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Eden Gal edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 5 revisions



Maven configuration

Using maven as your dependency manager add the following to your pom.xml file


Bootstrapping client

TImbermill client need to be bootstrap at the start of the application, as follows:

TimbermillServerOutputPipeBuilder timbermillServerOutputPipeBuilder = new TimbermillServerOutputPipeBuilder().timbermillServerUrl(TIMBERMILL_SERVER_URL);
TimbermillServerOutputPipe pipe =;
Map<String, String> staticParams = new HashMap<>();
staticParams.put("applicationName", "test-app");
String env = "production";
TimberLogger.bootstrap(pipe, staticParams, env);

staticParams is a map holding fields names and value we want every task in Timbermill to present. env is a variable that is sent to the Timbermill server that determined to which environment this events belongs to. This can be used to differentiate between multiple environments applications (US/EU for example) that sends Timbermill events to the same Timbermill server.

The pipe, created by its builder, creates a thread that will be sending all the Timbermill events created to the Timbermill server. You should close when your app is shutting down using the exit method:

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