resource":                                 -8.673821,
+		"Response":                                 -7.575209,
+		"Return":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Returns":                                  -7.798352,
+		"Rex":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Richard":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Rick":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Ricker":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Riggle":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Running":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Ryan":                                     -10.283259,
+		"S":                                        -9.590112,
+		"SCCS":                                     -9.590112,
+		"SCRIPT_NAME":                              -9.590112,
+		"SEE":                                      -9.184646,
+		"SERVER_NAME":                              -10.283259,
+		"SERVER_PORT":                              -9.590112,
+		"SERVER_PROTOCOL":                          -10.283259,
+		"SERVICEDESCR":                             -9.184646,
+		"SERVICESTATE":                             -9.590112,
+		"SHEBANG#!perl":                            -8.337349,
+		"SIG":                                      -8.896964,
+		"STDERR":                                   -8.203817,
+		"STDIN":                                    -8.896964,
+		"SUFFIX":                                   -10.283259,
+		"SUPPORT":                                  -10.283259,
+		"SYNOPSIS":                                 -8.491499,
+		"SYSTEM":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Same":                                     -8.896964,
+		"Santos":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Sat":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Scalar":                                   -9.184646,
+		"Schneider":                                -10.283259,
+		"Schuster":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Schwern":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Scott":                                    -9.590112,
+		"Search":                                   -9.184646,
+		"Searching":                                -10.283259,
+		"See":                                      -8.673821,
+		"Select":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Send":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Sep":                                      -10.283259,
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+		"Sets":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Setter":                                   -9.590112,
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+		"Share":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Shell":                                    -9.590112,
+		"Shlomi":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Shortcut":                                 -8.491499,
+		"Show":                                     -8.673821,
+		"Simple":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Sitaram":                                  -10.283259,
+		"So":                                       -10.283259,
+		"Software":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Some":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Sort":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Sorts":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Spec":                                     -7.980674,
+		"Specifies":                                -8.896964,
+		"Specify":                                  -9.590112,
+		"Standard":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Steneker":                                 -10.283259,
+		"Stephen":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Stop":                                     -9.590112,
+		"Strict":                                   -10.283259,
+		"String":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Sully":                                    -9.590112,
+		"Sun":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Support":                                  -10.283259,
+		"Suppress":                                 -9.590112,
+		"SzabE":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Szymanski":                                -10.283259,
+		"T":                                        -9.590112,
+		"TEXT":                                     -8.203817,
+		"TM_ERROR_FD":                              -9.184646,
+		"TOOLS":                                    -10.283259,
+		"TOTAL_COUNT_SCOPE":                        -10.283259,
+		"TYPE":                                     -8.673821,
+		"TYPE.":                                    -9.590112,
+		"Take":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Tar":                                      -9.590112,
+		"Tatsuhiko":                                -9.590112,
+		"TempBuffer":                               -9.590112,
+		"Temperature":                              -10.283259,
+		"Term":                                     -9.184646,
+		"Test":                                     -9.184646,
+		"Text":                                     -8.896964,
+		"TextMate":                                 -9.590112,
+		"Thanassis":                                -10.283259,
+		"Thanks":                                   -10.283259,
+		"That":                                     -10.283259,
+		"The":                                      -6.849272,
+		"There":                                    -9.184646,
+		"These":                                    -10.283259,
+		"This":                                     -6.699740,
+		"Thomas":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Thread":                                   -9.590112,
+		"Thu":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Time":                                     -9.184646,
+		"To":                                       -10.283259,
+		"Tod":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Tokuhiro":                                 -9.590112,
+		"Torsten":                                  -10.283259,
+		"True/False":                               -10.283259,
+		"Tsiodras.":                                -10.283259,
+		"Tue":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Turns":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Type":                                     -9.590112,
+		"U":                                        -10.283259,
+		"URI":                                      -7.980674,
+		"USERPROFILE":                              -9.590112,
+		"Unable":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Underline":                                -10.283259,
+		"Unix":                                     -9.184646,
+		"Unknown":                                  -9.590112,
+		"Unless":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Unlike":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Upload":                                   -9.590112,
+		"Uri":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Usage":                                    -8.337349,
+		"Use":                                      -8.491499,
+		"Useful":                                   -10.283259,
+		"Users":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Using":                                    -9.184646,
+		"Util":                                     -8.673821,
+		"Utils":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Uwe":                                      -10.283259,
+		"V":                                        -10.283259,
+		"VERSION":                                  -7.450045,
+		"VERSION_FROM":                             -10.283259,
+		"VMS":                                      -10.283259,
+		"Van":                                      -10.283259,
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+		"Version":                                  -10.283259,
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+		"Vim":                                      -9.184646,
+		"Voelker":                                  -10.283259,
+		"WDAY":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Wed":                                      -10.283259,
+		"What":                                     -10.283259,
+		"Why":                                      -9.590112,
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+		"Will":                                     -10.283259,
