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Portfolio Source Code

One page responsive portfolio site. Build with HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • Get an idea of Sadie Jay's skills and background
  • Set dark / light theme preference or have device settings detect theme preference
  • Interact with animated elements and states or have device settings disable them
  • Navigate site via keyboard-only


Dark Mode

Dark Mode Screenshot

Light Mode

Light Mode


Building a local version

To build the project locally:

npm install
npm start

To run the dev environment:

npm run dev

My process

  • Started with a skeleton of the HTML.
  • I was nervous about deviating from the provided CSS reset. So the mobile code is in the main and the partials are pieces of the provided CSS broken up. They're in order hence some imports being added at the bottom of the main scss file.
    • if I were starting from scratch with the CSS I wouldn't import at the bottom.
  • I'm getting the base layout down first for all the elements. Then getting into smaller details. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself to do.
  • Whew! I got a rough idea on how to create a light/dark theme with sass + js! Resources linked.
  • Started with the skills section because I felt that would be the easiest to get knocked out.
    • struggled with flex basis and grid for a min before settling on basis for aligning my icons
  • Got my projects skeleton a lil more fleshed out.
  • I've nested my flexbox so deep, I'm getting confused on what is doing what lol but I'll keep going and refine later.
  • I'm noticing in firefox dev tools that there's a overflow and I'm not sure why? I don't see a horizontal scoll bar anywhere. I'm wondering if the overflow is the y (which is what I want because the content doesn't fit neatly on the screen?) When I search overflow body tag, normally overflow-y situations are being discussed. I'm thinking to put overflow-x:hidden on the body and call it a day.
  • Got confused on why the a tag wasn't taking margins before finding a resource on why. Margins also weren't visualizing when I inspected in dev tools but once I added an outline, they then started showing?
  • With projects roughly set up, on to the header. I think the form would be easier to set up, but I want to just get the top out the way.
  • I'm leaning on figuring out how to have a mobile nav that's centered to the bottom of the screen. I'm fighting my urge to struggle through it now as opposed to getting a more "traditional" top right mobile nav set before venturing into new waters.
    • I'm going to do the traditional hamburger menu for my MVP. Then add the bottom hamburger menu.
    • Whew. The hamburger menu was a doozy. I honestly still don't quite understand the js, but I could change the classes to make my classes work.
    • Glad to have an accessible menu thanks to this accessibility matters mobile nav resource.
    • At first, I wanted to include the theme toggle inside the menu, but now, I'm liking the toggle outside of the menu. I'm going to make sure that the buttons on mobile have enough tappable space.
  • Thanks to Josh Comeau for help with fleshing out my about. I used his reference Building an Effective Dev Portfolio
    • His CSS for JS has been a great resource so far as well!
  • Went down many rabbit holes to find dark theme togglers. My mvp toggle could use some tweaking. I will definitely be revisiting and adding the resouces below.
  • SO close now adding final touches
    • found a button resource that'll help tie together the border effect I have currently going on on my .container
  • the contact is finally done, remembered that inputs are inline and textarea boxes are a thing. breaks are good!
  • Animations really do liven up the site a bit. I figured out how to make that static arrow a boucing scroll down. I'm also liking the look of the margin-top: 20vh on the h2. Give each section a space to breathe and when the site links are clicked there's space on the top of the screen.
    • Also, when did scroll-behavior: smooth; become a thing??

UPDATE: 26 Jul 2022

  • Paired with Jörn Ran the scripts in the package.json file that were there from the HTML5 template. I didn't even remember they exsisted hahah
  • Added the package-lock.json updates to the project from the npm install
  • Added an action that will build the project from any branch and deploy tot gh-pages thus allowing to have changes hosted without having to manually push to gh-pages
  • Create a CNAME file in the dist to redirect the from to my new custom domain using echo "" > dist/CNAME

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • SCSS
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • JS
  • Github actions

What I learned

I mentioned in my Halloween Word Guess project's README that I wanted to honor reduced motion settings, and I think I've got it right with this one, so I'm pretty happy about that.

.h2 {
  margin-top: 20vh;

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
      html {
        scroll-behavior: auto;
      body {
        transition: none;

UPDATE: 26 JUL 2022

  • I learned a ton!! Made a github action that'll run scripts and update the site, without having to rely on jekyll!!
  • Learned that the HTML5 boilerplate is super useful! haha
  • Learned dig insert-url-here will show when the url will get refreshed again in the amount of secions. so right now I see in the ANSWER SECTION: 3600 in CNAME 3600 in A some-IP-address 3600 in A some-IP-address 3600 in A some-IP-address 3600 in A some-IP-address

before it would read 1260 in CNAME 389 in A some-IP-address

Continued development

  • I'm going to change out the simple screenshots with the fancy mask of a laptop haha but this will get me going.
  • I want to use a mix of mixins and themeing () to make more granular light/dark theme changes, but conceptualizing the (possible) connection of the scss and js is beyond this version.
  • The h1 is going to incorporate some sort of animation as well, just like from my main inspiration site listed below!

Useful resources



  • Thank you Jörn and Joe for yall's pairing!
  • Thank you to all my inspo developers for putting thier work out there.
  • Thank you for the Skillcrush community for thier support!