diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Channel.java b/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Channel.java
index 6452f2f..c25ae44 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Channel.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Channel.java
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
@@ -88,7 +86,13 @@ operations on these (previous) segments, and we'll end up wanting to remove such
operations won't use them, so the relinking won't be useful.
+ // immutable state
private final int capacity;
+ private final boolean isRendezvous;
+ private final boolean isUnlimited;
+ // mutable state
* The total number of `send` operations ever invoked, and a flag indicating if the channel is closed.
@@ -96,21 +100,42 @@ operations on these (previous) segments, and we'll end up wanting to remove such
* Each {@link Channel#send} invocation gets a unique cell to process.
- private final AtomicLong sendersAndClosedFlag = new AtomicLong(0L);
- private final AtomicLong receivers = new AtomicLong(0L);
- private final AtomicLong bufferEnd;
+ private volatile long sendersAndClosedFlag = 0L;
+ private volatile long receivers = 0L;
+ private volatile long bufferEnd;
* Segments holding cell states. State can be {@link CellState}, {@link Continuation}, {@link SelectInstance}, or a user-provided buffered value.
- private final AtomicReference sendSegment;
- private final AtomicReference receiveSegment;
- private final AtomicReference bufferEndSegment;
+ private volatile Segment sendSegment;
+ private volatile Segment receiveSegment;
+ private volatile Segment bufferEndSegment;
+ private volatile ChannelClosed closedReason;
- private final AtomicReference closedReason;
+ // var handles
- private final boolean isRendezvous;
- private final boolean isUnlimited;
+ private static final VarHandle SENDERS_AND_CLOSE_FLAG;
+ private static final VarHandle RECEIVERS;
+ private static final VarHandle BUFFER_END;
+ private static final VarHandle SEND_SEGMENT;
+ private static final VarHandle RECEIVE_SEGMENT;
+ private static final VarHandle BUFFER_END_SEGMENT;
+ private static final VarHandle CLOSED_REASON;
+ static {
+ try {
+ MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(Channel.class, MethodHandles.lookup());
+ SENDERS_AND_CLOSE_FLAG = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "sendersAndClosedFlag", long.class);
+ RECEIVERS = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "receivers", long.class);
+ BUFFER_END = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "bufferEnd", long.class);
+ SEND_SEGMENT = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "sendSegment", Segment.class);
+ RECEIVE_SEGMENT = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "receiveSegment", Segment.class);
+ BUFFER_END_SEGMENT = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "bufferEndSegment", Segment.class);
+ CLOSED_REASON = l.findVarHandle(Channel.class, "closedReason", ChannelClosed.class);
+ } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
+ throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
+ }
+ }
* Creates a rendezvous channel.
@@ -134,15 +159,13 @@ public Channel(int capacity) {
var firstSegment = new Segment(0, null, isRendezvousOrUnlimited ? 2 : 3, isRendezvousOrUnlimited);
- sendSegment = new AtomicReference<>(firstSegment);
- receiveSegment = new AtomicReference<>(firstSegment);
+ sendSegment = firstSegment;
+ receiveSegment = firstSegment;
// If the capacity is 0 or -1, buffer expansion never happens, so the buffer end segment points to a null segment,
// not the first one. This is also reflected in the pointer counter of firstSegment.
