After abstracting away Bitcoin features to focus on fundamental principles and design, it’s time to dive into how Bitcoin works on a technical level. In this note, we will cover topics such as advanced Bitcoin mechanics, scripting, and network optimizations techniques. Through these topics, we intend on demonstrating that Bitcoin’s design philosophy is as simple, robust, and conservative as possible.
To gain further intuition on Bitcoin consensus, let’s understand once more the problem it solves: double spending. Previously, we defined a “double spend" as a circumstance in which a party successfully spends the same funds more than once. In real life, it’s as if you used a single dollar bill in two separate purchases. Physically, it’s impossible to double spend, but the virtual world creates issues. For example, if Alice wants to purchase something from Bob for 1.00 BTC, she can double spend by creating two transactions: send 1.00 BTC to Bob in one transaction, and 1.00 BTC to herself in another. The double spend is successful if the transaction to herself is the one accepted by the network, which will allow her to keep the money and fool Bob. Double spends are possible when a party gains more than 50% of the network’s hash power. Under the hood, there is a fairly involved process that results in the double spend.
A transaction’s confirmations are defined as the blocks built off of the block containing the transaction. All transactions in the block at the tip of the blockchain have 0 confirmations, as there are no newer blocks. A transaction’s confirmations will be one less than the block depth: the most recent block is at depth 1 and has 0 confirmations, and every next block will increase both the depth and confirmations by one.
Why do confirmations matter? Suppose Bob does not wait for any confirmations on Alice’s transaction. He checks that the transaction from Alice is valid and immediately sends Alice the product he is selling, such as if Alice were buying coffee at a cafe where waiting up to an hour for confirmations would inconvenience everyone involved. Since there are no confirmations on Bob’s transaction, Bob is vulnerable to a race attack. Alice can send a competing transaction to herself at the same time she sends Bob the legitimate transaction, as previously mentioned. Alice can then broadcast the transaction to the entire network. The false, conflicting transaction Alice sends is propagated much faster than the single transaction she sends to Bob, so there is a high likelihood that one of the Alice’s conflicting transactions will be mined into a block and accepted by the network as genuine. Alice can also increase the block fee for the transaction to provide more incentive for miners to include the illegitimate transaction into their blocks. In this case, merchant Bob’s waiting for 0 transactions makes him vulnerable to anyone that wants to steal goods.
On the other hand, in the case that Bob waits for more than 1
confirmation (
Let’s model our assertions about double spending and hash power with mathematics:
Suppose Bob waits for
The probability,
Consider the scenario in which the honest network mines
(: if
If we model this as a Poisson distribution, because we have discrete
events each corresponding to a probability, we can show that the
probability that Alice generates
Now the question is: What is the probability Alice can mine enough blocks in secret to successfully broadcast her chain with the double spend? In other words, what is the probability that Alice can produce a longer chain than the honest network?
To solve this, first consider the related problem of Alice trying to
catch up to a chain that is
In other words, Alice can succeed in eventually producing a longer chain if she either has at least as much hash power than the rest of the network or if she is already ahead of the rest of the network. On the other hand, if she has less hash power than the rest of the network, she may still be able to catch up based on the ratio of her own hash power fraction to the rest of the network. The more blocks she is behind, the smaller her chance of producing the longest chain and “winning."
Combining these two probabilities, we can compute the probability that
Alice can catch up after
The above shows Alice’s probability of catching up to the honest chain
in arbitrary
To avoid infinite tail discrete summation, we can look at the
inverse probability that Alice cannot catch up to the chain that is
The number of confirmations Bob should wait before sending Alice the goods depends on how much hash power Bob assumes Alice to control. After 6 confirmations, the likelihood of a double spend attack drops to zero assuming any malicious party controls 10% or less of the network hash power.
We have shown that if Alice controls more than 50% of the total network
hash power, she will always be able to double spend. Looking back at our
calculations, whenever Alice is some
In reality, it is extremely costly and implausible for Alice to own so much network hash power, especially given the Bitcoin network’s current vastness. While Alice might not physically control mining hardware for a double spend attack, she can bribe other willing miners or even entire mining pools to mine on her chain. In the long run, Alice and her miners will profit after managing to overcome the extremely high initial cost.