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+		"Works":                                    -10.283259,
+		"Wouldn":                                   -10.283259,
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+		"Za":                                       -10.283259,
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+		"reply_stat":             -6.077642,
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+		"rreply":                 -6.770789,
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+		"ut_time":                -6.770789,
+		"ut_type":                -6.770789,
+		"ut_user":                -6.770789,
+		"utmp_array":             -5.672177,
+		"utmparr":                -5.672177,
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+		"valdat":                 -6.077642,
+		"verf":                   -6.077642,
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+		"version":                -6.077642,
+		"void":                   -4.468204,
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+		"xdr_utmparr":            -6.770789,
+		"xdr_utmpidle":           -6.770789,
+		"xdr_utmpidlearr":        -6.770789,
+		"xdr_utmpidleptr":        -6.770789,
+		"xdr_utmpptr":            -6.770789,
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+		"ypbind_setdom":          -6.770789,
+		"ypmap_parms":            -6.077642,
+		"yppushresp_xfr":         -6.077642,
+		"ypreq_key":              -6.770789,
+		"ypreq_nokey":            -6.770789,
+		"ypreq_xfr":              -6.770789,
+		"ypresp_key_val":         -6.770789,
+		"ypresp_val":             -6.770789,
+		"ypstat":                 -5.672177,
+		"ypxfrstat":              -6.770789,
+		"{":                      -3.159872,
+		"}":                      -3.057217,
+	},
 	"RPM Spec": map[string]float64{
 		"!": -6.090555,
 		"##############################################################################": -7.882315,
@@ -121521,187 +124497,347 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"px":         -3.784190,
 	"Scala": map[string]float64{
-		"!":                                 -5.382199,
-		"#":                                 -6.075346,
-		"%":                                 -5.669881,
-		"(":                                 -2.534387,
-		")":                                 -2.534387,
-		"*random.toInt":                     -6.768493,
-		"+":                                 -2.876673,
-		",":                                 -3.723971,
-		"-":                                 -5.382199,
-		".capitalize":                       -6.768493,
-		".currentRef.project":               -6.768493,
-		".foreach":                          -6.768493,
-		".iterator":                         -6.768493,
-		"/":                                 -5.669881,
-		"//":                                -3.549617,
-		"/bin/sh":                           -6.075346,
-		":":                                 -2.641359,
-		"<":                                 -6.768493,
-		"<base>":                            -6.768493,
-		"<build-root>":                      -6.768493,
-		"=":                                 -2.325842,
-		">":                                 -3.590439,
-		"Application":                       -6.768493,
-		"Array":                             -6.768493,
-		"Beers":                             -6.768493,
-		"CanAwait":                          -6.768493,
-		"Compile":                           -5.382199,
-		"Credentials":                       -6.075346,
-		"DateFormat.SHORT":                  -6.075346,
-		"DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance":    -6.768493,
-		"Elapsed":                           -6.768493,
-		"Exception":                         -6.075346,
-		"ExecutionContext":                  -6.768493,
-		"": -6.768493,
-		"ExecutionException":                -6.768493,
-		"Failure":                           -6.075346,
-		"Future":                            -5.159055,
-		"Future.failed":                     -6.768493,
-		"HelloWorld":                        -6.768493,
-		"Hi":                                -4.465908,
-		"Int":                               -4.370598,
-		"Iteration":                         -5.159055,
-		"Iterator":                          -6.075346,
-		"Level.Debug":                       -6.768493,
-		"OnCompleteRunnable":                -6.768493,
-		"Path.userHome":                     -6.768493,
-		"Project.extract":                   -6.768493,
-		"SHEBANG#!sh":                       -6.075346,
-		"Scala":                             -6.768493,
-		"Seq":                               -5.669881,
-		"Some":                              -4.976734,
-		"String":                            -5.159055,
-		"Success":                           -6.075346,
-		"System.getProperty":                -6.768493,
-		"T":                                 -4.689052,
-		"Test":                              -5.669881,
-		"ThisBuild":                         -6.768493,
-		"Thread.sleep":                      -6.075346,
-		"TimeoutException":                  -6.768493,
-		"Try":                               -6.768493,
-		"Unit":                              -6.768493,
-		"UpdateLogging.Full":                -6.768493,
-		"Welcome":                           -6.768493,
-		"[":                                 -4.370598,
-		"]":                                 -4.370598,
-		"_":                                 -6.075346,
-		"a":                                 -6.075346,
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-		"at":                                -5.669881,
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-		"attempts.foldLeft":                 -6.768493,
-		"baseDirectory":                     -6.768493,
-		"beers":                             -5.669881,
-		"block":                             -4.689052,
-		"blocking":                          -5.669881,
-		"bottles":                           -5.669881,
-		"case":                              -4.689052,
-		"console":                           -6.768493,
-		"credentials":                       -6.075346,
-		"crossPaths":                        -6.768493,
-		"def":                               -4.465908,
-		"duration._":                        -6.768493,
-		"else":                              -6.075346,
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-		"extends":                           -6.768493,
-		"f":                                 -5.382199,
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-		"false":                             -4.976734,
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-		"headOfSong":                        -6.768493,
-		"i":                                 -4.571269,
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-		"implicit":                          -6.075346,
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-		"ivyLoggingLevel":                   -6.768493,
-		"java.lang.Exception":               -6.768493,
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-		"javaHome":                          -6.768493,
-		"javaOptions":                       -6.768493,
-		"javacOptions":                      -6.768493,
-		"libosmVersion":                     -6.768493,
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-		"main":                              -6.768493,
-		"mainClass":                         -6.075346,
-		"map":                               -6.768493,
-		"match":                             -6.075346,
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-		"maxErrors":                         -6.768493,
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-		"node":                              -6.768493,
-		"ns":                                -6.768493,
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-		"organization":                      -6.768493,
-		"packageBin":                        -6.768493,
-		"packageDoc":                        -6.075346,
-		"parallelExecution":                 -6.075346,
-		"persistLogLevel":                   -6.768493,
-		"pollInterval":                      -6.768493,
-		"println":                           -4.689052,
-		"publishArtifact":                   -6.075346,
-		"publishTo":                         -6.768493,
-		"qty":                               -4.283587,
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-		"resolvers":                         -6.075346,
-		"retrieveManaged":                   -6.768493,
-		"retry":                             -5.669881,
