Press uses fakes for writing tests and avoids mocks because they’re terrible. Assertions are written using AssertK. Tests that involve storage are run on the JVM so that an in-memory SQL database can be used (example).
The best way to run the tests right now would be from the command line using ./gradlew shared:testDebug
. They can be run from the Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA as well, but testing support for multiplatform code from the IDE is a bit flaky right now (related issue). An alternative is to manually create run configurations for running custom gradle tasks:
Debugging of Android code should work as expected. For native code, IntelliJ offers a plugin that can be used for debugging with breakpoints. Unfortunately it's only available for IntelliJ Ultimate so it won't work with either Android Studio or the free/community version of IDEA.
Mocks are terrible because they strongly couple tests with their implementation. When a test is written to check if certain functions on a mocked object were called, the test will be need to be updated every time those functions are refactored. Here’s an example:
class Adder {
fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
class Calculator(val adder: Adder) {
fun multiply(number: Int, factor: Int): Int {
var sum = 0
repeat(factor) {
sum = adder.add(sum, number)
return sum
@Test `test multiplication`() {
val adder = mock(Adder::class)
val calculator = Calculator(adder)
calculator.multiply(2, 2)
verify(adder).add(0, 2)
verify(adder).add(2, 4)
Let’s make this worse. What happens if Adder#add()
is changed to return a Single<Int>
because we now want to offload additions to a server?
The test will continue to pass, but the implementation won’t work anymore. Mocks become worse when we start passing around a “promise” of result instead of the actual result.
If you’re still unconvinced, Artur Dryomov’s blog post is a good read this subject: Superior Testing: Make Fakes not Mocks