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should." — Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
Is double spending a good idea, even with the proper resources? If Alice does in fact succeed, confidence in Bitcoin’s value would plummet after the rest of the network detects the security breach. Alice’s bitcoins would also tank in value, assuming Alice is staked in Bitcoin when she performs the attack.
However, if Alice wants to use this price drop to her own advantage, she can instead short Bitcoin in order to profit after her double spend. Alice can short the exchange rate and use that as collateral to buy, rent, or bribe miners, cashing out on the short.
Consider Alice as a hostile government, adversarial altcoin, or large financial institution with a large amount of capital. Alice would then be able to acquire enough mining equipment or bribe enough miners or pools to achieve greater than 50% hash power. Alice can then perform a so-called Goldfinger attack, with the objective of destroying the target cryptocurrency with a double spend or spamming the network with empty blocks.
(Note: The Goldfinger attack references the famous villain Auric Goldfinger from the third James Bond movie, who poisons the US gold supply in Ft. Knox to reduce the value of that US gold and to increase the value of his own gold holdings.)
Consider the notion of account-based ledgers. Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum maintain account-based ledgers. Each address in Ethereum represents an account, and for a user to check how many tokens they have, they simply add the inputs and subtract the outputs. The downside to this method is that the system must track every single transaction that has ever affected that one account, a potential peformance issue when scaling to thousands of users. A possible fix? ‘Pruning’ away old transaction history so that the user does not have to deal with old transaction data. (Currently error-prone due to additional required block maintenance.)
Bitcoin is a transaction-based ledger (also known as triple-entry accounting). Users are always spending from previous outputs. As we mentioned in Note 2, UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs) can only be spent once. When someone wants to spend a portion of a UTXO, they send part to the receiving party and the remaining to a “change address" controlled by themselves, for later use. Restricting UTXO usage and introducing the concept of change addresses produces an efficient verification system: to determine how many tokens a user has, sum their valid unspent UTXOs. Bitcoin also supports joint payments, so that a transaction can have multiple inputs – for example if Alice and Bob both want to pitch in to spend a total of 1.00 BTC. In practice, this feature is rarely used but is supported nonetheless.
The contents of a Bitcoin transaction fall into three categories: metadata, inputs, and outputs.
As seen above, a transaction follows JSON structure. Metadata contains information such as the hash of the current transaction (aka the transaction ID), the version number (currently 1), the number of inputs and outputs, lock time, and data size.
Inputs to the transaction include a hash of a previous unspent transaction and an index, which specify the output of the previous transaction from which the user is spending. Transaction outputs are ordered, so an index is required to identify specific outputs in a transaction. Inputs also need a cryptographic signature as a proof of ownership.
The outputs of a transaction include an output amount in BTC as well as an output script. The output script is what enables the parties associated with the transaction to claim their bitcoins later on, using a system called the Pay-to-PubkeyHash, which we will discuss later. Shallowly, the script says, “Whoever owns the private key to this public key can redeem these bitcoins."
Previously we stated that transactions map input addresses to output addresses. In practice, these “addresses" are scripts. By defining inputs and outputs through scripting, we can allow for the future extensibility of Bitcoin because scripting is such a low level feature that could potentially support many other future operations if needed. Recall that a signature proves the ownership of a public key, and that the Bitcoin address is a hash of the public key.
Inputs and outputs are scripts that these addressses, and sending money through transactions involves previously unspent transaction outputs.
So outputs in a transaction must be constructed in a way that tells the network:
“This amount can be redeemed by a from the owner of address X.”
However, by the cryptographic property of preimage resistance, we know that we cannot find a public key given an address. What the transaction should really be saying is:
“This amount can be redeemed by the that hashes to address X, plus a from the owner of that public key.”
Only the owner of the public key would be able to produce the valid signature necessary to redeem the bitcoin from the output script.
To make input scripts compatible with output scripts, we concatenate the input script to the output script, in that order. Input scripts are called scriptSigs and output scripts are called scriptPubKeys. This is because output scripts are specified by the senders of the transaction. Outputs need to know a provider – a public key that hashes to the associated address, and makes sure that the signature matches.
In terms of code execution, scripts are run line by line, top to bottom. Notice in the diagram how the scriptSig is followed by the scriptPubKey because of the concatenation convention, and also because outputs need to know where the funds are coming from.