-		"ri":                                -6.075346,
-		"run":                               -6.768493,
-		"s":                                 -6.075346,
-		"s.toString":                        -6.768493,
-		"scala":                             -6.075346,
-		"scala.concurrent.":                 -6.768493,
-		"scala.concurrent.Fut":              -6.768493,
-		"scala.concurrent.Future":           -6.768493,
-		"scala.concurrent._":                -6.768493,
-		"scala.language.postfixOps":         -6.768493,
-		"scala.util.":                       -6.768493,
-		"scala.util._":                      -6.768493,
-		"scalaHome":                         -6.768493,
-		"scalaVersion":                      -6.768493,
-		"scalacOptions":                     -6.768493,
-		"shellPrompt":                       -6.075346,
-		"showSuccess":                       -6.768493,
-		"showTiming":                        -6.768493,
-		"sing":                              -5.669881,
-		"song":                              -5.669881,
-		"state":                             -5.669881,
-		"t":                                 -6.768493,
-		"t.toString":                        -6.768493,
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-		"timingFormat":                      -6.768493,
-		"to":                                -5.669881,
-		"toList":                            -6.768493,
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-		"true":                              -5.159055,
-		"unmanagedJars":                     -6.768493,
-		"ure":                               -6.768493,
-		"val":                               -4.976734,
-		"version":                           -6.768493,
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-		"worksheet":                         -6.768493,
-		"x":                                 -5.669881,
-		"{":                                 -3.632999,
-		"|":                                 -3.824054,
-		"}":                                 -3.632999,
+		"!":                      -5.846439,
+		"#":                      -6.945051,
+		"%":                      -6.539586,
+		"(":                      -2.093021,
+		")":                      -2.093021,
+		"*":                      -4.804985,
+		"*random.toInt":          -7.638198,
+		"+":                      -3.448544,
+		",":                      -3.281489,
+		"-":                      -3.766997,
+		".capitalize":            -7.638198,
+		".currentRef.project":    -7.638198,
+		".foreach":               -7.638198,
+		".iterator":              -7.638198,
+		"/":                      -5.335613,
+		"//":                     -4.419322,
+		"/bin/sh":                -6.945051,
+		":":                      -3.389703,
+		";":                      -5.692288,
+		"<":                      -6.251904,
+		"<base>":                 -7.638198,
+		"<build-root>":           -7.638198,
+		"<>": -6.539586,
+		"=":                                 -2.607760,
+		">":                                 -3.746378,
+		"Application":                       -7.638198,
+		"Array":                             -7.638198,
+		"Beers":                             -7.638198,
+		"CanAwait":                          -7.638198,
+		"Color":                             -6.945051,
+		"Compile":                           -6.251904,
+		"Credentials":                       -6.945051,
+		"D":                                 -5.335613,
+		"DateFormat.SHORT":                  -6.945051,
+		"DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance":    -7.638198,
+		"Elapsed":                           -7.638198,
+		"Exception":                         -6.945051,
+		"ExecutionContext":                  -7.638198,
+		"": -7.638198,
+		"ExecutionException":                -7.638198,
+		"Failure":                           -6.945051,
+		"Future":                            -6.028760,
+		"Future.failed":                     -7.638198,
+		"GPics":                             -6.945051,
+		"HPics":                             -6.945051,
+		"HelloWorld":                        -7.638198,
+		"Hi":                                -5.335613,
+		"Int":                               -5.073249,
+		"Iteration":                         -6.028760,
+		"Iterator":                          -6.945051,
+		"Kc.VK_DOWN":                        -7.638198,
+		"Kc.VK_LEFT":                        -7.638198,
+		"Kc.VK_RIGHT":                       -7.638198,
+		"Kc.VK_UP":                          -7.638198,
+		"Level.Debug":                       -7.638198,
+		"Map":                               -7.638198,
+		"OnCompleteRunnable":                -7.638198,
+		"Path.userHome":                     -7.638198,
+		"Perspective":                       -7.638198,
+		"PicShape.button":                   -6.539586,
+		"PicShape.image":                    -7.638198,
+		"PicShape.rect":                     -7.638198,
+		"PicShape.text":                     -7.638198,
+		"PicShape.textu":                    -6.945051,
+		"Picture":                           -6.028760,
+		"Player":                            -6.945051,
+		"Playing":                           -6.945051,
+		"Project.extract":                   -7.638198,
+		"S":                                 -6.945051,
+		"SHEBANG#!sh":                       -6.945051,
+		"Scala":                             -7.638198,
+		"Seq":                               -6.539586,
+		"Some":                              -5.846439,
+		"Sound":                             -6.251904,
+		"String":                            -5.440974,
+		"Success":                           -6.945051,
+		"System.getProperty":                -7.638198,
+		"T":                                 -5.558757,
+		"Test":                              -6.539586,
+		"ThisBuild":                         -7.638198,
+		"Thread.sleep":                      -6.945051,
+		"TimeoutException":                  -7.638198,
+		"Try":                               -7.638198,
+		"Unit":                              -7.638198,
+		"UpdateLogging.Full":                -7.638198,
+		"VPics":                             -7.638198,
+		"Vector":                            -5.335613,
+		"Welcome":                           -7.638198,
+		"[":                                 -5.073249,
+		"]":                                 -5.073249,
+		"_":                                 -6.945051,
+		"a":                                 -6.945051,
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+		"animate":                           -7.638198,
+		"args":                              -7.638198,
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+		"at":                                -6.539586,
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+		"attempts.foldLeft":                 -7.638198,
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+		"beamsOn":                           -7.638198,
+		"beers":                             -6.539586,
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+		"black":                             -7.638198,
+		"block":                             -5.558757,
+		"blocking":                          -6.539586,
+		"blue":                              -6.945051,
+		"bottles":                           -6.539586,
+		"bouncePicVectorOffPic":             -7.638198,
+		"bplayer":                           -7.638198,
+		"bplayer.isMp":                      -7.638198,
+		"bplayer.playMp":                    -7.638198,
+		"bplayer.stopMp":                    -7.638198,
+		"brit":                              -7.638198,
+		"button":                            -5.440974,
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+		"c.position.y":                      -7.638198,
+		"c.transv":                          -6.945051,
+		"canvasBounds":                      -7.638198,
+		"canvasBounds.height":               -7.638198,
+		"canvasBounds.width":                -7.638198,
+		"car":                               -6.539586,
+		"carE":                              -6.539586,
+		"carHeight":                         -6.945051,
+		"carSpeed":                          -6.539586,
+		"cars":                              -6.251904,
+		"cars.foreach":                      -7.638198,
+		"case":                              -5.558757,
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+		"cb.height":                         -6.539586,
+		"cb.width":                          -6.945051,
+		"cb.width.toInt":                    -7.638198,
