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🪨 Rock Paper Scissors ✂️ Mint

A Dapp for minting Rock, Paper and Scissors NFTs.

The tokens are ERC1155 compliant, off-chain data on a decentralized storage service layered with IPFS.

A user may mint multiple tokens at once. As long as there is a supply remaining, they can mint up to a pre-determined amount of tokens.

Live demo


  • Tokens are burnable, mintable, and transferable. With Access Control, these actions are pausable.

  • With Access Control, the contract is upgradeable, and supports 3 phases (Whitelist, Public, Closed) with different pricing and mint and supply limits.

  • A user can connect with 5 wallet providers: MetaMask, Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet, WalletConnect, and Trust Wallet and mint on mobile or desktop.

  • A user receives a notification when the transaction goes through (or fails).

  • When the user connects, they can access their profile to see their recent transactions, connected wallet address, and to manually disconnect.

  • An NFT Gallery displays all minted NFTs using the Alchemy NFT API.


  • 🦾 Development Tools
    • Yarn - package manager
    • Node.js
    • TypeScript
    • Git - version control
    • CRA - create react app
  • ⛓️ Ethereum
    • Solidity (v.0.8.19) - implementing smart contracts
    • HardHat - Ethereum development environment
      • Read more about its configuration in the project Wiki
    • ethers.js (v.5) - library for interacting with the Ethereum blockhain
    • OpenZeppelin (v.4) - smart contract base implementation
      • Read more about the OpenZeppelin configuration
    • Etherscan - contract verification

    Public network node providers

    • Alchemy
    • Infura

    Decentralized storage

    • NFT.Storage
    • IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)
  • Frontend
    • React - JavaScript framework
      • RainbowKit - Ethereum wallet integration
      • Wagmi - Ethereum hooks
      • Material UI - UI framework
      • React Router - Client side routing

🏄‍♂️ Quick Start

Prerequisites: Node plus Yarn.

👷 Hardhat

The rps-hardhat workspace uses Hardhat as the platform layer to orchestrate all tasks related to smart contract development.

Create a .env file in the hardhat folder and add the values for the variables

cp packages/hardhat/.env.example packages/hardhat/.env

Smart Contract Development

After updating a contract, compile it and generate Typechain typings

  • Hardhat always runs the compile task when running scripts with its command line interface, so this is not required unless you plan running them directly using node.
yarn compile

Then deploy it to Ethereum on the Goerli or Mainnet network

  • The deployed address is the address of our deployed proxy instance
yarn deploy --network <network_name>

Interacting with a contract

Once deployed, you can interact with the implementation instance of the contract in Etherscan at<implementation-address>#code.

You can also interact with it from the proxy contract at<proxy-address>#code by verifying the proxy instance:

  • Select the 'More Options' dropdown menu, select 'Is this a proxy?'. That will take you to the following page:

    Proxy Contract Verification
    Fig.1 - Proxy Contract Verification page. The address in the red rectangle will be that of the proxy
  • Select 'Verify'. The address that pops up is the implementation contract's

  • Now when you go back to Contract -> Code, you will see two new tabs Read as Proxy and Write as Proxy.

    Implementation Contract Verification
    Fig.2 - Contract page. Read and write from our implementation contract

⚛ React

The rps-frontend workspace uses React as the framework to create the interface for our contract with "Ethereum components" (ConnectButton, WalletAddress, etc.) and read and write to it via hooks.

  1. Install development dependencies to customize react-scripts

    yarn workspace rps-hardhat add -D env-cmd customize-cra react-app-rewired
  2. Create a .env file in the frontend folder and add the values for the variables:

    cp packages/frontend/.env.example packages/frontend/.env
    • After deploying a new contract, you will need to update the REACT_APP_TESTNET_PROXY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS or REACT_APP_MAINNET_PROXY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS variable.
  3. In src/constants/index.ts update the imported contract at the top to your contract's path, the variables under "SEO and Contract Related Info" to match your Application, and the CHAIN_ID variable under "Network Related Info" to match the default chain to use (1 (homestead) or 5 (goerli)).

  4. Start up the development server with hot reloading

    yarn start



See a list of all tasks available
yarn hardhat
Compile contracts and generate Typechain typings
yarn compile
Deploy a contract to Ethereum
yarn deploy
yarn deploy:goerli
yarn deploy:mainnet
Print a list of accounts
yarn accounts -- <network>  # default network is 'hardhat'
Print an account balance
yarn balance -- <account_address>
yarn balance:goerli -- <account_address>
yarn balance:mainnet -- <account_address>
Print the current block number
yarn blockNumber -- <network>  # default network is 'hardhat'
Run the Solidity linter
yarn lint:hardhat
Run contract tests
yarn test:hardhat
Run the development server with hot reloading
yarn start
Create a production build of the site and deploy
yarn ship