The Bitcoin scripting language, called Script, (the former is used frequently too) is a simple stack based language. There exists no support for loops, so the language is not Turing complete, but there exists native support for cryptography, making the language very specialized for its own needs. In fact, the entire signature verification process can be written in code as one instruction.
Next, we present an example execution of the previously shown script.
The first two steps are $<$sig$>$ and $<$pubKey$>$, so we push those to
the stack in that order. Next, OP_DUP simply duplicates the most recent
instruction, so by the end of executing the third instruction, there are
two $<$pubKey$>$’s. OP_HASH160 hashes the topmost item, $<$pubKey$>$,
into $<$pubKeyHash$>$, as the name implies. $<$pubKeyHash?$>$ is the
address that redeemers of the output must hash their public key to.
Next, in the instruction OP_EQUALVERIFY, the script checks to see if
$<$pubKey$>$ truly hashes to the address $<$pubKeyHash?$>$. The script
then cross checks this with the signature, $<$sig$>$, in OP_CHECKSIG,
which returns true if the redeemer of this output is truly verified to
spend from this output. In a nutshell, the script returns either true or
false, depending on the legitimacy of the $<$sig$>$ and $<$pubKey$>$
that are passed in.
The output is saying: "This amount can be redeemed by
the $<$pubKey$>$ that hashes to the address $<$pubKeyHash?$>$
plus a $<$sig$>$ from the owner of that $<$pubKey$>$, which will make the output script evaluate to true."
One application of Bitcoin scripting is to implement something known as a proof-of-burn, which allows a user to prove the existence of some data in exchange for destroying bitcoin. There exists an instruction named OP_RETURN that throws an error when reached, stopping code execution. By placing this instruction anywhere in an output script before the script returns either true or false, we can effectively make it so that no one can redeem that output. We have burned that coin. Anything that exists after the OP_RETURN will never be executed, but this allows us to prove its existence cryptographically.
As seen in the sample script above, as long as we’re willing to burn
coin, we can prove the existence of anything at a particular point in
time. This would be a word you coined, a hash of a document, music, your
creative works, etc. If Alice stores a hash of a word she coined in the
blockchain via proof-of-burn, she could then show everyone that “Alice
coined word asdf at time 12345." Any data stored in this way in the
blockchain is valid because blocks are timestamped. This is especially
true when considering that the blockchain is provably immutable with
honest actors. There have also been instances of burning bitcoin to
bootstrap the value of other cryptocurrencies. To bootstrap an imaginary
SuperAwesomeCoin, Super Awesome Bob could require users to burn bitcoin
in order to get superAwesomeCoin.
The previous example of requiring a public key and a signature in order to spend from a transaction output script is a use case of P2PKH (pay-to-pubkey-hash), in which the vendor says “send your coins to the hash of this public key." This scheme represents the simplest and by far the most common case of transaction.
However, for more complicated scripts, such as those which require multiple signature verification, P2PKH no longer works. For instance, if a merchant wants Alice to send coin payment to an output that allows the merchant to spend using multiple signatures, how would Alice know how to specify such a complicated script?
The solution is to use a pay-to-script-hash (P2SH). To clarify, consider following general cases:
P2PKH: “Send your coins to the hash of this ."
P2SH: “Send your coins to the hash of this . To redeem those coins, you must reveal the script that has the given hash and provide that will make the script evaluate to true."
One of the most important improvements to the Bitcoin protocol since its inception, P2SH offloads the burden of complicated script writing to recipients of a transaction. When a merchant wants to receive payments from a customer, they do not want to burden the customer with writing a complicated script that could potentially differ between merchants. Instead, the merchant alone is responsible for writing a correct and secure script for the transaction. Likewise, the optimal customer experience is one in which the customer does not have to care about what the script actually is. They should not have to know anything about the company stores funds; customers should just have to create a transaction, pay, and leave.
Let’s take a deeper dive into the specifics of Merkle trees, which we briefly touched upon in note 2. As review, merkle trees are inary trees of hash pointers. Blobs of transaction data are hashed together, then their hashes are hashed together, until one element remains—the Merkle root. (Note: Merkle trees are always full. If there are gaps, duplicate the last transaction to fill in the gaps.)
