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Installing required libraries

shoaibkamil edited this page Jul 7, 2011 · 21 revisions

ASP currently requires Python 2.6+, plus the following libraries:

  • CodePy, a library to simplify Just-in-Time compilation and its sub-project, cgen (git clone

  • Numpy, a part of the Scipy package

  • Mako, a templating library

  • Boost.Python, required by CodePy. Compiling Boost from source is a pain, so rely on a package manager if possible. (MacOS X Instructions: Installing Boost on MacOS X)

  • In order to connect Boost.Python and CodePy, you may need to specify some things in ~/ For MacOS 10.6, I have:


For Ubuntu 10.10, I have:


If you don't set this up correctly, you will receive the error message "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_python-gcc43-mt".

Python 3 is currently not tested. Tested on Python 2.6 with Ubuntu 10.10 and MacOS X 10.6, and with Python 2.7.1+ on Ubuntu 11.04. For Ubuntu, all but CodePy can be installed via apt-get:

     sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-mako libboost-python-dev
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