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2018-06-18 |
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This document covers common difficulties you might encounter, and offers some helpful tips.
When you're having trouble diagnosing a difficulty, you can use the CLI to get into DEBUG mode, by giving the following command before any other call you make to the IBM Cloud CLI. For example, for the command ibmcloud is pubgws
you'd write:
RIAAS_DEBUG=yes ibmcloud is pubgws
The debug information is helpful to you and also to the support team who may be called upon to diagnose your problem.
Another option is to use verbose mode
For example, you can add --verbose
to your curl
command and send us the x-request-id:
value so we can troubleshoot the problem. The --verbose
flag is particularly helpful if you are experiencing connectivity problems.
Another option is to add the -i
flag to your curl
command so that the support team can see the headers in the response of your request. This flag is helpful in most situations when you need to contact support. Here's an example of what you might see when you use the -i
curl -i https://${credentials} -H X-Auth-Token:$iam_token -H X-Subject-Token:$subject_token
HTTP/2 200
server: nginx/1.13.5
date: Fri, 25 May 2018 14:45:31 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 246
x-request-id: 98a977bd-020b-422b-beb5-0843ab500c41
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains;
Usually, when the Trace ID is blank, it is because the JSON returned does not match what is expected from the Swagger. Try RIAAS_DEBUG=yes ibmcloud is server-rm 3fb7c1eb-45fd-4c85-962e-617f216e7393
(substitute your correct server ID token) and check the output.
You can use the IBM Cloud TRACE
options to turn on TRACE
mode, by entering any of the following commands:
Here are a few difficulties you might encounter:
If this is your problem, you'll see a 401 or 403 error. Contact your support team.
Before you can create Virtual Servers, you need the correct permissions to be set up on the IBM Cloud Infrastructure (SoftLayer) side. If your permissions are not correct, you can create a server and it will show Pending
status, which quickly turns into Failed
status. Make sure the master of the account assigns you the correct permissions.
Most likely you do not have adequate permissions to view the server status. Make sure you have the correct permissions. It also could be caused by an expired IMS token. Run bx sl init
again and rebuild the ims_subject
with the new token. Make sure you are passing in the X-Subject-Token:$ims_subject
parameter in the request header.
Problem: Service is no longer returning any JSON, instead of just giving an HTTP 403 status to all of my requests. My earlier requests were going through. What happened?
Answer: This error will happen after about an hour if your IAM token has expired. Refresh your IAM token by re-running iam_token=$(ibmcloud iam oauth-tokens | awk '/IAM/{ print $4; }')