Outputs of cryptographic hash functions are unique by , making Merkle trees efficient. The Merkle root serves as a summary of the Merkle tree and as a mechanism to maintain history of included information. To prove inclusion of data, one must provide root data and intermediate hashes. After hashing everything together in order, one compares the final hash to the merkle root. To fake this proof, one would need to find hash preimages that hash to values in the merkle tree. As discussed earlier, second preimage resistance makes faking proofs in merkle trees extremely difficult and practically impossible.
The figure above illustrates how one might prove the inclusion of a
$data$ and call it$H_{data}$ -
$H_{data}$ with the next intermediate hash (height 2) -
Continue hashing until we reach height 0
Hashing the two hashes at height 0 results in
$H_{root}$ -
$H_{root}$ is the same as the merkle root, then we have proven the existence of$data$ within the merkle tree -
Else, the proof failed and the merkle tree does not contain
There are two main hash structures in Bitcoin. The blockchain is a hash chain of blocks; the blocks are linked together and based off of each other. They are tamper evident because changing one block changes its hash, which mismatches with the next block’s hash of the previous block. Merkle trees exist within blocks and are a way of storing transactions. Changing data within a merkle tree changes its hashes, ultimately bubbling up and changing the merkle root. Changing the merkle root in turn changes the hash of the block it’s contained in, invalidating the block.
Previously, we explained for simplicity that for every block, miners hashed together the merkle root, the previous block’s hash, and a nonce (varied value) to find a number that is below a certain target value. There are actually two nonces: one in the block header as mentioned, and one in the coinbase transaction, the transaction that is created by and paid out to the miner. Changing the nonce in the coinbase transaction changes the hash of the coinbase transaction, ultimately changing the merkle root.
The reason why there are two nonces is to increase difficulty for the
miner. The block header nonce is 32 bits by itself. A modern ASIC such
as the Antminer S9 can hash at 14 TH/s. A simple calculation shows that
it takes just 0.00031 seconds to compute all the possible combinations
in the block header nonce.
A common strategy is to increment the coinbase nonce, and then run
through all block header nonce combinations. A less efficient strategy
is to increment the block header nonce, and then run through all
combinations for the coinbase nonce. This is because changing the
coinbase nonce changes the merkle root, and the change must propagate up
the tree, wasting precious hash time. (Propagating up the merkle tree
The current size of Bitcoin’s blockchain is 122.7 gigabytes and growing. Miners, or “full nodes”, are required to save the entire blockchain, but for the average user, such a requirement is not feasible if the aim is mass adoption. Enter SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) nodes, or “thin” clients. These nodes are designed to be lightweight, as their name implies. They only store the pieces of data needed to verify transactions that concern them, thus relieving the necessity to store the entire blockchain. Nearly all nodes in the Bitcoin network are SPV nodes because users are discouraged by the enormous download size. Those that do run full nodes exchange large amounts of storage and a high bandwidth for a shot at the block reward.
SPV nodes only keep the block headers of the blockchain. This is done by querying different full nodes until the SPV node has the longest chain. To validate an incoming transaction, an SPV node queries full nodes to get the Merkle branch for that transaction. Then, the node hashes the transaction together with intermediate hashes to obtain a Merkle root, which is cross checked with the Merkle root in the corresponding block header that the SPV node has locally. The only thing left to do after this point is to wait for the transaction to have enough confirmations (six) before delivering any goods.
By definition, SPV nodes do not have a full transaction history, and do not know the UTXO set. Therefore, SPV nodes do not have the same level of security as full nodes. The reason is that SPV nodes cannot check if every transaction included in a block is actually valid.
One major assumption SPV nodes make in exchange for their light weight is that they assume incoming block headers are not a false chain. This is a fair assumption to make because block headers include the proof-of-work for each block, and it is very expensive for attackers to create blocks. Over the long term, as long as the majority of the network is honest, SPV nodes can safely assume that the longest chain is honest because malicious behavior is not sustainable. Another assumption is that there are other full nodes out in the network validating all transactions. It is often inefficient for big merchants to query remote full nodes to verify transactions. Instead, it makes sense to keep a full blockchain to run fast local checks. Lastly, SPV nodes also assume that miners ensure that the transactions they include in their bocks are valid. If a miner were to include an invalid transaction, after they find the proof-of-work for that block and propagate it, other full nodes would reject their block because of the invalid transaction. Thus, miners are well incentivized to make sure all transactions in their blocks are valid.
