+Functions for extracting timeseries from directories of GOES ABI imagery
+import glob
+import pandas as pd
+import xarray as xr
+import goes_ortho as go
+# def df_from_zarr(zarrFilepath, variable, point_lat_lon, outFilepath=None):
+# ds = xr.open_dataset(
+# zarrFilepath,
+# chunks={'time': 40785, 'latitude': 50, 'longitude': 50},
+# engine='zarr'
+# )
+# # When we pass in a chunks argument, the dataset opened will be filled with Dask arrays
+# point_timeseries = ds[variable].sel(latitude = point_lat_lon[0], longitude = point_lat_lon[1], method='nearest')
+# # Convert the timeseries into a pandas dataframe and save in a .csv file
+# df = point_timeseries.to_dataframe().drop(columns=['latitude', 'longitude'])
+# if outFilepath != None:
+# df.to_csv(outFilepath)
+# return df
+[docs]def make_abi_timeseries(directory, product, data_vars, lon, lat, z, outfilepath=None):
"""Given a directory of GOES ABI products, create a timeseries of data variables (specified in data_vars) for a single point (at lon, lat, elevation).
Returns a pandas dataframe, optional output to a csv file."""
path = "{directory}/**/*{product}*.nc".format(directory=directory, product=product)
file_list = glob.glob(path, recursive=True)
# create empty dataframe to hold the data variables we want plus a timestamp
df_columns = list(data_vars)
# if Radiance is one of the data variables we are interested in
if "Rad" in data_vars:
# create a new column for reflectance (for bands 1-6) or brightness temperature (for band 7-16)
# create the data frame we will populate with values
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns)
"Creating a timeseries of {data_vars} from {product} at ({lat}, {lon}, {z})".format(
data_vars=data_vars, product=product, lat=lat, lon=lon, z=z
for filename in file_list:
print("{}".format(filename), end="\r")
with xr.open_dataset(filename, decode_times=False) as f:
# I've included "decode_times=False" to this xr.open_dataset because I've encountered some ABI-L2-ACMC files where the timestamp couldn't be read
# and xarray gave a "ValueError: unable to decode time units 'seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00' with the default calendar. Try opening your dataset with decode_times=False."
# I've also switched which timestamp from the ABI files I'm reading (was f.time_bounds.values.min(), now f.time_coverage_start)
# Read goes_imager_projection values needed for geometry calculations
# and compute the corresponding look angles (in radiance) for the lat, lon, elevation we are interested in
x_rad, y_rad = go.geometry.LonLat2ABIangle(
+ f.goes_imager_projection.semi_major_axis,
0.0818191910435, # GRS-80 eccentricity
# get the timestamp for this observation (these should all be UTC, but I am removing timezone info because not all timestamps are converting the same way, and I was getting a "Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware timestamps" error)
timestamp = pd.Timestamp(f.time_coverage_start).replace(tzinfo=None)
# create an empty dictionary we will populate with values from file f
this_row_dict = {}
# create an empty list of the same length as data_vars to hold each variable's value
values = ["" for v in data_vars]
# For each variable we are interested, specified in the list "data_vars"
for i, var in enumerate(data_vars):
# find corresponding pixel data_var value nearest to these scan angles y_rad and x_rad
values[i] = (
f[var].sel(y=y_rad, x=x_rad, method="nearest").values.mean()
# For all other products set ref_or_tb to None
ref_or_tb = None
# For ABI-L1b-Rad products only:
if var == "Rad":
# If we are looking at a reflective band (bands 1-6), convert Radiance to Reflectance
if f.band_id.values <= 6:
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesReflectance(
values[i], f.kappa0.values
# If we are looking at an emissive band (bands 7-16), convert Radiance to Brightness Temperature (K)
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesBrightnessTemp(
# create a dictionary for this row of values (where each row is a GOES-R observation time)
this_row_dict = dict(zip(data_vars, values))
# add our time stamp to this dict before we update the dataframe
this_row_dict["time"] = timestamp
# If we have reflectance or brightness temperature to add to our dataframe
if ref_or_tb is not None:
# add reflectance or brightness temperature to this row's update dict
this_row_dict["ref_or_tb"] = ref_or_tb
# Finally, append this_row_dict to our dataframe for this one GOES-R observation time
this_row_df = pd.DataFrame(this_row_dict, index=[0])
df = pd.concat([df, this_row_df], ignore_index=True)
except AttributeError as e:
# drop duplicates if there are any, keep the first one
df.drop_duplicates(["time"], keep="first", inplace=True)
# set the dataframe intext to the timestamp column
df.set_index("time", inplace=True, verify_integrity=True)
# if an output filepath was provided, save the dataframe as a csv
if outfilepath is not None:
print("Saving csv file to: {}".format(outfilepath))
return df
+[docs]def make_nested_abi_timeseries(
directory, product, data_vars, lon, lat, z, outfilepath=None
"""Given a directory of GOES ABI products, create a timeseries of data variables (specified in data_vars) for a single point (at lon, lat, elevation).
