Regardless of the type that a query or mutation returns, you can always wrap the return type in a Uni
in your
interface. The Uni
will be completed after the response is received and processed.
The return type of a subscription operation must always be wrapped in a Multi
The communication with the server runs over a WebSocket.
When using the typesafe client for subscriptions, if it is expected that the server might return errors,
then it is highly recommended to wrap the return types into an ErrorOr
(for example, turn the API method @Subscription Multi<Person> people
into @Subscription Multi<ErrorOr<Person>> people
The reason is once there is an error returned from the service and the result can't be turned into a domain object due to that,
the Multi
will receive a failure as a result. Because of the design of Mutiny, a Multi
can't continue producing any items after
a failure. That means the subscription will be cancelled after the first error, even though the server might continue
sending more items. In such case, your application would have to detect the error and start a new subscription.
See Error handling for more details on how to use ErrorOr
Given a server-side definition like this:
public Multi<Integer> countToFive() {
return Multi.createFrom().range(0, 5);
A client to consume this subscription can look like this:
.with( // onItem:
i -> System.out.println("Received number" + i),
// onFailure:
(t) -> t.printStackTrace()