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If the popup is provided by another application, open your application manifest and declare the respective intent:
"intents": [
"type": "popup",
"qualifier": {...} ➀
# | Explanation |
➀ | Declares the qualifier of the popup to open. This step is only required for popups provided by other applications. |
In the component to open the popup, inject PopupService
and open the popup.
public onPopupOpen(event: MouseEvent): void {
const qualifier: Qualifier = {...}; ➀
const popup: Popup = {
position: 'east',
anchor: event.target as Element,
this.popupService.open(popup, qualifier);
# | Explanation |
➀ | Sets the qualifier of the popup to open, e.g {entity: 'contact', id: 5} . |
For non Angular applications, get the popup service via
The popup may return a result, which is why a Promise
is returned when opening the popup.
Following properties are supported:
property | type | mandatory | description |
anchor | Element | ✓ | Specifies the Element where to attach the popup. |
position | east | west | north | south | Specifies in which region of the popup anchor to show the popup (unless not enough space). | |
queryParams | dictionary | Specifies query parameters to open the popup. | |
matrixParams | dictionary | Specifies matrix parameters to open the popup. Matrix parameters can be used to associate optional data with the URL and are like regular URL parameters, but do not affect route resolution. |
closeStrategy.onFocusLost | boolean | Specifies if to close the popup on focus lost, which is true by default. |
closeStrategy.onEscape | boolean | Specifies if to close the popup on escape keystroke, which is true by default. |
closeStrategy.onGridLayoutChange | boolean | Specifies if to close the popup on workbench view grid change, which is true by default. |