+		"cb.x":                              -6.028760,
+		"cb.y":                              -5.846439,
+		"clear":                             -6.945051,
+		"clearOutput":                       -7.638198,
+		"cleari":                            -7.638198,
+		"cmd":                               -6.539586,
+		"code":                              -6.539586,
+		"collection.mutable.Map.empty": -7.638198,
+		"collection.mutable.Set.empty": -7.638198,
+		"console":                      -7.638198,
+		"cplayer":                      -7.638198,
+		"cplayer.playMp":               -6.945051,
+		"createCar":                    -6.945051,
+		"createMarker":                 -6.945051,
+		"credentials":                  -6.945051,
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+		"cv":                           -6.945051,
+		"darkGray":                     -7.638198,
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+		"disabledTime":                 -6.028760,
+		"draw":                         -5.558757,
+		"drawAndHide":                  -7.638198,
+		"drawMessage":                  -6.251904,
+		"drawStage":                    -7.638198,
+		"drawing":                      -6.251904,
+		"duration._":                   -7.638198,
+		"else":                         -5.440974,
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+		"energyLabel.update":           -6.945051,
+		"energyLevel":                  -6.251904,
+		"energyText":                   -6.251904,
+		"epochTimeMillis":              -6.251904,
+		"eraseCmds":                    -6.539586,
+		"exec":                         -6.945051,
+		"extends":                      -7.638198,
+		"f":                            -6.251904,
+		"failed":                       -6.945051,
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+		"fork":                         -6.945051,
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+		"gameTime":                     -6.028760,
+		"green":                        -7.638198,
+		"headOfSong":                   -7.638198,
+		"height":                       -6.945051,
+		"i":                            -5.440974,
+		"i.toString":                   -6.028760,
+		"if":                           -4.747826,
+		"img":                          -6.945051,
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+		"in":                           -5.335613,
+		"initialCommands":              -6.945051,
+		"interpret":                    -7.638198,
+		"invisible":                    -7.638198,
+		"isKeyPressed":                 -6.251904,
+		"isMp":                         -7.638198,
+		"ivyLoggingLevel":              -7.638198,
+		"java.lang.Exception":          -7.638198,
+		"java.text.DateFormat":         -7.638198,
+		"javaHome":                     -7.638198,
+		"javaOptions":                  -7.638198,
+		"javacOptions":                 -7.638198,
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+		"m":                         -5.558757,
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+		"m.translate":               -7.638198,
+		"main":                      -7.638198,
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+		"manageGameScore":           -6.945051,
+		"map":                       -7.638198,
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+		"markers":                   -6.539586,
+		"markers.foreach":           -7.638198,
+		"match":                     -6.945051,
+		"math.random":               -7.638198,
+		"maxErrors":                 -7.638198,
+		"mwidth":                    -6.539586,
+		"n":                         -5.558757,
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+		"noColor":                   -7.638198,
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+		"ns":                        -7.638198,
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+		"punctuation.inspect":                         -6.741701,
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+		"test":                       -6.048554,
+		"testImports":                -6.741701,
+		"test_param_":                -6.741701,
+		"tests":                      -6.741701,
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+		"}":                          -4.176751,
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 	"YANG": map[string]float64{
 		"-":            -1.659588,
@@ -149685,6 +152904,42 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
 		"{":            -2.575878,
 		"}":            -2.575878,
+	"YARA": map[string]float64{
+		"$":             -1.894174,
+		"(":             -4.034241,
+		")":             -4.034241,
+		",":             -4.034241,
+		":":             -2.530163,
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+		"}":             -2.935628,
+	},
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@@ -150275,6 +153530,362 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
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+		"-":        -4.382027,
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+		"-":    -3.701302,
+		".":    -3.478158,
+		".*":   -3.170674,
+		"/":    -2.745791,
+		"//gp": -6.697034,
+		"/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/": -6.697034,
+		"/d":         -6.697034,
+		"/g":         -6.003887,
+		"/s/":        -4.499810,
+		"/td":        -6.697034,
+		":":          -2.653983,
+		"<CR>":       -6.003887,
+		"D./p":       -6.697034,
+		"G":          -6.697034,
+		"Illegal":    -6.697034,
+		"Incorrect":  -6.697034,
+		"Repeated":   -6.697034,
+		"Try":        -5.310740,
+		"[":          -3.033473,
+		"\\":         -1.317137,
+		"]":          -3.033473,
+		"^":          -2.868393,
+		"a":          -3.518980,
+		"again.":     -5.598422,
+		"allowed.":   -6.697034,
+		"and":        -6.697034,
+		"another":    -6.697034,
+		"b":          -6.697034,
+		"bc":         -6.697034,
+		"c":          -6.697034,
+		"characters": -6.697034,
+		"d":          -5.087596,
+		"end":        -6.697034,
+		"format":     -6.697034,
+		"g":          -6.697034,
+		"h":          -6.003887,
+		"letters":    -6.697034,
+		"n":          -6.697034,
+		"not":        -6.697034,
+		"only":       -6.697034,
+		"or":         -6.697034,
+		"s/":         -4.212128,
+		"s/.":        -6.697034,
+		"s/.*":       -6.697034,
+		"s/.*/Done":  -6.697034,
+		"string":     -5.598422,
+		"tb":         -6.697034,
+		"td":         -6.697034,
+		"use":        -6.003887,
+		"with":       -6.697034,
+		"z":          -3.701302,
+		"{":          -5.598422,
+		"}":          -5.598422,
+	},
+	"wdl": map[string]float64{
+		"#":                       -4.852030,
+		"$":                       -3.935740,
+		"(":                       -2.980228,
+		")":                       -3.147282,
+		"+":                       -5.545177,
+		",":                       -5.545177,
+		":":                       -3.465736,
+		"=":                       -2.772589,
+		">":                       -4.852030,
+		"?":                       -5.545177,
+		"Array":                   -4.852030,
+		"Boolean":                 -5.545177,
+		"File":                    -4.446565,
+		"Int":                     -3.753418,
+		"String":                  -3.935740,
+		"[":                       -4.852030,
+		"]":                       -4.852030,
+		"addressee":               -5.545177,
+		"call":                    -3.935740,
+		"cat":                     -5.545177,
+		"command":                 -3.935740,
+		"consumeFile":             -4.852030,
+		"consumeFile.contents":    -5.545177,
+		"consumeFile.contentsAlt": -5.545177,
+		"contents":                -5.545177,
+		"contentsAlt":             -5.545177,
+		"docker":                  -3.935740,
+		"echo":                    -4.158883,
+		"filepassing":             -5.545177,
+		"hello":                   -4.852030,
+		"hello.salutation":        -5.545177,
+		"i":                       -3.753418,
+		"if":                      -5.545177,
+		"ifs_in_scatters":         -5.545177,
+		"in":                      -5.545177,
+		"in_file":                 -4.446565,
+		"incremented":             -4.852030,
+		"input":                   -4.446565,
+		"mirror":                  -4.852030,
+		"mirror.out":              -5.545177,
+		"mirrors":                 -5.545177,
+		"mkFile":                  -4.852030,
+		"mkFile.out":              -5.545177,
+		"n":                       -4.446565,
+		"numbers":                 -4.852030,
+		"out":                     -4.852030,
+		"out.txt":                 -5.545177,
