Note: The Search API currently is only available for images.
A common case for using Clarifai is to get the concepts predicted in an image and then use those concepts to power search.
The Search API allows you to send images (url or bytes) to the service and have them indexed by 'general' model concepts and their visual representations. Once indexed, you can search for images by concept or by image.
To get started with search, you must first add images to the search index. You can add one or more images to the index at a time. You can supply an image either with a publicly accessible URL or by directly sending image bytes. You can send up to 128 images in one API call.
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="JavaScript" %}
{url: ""},
{url: ""},
{base64: "G7p3m95uAl..."}
function(response) {
// do something with response
function(err) {
// there was an error
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
from import ClarifaiApp
from import Image as ClImage
app = ClarifaiApp(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')
img1 = ClImage(url="")
img2 = ClImage(url="")
img3 = ClImage(file_obj=open('/home/user/image.jpeg', 'rb'))
app.inputs.bulk_create_images([img1, img2, img3])
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Clarifai.API;
using Clarifai.DTOs.Inputs;
namespace YourNamespace
public class YourClassName
public static async Task Main()
var client = new ClarifaiClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
await client.AddInputs(
new ClarifaiURLImage(""),
new ClarifaiURLImage("")
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
ClarifaiImage *image1 = [[ClarifaiImage alloc] initWithURL:@""];
ClarifaiImage *image2 = [[ClarifaiImage alloc] initWithURL:@""];
[app addInputs:@[image1, image2] completion:^(NSArray<ClarifaiInput *> *inputs, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"inputs: %@", inputs);
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
use Clarifai\API\ClarifaiClient;
use Clarifai\DTOs\Inputs\ClarifaiURLImage;
$client = new ClarifaiClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$response = $client->addInputs([
new ClarifaiURLImage(''),
new ClarifaiURLImage(''),
if ($response-> isSuccessful()) {
echo "Response is successful.\n";
} else {
echo "Response is not successful. Reason: \n";
echo $response->status()->description() . "\n";
echo $response->status()->errorDetails() . "\n";
echo "Status code: " . $response->status()->statusCode();
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title=undefined %}
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Key YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
"inputs": [
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="Response JSON" %}
"status": {
"code": 10000,
"description": "Ok"
"inputs": [
"id": "edc70c917475499abdc7151f41d6cf3e",
"created_at": "2016-11-22T17:06:02Z",
"data": {
"image": {
"url": "
"status": {
"code": 30001,
"description": "Download pending"
"id": "f96ca3bbf02041c59addcc13e3468b7d",
"created_at": "2016-11-22T17:06:02Z",
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"code": 30001,
"description": "Download pending"
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
Once your images are indexed, you can search for them by concept.{ concept: {name: 'people'} }).then(
function(response) {
// do something with response
function(err) {
// there was an error
from import ClarifaiApp
app = ClarifaiApp(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')
# search by public concept
# search by a list of concepts
# search by concept id
# search by a list of concept ids
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Clarifai.API;
using Clarifai.DTOs.Searches;
namespace YourNamespace
public class YourClassName
public static async Task Main()
var client = new ClarifaiClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
await client.SearchInputs(SearchBy.ConceptName("people"))
// First create a search term with a concept you want to search.
ClarifaiConcept *conceptFromGeneralModel = [[ClarifaiConcept alloc] initWithConceptName:@"people"];
ClarifaiSearchTerm *searchTerm = [ClarifaiSearchTerm searchByPredictedConcept:conceptFromGeneralModel];
[app search:@[searchTerm] page:@1 perPage:@20 completion:^(NSArray<ClarifaiSearchResult *> *results, NSError *error) {
// Print output of first search result.
NSLog(@"inputID: %@", results[0].inputID);
NSLog(@"URL: %@", results[0].mediaURL);
NSLog(@"probability of public concept: %@", results[0].score);
use Clarifai\API\ClarifaiClient;
use Clarifai\DTOs\Searches\SearchBy;
use Clarifai\DTOs\Searches\SearchInputsResult;
$client = new ClarifaiClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$response = $client->searchInputs(SearchBy::conceptName('people'))->executeSync();
if ($response-> isSuccessful()) {
/** @var SearchInputsResult $result */
$result = $response->get();
foreach ($result->searchHits() as $searchHit) {
echo $searchHit->input()->id() . ' ' . $searchHit->score() . "\n";
} else {
echo "Response is not successful. Reason: \n";
echo $response->status()->description() . "\n";
echo $response->status()->errorDetails() . "\n";
echo "Status code: " . $response->status()->statusCode();
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Key YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
"query": {
"ands": [
"output": {
"data": {
"concepts": [
"name": "people"
"status": {
"code": 10000,
"description": "Ok"
"hits": [
"score": 0.98155165,
"input": {
"id": "f96ca3bbf02041c59addcc13e3468b7d",
"created_at": "2016-11-22T17:06:02Z",
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"code": 30000,
"description": "Download complete"
You can also search for images using another image. In this case, you provide an image (url or bytes) and the results will return all the images in your search index that are visually similar to the one provided.{ input: {url: ''} }).then(
function(response) {
// do something with response
function(err) {
// there was an error
from import ClarifaiApp
app = ClarifaiApp(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')
# search by image url
# search by existing input id
input_id = "some_existing_input_id"
# search by raw bytes
data = "image_raw_bytes"
# search by base64 bytes
base64_data = "image_bytes_encoded_in_base64"
# search by local filename
# search from fileio
fio = open("filename_on_local_disk.jpg", 'rb')
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Clarifai.API;
using Clarifai.DTOs.Searches;
namespace YourNamespace
public class YourClassName
public static async Task Main()
var client = new ClarifaiClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
await client.SearchInputs(SearchBy.ImageURL(""))
ClarifaiSearchTerm *searchTerm = [ClarifaiSearchTerm searchVisuallyWithImageURL:@""];
[app search:@[searchTerm] page:@1 perPage:@20 completion:^(NSArray<ClarifaiSearchResult *> *results, NSError *error) {
// Print output of first search result.
NSLog(@"inputID: %@", results[0].inputID);
NSLog(@"URL: %@", results[0].mediaURL);
NSLog(@"probability of visual similarity: %@", results[0].score);
use Clarifai\API\ClarifaiClient;
use Clarifai\DTOs\Searches\SearchBy;
use Clarifai\DTOs\Searches\SearchInputsResult;
$client = new ClarifaiClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$response = $client->searchInputs(
if ($response-> isSuccessful()) {
/** @var SearchInputsResult $result */
$result = $response->get();
foreach ($result->searchHits() as $searchHit) {
echo $searchHit->input()->id() . ' ' . $searchHit->score() . "\n";
} else {
echo "Response is not successful. Reason: \n";
echo $response->status()->description() . "\n";
echo $response->status()->errorDetails() . "\n";
echo "Status code: " . $response->status()->statusCode();
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Key YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
"query": {
"ands": [
"output": {
"input": {
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"code": 10000,
"description": "Ok"
"id": "bd94239099d44d4686f38ca753495e22",
"hits": [
"score": 0.9999997,
"input": {
"id": "edc70c917475499abdc7151f41d6cf3e",
"created_at": "2016-11-22T17:06:02Z",
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"code": 30000,
"description": "Download complete"
"score": 0.3915897,
"input": {
"id": "f96ca3bbf02041c59addcc13e3468b7d",
"created_at": "2016-11-22T17:06:02Z",
"data": {
"image": {
"url": ""
"status": {
"code": 30000,
"description": "Download complete"