+ An error happened while fetching the ENS names associated to your wallet.
+ Please try again
+ Retry
+ To create a space, you need an ENS name on
+ {{ isTestnet ? 'Sepolia testnet' : 'Ethereum mainnet' }}.
+ Still experimenting ?
+ You can also try
+ testnet.snapshot.box
+ - a Sepolia testnet playground dedicated to testing before creating your
+ space or proposals on Snapshot.
- In order to use the "ticket" strategy you are required to set a voting
- validation strategy. This combination reduces the risk of spam and sybil
- attacks.
+ In order to use the "ticket" strategy you are required to set a voting
+ validation strategy. This combination reduces the risk of spam and sybil
+ attacks.
diff --git a/apps/ui/src/components/FormVoting.vue b/apps/ui/src/components/FormVoting.vue
index eb4657454..10e88f782 100644
--- a/apps/ui/src/components/FormVoting.vue
+++ b/apps/ui/src/components/FormVoting.vue
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
+ You will be guided through the process of creating a space.
+ Don't worry, all settings can be changed later.
+ Not sure how to setup your space?
+ Learn more in the
+ documentation
+ or contact support on
+ Help Center .
+ handleErrors('profile', v)"
+ />
+ The voting delay is the time interval between the creation of a
+ proposal and the start of voting. The voting period is the duration
+ for which the proposal remains open for voting.
+ If these values are left empty, the proposal author will be able to
+ set them.
+ handleErrors('voting', v)"
+ />
+ The controller is set to the ENS name owner. Any change of the ENS
+ name ownership will also change the controller.
+ Create space
diff --git a/apps/ui/src/components/SpaceCreateOnchain.vue b/apps/ui/src/components/SpaceCreateOnchain.vue
index 12eafed7b..26f3b4db6 100644
--- a/apps/ui/src/components/SpaceCreateOnchain.vue
+++ b/apps/ui/src/components/SpaceCreateOnchain.vue
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@