Utopia ACME Client
- Implementation Owner: @shubhamjain2001
- Start Date: 19-12-2021
- Target Date: 17-04-2021
- Appwrite Issue: (https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/issues/) https://externship.github.in/organization/appwrite/61a1dbe8625bcdb39a9e0514
What problem are you trying to solve?
One of the services that Appwrite uses is the popular “certbot” tool under the hood to automatically handle SSL certificate generation and renewal, so developers can focus on building their apps. The SSL certificates are typically used to provide HTTPS for web servers but can be used in any situation where domain name validation is required, such as when securing our communication with Appwrite API.
In our effort to make Appwrite as dependency-free as possible, we want to create our own Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) client to create and maintain SSL certificates within the Utopia Framework.