- bufferEndSegment = new AtomicReference<>(isRendezvousOrUnlimited ? Segment.NULL_SEGMENT : firstSegment);
- bufferEnd = new AtomicLong(capacity);
+ bufferEndSegment = isRendezvousOrUnlimited ? Segment.NULL_SEGMENT : firstSegment;
- closedReason = new AtomicReference<>(null);
+ bufferEnd = capacity;
public static Channel newUnlimitedChannel() {
@@ -178,9 +201,9 @@ private Object doSend(T value, SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClau
while (true) {
// reading the segment before the counter increment - this is needed to find the required segment later
- var segment = sendSegment.get();
+ var segment = sendSegment;
// reserving the next cell
- var scf = sendersAndClosedFlag.getAndIncrement();
+ var scf = (long) SENDERS_AND_CLOSE_FLAG.getAndAdd(this, 1L);
var s = getSendersCounter(scf);
// calculating the segment id and the index within the segment
@@ -189,16 +212,16 @@ private Object doSend(T value, SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClau
// check if `sendSegment` stores a previous segment, if so move the reference forward
if (segment.getId() != id) {
- segment = findAndMoveForward(sendSegment, segment, id);
+ segment = findAndMoveForward(SEND_SEGMENT, this, segment, id);
if (segment == null) {
// the channel has been closed, `s` points to a segment which doesn't exist
- return closedReason.get();
+ return closedReason;
// if we still have another segment, the segment must have been removed
if (segment.getId() != id) {
// skipping all interrupted cells, and trying with a new one
- sendersAndClosedFlag.compareAndSet(s, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ SENDERS_AND_CLOSE_FLAG.compareAndSet(this, s, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
@@ -207,7 +230,7 @@ private Object doSend(T value, SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClau
// reference forward, so that segments which become eligible for removal can be GCed (after the channel
// is closed, e.g. when the channel is done and there are some values left to be received)
if (isClosed(scf)) {
- return closedReason.get();
+ return closedReason;
var sendResult = updateCellSend(segment, i, s, value, select, selectClause);
@@ -233,7 +256,7 @@ private Object doSend(T value, SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClau
// trying again with a new cell
} else if (sendResult == SendResult.CLOSED) {
// not cleaning the previous segments - the close procedure might still need it
- return closedReason.get();
+ return closedReason;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result: " + sendResult);
@@ -253,7 +276,7 @@ private Object updateCellSend(Segment segment, int i, long s, T value, SelectIns
if (state == null) {
// reading the buffer end & receiver's counter if needed
- if (!isUnlimited && s >= (isRendezvous ? 0 : bufferEnd.get()) && s >= receivers.get()) {
+ if (!isUnlimited && s >= (isRendezvous ? 0 : bufferEnd) && s >= receivers) {
// cell is empty, and no receiver, not in buffer -> suspend
if (select != null) {
// cell is empty, no receiver, and we are in a select -> store the select instance
@@ -350,9 +373,9 @@ public Object receiveSafe() throws InterruptedException {
private Object doReceive(SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClause) throws InterruptedException {
while (true) {
// reading the segment before the counter increment - this is needed to find the required segment later
- var segment = receiveSegment.get();
+ var segment = receiveSegment;
// reserving the next cell
- var r = receivers.getAndIncrement();
+ var r = (long) RECEIVERS.getAndAdd(this, 1L);
// calculating the segment id and the index within the segment
var id = r / Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE;
@@ -360,16 +383,16 @@ private Object doReceive(SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClause) th
// check if `receiveSegment` stores a previous segment, if so move the reference forward
if (segment.getId() != id) {
- segment = findAndMoveForward(receiveSegment, segment, id);
+ segment = findAndMoveForward(RECEIVE_SEGMENT, this, segment, id);
if (segment == null) {
// the channel has been closed, r points to a segment which doesn't exist
- return closedReason.get();
+ return closedReason;
// if we still have another segment, the segment must have been removed
if (segment.getId() != id) {
// skipping all interrupted cells, and trying with a new one
- receivers.compareAndSet(r, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ RECEIVERS.compareAndSet(this, r, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
