Traces present a consistent naming scheme: {appName}_{dataRate}mbps_{frameRate}fps.csv
: an indication of the name of the streamed application. Specifically,vp
stands for Virus Poppermc
stands for Minecraftge_cities
stands for Google Earth VR - Citiesge_tour
stands for Google Earth VR - Tour
: the target data rateframeRate
: the target frame rate
Some additional meta data might be found in the commented header of the .csv
For further information please check the reference paper:
- M. Lecci, M. Drago, A. Zanella, M. Zorzi, "An Open Framework for Analyzing and Modeling XR Network Traffic," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 129782-129795, 2021. Open Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3113162.
NOTE: .csv
traces are based on acquisitions of real VR traffic streaming. Target data and frame rate are only indicative and may vary over time as well as in average.