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Silvio Montanari edited this page Dec 29, 2016 · 12 revisions

code-forensics Wiki

This wiki is a work in progress and documents how to configure and run code-forensics to produce code analysis reports and to visualise the results in the form of diagrams.

This documentation gives only a brief description of each single analysis performed by code-forensics. In order to to fully understand and appreciate the value, the reasoning and the learning behind the different types of analysis I highly recommended to read the book Your Code as a Crime Scene by Adam Tornhill, whose work this software was largely inspired by.

Here is the list of the analysis available through code-forensics and the corresponding section of the book where they are explained in detail:

Run the following commands to list or get usage information on all the availabe analysis:

  • $ gulp list-analysis-tasks: print the list of all the top level analysis tasks
  • $ gulp help --taskName=<task-name>: display information and usage on a particular task.
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