This version is a real fork from phpPgAdmin. It can be use with service provided by Dingo PostgreSQL, postgresql-cf-service-broker, and others.
It use cf-helper-php to auto-binding postgresql service on phpPgAdmin.
Just 5 steps:
- Download the zip file from here:
- Unzip it
- Go inside the unzipped folder and run
cf push --no-start -n phppgadmin-SPACENAME
- If needed create a user-provided service to connect to an existing remote pg instance (e.g.
cf cups ccdb-pg -p '{"uri":"postgres://"}'
) - Bind your postgresql service with
cf bs phppgadmin-cfready <service_name>
and repeat for all postgresql services you want in your phpPgAdmin - Restage the service with
cf restage phppgadmin-cfready
- Connect to phpPgAdmin through its HTTP route, and select the db instance to connect to from the list, and specify associated login/password of the pgdb to access
Bonus command to deploy the app, discover and bind all "postgresql"
tagged service instances in the current space to the phppgadmin-cfready
application, using cf curl
, jq
, and xargs
git clone -b cf-ready
cd phppgadmin-cf
space_guid=$(cat ~/.cf/config.json| jq -r ".SpaceFields.GUID")
space_name=$(cat ~/.cf/config.json| jq -r ".SpaceFields.Name")
org_name=$(cat ~/.cf/config.json| jq -r ".OrganizationFields.Name")
cf push ${appname} --no-start -n ${app_hostname}
cf curl /v2/services | jq -r ".resources[] | select(.entity.tags | contains([\"postgresql\"])) | .entity.service_plans_url" | xargs -L1 cf curl | jq -r ".resources[].entity.service_instances_url" | awk "{print \$1\"\\\\?q=space_guid:${space_guid}\"}" | xargs -L1 cf curl | jq -r ".resources[]" | xargs -L1 cf bind-service ${appname}
cf restart ${appname}
Yeah, cf curl
, jq
and xargs
are pretty fantastic when combined together.
To dump all the credentials for all the bound databases, try:
cf curl /v2/apps\?q=name:${appname} | jq -r ".resources[0].entity.service_bindings_url" | xargs -L1 cf curl | jq -r ".resources[].entity.credentials"
I'm getting the following error message, although the submitted credentials are correct:
Attempt to connect with invalid server parameter, possibly someone is trying to hack your system
Try closing your HTTP session (clear your cookies or use a private browsing window) to flush your PHP session. It might be your previous attempts to log in are interferring.