+		"out_interpolation":       -4.852030,
+		"out_name":                -4.446565,
+		"output":                  -3.465736,
+		"range":                   -5.545177,
+		"read_int":                -4.852030,
+		"read_string":             -4.446565,
+		"runtime":                 -3.935740,
+		"salutation":              -5.545177,
+		"scatter":                 -5.545177,
+		"stdout":                  -4.446565,
+		"task":                    -3.935740,
+		"validate_int":            -4.852030,
+		"validate_int.validation": -5.545177,
+		"validation":              -5.545177,
+		"wf_hello":                -5.545177,
+		"workflow":                -4.446565,
+		"{":                       -1.989829,
+		"}":                       -1.989829,
+	},
 	"wisp": map[string]float64{
 		"!":              -6.586172,
 		"\"":             -7.279319,
@@ -151534,4 +155276,4 @@ var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{
-var TokensTotal = 1754095.000000
+var TokensTotal = 1785577.000000
diff --git a/data/interpreter.go b/data/interpreter.go
index c241278b..8bc584bc 100644
--- a/data/interpreter.go
+++ b/data/interpreter.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"chicken":     {"Scheme"},
 	"clisp":       {"Common Lisp"},
 	"coffee":      {"CoffeeScript"},
+	"cperl":       {"Perl"},
 	"crystal":     {"Crystal"},
 	"csi":         {"Scheme"},
 	"cvc4":        {"SMT"},
+	"cwl-runner":  {"Common Workflow Language"},
 	"dart":        {"Dart"},
 	"dash":        {"Shell"},
 	"dtrace":      {"DTrace"},
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"gnuplot":     {"Gnuplot"},
 	"gosh":        {"Scheme"},
 	"groovy":      {"Groovy"},
+	"gsed":        {"sed"},
 	"guile":       {"Scheme"},
 	"instantfpc":  {"Pascal"},
 	"io":          {"Io"},
@@ -50,11 +53,13 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"make":        {"Makefile"},
 	"mathsat5":    {"SMT"},
 	"mawk":        {"Awk"},
+	"minised":     {"sed"},
 	"mksh":        {"Shell"},
 	"mmi":         {"Mercury"},
 	"moon":        {"MoonScript"},
 	"nawk":        {"Awk"},
 	"newlisp":     {"NewLisp"},
+	"nextflow":    {"Nextflow"},
 	"node":        {"JavaScript"},
 	"nush":        {"Nu"},
 	"ocaml":       {"OCaml", "Reason"},
@@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"picolisp":    {"PicoLisp"},
 	"pike":        {"Pike"},
 	"pil":         {"PicoLisp"},
+	"pwsh":        {"PowerShell"},
 	"python":      {"Python"},
 	"python2":     {"Python"},
 	"python3":     {"Python"},
@@ -89,9 +95,11 @@ var LanguagesByInterpreter = map[string][]string{
 	"scala":       {"Scala"},
 	"sclang":      {"SuperCollider"},
 	"scsynth":     {"SuperCollider"},
+	"sed":         {"sed"},
 	"sh":          {"Shell"},
 	"smt-rat":     {"SMT"},
 	"smtinterpol": {"SMT"},
+	"ssed":        {"sed"},
 	"stp":         {"SMT"},
 	"swipl":       {"Prolog"},
 	"tcc":         {"C"},
diff --git a/data/mimeType.go b/data/mimeType.go
index 6e6a3154..ffb2bd39 100644
--- a/data/mimeType.go
+++ b/data/mimeType.go
@@ -1,59 +1,62 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
 var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
-	"AGS Script":              "text/x-c++src",
-	"APL":                     "text/apl",
-	"ASN.1":                   "text/x-ttcn-asn",
-	"ASP":                     "application/x-aspx",
-	"Alpine Abuild":           "text/x-sh",
-	"Ant Build System":        "application/xml",
-	"Apex":                    "text/x-java",
-	"Arduino":                 "text/x-c++src",
-	"Brainfuck":               "text/x-brainfuck",
-	"C":                       "text/x-csrc",
-	"C#":                      "text/x-csharp",
-	"C++":                     "text/x-c++src",
-	"C2hs Haskell":            "text/x-haskell",
-	"CMake":                   "text/x-cmake",
-	"COBOL":                   "text/x-cobol",
-	"COLLADA":                 "text/xml",
-	"CSON":                    "text/x-coffeescript",
-	"CSS":                     "text/css",
-	"ChucK":                   "text/x-java",
-	"Clojure":                 "text/x-clojure",
-	"Closure Templates":       "text/x-soy",
-	"CoffeeScript":            "text/x-coffeescript",
-	"Common Lisp":             "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"Component Pascal":        "text/x-pascal",
-	"Crystal":                 "text/x-crystal",
-	"Cuda":                    "text/x-c++src",
-	"Cycript":                 "text/javascript",
-	"Cython":                  "text/x-cython",
-	"D":                       "text/x-d",
-	"DTrace":                  "text/x-csrc",
-	"Dart":                    "application/dart",
-	"Diff":                    "text/x-diff",
-	"Dockerfile":              "text/x-dockerfile",
-	"Dylan":                   "text/x-dylan",
-	"EBNF":                    "text/x-ebnf",
-	"ECL":                     "text/x-ecl",
-	"EQ":                      "text/x-csharp",
-	"Eagle":                   "text/xml",
-	"Easybuild":               "text/x-python",
-	"Ecere Projects":          "application/json",
-	"Eiffel":                  "text/x-eiffel",
-	"Elm":                     "text/x-elm",
-	"Emacs Lisp":              "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"EmberScript":             "text/x-coffeescript",
-	"Erlang":                  "text/x-erlang",
-	"F#":                      "text/x-fsharp",
-	"Factor":                  "text/x-factor",
-	"Forth":                   "text/x-forth",
-	"Fortran":                 "text/x-fortran",
-	"GCC Machine Description": "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"AGS Script":                     "text/x-c++src",
+	"APL":                            "text/apl",
+	"ASN.1":                          "text/x-ttcn-asn",
+	"ASP":                            "application/x-aspx",
+	"Alpine Abuild":                  "text/x-sh",
+	"AngelScript":                    "text/x-c++src",
+	"Ant Build System":               "application/xml",
+	"Apex":                           "text/x-java",
+	"Brainfuck":                      "text/x-brainfuck",
+	"C":                              "text/x-csrc",
+	"C#":                             "text/x-csharp",
+	"C++":                            "text/x-c++src",
+	"C2hs Haskell":                   "text/x-haskell",
+	"CMake":                          "text/x-cmake",
+	"COBOL":                          "text/x-cobol",
+	"COLLADA":                        "text/xml",
+	"CSON":                           "text/x-coffeescript",
+	"CSS":                            "text/css",
+	"ChucK":                          "text/x-java",
+	"Clojure":                        "text/x-clojure",
+	"Closure Templates":              "text/x-soy",
+	"Cloud Firestore Security Rules": "text/css",
+	"CoffeeScript":                   "text/x-coffeescript",
+	"Common Lisp":                    "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"Common Workflow Language":       "text/x-yaml",
+	"Component Pascal":               "text/x-pascal",
+	"Crystal":                        "text/x-crystal",
+	"Cuda":                           "text/x-c++src",
+	"Cycript":                        "text/javascript",
+	"Cython":                         "text/x-cython",
+	"D":                              "text/x-d",
+	"DTrace":                         "text/x-csrc",
+	"Dart":                           "application/dart",
+	"Diff":                           "text/x-diff",
+	"Dockerfile":                     "text/x-dockerfile",
+	"Dylan":                          "text/x-dylan",
+	"EBNF":                           "text/x-ebnf",
+	"ECL":                            "text/x-ecl",
+	"EQ":                             "text/x-csharp",
+	"Eagle":                          "text/xml",
+	"Easybuild":                      "text/x-python",
+	"Ecere Projects":                 "application/json",
+	"Edje Data Collection":           "application/json",
+	"Eiffel":                         "text/x-eiffel",
+	"Elm":                            "text/x-elm",
+	"Emacs Lisp":                     "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"EmberScript":                    "text/x-coffeescript",
+	"Erlang":                         "text/x-erlang",
+	"F#":                             "text/x-fsharp",
+	"Factor":                         "text/x-factor",
+	"Forth":                          "text/x-forth",
+	"Fortran":                        "text/x-fortran",
+	"GCC Machine Description":        "text/x-common-lisp",
 	"GN": "text/x-python",
 	"Game Maker Language": "text/x-c++src",
 	"Genshi":              "text/xml",