@@ -377,7 +400,7 @@ private Object doReceive(SelectInstance select, SelectClause> selectClause) th
var result = updateCellReceive(segment, i, r, select, selectClause);
if (result == ReceiveResult.CLOSED) {
// not cleaning the previous segments - the close procedure might still need it
- return closedReason.get();
+ return closedReason;
} else {
After `updateCellReceive` completes and the channel isn't closed, we can be sure that S > r, unless
@@ -419,7 +442,7 @@ private Object updateCellReceive(Segment segment, int i, long r, SelectInstance
var state = segment.getCell(i); // reading the current state of the cell; we'll try to update it atomically
if (state == null || state == IN_BUFFER) {
- if (r >= getSendersCounter(sendersAndClosedFlag.get())) { // reading the sender's counter
+ if (r >= getSendersCounter(sendersAndClosedFlag)) { // reading the sender's counter
if (select != null) {
// cell is empty, no sender, and we are in a select -> store the select instance
// and await externally
@@ -513,9 +536,9 @@ private void expandBuffer() {
if (isRendezvous || isUnlimited) return;
while (true) {
// reading the segment before the counter increment - this is needed to find the required segment later
- var segment = bufferEndSegment.get();
+ var segment = bufferEndSegment;
// reserving the next cell
- var b = bufferEnd.getAndIncrement();
+ var b = (long) BUFFER_END.getAndAdd(this, 1L);
// calculating the segment id and the index within the segment
var id = b / Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE;
@@ -523,7 +546,7 @@ private void expandBuffer() {
// check if `bufferEndSegment` stores a previous segment, if so move the reference forward
if (segment.getId() != id) {
- segment = findAndMoveForward(bufferEndSegment, segment, id);
+ segment = findAndMoveForward(BUFFER_END_SEGMENT, this, segment, id);
if (segment == null) {
// the channel has been closed, b points to a segment which doesn't exist, nowhere to expand
@@ -535,7 +558,7 @@ private void expandBuffer() {
// senders must have already been processed by expandBuffer)
if (segment.getId() != id) {
// skipping all interrupted cells as an optimization
- bufferEnd.compareAndSet(b, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ BUFFER_END.compareAndSet(this, b, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
// another buffer expansion already happened for this cell (in the removed segment)
@@ -660,17 +683,24 @@ public Object errorSafe(Throwable reason) {
private Object closeSafe(ChannelClosed channelClosed) {
- if (!closedReason.compareAndSet(null, channelClosed)) {
- return closedReason.get(); // already closed
+ if (!CLOSED_REASON.compareAndSet(this, null, channelClosed)) {
+ return closedReason; // already closed
// after this completes, it's guaranteed than no sender with `s >= lastSender` will proceed with the usual
// sending algorithm, as `send()` will observe that the channel is closed
- var scf = sendersAndClosedFlag.updateAndGet(this::setClosedFlag);
+ long scf;
+ var scfUpdated = false;
+ do {
+ var initialScf = sendersAndClosedFlag;
+ scf = setClosedFlag(initialScf);
+ scfUpdated = SENDERS_AND_CLOSE_FLAG.compareAndSet(this, initialScf, scf);
+ } while (!scfUpdated);
var lastSender = getSendersCounter(scf);
// closing the segment chain guarantees that no new segment beyond `lastSegment` will be created
- var lastSegment = sendSegment.get().close();
+ var lastSegment = sendSegment.close();
if (channelClosed instanceof ChannelError) {
// closing all cells, as this is an error
@@ -741,7 +771,7 @@ private void updateCellClose(Segment segment, int i) {
} else if (state instanceof StoredSelectClause ss) {
- ss.getSelect().channelClosed(ss, closedReason.get());
+ ss.getSelect().channelClosed(ss, closedReason);
// not setting the state & updating counters, as each non-selected stored select cell will be
// cleaned up, setting an interrupted state (and informing the segment)
// until this happens, other (concurrent) invocations of `channelClosed` or `trySelect` will still
@@ -774,13 +804,13 @@ private void updateCellClose(Segment segment, int i) {
public ChannelClosed closedForSend() {
- return isClosed(sendersAndClosedFlag.get()) ? closedReason.get() : null;
+ return isClosed(sendersAndClosedFlag) ? closedReason : null;
public ChannelClosed closedForReceive() {
- if (isClosed(sendersAndClosedFlag.get())) {
- var cr = closedReason.get(); // cannot be null
+ if (isClosed(sendersAndClosedFlag)) {
+ var cr = closedReason; // cannot be null
if (cr instanceof ChannelError) {
return cr;
