Use executable
na6psim <options> --configKeyValues "<semicolon separated configurable params>"
The detector layout is defined by the ConfigurableParam-based NA6PLayoutParam class. Any parameter defined in this class can be modified from the command line. For instance,
to set the Z
of the 1-st VerTel station to 8.0
cm instead of its default value and then to move the whole VerTel in X and Z globally by 0.1
and -0.2
cm respectively and change the 2nd target material to Iron (make sure that
corresponding material and medium are defined in the createMaterials()
method) one can pass an option:
na6psim <options> --configKeyValues "layout.shiftVerTel[0]=0.1;layout.shiftVerTel[2]=-0.2;layout.posVerTelPlaneZ[0]=8.0;layout.medTarget[1]=Iron;<other settings>"
After the execution a corresponding geometry.root
is generated in the working directory as well as na6pLayout.ini
text file with the settings used for layout (the directory where this file is generated can be modified by keyval.output_dir=<directory>
Instead of passing long configKeyValues options string on the command line one can generate this na6pLayout.ini
once (even with default options) and then edit the values of the [layout]
To run simulations with this modified layout (as well as with other configurable parames) one can use
na6psim <options> --load-ini <user-file.ini> --configKeyValues "<semicolon separated configurable params>"
Note that even in this case, one can still modify some parameters via --configKeyValues ...
settings: the priority is given to the value provided from the command line, then loaded from the ini file (if any), and then to the class default setting.
Writing of the ini file can be disable by the option --disable-write-ini
Allows to generate single type of particle with its transverse (pt or Mt) and longitudinal (Y or eta) distributions provided via string which are converted to TFormula.
The number of particles to generate per event is either provided explicitly (setNTracks
) or estimated from provided setdNdY
(or setdNdEta
). This number is treated as
as Poisson mean in setPoisson
was called.
See an example test/genParamPi.C.
The test/genBgEvent.C shows an example of CockTail generator production PbPb hadronic (pi, K, p) event for specific SPS energies.