@@ -64,141 +67,143 @@ var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
 	"Grammatical Framework": "text/x-haskell",
 	"Groovy":                "text/x-groovy",
 	"Groovy Server Pages":   "application/x-jsp",
-	"HCL":                 "text/x-ruby",
-	"HTML":                "text/html",
-	"HTML+Django":         "text/x-django",
-	"HTML+ECR":            "text/html",
-	"HTML+EEX":            "text/html",
-	"HTML+ERB":            "application/x-erb",
-	"HTML+PHP":            "application/x-httpd-php",
-	"HTTP":                "message/http",
-	"Hack":                "application/x-httpd-php",
-	"Haml":                "text/x-haml",
-	"Haskell":             "text/x-haskell",
-	"Haxe":                "text/x-haxe",
-	"IDL":                 "text/x-idl",
-	"INI":                 "text/x-properties",
-	"IRC log":             "text/mirc",
-	"JSON":                "application/json",
-	"JSON5":               "application/json",
-	"JSONiq":              "application/json",
-	"JSX":                 "text/jsx",
-	"Java":                "text/x-java",
-	"Java Server Pages":   "application/x-jsp",
-	"JavaScript":          "text/javascript",
-	"Julia":               "text/x-julia",
-	"Jupyter Notebook":    "application/json",
-	"KiCad Layout":        "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"Kit":                 "text/html",
-	"Kotlin":              "text/x-kotlin",
-	"LFE":                 "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"LabVIEW":             "text/xml",
-	"Latte":               "text/x-smarty",
-	"Less":                "text/css",
-	"Literate Haskell":    "text/x-literate-haskell",
-	"LiveScript":          "text/x-livescript",
-	"LookML":              "text/x-yaml",
-	"Lua":                 "text/x-lua",
-	"M":                   "text/x-mumps",
-	"MTML":                "text/html",
-	"MUF":                 "text/x-forth",
-	"Makefile":            "text/x-cmake",
-	"Markdown":            "text/x-gfm",
-	"Marko":               "text/html",
-	"Mathematica":         "text/x-mathematica",
-	"Matlab":              "text/x-octave",
-	"Maven POM":           "text/xml",
-	"Max":                 "application/json",
-	"Metal":               "text/x-c++src",
-	"Mirah":               "text/x-ruby",
-	"Modelica":            "text/x-modelica",
-	"NSIS":                "text/x-nsis",
-	"NetLogo":             "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"NewLisp":             "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"Nginx":               "text/x-nginx-conf",
-	"Nu":                  "text/x-scheme",
-	"NumPy":               "text/x-python",
-	"OCaml":               "text/x-ocaml",
-	"Objective-C":         "text/x-objectivec",
-	"Objective-C++":       "text/x-objectivec",
-	"OpenCL":              "text/x-csrc",
-	"OpenRC runscript":    "text/x-sh",
-	"Oz":                  "text/x-oz",
-	"PHP":                 "application/x-httpd-php",
-	"PLSQL":               "text/x-plsql",
-	"PLpgSQL":             "text/x-sql",
-	"Pascal":              "text/x-pascal",
-	"Perl":                "text/x-perl",
-	"Perl 6":              "text/x-perl",
-	"Pic":                 "text/troff",
-	"Pod":                 "text/x-perl",
-	"PowerShell":          "application/x-powershell",
-	"Protocol Buffer":     "text/x-protobuf",
-	"Public Key":          "application/pgp",
-	"Pug":                 "text/x-pug",
-	"Puppet":              "text/x-puppet",
-	"PureScript":          "text/x-haskell",
-	"Python":              "text/x-python",
-	"R":                   "text/x-rsrc",
-	"RAML":                "text/x-yaml",
-	"RHTML":               "application/x-erb",
-	"RMarkdown":           "text/x-gfm",
-	"RPM Spec":            "text/x-rpm-spec",
-	"Reason":              "text/x-rustsrc",
-	"Roff":                "text/troff",
-	"Rouge":               "text/x-clojure",
-	"Ruby":                "text/x-ruby",
-	"Rust":                "text/x-rustsrc",
-	"SAS":                 "text/x-sas",
-	"SCSS":                "text/x-scss",
-	"SPARQL":              "application/sparql-query",
-	"SQL":                 "text/x-sql",
-	"SQLPL":               "text/x-sql",
-	"SRecode Template":    "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"SVG":                 "text/xml",
-	"Sage":                "text/x-python",
-	"SaltStack":           "text/x-yaml",
-	"Sass":                "text/x-sass",
-	"Scala":               "text/x-scala",
-	"Scheme":              "text/x-scheme",
-	"Shell":               "text/x-sh",
-	"ShellSession":        "text/x-sh",
-	"Slim":                "text/x-slim",
-	"Smalltalk":           "text/x-stsrc",
-	"Smarty":              "text/x-smarty",
-	"Squirrel":            "text/x-c++src",
-	"Standard ML":         "text/x-ocaml",
-	"Sublime Text Config": "text/javascript",
-	"Swift":               "text/x-swift",
-	"SystemVerilog":       "text/x-systemverilog",
-	"TOML":                "text/x-toml",
-	"Tcl":                 "text/x-tcl",
-	"Tcsh":                "text/x-sh",
-	"TeX":                 "text/x-stex",
-	"Terra":               "text/x-lua",
-	"Textile":             "text/x-textile",
-	"Turtle":              "text/turtle",
-	"Twig":                "text/x-twig",
-	"TypeScript":          "application/typescript",
-	"Unified Parallel C":  "text/x-csrc",
-	"Unity3D Asset":       "text/x-yaml",
-	"Uno":                 "text/x-csharp",
-	"UnrealScript":        "text/x-java",
-	"VHDL":                "text/x-vhdl",
-	"Verilog":             "text/x-verilog",
-	"Visual Basic":        "text/x-vb",
-	"Volt":                "text/x-d",
-	"WebAssembly":         "text/x-common-lisp",
-	"WebIDL":              "text/x-webidl",
-	"XC":                  "text/x-csrc",
-	"XML":                 "text/xml",
-	"XPages":              "text/xml",
-	"XProc":               "text/xml",
-	"XQuery":              "application/xquery",
-	"XS":                  "text/x-csrc",
-	"XSLT":                "text/xml",
-	"YAML":                "text/x-yaml",
-	"edn":                 "text/x-clojure",
-	"reStructuredText":    "text/x-rst",
-	"wisp":                "text/x-clojure",
+	"HCL":                "text/x-ruby",
+	"HTML":               "text/html",
+	"HTML+Django":        "text/x-django",
+	"HTML+ECR":           "text/html",
+	"HTML+EEX":           "text/html",
+	"HTML+ERB":           "application/x-erb",
+	"HTML+PHP":           "application/x-httpd-php",
+	"HTTP":               "message/http",
+	"Hack":               "application/x-httpd-php",
+	"Haml":               "text/x-haml",
+	"Haskell":            "text/x-haskell",
+	"Haxe":               "text/x-haxe",
+	"IDL":                "text/x-idl",
+	"INI":                "text/x-properties",
+	"IRC log":            "text/mirc",
+	"JSON":               "application/json",
+	"JSON with Comments": "text/javascript",
+	"JSON5":              "application/json",
+	"JSONiq":             "application/json",
+	"JSX":                "text/jsx",
+	"Java":               "text/x-java",
+	"Java Server Pages":  "application/x-jsp",
+	"JavaScript":         "text/javascript",
+	"Julia":              "text/x-julia",
+	"Jupyter Notebook":   "application/json",
+	"KiCad Layout":       "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"Kit":                "text/html",
+	"Kotlin":             "text/x-kotlin",
+	"LFE":                "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"LabVIEW":            "text/xml",
+	"Latte":              "text/x-smarty",
+	"Less":               "text/css",
+	"Literate Haskell":   "text/x-literate-haskell",
+	"LiveScript":         "text/x-livescript",
+	"LookML":             "text/x-yaml",
+	"Lua":                "text/x-lua",
+	"M":                  "text/x-mumps",
+	"MTML":               "text/html",
+	"MUF":                "text/x-forth",
+	"Makefile":           "text/x-cmake",
+	"Markdown":           "text/x-gfm",
+	"Marko":              "text/html",
+	"Mathematica":        "text/x-mathematica",
+	"Matlab":             "text/x-octave",
+	"Maven POM":          "text/xml",
+	"Max":                "application/json",
+	"Metal":              "text/x-c++src",
+	"Mirah":              "text/x-ruby",
+	"Modelica":           "text/x-modelica",
+	"NSIS":               "text/x-nsis",
+	"NetLogo":            "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"NewLisp":            "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"Nginx":              "text/x-nginx-conf",
+	"Nu":                 "text/x-scheme",
