copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2019-11-19 |
user registry, sign up, sign in, username, email, password, account settings, reset password, email sender, email verification, app security |
appid |
{:external: target="_blank" .external} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:tip: .tip} {:note: .note} {:important: .important} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:download: .download}
{: #cloud-directory}
With {{}}, you can create a scalable user registry for your apps so that users can sign up and sign in with either a username or email and a password. You can decide the level of self-service that you want your users to have. For example, users can sign up for your app independently or you can allow them to manage their account settings, such as a password reset, from your app. {: shortdesc}
{: #cd-settings}
You can configure the level of self-service that is allowed in your application by using the service dashboard. The settings can be updated at any time and are reflected in your app without any required change to your code or redeploy of your application. {: shortdesc}
Go to the Manage authentication tab of the {{}} dashboard and toggle Cloud Directory to Enabled. You can also enable other providers but to offer Cloud Directory as an option in the Login Widget, it must be enabled.
Go to the Authentication Settings tab and configure your redirect URIs and sign in expiration settings. For more information about the settings, see Managing authentication
Go to Cloud Directory > Settings.
Select the way that your want to Allow users to sign-up and sign-in to your app. Options include Email and password or Username and password. User's can sign in with either an email that they already possess or they can create a username to use when they interact with your app.
You can toggle between the options before users are added to your directory. After the first user is added, future users must also use the same configuration. To add future users to your application, you must use the Email and password configuration. {: note}
Set Allow users to sign up to your app to Yes. If you choose not to allow users to sign up, you can add users through the dashboard or the management API for development purposes.
To provide the highest level of self-service, set Allow users to manage their account from your app to Yes. When set to yes, users are able to reset or change their password, or reset their details. If you want to limit your user's self-service ability, set the value to No.
Configure your email settings. Click Edit in the Sender details row to update your email settings. The email settings apply for all of the communication that is sent through {{}}.
Specify the email address that should send the email. If you choose to change the default, the email might be sent to a user's spam folder.
Add a name for the Sender.
Enter an email that can be used to send a response.
Click Save.