} else {
@@ -795,10 +825,10 @@ public ChannelClosed closedForReceive() {
private boolean hasValuesToReceive() {
while (true) {
// reading the segment before the counter - this is needed to find the required segment later
- var segment = receiveSegment.get();
+ var segment = receiveSegment;
// r is the cell which will be used by the next receive
- var r = receivers.get();
- var s = getSendersCounter(sendersAndClosedFlag.get());
+ var r = receivers;
+ var s = getSendersCounter(sendersAndClosedFlag);
if (s <= r) {
// for sure, nothing is buffered / no senders are waiting
@@ -811,7 +841,7 @@ private boolean hasValuesToReceive() {
// check if `receiveSegment` stores a previous segment, if so move the reference forward
if (segment.getId() != id) {
- segment = findAndMoveForward(receiveSegment, segment, id);
+ segment = findAndMoveForward(RECEIVE_SEGMENT, this, segment, id);
if (segment == null) {
// the channel has been closed, r points to a segment which doesn't exist
return false;
@@ -820,7 +850,7 @@ private boolean hasValuesToReceive() {
// if we still have another segment, the segment must have been removed
if (segment.getId() != id) {
// skipping all interrupted cells, and trying with a new one
- receivers.compareAndSet(r, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
+ RECEIVERS.compareAndSet(this, r, segment.getId() * Segment.SEGMENT_SIZE);
@@ -832,7 +862,7 @@ private boolean hasValuesToReceive() {
return true;
} else {
// nothing to receive, we can (try to, if not already done) bump the counter and try again
- receivers.compareAndSet(r, r + 1);
+ RECEIVERS.compareAndSet(this, r, r + 1);
@@ -964,35 +994,35 @@ void cleanupStoredSelectClause(Segment segment, int i, boolean isSender) {
private static final int SENDERS_AND_CLOSED_FLAG_SHIFT = 60;
private static final long SENDERS_COUNTER_MASK = (1L << SENDERS_AND_CLOSED_FLAG_SHIFT) - 1;
- private long getSendersCounter(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
+ private static long getSendersCounter(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
return sendersAndClosedFlag & SENDERS_COUNTER_MASK;
- private boolean isClosed(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
+ private static boolean isClosed(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
return sendersAndClosedFlag >> SENDERS_AND_CLOSED_FLAG_SHIFT == 1;
- private long setClosedFlag(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
+ private static long setClosedFlag(long sendersAndClosedFlag) {
return sendersAndClosedFlag | (1L << SENDERS_AND_CLOSED_FLAG_SHIFT);
public String toString() {
//noinspection OptionalGetWithoutIsPresent
- var smallestSegment = Stream.of(sendSegment.get(), receiveSegment.get(), bufferEndSegment.get())
+ var smallestSegment = Stream.of(sendSegment, receiveSegment, bufferEndSegment)
.filter(s -> s != Segment.NULL_SEGMENT)
- var scf = sendersAndClosedFlag.get();
+ var scf = sendersAndClosedFlag;
var sendersCounter = getSendersCounter(scf);
var isClosed = isClosed(scf);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
.append(", closed=").append(isClosed)
- .append(", sendSegment=").append(sendSegment.get().getId()).append(", sendCounter=").append(sendersCounter)
- .append(", receiveSegment=").append(receiveSegment.get().getId()).append(", receiveCounter=").append(receivers.get())
- .append(", bufferEndSegment=").append(bufferEndSegment.get().getId()).append(", bufferEndCounter=").append(bufferEnd.get())
+ .append(", sendSegment=").append(sendSegment.getId()).append(", sendCounter=").append(sendersCounter)
+ .append(", receiveSegment=").append(receiveSegment.getId()).append(", receiveCounter=").append(receivers)
+ .append(", bufferEndSegment=").append(bufferEndSegment.getId()).append(", bufferEndCounter=").append(bufferEnd)
.append("): \n");
var s = smallestSegment;
while (s != null) {
diff --git a/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Segment.java b/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Segment.java
index e846d2e..f7fae7b 100644
--- a/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Segment.java
+++ b/core/src/main/java/com/softwaremill/jox/Segment.java
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
package com.softwaremill.jox;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
+import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
+import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
final class Segment {
@@ -25,26 +24,52 @@ private enum State {
+ // immutable state
private final long id;
- private final AtomicReferenceArray