+	"NumPy":              "text/x-python",
+	"OCaml":              "text/x-ocaml",
+	"Objective-C":        "text/x-objectivec",
+	"Objective-C++":      "text/x-objectivec",
+	"OpenCL":             "text/x-csrc",
+	"OpenRC runscript":   "text/x-sh",
+	"Oz":                 "text/x-oz",
+	"PHP":                "application/x-httpd-php",
+	"PLSQL":              "text/x-plsql",
+	"PLpgSQL":            "text/x-sql",
+	"Pascal":             "text/x-pascal",
+	"Perl":               "text/x-perl",
+	"Perl 6":             "text/x-perl",
+	"Pic":                "text/troff",
+	"Pod":                "text/x-perl",
+	"PowerShell":         "application/x-powershell",
+	"Protocol Buffer":    "text/x-protobuf",
+	"Public Key":         "application/pgp",
+	"Pug":                "text/x-pug",
+	"Puppet":             "text/x-puppet",
+	"PureScript":         "text/x-haskell",
+	"Python":             "text/x-python",
+	"R":                  "text/x-rsrc",
+	"RAML":               "text/x-yaml",
+	"RHTML":              "application/x-erb",
+	"RMarkdown":          "text/x-gfm",
+	"RPM Spec":           "text/x-rpm-spec",
+	"Reason":             "text/x-rustsrc",
+	"Roff":               "text/troff",
+	"Rouge":              "text/x-clojure",
+	"Ruby":               "text/x-ruby",
+	"Rust":               "text/x-rustsrc",
+	"SAS":                "text/x-sas",
+	"SCSS":               "text/x-scss",
+	"SPARQL":             "application/sparql-query",
+	"SQL":                "text/x-sql",
+	"SQLPL":              "text/x-sql",
+	"SRecode Template":   "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"SVG":                "text/xml",
+	"Sage":               "text/x-python",
+	"SaltStack":          "text/x-yaml",
+	"Sass":               "text/x-sass",
+	"Scala":              "text/x-scala",
+	"Scheme":             "text/x-scheme",
+	"Shell":              "text/x-sh",
+	"ShellSession":       "text/x-sh",
+	"Slim":               "text/x-slim",
+	"Smalltalk":          "text/x-stsrc",
+	"Smarty":             "text/x-smarty",
+	"Squirrel":           "text/x-c++src",
+	"Standard ML":        "text/x-ocaml",
+	"Swift":              "text/x-swift",
+	"SystemVerilog":      "text/x-systemverilog",
+	"TOML":               "text/x-toml",
+	"Tcl":                "text/x-tcl",
+	"Tcsh":               "text/x-sh",
+	"TeX":                "text/x-stex",
+	"Terra":              "text/x-lua",
+	"Textile":            "text/x-textile",
+	"Turtle":             "text/turtle",
+	"Twig":               "text/x-twig",
+	"TypeScript":         "application/typescript",
+	"Unified Parallel C": "text/x-csrc",
+	"Unity3D Asset":      "text/x-yaml",
+	"Uno":                "text/x-csharp",
+	"UnrealScript":       "text/x-java",
+	"VHDL":               "text/x-vhdl",
+	"Verilog":            "text/x-verilog",
+	"Visual Basic":       "text/x-vb",
+	"Volt":               "text/x-d",
+	"WebAssembly":        "text/x-common-lisp",
+	"WebIDL":             "text/x-webidl",
+	"X BitMap":           "text/x-csrc",
+	"X PixMap":           "text/x-csrc",
+	"XC":                 "text/x-csrc",
+	"XML":                "text/xml",
+	"XPages":             "text/xml",
+	"XProc":              "text/xml",
+	"XQuery":             "application/xquery",
+	"XS":                 "text/x-csrc",
+	"XSLT":               "text/xml",
+	"YAML":               "text/x-yaml",
+	"edn":                "text/x-clojure",
+	"reStructuredText":   "text/x-rst",
+	"wisp":               "text/x-clojure",
diff --git a/data/type.go b/data/type.go
index a515af5c..a9e77043 100644
--- a/data/type.go
+++ b/data/type.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -21,117 +21,121 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Agda":               2,
 	"Alloy":              2,
 	"Alpine Abuild":      2,
+	"AngelScript":        2,
 	"Ant Build System":   1,
 	"ApacheConf":         1,
 	"Apex":               2,
-	"Apollo Guidance Computer": 2,
-	"AppleScript":              2,
-	"Arc":                      2,
-	"Arduino":                  2,
-	"AsciiDoc":                 4,
-	"AspectJ":                  2,
-	"Assembly":                 2,
-	"Augeas":                   2,
-	"AutoHotkey":               2,
-	"AutoIt":                   2,
-	"Awk":                      2,
-	"Ballerina":                2,
-	"Batchfile":                2,
-	"Befunge":                  2,
-	"Bison":                    2,
-	"BitBake":                  2,
-	"Blade":                    3,
-	"BlitzBasic":               2,
-	"BlitzMax":                 2,
-	"Bluespec":                 2,
-	"Boo":                      2,
-	"Brainfuck":                2,
-	"Brightscript":             2,
-	"Bro":                      2,
-	"C":                        2,
-	"C#":                       2,
-	"C++":                      2,
-	"C-ObjDump":                1,
-	"C2hs Haskell":             2,
-	"CLIPS":                    2,
-	"CMake":                    2,
-	"COBOL":                    2,
-	"COLLADA":                  1,
-	"CSON":                     1,
-	"CSS":                      3,
-	"CSV":                      1,
-	"CWeb":                     2,
-	"Cap'n Proto":              2,
-	"CartoCSS":                 2,
-	"Ceylon":                   2,
-	"Chapel":                   2,
-	"Charity":                  2,
-	"ChucK":                    2,
-	"Cirru":                    2,
-	"Clarion":                  2,
-	"Clean":                    2,
-	"Click":                    2,
-	"Clojure":                  2,
-	"Closure Templates":        3,
-	"CoffeeScript":             2,
-	"ColdFusion":               2,
-	"ColdFusion CFC":           2,
-	"Common Lisp":              2,
-	"Component Pascal":         2,
-	"Cool":                     2,
-	"Coq":                      2,
-	"Cpp-ObjDump":              1,
-	"Creole":                   4,
-	"Crystal":                  2,
-	"Csound":                   2,
-	"Csound Document":          2,
-	"Csound Score":             2,
-	"Cuda":                     2,
-	"Cycript":                  2,
-	"Cython":                   2,
-	"D":                        2,
-	"D-ObjDump":                1,
-	"DIGITAL Command Language": 2,
-	"DM":             2,
-	"DNS Zone":       1,
-	"DTrace":         2,
-	"Darcs Patch":    1,
-	"Dart":           2,
-	"DataWeave":      2,
-	"Diff":           1,
-	"Dockerfile":     1,
-	"Dogescript":     2,
-	"Dylan":          2,
-	"E":              2,
-	"EBNF":           1,
-	"ECL":            2,
-	"ECLiPSe":        2,
-	"EJS":            3,
-	"EQ":             2,
-	"Eagle":          1,
-	"Easybuild":      1,
-	"Ecere Projects": 1,
-	"Eiffel":         2,
-	"Elixir":         2,
-	"Elm":            2,
-	"Emacs Lisp":     2,
-	"EmberScript":    2,
-	"Erlang":         2,
-	"F#":             2,
-	"FLUX":           2,
-	"Factor":         2,
-	"Fancy":          2,
-	"Fantom":         2,
-	"Filebench WML":  2,
-	"Filterscript":   2,
-	"Formatted":      1,
-	"Forth":          2,
-	"Fortran":        2,
-	"FreeMarker":     2,
-	"Frege":          2,
-	"G-code":         1,
-	"GAMS":           2,
-	"GAP":            2,
+	"Apollo Guidance Computer":       2,
+	"AppleScript":                    2,
+	"Arc":                            2,
+	"AsciiDoc":                       4,
+	"AspectJ":                        2,
+	"Assembly":                       2,
+	"Augeas":                         2,
+	"AutoHotkey":                     2,
+	"AutoIt":                         2,
+	"Awk":                            2,
+	"Ballerina":                      2,
+	"Batchfile":                      2,
+	"Befunge":                        2,
+	"Bison":                          2,
+	"BitBake":                        2,
+	"Blade":                          3,
+	"BlitzBasic":                     2,
+	"BlitzMax":                       2,
+	"Bluespec":                       2,
+	"Boo":                            2,
+	"Brainfuck":                      2,
+	"Brightscript":                   2,
+	"Bro":                            2,
+	"C":                              2,
+	"C#":                             2,
+	"C++":                            2,
+	"C-ObjDump":                      1,
+	"C2hs Haskell":                   2,
+	"CLIPS":                          2,
+	"CMake":                          2,
+	"COBOL":                          2,
+	"COLLADA":                        1,
+	"CSON":                           1,
+	"CSS":                            3,
+	"CSV":                            1,
+	"CWeb":                           2,
+	"Cap'n Proto":                    2,
