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Experiment Replication

If you would like to replicate any of the experiments found in the paper you can find the instructions below.
Make sure to have docker setup as a non-root user on the machine.
To initially setup the project follow these steps:


Some binaries will error out and that's okay and normal.
Our tool isn't perfect and can't deal with all possible corner cases, but we try and give you as much data as we can.


Use the --rda-timeout flag to increase the timeout if you are running on an under-powered machine, this will increase total analysis time, but also increase the probability of not missing important values. The default timeout is 5 minutes per call-chain

Machine Info

In case you were wondering what the machine specs were used in the paper:
Each mango container was run on a single-core 2.30GHz Intel Xeon CPU with at least 5GB of RAM.
This was parallelized across 4000 cores using kubernetes.


Some binaries will consume upwards of 20GB of RAM.

Install Docker (If you don't have it already)

curl -sSL | sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo reboot

venv setup

sudo apt install python3.11 python3-pip
python3.11 -m pip install virtualenv
python3.11 -m virtualenv venv

operation mango installation

git clone
source venv/bin/activate
cd operation-mango-public
pip install -e .
pip install -e pipeline/
mango-pipeline --build-docker

Table 1 - Karonte Dataset Evaluation

Table 1 Image karonte_dataset.tgz - sha256 25b8204d2fbac800994fefb30c8dbf80af3f15e57a9c04397f967f12a879b501
In order to reproduce the mango results run the below commands (where the 20 represents the amount of docker containers your setup can handle):

mango-pipeline --path path/to/karonte-dataset --results your/karonte-results/dir --env --parallel 20 # Runs environment/nvram value resolution

#The two commands below can be done in parallel

mango-pipeline --path path/to/karonte-dataset --results your/karonte-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 # Runs mango analysis for command injections
mango-pipeline --path path/to/karonte-dataset --results your/karonte-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 --category overflow # Runs mango analysis for buffer overflows

To view the runtime results for these values run:

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ your/karonte-results/dir

Table 2 - Path Context Aggregation

Table 2 Image

Once you've run the above analysis from Table 1, you can run the path aggregation script.

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ your/karonte-results/dir

This will print out the json aggregation of all paths towards the sink keyword as well as in the file count.agg.
strcpy is the only sink in the buffer overflow category, every other sink falls into Command Injections so sum those together.

Table 3 - SaTC 7 Handpicked Firmware

Table 3 Image 7_firmware.tar.gz - (E-mail authors with academic e-mail ([email protected])) - sha256 55859e73c9d8b46152e899b7ad0110fe671d82d462b44cc166b4c8e00fb76ab6
In order to reproduce the mango results run the below commands (where the 20 represents the amount of docker containers your setup can handle):

mango-pipeline --path 7_firmware --results your/7-firmware-results/dir --env --parallel 20 # Runs environment/nvram value resolution

#The two commands below can be done in parallel
mango-pipeline --path 7_firmware --results your/7-firmware-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 # Runs mango analysis for command injections
mango-pipeline --path 7_firmware --results your/7-firmware-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 --category overflow # Runs mango analysis for buffer overflows

To view the runtime results for these values run:

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ your/7-firmware-result/dir --show-firmware

Table 4 - Manual Analysis of TruPoCs

Table 4 Image

This table is a manual analysis of a subset of TruPoCs Generated from Table 1.
For the purpose of the paper, TruPoCs are any analysis results with a score of 7 or higher. These can be found with a simple find command:

find your/karonte-results/dir -type f -iname '[7-9]*' 

Once found, it is up to your reverse engineering skills to verify the validity of the reports.

Table 5 - Ablation of Mango Analysis on R6400v2

Table 5 Image

ablation-firmware.tar.gz - (E-mail authors with academic e-mail ([email protected])) - sha256 a3c0acd2b588978cdb2d1873929e9904a84cdba1f9dd603b41e0a109fecba8e6
This is an ablation study of the two algorithmic contributions that Operation Mango introduces.

To replicate this, run the following commands:


You must have the exact folder/result_folder names for the final script to function

mkdir ablation
cd ablation
mango-pipeline --path path/to/ablation-firmware \
               --results ablation-default \
               --parallel 40 \
               --env # Do an env pass

# Copy env results to other ablation dirs
cp -r ablation-default ablation-assumed # Dir for no assumed execution
cp -r ablation-default ablation-trace # Dir for no sink-to-source analysis
cp -r ablation-default ablation-all # Dir for neither

# The following 4 mango-pipeline commands can be run in parallel

# Current version of mango with both assumed nonimpact and sink-to-source
mango-pipeline --path path/to/ablation-firmware \
               --results ablation-default \
               --parallel 10 \

# mango without assumed nonimpact
mango-pipeline --path path/to/ablation-firmware \
               --results ablation-assumed \
               --parallel 10 \
               --mango \
               --extra-args full-execution

# mango without sink-to-source
mango-pipeline --path path/to/ablation-firmware \
               --results ablation-trace \
               --parallel 10 \
               --mango \
               --extra-args forward-trace

# mango without assumed nonimpact or sink-to-source
mango-pipeline --path path/to/ablation-firmware \
               --results ablation-all \
               --parallel 10 \
               --mango \
               --extra-args full-execution forward-trace

Once all analyses have finished running, you can print the results using the following command:

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ ablation/

This will create a nice table with well-formatted results.

Table 6 - Large Scale Evaluation

Table 6 Image


This dataset is 20GB zipped!!!
The results can take up to 400GB!!!

large_dataset.tar.gz - (E-mail authors with academic e-mail ([email protected])) - sha256 a3d8012ba7bcaa1f0f34b7ce6783b5d6441902644f9bedae4031b71ab3490e2e

Beware all ye who enter...
Unless you have access to an immense amount of compute power, this table will take you a while to reproduce.

Once you download the entire dataset, extract all of the firmware.

tar -xvzf large_dataset.tar.gz
cd large_dataset
find . -type f -exec tar -xvzf {} \;
cd ..

Once all the firmware is extracted, you can run the experiments:

mango-pipeline --path large_dataset  --results your/large_dataset/res_dir --env --parallel 20 # Runs environment/nvram value resolution

#The two commands below can be done in parallel
mango-pipeline --path large_dataset --results your/large_dataset/res_dir --mango --parallel 20 # Runs mango analysis for command injections
mango-pipeline --path large_dataset --results your/large_dataset/res_dir --mango --parallel 20 --category overflow # Runs mango analysis for buffer overflows

To get a similar table output to table 6, run:

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ your/large_dataset/res_dir

Table 7 - Additional Experiment (Appendix)

Table 7 Image

additional_experiment.tar.gz - (E-mail authors with academic e-mail ([email protected])) - sha256 0374b6efade719cf744eeeacd9729df7908dfca1936d7c136cb0c18446bb8300

This is just an additional experiment showing the extensability of the project, similar to Table 1 and Table 3.

mango-pipeline --path path/to/additional-dataset --results your/additional-results/dir --env --parallel 20 # Runs environment/nvram value resolution

#The two commands below can be done in parallel

mango-pipeline --path path/to/additional-dataset --results your/additional-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 # Runs mango analysis for command injections
mango-pipeline --path path/to/additional-dataset --results your/additional-results/dir --mango --parallel 20 --category overflow # Runs mango analysis for buffer overflows

To get a similar table output to table 7, run:

python operation-mango-public/pipeline/mango_pipeline/scripts/ your/large_dataset/res_dir --show-firmware