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Terraform EKS module

The module is designed to create AWS EKS cluster with all necessary AWS resources such as:

  • VPC network and subnets with proper tagging,
  • Security Groups
  • NAT Gateways
  • AWS KMS encryption key to envelope encrypt Kubernetes Secrets
  • AWS EKS clusters with default node group

Available Features


No requirements.


Name Version
aws 5.80.0
kubernetes 2.34.0


Name Source Version
ebs_csi_irsa_role terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks 5.24.0
eks terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws 19.19.0
vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws 5.0.0


Name Type
kubernetes_storage_class.storage_class resource
aws_availability_zones.available data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_vpc.selected data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_tags Additional tags to include map(string) {} no
create_aws_auth_configmap Should Terraform create aws_auth ConfigMap used for setting up cluster access bool false no
create_vpc Specifies if new VPC be created, if not vpc_id and subnet_ids variables need to be provided bool true no
eks_additional_cluster_addons Map of additional cluster addon configurations to enable for the cluster. any {} no
eks_cluster_auth_role AWS roles with access permission to EKS cluster
rolearn : string
username : string
groups = list(string)
[] no
eks_cluster_auth_user AWS users with access permission to EKS cluster
userarn : string
username : string
groups = list(string)
[] no
eks_cluster_endpoint_access EKS managed node group default configurations
enable_public_access : bool
enable_private_access : bool
"enable_private_access": false,
"enable_public_access": true
eks_cluster_fargate_profiles EKS Fargate profile object map(object({})) {} no
eks_cluster_log_types A list of the desired control plane logs to enable list(string)
eks_cluster_name Name of the Kubernetes cluster string "eks-cluster" no
eks_cluster_node_groups EKS managed additional node group any {} no
eks_cluster_node_groups_default_configuration EKS managed node group default configurations any
"attach_cluster_primary_security_group": true,
"desired_size": 3,
"disk_size": 40,
"instance_types": [
"labels": {
"node-group": "default"
"max_size": 5,
"min_size": 1
eks_cluster_version Kubernetes cluster version string "1.26" no
eks_create Specifies if actually create the EKS cluster bool true no
eks_default_cluster_addons Map of default cluster addon configurations to enable for the cluster. any
"coredns": {
"most_recent": true,
"preserve": true,
"resolve_conflicts": "OVERWRITE"
"kube-proxy": {
"most_recent": true,
"preserve": true,
"resolve_conflicts": "OVERWRITE"
"vpc-cni": {
"most_recent": true,
"preserve": true,
"resolve_conflicts": "OVERWRITE"
eks_enable_secret_encryption Should KMS key to encrypt kubernetes secrets be generated bool true no
eks_node_security_group_tags Map of tags for eks node sg map(string) {} no
eks_single_az Specifies if all node's should be deployed in the same AZ bool false no
eks_storage_classes EBS storage class with custom parameters
name = string
storage_class_provisioner = string
parameters = optional(map(string))
volume_binding_mode = optional(string)
reclaim_policy = optional(string)

[] no
enable_bastion True if bastion host should be created bool false no
enable_ebs_csi_driver Specifies if enable the EBS/CSI driver bool true no
environment Environment name string n/a yes
logs_retention_days Log retention in days number 14 no
manage_aws_auth_configmap Should Terraform manage aws_auth ConfigMap used for setting up cluster access bool true no
org Organization name - part of other resource names string "terraform" no
private_subnet_ids List of IDs of existing private subnets, only used when create_vpc is set to false list(string) [] no
public_subnet_ids List of IDs of existing public subnets, only used when create_vpc is set to false list(string) [] no
region n/a string "eu-central-1" no
vpc_cidr VPC CIDR address string "" no
vpc_id ID of existing VPC, only used when create_vpc is set to false string "" no
vpc_nat_setting Enable NAT Gateway
enable_nat_gateway : bool
multi_az_nat_gateway : bool
"enable_nat_gateway": true,
"multi_az_nat_gateway": false


Name Description
eks_cluster_arn ARN of the cluster
eks_cluster_certificate_authority_data Base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster
eks_cluster_endpoint Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server
eks_cluster_id The id of the cluster
eks_cluster_name The name of the cluster
eks_cluster_oidc_issuer_arn The ARN on the EKS cluster OIDC provider
eks_cluster_oidc_issuer_url The URL on the EKS cluster OIDC Issuer
eks_cluster_primary_security_group_id The cluster primary security group ID created by the EKS cluster
eks_cluster_version The Kubernetes server version for the EKS cluster.
vpc_id The VPC ID
vpc_name The name of the VPC
vpc_nats_ids The list of allocation ID for Elastic IPs
vpc_private_route_table_ids The list of IDs of private route tables
vpc_private_subnets_ids The list of private subnets IDs associated with the VPC
vpc_public_route_table_ids The list of IDs of public route tables
vpc_public_subnets_ids The list of public subnets IDs associated with the VPC

eks_storage_classes variable

The eks_storage_classes variable takes the following parameters:

Name Description Type Default Required
name Standard storage class's name in metadata string "" Required
storage_class_provisioner Indicates the type of the provisioner string "" Required
parameters The parameters for the provisioner that should create volumes of this storage class. See the documentaion for the available parameters map(string) {} Optional
volume_binding_mode Indicates when volume binding and dynamic provisioning should occur string "WaitForFirstConsumer" Optional
reclaim_policy Indicates the reclaim policy to use string "Delete" Optional