+	"CartoCSS":                       2,
+	"Ceylon":                         2,
+	"Chapel":                         2,
+	"Charity":                        2,
+	"ChucK":                          2,
+	"Cirru":                          2,
+	"Clarion":                        2,
+	"Clean":                          2,
+	"Click":                          2,
+	"Clojure":                        2,
+	"Closure Templates":              3,
+	"Cloud Firestore Security Rules": 1,
+	"CoNLL-U":                        1,
+	"CoffeeScript":                   2,
+	"ColdFusion":                     2,
+	"ColdFusion CFC":                 2,
+	"Common Lisp":                    2,
+	"Common Workflow Language":       2,
+	"Component Pascal":               2,
+	"Cool":                           2,
+	"Coq":                            2,
+	"Cpp-ObjDump":                    1,
+	"Creole":                         4,
+	"Crystal":                        2,
+	"Csound":                         2,
+	"Csound Document":                2,
+	"Csound Score":                   2,
+	"Cuda":                           2,
+	"Cycript":                        2,
+	"Cython":                         2,
+	"D":                              2,
+	"D-ObjDump":                      1,
+	"DIGITAL Command Language":       2,
+	"DM":                   2,
+	"DNS Zone":             1,
+	"DTrace":               2,
+	"Darcs Patch":          1,
+	"Dart":                 2,
+	"DataWeave":            2,
+	"Diff":                 1,
+	"Dockerfile":           2,
+	"Dogescript":           2,
+	"Dylan":                2,
+	"E":                    2,
+	"EBNF":                 1,
+	"ECL":                  2,
+	"ECLiPSe":              2,
+	"EJS":                  3,
+	"EQ":                   2,
+	"Eagle":                1,
+	"Easybuild":            1,
+	"Ecere Projects":       1,
+	"Edje Data Collection": 1,
+	"Eiffel":               2,
+	"Elixir":               2,
+	"Elm":                  2,
+	"Emacs Lisp":           2,
+	"EmberScript":          2,
+	"Erlang":               2,
+	"F#":                   2,
+	"FLUX":                 2,
+	"Factor":               2,
+	"Fancy":                2,
+	"Fantom":               2,
+	"Filebench WML":        2,
+	"Filterscript":         2,
+	"Formatted":            1,
+	"Forth":                2,
+	"Fortran":              2,
+	"FreeMarker":           2,
+	"Frege":                2,
+	"G-code":               1,
+	"GAMS":                 2,
+	"GAP":                  2,
 	"GCC Machine Description": 2,
 	"GDB":      2,
 	"GDScript": 2,
@@ -167,12 +171,14 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"HTML+ERB":                 3,
 	"HTML+PHP":                 3,
 	"HTTP":                     1,
+	"HXML":                     1,
 	"Hack":                     2,
 	"Haml":                     3,
 	"Handlebars":               3,
 	"Harbour":                  2,
 	"Haskell":                  2,
 	"Haxe":                     2,
+	"HiveQL":                   2,
 	"Hy":                       2,
 	"HyPhy":                    2,
 	"IDL":                      2,
@@ -189,6 +195,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"J":                        2,
 	"JFlex":                    2,
 	"JSON":                     1,
+	"JSON with Comments":       1,
 	"JSON5":                    1,
 	"JSONLD":                   1,
 	"JSONiq":                   2,
@@ -271,6 +278,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"NetLinx+ERB":              2,
 	"NetLogo":                  2,
 	"NewLisp":                  2,
+	"Nextflow":                 2,
 	"Nginx":                    1,
 	"Nim":                      2,
 	"Ninja":                    1,
@@ -318,6 +326,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Pod":                          4,
 	"PogoScript":                   2,
 	"Pony":                         2,
+	"PostCSS":                      3,
 	"PostScript":                   3,
 	"PowerBuilder":                 2,
 	"PowerShell":                   2,
@@ -343,6 +352,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"REXX":                         2,
 	"RHTML":                        3,
 	"RMarkdown":                    4,
+	"RPC":                          2,
 	"RPM Spec":                     1,
 	"RUNOFF":                       3,
 	"Racket":                       2,
@@ -389,6 +399,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Smali":                        2,
 	"Smalltalk":                    2,
 	"Smarty":                       2,
+	"Solidity":                     2,
 	"SourcePawn":                   2,
 	"Spline Font Database":         1,
 	"Squirrel":                     2,
@@ -397,7 +408,7 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"Stata":                        2,
 	"Stylus":                       3,
 	"SubRip Text":                  1,
-	"Sublime Text Config":          1,
+	"SugarSS":                      3,
 	"SuperCollider":                2,
 	"Swift":                        2,
 	"SystemVerilog":                2,
@@ -438,31 +449,36 @@ var LanguagesType = map[string]int{
 	"WebAssembly":                  2,
 	"WebIDL":                       2,
 	"World of Warcraft Addon Data": 1,
-	"X10":              2,
-	"XC":               2,
-	"XCompose":         1,
-	"XML":              1,
-	"XPM":              1,
-	"XPages":           1,
-	"XProc":            2,
-	"XQuery":           2,
-	"XS":               2,
-	"XSLT":             2,
-	"Xojo":             2,
-	"Xtend":            2,
-	"YAML":             1,
-	"YANG":             1,
-	"Yacc":             2,
-	"Zephir":           2,
-	"Zimpl":            2,
-	"desktop":          1,
-	"eC":               2,
-	"edn":              1,
-	"fish":             2,
-	"mupad":            2,
-	"nesC":             2,
-	"ooc":              2,
-	"reStructuredText": 4,
-	"wisp":             2,
-	"xBase":            2,
+	"X BitMap":                     1,
+	"X PixMap":                     1,
+	"X10":                          2,
+	"XC":                           2,
+	"XCompose":                     1,
+	"XML":                          1,
+	"XPages":                       1,
+	"XProc":                        2,
+	"XQuery":                       2,
+	"XS":                           2,
+	"XSLT":                         2,
+	"Xojo":                         2,
+	"Xtend":                        2,
+	"YAML":                         1,
+	"YANG":                         1,
+	"YARA":                         1,
+	"Yacc":                         2,
+	"Zephir":                       2,
+	"Zimpl":                        2,
+	"desktop":                      1,
+	"eC":                           2,
+	"edn":                          1,
+	"fish":                         2,
+	"mupad":                        2,
+	"nesC":                         2,
+	"ooc":                          2,
+	"q":                            2,
+	"reStructuredText":             4,
+	"sed":                          2,
+	"wdl":                          2,
+	"wisp":                         2,
+	"xBase":                        2,
diff --git a/data/vendor.go b/data/vendor.go
index d920446e..e26e247b 100644
--- a/data/vendor.go
+++ b/data/vendor.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
-// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 4cd558c37482e8d2c535d8107f2d11b49afbc5b5
+// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 1996fd8e095cd55c9d1702813a7df01bc5159c50
 package data
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
-	substring.Regexp(`^tools/`),
@@ -32,11 +31,14 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)font-awesome/.*\.(css|less|scss|styl)$`),
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)materialize\.(css|less|scss|styl|js)$`),
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)select2/.*\.(css|scss|js)$`),
@@ -53,6 +55,9 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
+	substring.Regexp(`jquery.dataTables.js`),
+	substring.Regexp(`bootbox.js`),
+	substring.Regexp(`pdf.worker.js`),
@@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
+	substring.Regexp(`.vscode`),
@@ -99,8 +105,7 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
-	substring.Regexp(`^Carthage/`),
-	substring.Regexp(`^Pods/`),
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)Carthage/`),
@@ -113,6 +118,9 @@ var VendorMatchers = substring.Or(
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)mvnw$`),
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)mvnw\.cmd$`),
+	substring.Regexp(`(^|/)\.mvn/wrapper/`),