Retrieves all pixels nested within larger "2 km" ABI Fixed Grid cell.
Returns a pandas dataframe, optional output to a csv file."""
path = "{directory}/**/*{product}*.nc".format(directory=directory, product=product)
file_list = glob.glob(path, recursive=True)
path = "{directory}/**/*{product}*.nc".format(directory=directory, product=product)
file_list = glob.glob(path, recursive=True)
print(f"Found {len(file_list)} files in {path}")
"Creating a timeseries of {data_vars} from {product} at ({lat}, {lon}, {z})\n".format(
data_vars=data_vars, product=product, lat=lat, lon=lon, z=z
# row_dicts = {}
data_list = []
# eSun_list = []
print(f"Reading {len(file_list)} files from {path}\n")
counter = 1
for filename in file_list:
"file {} of {}: {}".format(counter, len(file_list), filename), end="\r"
counter += 1
with xr.open_dataset(filename, decode_times=False) as f:
# I've included "decode_times=False" to this xr.open_dataset because I've encountered some ABI-L2-ACMC files where the timestamp couldn't be read
# and xarray gave a "ValueError: unable to decode time units 'seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00' with the default calendar. Try opening your dataset with decode_times=False."
# I've also switched which timestamp from the ABI files I'm reading (was f.time_bounds.values.min(), now f.time_coverage_start)
# print(filename)
# Read goes_imager_projection values needed for geometry calculations
# and compute the corresponding look angles (in radiance) for the lat, lon, elevation we are interested in
x_rad, y_rad = go.geometry.LonLat2ABIangle(
+ f.goes_imager_projection.semi_major_axis,
0.0818191910435, # GRS-80 eccentricity
) = go.geometry.get_nested_coords(f, x_rad, y_rad)
# get the timestamp for this observation (these should all be UTC, but I am removing timezone info because not all timestamps are converting the same way, and I was getting a "Cannot compare tz-naive and tz-aware timestamps" error)
timestamp = (
band = f.band_id.values[0]
# band_formatted = "{:02.0f}".format(band)
if band in [2]:
# print(f'Found band {f.band_id.values[0]} file...')
# print(f'Using pixel coordinates for 500m pixels: {nearest_xs_500m}, {nearest_ys_500m}')
# find corresponding pixel 'Rad' value nearest to these scan angles y_rad and x_rad
rad_values = (
y=nearest_ys_500m[:, 0],
x=nearest_xs_500m[0, :],
) # .rename({'x': 'x05','y': 'y05'})
# If we are looking at a reflective band (bands 1-6), convert Radiance to Reflectance
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesReflectance(
rad_values, f.kappa0.values
if band in [1, 3, 5]:
# print(f'Found band {f.band_id.values[0]} file...')
# print(f'Using pixel coordinates for 1km pixels: {nearest_xs_1km}, {nearest_ys_1km}')
# find corresponding pixel 'Rad' value nearest to these scan angles y_rad and x_rad
rad_values = (
y=nearest_ys_1km[:, 0],
x=nearest_xs_1km[0, :],
) # .rename({'x': 'x1','y': 'y1'})
# If we are looking at a reflective band (bands 1-6), convert Radiance to Reflectance
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesReflectance(
rad_values, f.kappa0.values
if band in [4, 6]:
# print(f'Found band {f.band_id.values[0]} file...')
# print(f'Using pixel coordinates for 1km pixels: {nearest_xs_2km}, {nearest_ys_2km}')
# find corresponding pixel 'Rad' value nearest to these scan angles y_rad and x_rad
rad_values = (
y=nearest_ys_2km[:, 0],
x=nearest_xs_2km[0, :],
) #
# If we are looking at a reflective band (bands 1-6), convert Radiance to Reflectance
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesReflectance(
rad_values, f.kappa0.values
if band in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]:
# print(f'Found band {f.band_id.values[0]} file...')
# print(f'Using pixel coordinates for 2km pixels: {nearest_xs_2km}, {nearest_ys_2km}')
# find corresponding pixel 'Rad' value nearest to these scan angles y_rad and x_rad
rad_values = (
y=nearest_ys_2km[:, 0],
x=nearest_xs_2km[0, :],
) # .rename({'x': 'x2','y': 'y2'})
# If we are looking at an emissive band (bands 7-16), convert Radiance to Brightness Temperature (K)
ref_or_tb = go.rad.goesBrightnessTemp(
# append to list
rad_values["t"] = timestamp.round("min")
ref_or_tb["t"] = timestamp.round("min")
rad_values.expand_dims(dim={"t": 1})
.expand_dims(dim={"band": 1})
.assign_coords(band=("band", [band]))
ref_or_tb.expand_dims(dim={"t": 1})
.expand_dims(dim={"band": 1})
.assign_coords(band=("band", [band]))
except (AttributeError, OSError) as e:
df = data_list_to_df(data_list)
# if an output filepath was provided, save the dataframe as a csv
if outfilepath is not None:
print("Saving csv file to: {}".format(outfilepath))
return df
+def data_list_to_df(data_list):
+ this_dict = {}
+ counter = 1
+ for i in range(len(data_list)):
+ print("dataset {} of {}".format(counter, len(data_list)), end="\r")
+ counter += 1
+ if data_list[i].t.values[0] not in this_dict.keys():
+ this_dict[
+ data_list[i].t.values[0]
+ ] = {} # create new dict entry if it does not exist
+ # now update that dict entry
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["t"] = data_list[i].t.values[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_2km"] = data_list[i].x_image.values
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_2km"] = data_list[i].y_image.values
+ if data_list[i].band.values == 2: # 500m band
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_500m_WW"] = data_list[i].x.values[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_500m_W"] = data_list[i].x.values[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_500m_E"] = data_list[i].x.values[2]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_500m_EE"] = data_list[i].x.values[3]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_500m_SS"] = data_list[i].y.values[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_500m_S"] = data_list[i].y.values[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_500m_N"] = data_list[i].y.values[2]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_500m_NN"] = data_list[i].y.values[3]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NW_NW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[12]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NW_NE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[13]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NW_SW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[8]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NW_SE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[9]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NE_NW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[14]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NE_NE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[15]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NE_SW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[10]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_NE_SE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[11]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SW_NW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[4]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SW_NE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[5]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SW_SW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SW_SE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SE_NW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[6]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SE_NE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[7]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SE_SW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[2]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_500m_SE_SE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[3]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_2km"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.mean()
+ elif data_list[i].band.values in [1, 3, 5]: # 1km bands
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_1km_W"] = data_list[i].x.values[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["x_1km_E"] = data_list[i].x.values[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_1km_N"] = data_list[i].y.values[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]]["y_1km_S"] = data_list[i].y.values[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_1km_NW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[0]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_1km_NE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[1]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_1km_SW"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[2]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_1km_SE"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[3]
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_2km"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.mean()
+ else: # 2km bands
+ this_dict[data_list[i].t.values[0]][
+ f"b{data_list[i].band.values[0]}_{data_list[i].name}_2km"
+ ] = data_list[i].values.ravel()[0]
+ # drop duplicates if there are any, keep the first one
+ # df.drop_duplicates(['time'], keep='first', inplace=True)
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(this_dict, orient="index")
+ # set the dataframe intext to the timestamp column
+ # df.set_index('time', inplace = True, verify_integrity = True)
+ return df