The storage tradeoff for running an SPV is huge. Bock headers are only
We mentioned that SPV nodes query full nodes to get data on block headers. The mechanism through which an SPV node establishes connection to full nodes is worthy of analysis too, especially since we have been fairly hand-wavy when refering to the “Bitcoin network.”
The Bitcoin network ensures that all nodes are equal; there exist no hierarchy of nodes or special nodes that have priority in any process: consensus, transactions, etc. The network is thus fully decentralized. The Bitcoin network is also defined by the property of random topology, meaning that each node in the network pairs with random nodes. Messages between nodes are generally taken as true, and the default behavior for nodes is to accept whichever message they hear about first, but this is not a strictly enforced rule in the network.
The process of joining the Bitcoin network is aided by the presence of hard-coded seed nodes in the Bitcoin software. The algorithm is as follows:
Pick a seed node and ask for its peers
Ask those peers for their peers, etc.
Eventually, you pick a random set of nodes to pair with. These nodes become your peers.
In general, this type of message-sending schema is characterized by its pairwise connections, and is called a flooding algorithm or gossip protocol. The end goal is for the entire network to hear about a transaction. Consider a simple example with our favorite characters Alice and Bob:
Alice wants to pay Bob, so Alice first constructs a transaction and tells all of her peers
Her peers conduct checks on the transaction and if it passes, they relay the transaction to their peers
Each peer conducts checks such as the following:
Does the script for each previous output being redeemed return true?
Have all redeemed outputs not been spent?
Have I already seen this transaction? Do not relay it if so.
Only accept and relay ”standard scripts“: based off a small whitelist of scripts.
Eventually, the transaction makes it to Bob
One problem Bitcoin is currently facing is mining pool centralization. Miners are incentives to join large mining pools because smaller mining pools generally experience higher orphaning rates due to lesser hash power and network connectivity. Large pool on the other hand have lower block orphan rates becauses of the effects of block propagation delays.
One solution to this issue is the adoption of the Bitcoin Relay Network, also known as the Fast Relay Network. The idea is to serve a high speed “railroad for block data.” The design involves installing nodes in China/Asia, Europe, North America, etc., prioritizing first where the majority of miners are geographically located. Each of the nodes would have a fast internet connection, and would be able to relay data via compression and transmission via TCP to nearby miners. This would rapidly improve bock propagation speed, and thus reduce the number of orphaned blocks.
The problem with the Bitcoin Relay Network is that it relies on TCP as
its connectivity protocol. TCP is susceptible to data loss. A sender
might send
After realizing the problems with the Bitcoin Relay Network, developers conceptualized FIBRE (Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine). Problems with the Bitcoin Relay Network boiled down to its reliance on TCP, which only implements error correction at the IP leve. It uses ARQ (Automatically Repeat Request) to fix errors, which requires another round trip from receiver to sender, back to the receiver. FIBRE fixes this by opting for UDP (user Datagram Protocol), which allows for FEC (Forward Error Correction). This means that if there are errors in FIBRE, the receiver is ale to reconstruct the correct data block without having to contact the sender to send it again. The sender simply includes extra packets to account for potential packet loss or corruption.
A collection of terms mentioned in the note which may or may not have been described. Look to external sources for deeper understanding of any non-crypto/blockchain terms.
Account-based ledger — An account-based ledger associates
Bitcoin Relay Network — Definition.
Block propagation delays — Definition.
Confirmations — Definition.
Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine (FIBRE) — Definition.
Flooding algorithm — Definition.
Gambler’s Ruin — Definition.
Goldfinger attack — Definition.
Gossip protocol — Definition.
Mining pool centralization — Definition.
Pay to Public Key Hash (P2PKH) — Definition.
Pay to Public Script (P2PS) — Definition.
Proof-of-burn — Definition.
Race attack — Definition.
Seed node — Definition.
Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) — Definition.
Script — Definition.
ScriptPubKeys — Definition.
ScriptSigs — Definition.
Transaction-based ledger — Definition.