Sakura no Uta~
Note: Server has 10 random test cases and you need to answer each of them correctly within 5 seconds.
Note 2: All sakura in a photo must be consecutive elements.
nc 22602
This is a simple Leetcode-style challenge. The main goal is to iterate blossom array, find the max subarray sum whose length is less or equal to m
. It can be done in O(n)
time complexity. Solve script is attached.
from pwn import *
from tqdm import tqdm
# log level
context.log_level = 'error'
def calculate(blossom, n, m):
assert len(blossom) == n
res = 0
curr = 0
l, r = 0, 0
while r < n:
curr += blossom[r]
if curr < 0:
l = r + 1
r = l
curr = 0
res = max(res, curr)
r += 1
if r == n: break
if r - l + 1 > m:
curr -= blossom[l]
l += 1
return res
io = remote('', 22602)
for _ in tqdm(range(10)):
n, m = map(int, io.recvline().split())
blossom = list(map(int, io.recvline().split()))
io.recvuntil(b'Output: ')
io.sendline(str(calculate(blossom, n, m)).encode())